The World is Flat ((Open RP))




"Oh sure. Electricity attracts to two magic bangles, one of which I thought was ment for me, and yet they ignore my sword as if it were rubber. The people I fight these days. Complete morons." Falcon sighed then teleported himself behind Shimmer. "Jackass....." Falcon lunged his sword forward to take out Shimmer once and for all.


((OOC: Since I have so maney characters, I'm going to do something different.))


Night Protector: "Fang and I got whooped by magic clowns..."
Proto Zone: "I was thrown into Arachnos Prison."
Burning Fang: "Yup....Magic clowns."
BioHazard Zero: ".............."


((OOC: If you wish, I can stick with the normal book-like theme. When it comes to writing, I can't think of the exact words I want to say to the reader. That's part of the reason a four-year-old could beat me in any sort of contest that involves any type of thinking what-so-ever. ))



"I was just about to get something to eat" Velkon said "When I come to find that Arachnos soldiers had invaded my home, but they were promptly delt with..." he finished. Then, having eaten everything on the leaf-plate, he rolled the plant into a tube and bolted that down, his large, pointed teeth making quick work of the foliage/food serving device.

Velkon then stood up.

"I figure I'll look to see if we can get a direction out of here" he said, and lept up to the upper most boughs of the nearest tree, which happened to be the highest for a while. This allowed him a good view of the surrounding area, and when he looked where he guessed North was, he saw a strange thing. It was almost as if the forest was just ending at one point, streched across a deciently small radius. Seeing this, he lept down.

"Theres something strange about the forest over there" he said, pointing in the direction he had been looking at. "I'm gonna go check it out."

At that, he ran the short distance to the forest's end, and seeing nothing more unusual about it, continued walking.

Where he emerged was a flat area of grey stone, with a immensly tall grey tower in the middle.

"I better tell the others about this..." he said, letting his voice trail off, and he ran back to the group, and spread the word of his find.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



The static lances retreated through the air a little, but they were still slowly advancing to fill the entire space.

'Shimmer.' Said Lord H'taed's voice from a little tendril of static besides him. 'Do you have anything that can flood that room with water? Like a super-soaker or something?



Daonri heard H'taed say this and one thought went through her mind.

"Oh crap! Falcon, I'm getting us out of here, now!"

As she spoke she was opening a portal as fast as she could. Knowing Shimmer, he DID have something like that and they were all dead if they didn't get out.

The portal opened inside Aoleleb. He was teleported to a holding cell in AMadren's tower. The destination then changed to Amadren's wall portal.

"C'mon!" Daonri yeleld as she hopped through the portal.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Shimmer swivelled in his evil Overlord chair, raising an eyebrow.

As Daonri left, he kept his mouth shut on H'tead's answer, and smirked as she went. "Nope. None at all. I kind of try and AVOID water in this place. Y'know, whole robot deal doesn't go well with the rusting qualities of that clear, annoying substance."



Of course, Daonri was already gone. She could't hear Shimmer say that.

Falcon was still there, but he did not exactly have the hearing required to hear Shimmer through five stories of steel. The electrical tendrils began to advance on him, almost filling the entire room now. Soon, they would cut off his route to the portal, dooming him, if he didn't escape soon.



((OOC: I swear I was JUST behind Shimmer. Oh well, I'll just play along...))


"Is there ALWAYS a plot twist!?" Falcon sighed and teleported himself in front of Daonri's portal. He sheathed his sword and made sure no one was around him before walking in. "I was just about to kill something..." he said while reappearing in front of Amedren.


Night yelled Velkon as he lept away. "I can come" she sighed. "Nevermind..." Proto realized something and quickly looked up to 2.0. "Hey! Do you have one of those hero police bands with you?"



In the few seconds it had taken Velkon to run off to the new grey tower, and run back, he realized something.

He had been called for, and he hadn't said anything.

"S***!" Velkon said, incoherantly, a deep growl basicly forming word. Then he was back with the group. He heard Proto asking something about "bands".

He put that notion out of his mind, then made a point to apologize to Night for not responding, but first....He had some information to tell.....

"Hey guys! I think you should hear about this!" he said, and then he toled them of the grey tower, and the strange "forest-ending".

Velkon is a nice guy, and tries not to be dismissive, espesialy around people he considers allies, so thats why hes making a bit deal of it

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((OOC: Hehehe. Proto asked about the bands, not Night. Thats the only change you need to make. ))



Experiment raised an eyebrow, and searched his belt for a few seconds. Just as he pulled said Police band, decorated red and white in a Longbow pattern, Velkon landed, and began talking. 2.0 listened, and once Grey Tower was mentioned, he instantly assumed 'Shimmer.'

...Meanwhile, Shimmer was tapping quickly on his data screen, attempting to keep his robotic devices stable.

Something malfunctioned on the Production level, and the highly explosive chemicals that were used to run the robots Self Destruct system, was now spilling all over the floor due to a mistimed gear crunching.

Sadly enough, if that explosive substance was set alight, since it was in the production area, with already set Self-destructable drones, the whole top half of the base would explode and, since the whole base was made of machinery and robotics, the whole base would soon follow.



A slight static haze rolled over the explosive chemicals. It was a very low magnatude field-not even enough to give you a static shock. However, it served its purpose.

The volatile chemicals slowly pooled together into a very very small puddle on the floor. Once every last drop of the stuff was pooled...

The electrical static haze within it managed to lift the little ball of explosive liquid off the ground and into the air, where it floated nicely.

"So." H'taed's voice rang from the static. "Where do we go from here?"

Slowly, a spark whizzed on the ground...

It spun and grew...

Then there was a shower of sparks and a small storm of static, and Lord H'taed stood.

"Mind if I toss the ball of doom away?"



Amadren looked at the portal as Daonri and Falcon Strike came through the portal.

"Even with the Bracers of Omnis you could destroy them? Ah well."

"They make me stronger, but they don't help keep me alive." she chuckled a little as she said this. "We'll get them next time though. Aoleleb's in the dungeon by the way."

She let out a huge yawn and then added. "I think I'm gonna go take a little nap. She snapped her fingers and was gone.

"Hmm, whatever. Go ahead and do whatever you like Falcon Strike. If you want you can take some things from the armory. The portal should take you anywhere you need. Like before, I'll call if I need you."

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



"Sure, why not. I love portals.." In that second, Falcon walked through the portal and was gone as well....



Shimmer thought for a moment, then smirked. "Hold that thought..."

He began typing quickly, and several Seeker Drones, about five, seperated from the exhaust ports of the tower, and headed in five seperate directions.

"Keep it handy... I feel like murdering someone."



Proto took the Police Scanner form 2.0 and began fiddling with it. "If I'm right, I should be able to rewire this scanner to show us a map of the surrounding 25 miles via holograph. It might take me a few minutes, but I think I can do it." Night shrugged. "Well, mabey we should check ou-" "Nevermind, it's finished!" Proto interupted, holding up the scanner for all to see.

"Now, lets see what this baby can do!" Proto lifted his finger above his head, and swung it at full spead for the on button.



((BOOOOOOOOM!!!!! lol))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Experiment flinched, ducking behind a bush on reflex. With the lack of explodey doom, he poked his head through. "Oh... Nevermind... I didn't make it..."



The police scanner showed a large map of 'The World is Flat'. All six regions were next to eachother, with the large grey tower in the middle. The whole tower wasn't visable, as the top of the tower seemed out of range, or too high for the police band's radio waves to far to get to.

Something that caught Night's eye were some small firgures in the lava lakes of D00M. "Take a look at that." She said, pointing to a few holographic castles. "Looks like we aren't the only ones here, and these guys have been busy." She also pointed to the tower in the middle. "Are best bet is here. Someone inside might be able to tell us the purpose of these 'games'.

Burning Fang took a look at the map, noticing a VERY small person on the grey tower, slowly sliding down. "Who the heck is he?" Night took a closer look at the figure, but couldn't make out its features. "Proto, can you zoom in?" "I'll try, but this small device may not allow it." Proto replied.


The battle in the 'underworld' was raging out of hand; Darkness Foretold was alone and couldn't fend for himself. Servent was finally noticing some of the behemoth's week spots, but the chances to use them against the beast were far and few. As figured, some zombie archers were finally in range to shoot. What started out as one arrow every fer seconds, turned into a barrage of evil flaming pointy things falling from the sky.

Servant had to do her best to dodge the arrows while blocking all of the ones flying toward Dark with a small dark energy shield well placed beam of negative energy. "Could you BE any slower!?" Servant yelled over to Dark, half expecting a rude answer. She took out another zombie while jumping over the behemoth, throwing a burst of dark energy blasts from her palms, into the beasts back.

The only people left to guard Dark were the DSs; (Dark Servant/Death's Servant. Nintindo will come in later. ) each one having their own problems as the wave of enemies continued to attack from around them. The Darkservants began to weaken as their stay in the human world progressed. Soon, projectiles would no longer fly through their shadowy bodies, and their enderence would decrease at an amazing rate.

Fianlly, when almost all hope was lost, Darkness Foretold completed the ritual. He said the final words to bend the undead's will to his own. The room fell silent, arrows and magic no longer raining from the sky. The army waited for their master's orders.

The ritual had no affect on the gaint behemoth, as it continued to attack Servant endlessly. Darkness smiled as he looked apon the Behemoth, letting the words fall from his mouth, "Open fire on the beast." The zombies did so with ease, taking down the beast within seconds. With the warriors once again silent, he began to raise the zombies who fell in battle, forcing them from peace they had just recieved.

Before Darkness Foretold and Death's Servant, was an army of thousands, possibly millions of the undead....


((OOC: Proto Zone will now be fiddling with the polce scanner in order to zoom in. As he does this, the hologram will still be active. Feel free to look at the scanner holgram at any time.))



Amadren looked over at his view panels and noticed the people in the forest region (how many of you are there? 4 from burning, experiment, velkon, wow, I'd hate to go up against you all.)

"Oh boy, that doesn't look good. Xivilai, recon."

A little bolt of shadow detatched itself from Amadren's shadow and streaked out the window, toward the forest region.


Meanwhile, Daonri appeared in a tree above the 6 contestants. She had not gone to "take a nap" as she had said, but had scouted the flat world for potential pawns. As she looked down, she noticed Proto Zone. There was something about him. Some sort of..."detatchment"? She couldn't quite place it. She sent a small thought bubble toward him. It wasn't much but it would plant the message in it in his head. Whether or not he would listen to it though, that was another matter.

"These people aren't your allies. They're only using you to get what they want. As soon as they don't need you any more they'll turn on you and rip you apart. Take them out before they take you out."

((Ah, manipulating the minds of the weak. So much easier than getting your own hands dirty. ;P))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Proto Zone looked around to see if someone was talking to him. Nothing. He rubbed his head wondering who that was. There was no way that could have been his thoughts. He trusted Night...Mabey not Velkon, but he trusted Night. He ignored the thought for now, continuing to work on the scanner.


((OOC: Me not weak. Me not stupid. Me see past ugly girl plan. Me stand up and fight girl. ))



((You can't hit a girl! ))

Daonri frowned in irritaton as she noticed her thought buble wasn't working. SHe turned to the next most likely canidate, the one known as Velkon. She formed a slightly bigger thought bubble this time to get it in a little farther. She sent him the same message, hoping the animal part of him would trigger some kind of "self-defense" to protect him from the people who would kill him.


((Let's see. Amadren, Daonri. Hmmm, I seem to be down to 2. *Looks back at main page* I believe Diov said something about GIANT MONSTERS!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! ))

The portal in Amadren's roomed shimmered then changed totally black. A being stepped through it who looked sort of like a cross between a crash-test dummy and a display mannequin. It had no features at all. At the sign of this unknown intruder, Amadren's demon guard readied their weapons. Amadren spun around at the sound of steel being drawn from its sheathe.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my tower?"

The being turned a dark red and a demonic voice spoke through it
"Silence worm! You know exactly who we are. We are the ones who gave you your power."

It suddenly turned a light blue and then a woman's voice spoke through it. It sounded almost motherly.
"Come now Magnis, don't be so hard on the boy. It's not like we ever told him we gave him his powers."

It then suddenly turned green and another voice spoke through it. It sounded very old and wise.
"Ignorance is no excuse for rudeness towards your creators Merina. The boy should at least have some inkling of who we are."

"Um, yea, hi. Anyone want to clue me in on what's going on here?"

The being suddenly turned a bright white and a voice filled with the power of infinity spoke through it.
"We are the Pantheon! We have come to give you aid on this World that is Flat. Do not think we work for you though. We are here of our own free will."

"Ummm, ok. Thanks for coming then, I guess. If you'd like to help you could go terrorize some locals or something. It's kind of quiet right now."

Xivilai's shadow streaked back into the room thru the window again and merged with Amadren's shadow.

"That conniving little sneak! Actually, if you want to help, go to the forest area and destroy Daonri!"

The being simply turned and phased through the window. It walked through the air, headed towars the forest area.

((Say hello to the Pantheon! I thought these guys up last night. (for some odd reason). They are....

Magnis-Lord of the Burning Flame
Merina-Lady of the Ocean Depths
Kerune-Sage of the Forest
Sanandra-Lady of the Winds
Illithar-Baron of Darkness
Lyriam-Count of the Morning Light
Omnis-The Overseer

They're some of the most powerful demons, one of each element, who have formed a council for Lord knows what reason. They are the ones who granted Amadren his demon summoning powers. They each take turns controlling the crash-test-dummy/display-mannequin figure, which is known as The Avatar. The Avatar will change colors depending on who is controlling it at that moment. If Omnis ever takes control of the Avatar I suggest you run ;p))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((Wow. Lots of posts since I have been on vacation. Unfortunately not by the people in Fenris' immediate vicinity.))

It hadn't occured to him until now since he was so busy sniffing out trails and fighting demons, but the Fenris Project didn't like this place. The whole palace had an unnatural feel. There were more things here than he felt comfortable. That ice queen in particular.

He looked at Quickshot with a worried face, urging them to leave. Of course commands from handlers came first. If they were to stay he would just have to be extra careful. Especially with that demon man. His leg hurt and his back was sore. A little blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. El D, or Warheart took his blows well and gave him good ones as well.

His ears were up and on the alert. Little radar dishes picked up every minute sound and a flaring nose kept vigilant for any peculiar scents.



Velkon growled slightly, sensing the presance in his mind.

Then it started to talk to him.

*Hah! Fool psypath!* he thought, hoping that she would here his thoughts if she could send hers into his mind.

*I have been around Fortunadas and Widows far too long to be minipulated so easliy, and when they tried that, the quickly learned better* he thought.

Then he looked about the grounds, only moving his eyes as to not alert the others, and seeing no one, he sniffed the air testingly.

*Bingo* he thought

Then he lept up into the air, seeing the "psypath", as he called them, in a tree above the group.

*Ooo, your in trouble now* he thought, still confident she could hear his minds words.

Then he started to descend, as he did soo he algned his fall to hit the psypath.

Then he sent out his claws.

*Dont move* he thought, in the most sarcastic way he could think.

He just kept getting closer to her, and ripping out her throat.
PS: Velkon "was" once mind controled by the Widows and such in Arachnos, but he found a way to recognize when that happened, and he eviscarated any one who tried to enter his mind, especialy when they tried to control him again

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Then suddenly Velkon stopped in midair. No matter, how hard he struggled he would have never broken free.

"Fool!" Daonri hissed at him, "You've ruined everything!"

She threw Velkon down to the ground below ((Telekinesis ftw!)) and turned to teleport away. Suddenly, the Avatar appeared right in front of her. It was a shining white. Daonri took a step back in horror. "No! Not you! You can't be here!"

There was a flash a white light and Daonri was gone. The Avatar slowly descended towards the ground and the 6 contestants there. ((Remember, the Avatar is small, but he is the equal of a Giant Monster in power.))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



*This is the second time you've underestiemated your opponants today, and now your stu-* Velkons thoughts were cut off as he went slamming into the ground.

He lay still for just a moment, and then pushed himself up.

"Okay, where ar-" his voice cut off.

He no longer smelled the psypath, but he sensed something else.

Something that was much more powerful....

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector