The World is Flat ((Open RP))




((pokeity poke, get movin peoplez! ))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((OOC: *poke - poke* Come on Diov! What has happened to Charles? And what about Elemental? By now he MUST have found something about the Avatar!))



((I'm not allowed to tell you what Charles is doing. Want to find out? Go into the central tower.))






((Is anybody gonna wake up? Fenris is going to have to gnaw on someone? I don't understand where the avatar is either, or who's monster it is. Can someone do something with that?))



((OOC: I don't really want to continue with my 'dreams' 'till Elemental is finished reading. Of course, if I'm SUPPOSED to continue with the nightmares, I guess I could. But, Y'know, I have to be careful about these things!

-Burning Fang))



((Sorry I haven't posted in a while guys. Been busy with other things. As for the nightmares, that's entirely your thing. I have no control over your characters' dreams and it's up to you whether or not they survive. As for Amadren, he's getting ready to make the tower invisible when the huge evil demon-zombie army goes by. As for the Avatar...Well, you'll see. ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Velkon stealthly moved around, trying to find a weakspot in Recluses defenses, but when ever he saw one, the insane Lord would move, blocking off that venue of attack.

"Damn You!" Velkon yelled, as he launched himself from his hiding position to attack Reculse.

Reculse managed to dodge most of the attack, but Velkons claws still left long gashs down one side of his helmet.

Then he responded by fireing off a energized pucnh at Velkon's head, which he ducked under.

Velkon then attacked again, sending his clawed arm up, trying to hit under the face-guard of Recluse's helmet.

The Lord just leaded back, and lauched another energized punch at Velkon.


El D continued to try and move in a safe manor, not wanting to PO Fenris.

He looked down at the sleeping heroes/villians, and he noticed someone familiar.


He walked slowly and carefuly over to the downed woman.

"I guess I'l have to wait til she gets up before I get any info about this place..." he said, as he sat down next to Night, wondering if and when she and the others would awaken.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((OOC: Sorry, internet was disconnected for about three days. And I'm sorry for still not posting, so I suggest finding some way to entertain yourselves. Give me about… Oh I don’t know, really. I’m just way in over my head with the other threads right now. *Sigh*

-Burning Fang))



"Oh, I can give you some info!" Experiment called, brushing himself off as he exited from the bushes, "This place is messed up. This place is insane. This place is cockadilly WACKO! I don't LIKE this place! I HATE this place! I WANNA GO HOME!"

With that, he screamed, then, as if he were bipolar, he straightened up, dusted himself off, and cleared his throat.

"Aaaaaaanyway... What's goin' on with you?"



El D looked over at the new arrival, noting his quick change of mood.

"Nothing really, well I did just get out of a fight with that guy," he said, jerking his thumb toward Fenris, "but other than that, nothings going on..." he said, looking back to Experiment.

"My name is El D, whats yours?" he asked, wondering just how many new people hed meet in this forset area of Flat World.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Night and the large stranger fought furiously as the world around them fell apart little by little. He was the new enemy, and he and Night were the only ones not affected by the unusual circumstances that befell the city around them.

Night fought with fists drenched in dark matter. Their fists met, forcing a backward affect on each other. Negative against negative pushed each other away like a magnet. When the attacks met, they were now able to block, or was probably too weak upon impact.

Over time, the stranger’s power grew. He was able to hit harder, fight faster, move quicker for his large size. He had managed to bruise Night’s arm, and her lower right leg, even through the negative affects.

Night was eventually beginning to understand his tactics, using it against the large man. She attacked his weak spots. She aimed at the parts of his body not covered with dark energy to negate her dark matter.

She was smart, and that is what she planned to use during the battle. The large man’s attacks grew old quickly, but he obviously wouldn’t give up. Something was unnatural with this man. His endurance was far greater then normal, and even though his scratches and new bruises, he remained as fit as before.

They stopped attacking. The large figure remained on one side of the platform, and she was on the other. While she tried to catch her breathe, he stood still… Waiting…

He stretched out a hand, aiming it a Night. She grew tense as her muscles began to twitch, waiting to contract and move her away from any incoming attack. That attack never came…

Night moved quickly, forcing her feet to jump, propelled by extra dark energy. She spirals to the foe, her hands in front of her in an X, aimed at the top of the man’s head.

Then something happened. Unusual purple streaks with bight yellow tips flew up from the ground, circle around the man’s body as it drew to his hand. Night recognized, remembering who else had a similar attack. Ghost Widow.

The Soul Storm flew to her before she could react. It surrounded her, immobilizing her, forcing her to hover above the ground as the storm moved her body upward. Her vision blurred as the storm moved her body in a way as not to know what she was looking at.

The storm also seemed to damage her body with unusual new spirit damage. She was held up in the air, now unable to move as the large figure began to move toward her. Under his mask, grew a malicious grin.

He was about to do something bad.

He was about to kill…


In the real world, the spirit energy began to take affect. Her skin paled, and her body looked as if it were rotting. The sight could make anyone cringe, and she was unable to do anything about it. No one could interfere from the real world, or at least, until the fight was over.


((OOC: Ok… Hazard is coming next.

-Burning Fang))



Experiment grinned, and lowered into a bow, his red armour reflective as ever. "I am Experiment 2.0, apparent master of my dreams, and technological extraordinaire. I--" He halted on his way up, glancing at Night. As she paled, he stood up straight. "She was caught by it too, wasn't she... Do you know if she's okay? Did she get out yet?"



El D looked up, his eyes seemingly finding it hard to concintrate on the extravigant, reflective red armor that Experiment wore.

Then he noticed his reaction, and comments on Night.

El D looked down, and saw her, the effects of the soul storm comming into reality.

"Night! Night, whats happening!" he yelled, but to no avail.

She was out, and looked to be out of luck soon awsell.

He looked down at her, his face a contortion of greif and anger.

He knew he could do anything about what was happening, but that didnt mean he wouldnt hate himself for not stopping it, either.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector




Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Gah! And here I was hoping someone had tried to start going again! Darn you El_D!

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne