The World is Flat ((Open RP))




((Oh, the red dot was Experiment. Y'know, arch-nemesis and all. Everyone else had yellow for Neutral/Unknown.))

Shimmer grinned, hitting a few buttons to configure the viewscreen. The dots on the screen refreshed. Most of the yellow dots switched red as Experiment seemed to be talking to them, or helping them in some way.

Velkon was still yellow, almost orange. After all, heroes don't attack allies very often, but there's a chance.

However, one last dot was bordering on green on the screen.

"We may have a temporary ally in this battle... If he doesn't get too beaten up to be useful by the time my little 'bot gets there..."


Experiment, meanwhile, revealed his poison-tipped spines, throwing an armful forward at the attacker, mainly in the stomach region to cause him to double over.

"Okey dokey then, THIS is what it would look like if I WAS trying to stab you people!"



The spines struck the Avatar dead on, but he didn't even react to them. Meanwhile, his foot was still speeding towards Burning.

((Prolly worth mentioning that the Avatar isn't alive. poison, burns, deadly bio-weapons, etc. won't affect it at all. It is merely a puppet being controlled by the Pantheon))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((Pfft, like Experiment knows that. He tries to believe magic is the cause as a last resort almost all the time.))



((Hope he doesn't have to fight Amadren soon, or his perception of reality will be seriously altered ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



*Okay, now for those spines....* Velkon thought as he slowly rose into a crouching position, his healing compleat for the moment.

He raised his hand up to the spine above his left bicep, and after getting a solid grip on it, ripped it out. Velkon grolwed loudly in pain, but seemed fine after a few seconds, the area where the spine was looking fully healed.

Now, for the other one.

Velkon gritted his teeth, got a vice-like grip on the spine, and pulled it out. His vision blacked for a second, but then he recovered, his chest now showing almost no damage whatsoever.

"Time for that white ghosty thing to die..." Velkon said, as he acitavted his camo, his body shifting out of the field of vision.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Proto turned around. "I said don't TOUCH those spines! I could have taken...Oh forget it." Proto continued to watch Velkon as he disappeared. "I need a talk with that guy." he said, sighing as he turned back to the battle. This time, a gaint foot was rushing to hit Burning. "I KNEW that kid was going to get it!"

Proto looked at Night, wondering if it will be ok to leave her for the time being. The traige beacon should take care of her. Proto nodded, as if to convince himself she would be alright; he got up to leave.

Burning timed his jump, moving just in time to leap over the leg and back to the ground. He landed in a judo roll, throwing balls of fire to the new enemie just as he got back up.

Hazard was already out of the way of the leg, loading in an arrow into his bow. He shot arrow to the Avatar's leg. If it hit, the small explosive device inside the arrow would go off, taking out a large chunk of its leg. If the Avatar dodged, the large tree behind him would fall. Its a nice win/win situation. Hazard finished his battle strategy by running to his left, behind another large tree, ready to start phase two.

The assault bot was already firing a barrage of missles to the Avatar. Most of which were lock-on missles. Firing for the head, the missles wouldn't stop until they've hit their target. The robot was also already aiming its energy beams to the chest of the Avatar.

Night held her head, trying to get rid of that dizzy feeling. She didn't understand why she felt this way. She ran through her mind what could have happened. Did she hit her head? No, it didn't hurt. She felt it just to make sure, bringing it back just to check for blood. Nothing. Night got up, trying to regain balence. She looked at the trees, trying to calm herself.


((OOC: Hazard ALWAYS thinks ahead! Burning Fang....Not so much... ))



The doorway was only ten feet compared to the mile high room behind them. Darkness and Servant began to walk forward. Darkness suddenly stopped, turning to the army behind him. He walked to the Lich. "Lead the army out. We will meet you up stairs." The Lich nodded, turning to leave. He hovered through the army as it spred before him, giving him room to move.

Darkness turned back around and continued to walk forth. Servant, who had waited for Darkness up ahead, turned back around, taking the lead in an unusual way. The two walked for about 5 minutes, going from a left, to a right, to another left, and another left, a right, a right, a long hallway, an large doorway, another left, and a right until they got to another room.

The room was only about twenty feet high, but the sides were ten feet on each side exactly. The other side of the room lifted an 8-ball sized black crystle in mid air, similar to the white crystle. Darkness slowly walked forward to touch it, stopping at about a meter away. He looked on the walls, hoping he would find out what the crystle was for. Again, nothing. Darkness then continued his walk to the crystle and lifted his hand to touch it.

Darkness tapped it slightly, kinda like a boy would do to a 'sleeping' snake or a bee hive, just to see if it would react. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, so Darkness grabbed it and turned to leave. "Lets get out of here before another surprise drops in on us." Servant nodded, teleporting herself to the large room. Darkness did the same.

The large army of zombies were still trying to empty from the room into the stairs. Infact, about 4/5ths of the room still had to. Darkness assumed it might be awhile until the room was empty, so he sat down in a yoga position to meditate.



The Avatar suddenly changed from white to a dark red.

"Let me handle this Omnis."

When the arrows, fireballs, and missles hit the avatar, they were absorbed into it. The lasers not so much, but it didn't really notice. It lifted it's hand into the air where a ball of fire started to form. It grew until it was the size of small house. When it reached that size, the Avatar threw it at Hazard

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Hazard aimed an unusual arrow at another tree, different from the one he was currently at. He waited for the right time, the fireball flying toward the tree. Finally, he shot the arrow, pulling a smallish rope behind it. The rope, which had been tide around Hazard's hand, was unusually strong enough to pull him up to the other tree.

Hazard pulled out two sharp arrows from his quiver, pointing to the tree in front of him. The first arrow struck the tree, he his the tree with the other two arrows to keep him from falling 80 feet to the ground below. He took out another sharp arrow, pulling himself up as he went. He place the arrow into the tree to hold onto while the other two arrows kept his feet from slipping.

He had to work fast before the trees unusual growth spurt kicked in. Hazard grabbed yet another arrow with the same kind of rope attached to it, this one slightly longer. He aimed it at the tree on the other side of the Avatar, shooting it right into its trunk. Hazard grinned while checking the ropes stability, getting on as if it were a bridge.


Proto shot a burst of energy beams at the Avatar, with his other hand pressing buttons on his keypad for the assault bot to do the same. His assault bot did just as he was told, firing the beams at the head of the Avatar.


Burning jumped up, igniting himself in fire as he began to fly. A feeling of fear rushed through his body as he flew behind the Avatar. He focused his energy into a beam of fire, aiming it at the Avatar's lower back.


Night steadied herself, her mind becoming clearer. She looked over the rock to see what the noise was about. The Avatar firing a ball of fire to Hazard. She jumped into the shadow of a tree, taking in the darkness to become invisable. She jumped up to the lowest branch of the tree, from there, jumping from tree to tree, trying to find the best time to attack.

She was still a little bit dizzy, missing one of the branches when she jumped, barely catching it with her hand. She flipped up onto the branch and continued leaping around the Avatar. Slowly she was feeling better, but her eyesight was still clouded. Her head ached from getting up too fast.



Experiment glanced up, spotting Night barely catching a branch. He sighed, but did not attempt to help. He had more pressing matters. This being, the fact that his spines weren't exactly working very well.

He thought for a moment, before shrugging.

He sheathed his spines, and covered his hands in a layer of dark cloud. He fired a spine upward, wrapping it around a branch, and pulled hard. The equal reaction from the attachment sent him flying forward, fists forward. He spun in mid-air, twisting quickly. "Aaaaand here comes the Dark Twister! Oh, what a throw by Pitcher 2.0!"



The Avatar slammed one of his fists down towards Experiment as he was in mid-air. At the same time he sent a thin blade of fire towards Hazard's rope. The two lasers slammed into its chest once again, while Burning's fire beam was absorbed.

((Note to self. Don't fight all of Burning's characters at once. Its confusing as hell))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Hazard looked at the middle of the rope, the fire already eating away. "Oh my...." Hazard lost any interest in checking the ropes stability, instead, running at full speed ACROSS the rope. He ran perfectly, not missing a single step as he ran, his only goal, to get to the other side.

Hazard looked up at the Avatar, shooting a group of ice arrows along the way.

Almost there...

Still running, Hazard got an energy arrow from his quiver and aimed it at 2.0. "2.0! Catch!" He yelled while shooting the arrow. Hopefully Experiment would know what to do with it, as long as he heard the yell in time.


Hazard was now past halfway, the rope had been eaten to a few little threads. Hazard got another 'rope' arrow and shot it at the tree behind the Avatar and Burning. He grabbed the end of the rope as he ran, tieing it arround one of the sharper arrows.

Just a little more...

Hazard shot the sharp arrow at the tree in front of him. This made the rope connect from that tree, the the one behind the Avatar. Hazard grabbed yet another rope arrow and shot it at the tree behind him. He tied the end to another sharp arrow and shot THAT one to the tree in front it him as well, this one replacing the rope he was on.


The rope broke from Hazard's weight. He jumped at the last second, barely grabbing the second rope, just as it's arrow lodged itself in the tree trunk. He swung himself up onto the rope, finishing off the final distance, then jumped onto the third rope.


Proto was busy firing a multitude of energy bullets from his gun at the Avatar with his first hand, and punching in commands for his assault bot to follow with the other hand. The assault bot activated its rocket boots, sending itself into temporary flight. It flew around the Avatar, firing beams of energy at the legs.


Burning Fang's blazing bolts weren't working on the Avatar, he had to do something fast. "I can't believe I'm doing this..." he said as he created a fire sword from thin air, aiming it at the Avatar's neck. Burning sighed, flying toward the neck of the Avatar, sword first.


Night caught herself from yet another slip, bringing herself back up from the fall. Her eyesight was clearing, that's the good part. She continued jumped from branch to branch, looking for the best spot to attack. The darkness around her, hiding her as she moved.

She looked at the Avatar's arms. This was where the Avatar fired from, so assuming she was correct, mabey she could distract the Avatar long enough for the others to attack.

Night leaped from the branch, flying straight for the Avatar's arm. She infused her hands with darkness and spiraled downward, hands first, into an attack. Something clicked in her mind, making her realize how much fear was rushing through her body. Her heart pulsed, each thump ringing through her ears. She closed her eyes, waiting for impact.



Falcon's Strike reappeared through the portal in front of Amedren. Nothing on him looked new, infact, he looked exactly the same from when he entered the portal. "Sir," he began to say. "Is there anything you don't want me to get from the armory?"



((Well, until Shimmer posts, I'm stuck fighting with one arm here :P Let's see. I got Ice arrows from Hazard, Burning flying at my neck. Night flying at my arms. Proto shooting energy bullets at me. That's looks like everything.))

The Avatar took his other arm (the one that had thrown the fire blade) and slammed it down towards Night. At the same time, a beam of fire emanated from his eyes towards Hazard's new rope. The Ice arrows hit him and dissovled on contact, while Burning's fire sword was simply absorbed.


"Ok, first of all, don't call me Sir. I hate that. Second, every piece of equipment in there is a bound demon. I can always bind another one, so go ahead and take whatever you want."

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



"Fine..." Falcon replied, short and quick. "I'll be in the armory, 'Oh, Great Dark Lord of the Underworld." He said sarcasticly as he re-entered the portal.



Amadren turned around and grumbled something under his breath as Falcon went through the portal. He turned to look out the window and noticed A slight red bump rising above the trees in the forest area.

"Hmmmm, so the Avatar has reached the 6 in the forest area."

Amadren cast a glance back towards the portal and made a few signs. When Falcon left the armory now, it would transport him to the forest area.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Blaster shots began scorching the ground near Experiment as he recovered, and he glanced up, looking oddly at the sky.

A little drone was firing randomly at him, completely missing over and over.

At Hazard's shout, he turned to see the arrow.

He leaped forward, gripping the arrow from mid-air and firing a spine upward. It was pure luck that it wrapped around a branch. He flew upward, the drone turning as Experiment flew by, tongue out.

He started coming down, and this time, not very show-offy.

However, a twirl in mid-air was NEEDED.

He brought his hands together, arrow-head peeking out slightly, and shouting 'PEEKABOO!!' before slamming his hands downward.


The drone floated for a few seconds, and surveyed the fight. Shimmer glared at the screen, his face full of annoyance. "Over-eager... showoffish.... Jerk... Hero... Guy..."

The drone lowered, and began firing past the Avatar, attempting to hit Burning and co. with about the same accuracy as before.



*I dont know how im gonna help with this, but what the Hell* Velkon thought, as he lept up, prepairing to slash at the Avatar's arms.

Then he saw Night flying right for the arms as well.

*Seems we had the same idea* Velkon thought, then he saw the Avatar's other arm come crashing in towards Night.

Velkon roared out in rage that this split-personalitied thing would dare attack one of his allies. He immediatly stopped attacking, and fell to the ground, where he lept up again, intent on catching Night should the arm contact with her, even going so far as to break her fall should he need to.

The arms was closing in.

*Move, Night, Move!* he thought, as he was moving up towards her, and the Avatar's arm crashing down towards him.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((I'm getting to confused! ))

The Avatar started turning completely black. As soon as it became completely black, it disspeared, leaving no trace (except for the heroes' injuries and a burning rope) that it had ever been there.

Except it still was. Perched high up in a tree, Illithar was controlling it now. His powers of darkness allowed the Avatar to become completely invisible.

"Honestly. Do you people have any other way of dealing with things besides brute force?"

"Don't start with us Illithar. I had it perfectly under control."

"Don't make excuses Magnis. You were getting your butt handed to you and you know it."

The Avatar sat in the tree, watching how the 6 would react to its dissapearance.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Appearing suddenly a the small grey room like the others. Corvan looked around woundering how the hell he ended up in here. " interesting.." he stared at the portal wondering were it would lead to. Walking up to it he looked at it carefully and then jumped in feeling no danger. landing on his feet in a very dense forest area looking at the rather extremely large trees "what the..." walking to one of the large trees he tapped on it to see if this wasen't some sort of dream or illusion. hearing a thud sound. " i haven't lost my mind.."

Leaning down and then sprining upward. Leaping into the tree grabing onto the branches and continued to leap up and up till he reached the top or as high as he could. "woooo..." seeing nothing but trees as big and bigger he looked around seeing it all over. "well..isn't this something.. i wonder if anyone else is here." he jumped and fell down to the floor landing one knee and foot into the ground using his left arm to brace his fall. When he hit the ground shook some for many yards. " ehh..least its not concreat.." dusting himself off he started to walk about the area looking about for anyone or anyplace that seemed suitable to make a home.

((Corvan Dee Height 7 foot 5 weight 350 pounds (by look) tanned male. Powers: super strenght and toughtend skin (invincability only toned down :P.) just a little bit of detail about him.))



Night flew to the ground, switching to a roll apon contact. She looked around for the enemie. Nothing. The only problem, she knew where he went. "Burning, Proto, get out of here! 2.0, Velkon, cover me! Hazard.....Er....Do whatever!" She lept into the darkness. Once again, invisable.

Velkon would have to turn on his camo in order for the next part to work. She jumped up to the branches, making NOISE as she did so. The point was to bring Velkon to the area, and for Proto and 2.0 to look up into the trees. Burning needed to get out of the way for the moment. Burning should know what to do.


Proto did get the hint, but thought the noises were the Avatar. He pushed a few buttons on his keypad. With a slight buzz, his assault bot was set on 'Aggressive (sp?) mode.' Proto also saw that it was Night making the noise, but now he was really confused. What the heck was she doing?

Burning Fang knew what Night was going to do, and she was right, he had to leave fast. He jumped behind the rock that the Traige Beacon was behind. Infact, it was still fire bright green smoke.

Burning got a running start to kick the Traige Beacon out of the way.


When he hit the beacon, his foot bounced off making the rest of his body vibrate. The sound of a bell could be heard in Fang's skull. He fell backwards to the floor, his head shaking like a bobble head on caffiene. The beacon, of course, was still in front of him. Atleast Proto could have put in an 'off button'.


When the Avatar disappeared, the whole 'rope plan' was wasted along with it. Now, he had a burning rope under his feet, and was about 70-80 feet above the ground. Hazard rolled his eyes under his glasses and ran back to the tree from where he came. "I hope this works..." he mumbled.

Hazard took out a knife and cut the rope beneath him. He grabbed the end of the rope and swung to the flor below at a hundred miles an hour. His glasses/MP3 player switched to his favorite song, George of the Jungle!

George, George,
George of the Ju-


The rope he was holding snapped in two from a mix of his weight and the fire. Luckily, he was now about ten feet from the ground at an angle. He rolled forward in an akward way, landing on his feet as if he had been waiting to do that. Which, he had not.


Falcon reappeared about 200 feet above the battle. Not on a branch, not one anything to hold him up. No, he was on nothing but air. He stepped forward and began to fall. He began to yell apon instinct, falling to the floor below him.


Falcon landed about five feet away from where Hazard stood, a loud CRACK of bones braking rang through the air when he did. Falcon had indeed landed on his back, he mind rang as only one thing registered in his mind. Pain, and alot of it.

He fought with his mind to keep from passing out. His mind, slowly going black...


((OOC: Everyone wants some MP3 player glasses! Its the hottest thing!

OOC EDIT: Fixed!!! ))



(('Your favourite tunes, now blasting full volume into an eye socket near you!'))

Experiment glanced up, and grinned. "Okay..."

He glanced around, and grinned again. He slipped his right hand into his belt, and a wire surrounded his hand. A small *bzzt* sounded, and the wire crackled with electricity. A spine from each wrist, and another one from each knee.

"Who needs suction cups?" he asked to nobody in particular before launching himself onto a tree. The spines stabbed in, giving him leverage. He began climbing up, stabbing a spine in with each section of progress. The wire over his right hand continued to sparkle with each movement against the red, metallic armour.

However, as he was about to leap to an opposite tree, an almighty *KRACK!* echoed, his head turning to the left amazingly quickly. A robotic fist turned in the air, slamming into his face yet again, and returning to the battle drone from earlier. It appeared it was better with its fist than a laser.

The hero faltered, and the wrist spines retracted. He fell back, a slight crick sounding from the back of his knees. He was still connected by those spines.

"Uggh... Okay, somebody get the license plate of that truckload of bricks, puleez... Woah, Ewoks!"



Amadren noticed Falcon hit the ground through his forest screen.

"Some ninja you are..." he muttered.

As he said this he opened a portal to the med-bay in his tower below Falcon. No sense in losing one of his only allies.


The Avatar noticed Night near him and started to jump away. He jumped to a tree about 25 feet away, but then stopped halfway there and was suspended in midair.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Falcon was teleported to the bed bay, just as expected. The first thing he did was teleport himself in front of Amedren.

"The next time you do that, WARN ME FIRST!!!"

He turned to leave back through the portal.


((OOC: It's short, I know. BRB. There are ALOT of threads that need my attention!


-Burning Fang ))



((OOC: Aww... I was just beginning to like this thread....

Are you waiting for me to reply?))