The World is Flat ((Open RP))




((The Avatar is just kinda floating there and generally Amadren doesn't mutter into midair unless he's ticked. So yea, kinda ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((OOC: Bah! Figures.... ))



*poke poke*

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Velkon herd Night's call for cover, and as he was landing once again on the ground, heard her footsteps a few yards away from him.

Activating his camo, he leapt almost compleatly horizontaly, landing about a foot away from where Night was hidden.

His claws raked out from his wrist joints, making a slight metallic scraping sound as they did so.

"You called?" he asked, smiling in a miscavious grin even though Night probably couldnt see it.

She was up to something, he knew, and it probably involved hurting that big light thing.

He REALLY wanted to help do that.

Then he just crouched down, waiting for Night to explain her plan, thinking about the best way to hurt the large thing that had attacked them...
Edit: Sorry for the wait, been busy with tests and such... By the way, wheres Twisting Nether? El D(and Fenris probably aswell) are getting lonly there. I needs conformantion of an alliance!!

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((OOC: Small post: sorry, my 'activeness' have slowly depleted apon the past few weeks. Reasons are as followed...

A sudden present I get addicted with... *sough* NFS Carbon *cough*
KH numero uno

By the way, I am also lost for the lack of attention in threads. I will only do Night's part until I can catch up/reread the stories I have neglected to finish.))


Night looked around for Velkon's voice. Unable to follow it, she responded with, "Find that...thing... Catch it and hold it, I'll let you know when you need to run."

She jumped up to the branches above her, grabbing it with her hand, twirling up to it with a quick flick of her wrist. She landed semiperfectly, still slightly drunk from the unusual little encounter with sleep. She lept forward to the next branch without making much noise, looking under and around her for any sign of the avatar.



Falcon rematerialized in the same spot from which he had fallen before. This time, he knew better and teleported himself onto a branch high above the battle. He looked for enemies. A few heroes were scattered around the forest floor, the rest were supposedly the ones in the trees attempting to not make any noise.

Falcon made a quick hand signal, all too well known as a jutsu to grant temporary invisibility. From there, he leapt from branch to branch, searching for his enemies, following the sounds of ruffling trees branches and leaves.


Burning motioned to Hazard as an attempt to get his attention. Come on, come on… Get over here you freak! Night’s going to blow the forest to bits and your just standing there?

Hazard was preoccupied with himself at the moment, trying to lay down a few traps.

One here…
One over there…
Maybe one more over here…

Hazard had a few trip mines, carrying them just in case. So far, one was set about 15 feet in front of him, another on a branch in the tree above, one about 34 feet behind/150 feet under Velkon, and another on the ground directly under the Avatar. Of course, he didn’t know this.

Hazard grabbed an arrow from his pack, placing it neatly in his bow. He moved quickly but carefully to the rock Burning Fang was behind.


Proto was pretty much still messing with his visor, looking for any trace of the Avatar. A sudden CLANG got his attention. He looked up to Experiment, who was currently getting hit in the head multiple times by an ugly robot. He took up his assault rifle and aimed it up to the metallic drone and fired.


At last, the army of the undead had finally began to completely empty itself from the room. Darkness Foretold picked himself up from the ground and headed toward the room entrance, his servant not to far behind him.

They got to the steps, and started what seemed to be an endless flight of stairs.


((OOC: Since I am SUCH a nice guy…



*hands everyone a cookie*))



((YAY! I love cookies!))

The Avatar rose up into the air. When it got out of range of the 7 contestants, it stretched out its arms where a dark cloud started forming. It kept growing until it was about the size of a room, and then it still kept growing.

"Are you seriously doing what I think you're doing Illithar?!

"Shut up, Omnis. This is much more effective than what you were doing."

((Behold the Nightmare Cloud! It's one of Illithar's specialty moves. Word of advice: DO NOT LET IT HIT YOU! But since your characters don't know that, I'll give ya maybe 2 posts to stop me. The Avatar is still invisible at thbis point. The people on the ground just see a big cloud of darkness and the occasional lightning strike in it.))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



The bot was about to perform a double-fisted attack on Experiment to knock him down, but the assault rifle's bullets quickly halted that. Sparks flew everywhere over its armour, and obvious dents could be seen.

It glanced down as Experiment tried to get his head straight, glancing around with glazed over eyes. It burst downward in Proto's direction, aiming its arms and rapidly firing searing bolts of energy.

Meanwhile, after a good few seconds of complete drunken confusion, Experiment spied the dark cloud of energy and lightning. He shrugged, aimed his right hand, and fired. Although, this time, it wasn't a spike.

On the inside of his armour, two tiny metal balls, connected by a wire, sped through the arm. As it scratched along the surface of the armour, it gained electrical charge, and as it exited, a quiet *POOMF* filled the space it had left. The Taser flew through the air, toward the Avatar...

...And Experiment started falling, his eyes completely glazed over.



"How am I gonna hol-" Velkon started to ask, but Night had lept off, swinging through the trees, persumabley looking for the group's invisible friend.

Then Velkon looked up, seeing a large dark cloud forming.

"Where ever that thing is gonna be, I'm betting my money that its in there" he said, as he started to walk(still invisible) into the clearing below the storm.

He didnt even notice that land mine that was under his feet, but by luck he didnt trip it.

"Aww Hell, only got prolly one chance at this...." he said, crouching down to super charge his leap.

"So here Goes!" he siad loudly, leaping straight up, shooting through the air like a bullet.

He rasied his arms to strike, and prayed that he could hit the thing.

His camo shut off just as he neared where the cloud was.

"Damnit!" he shouted, but it was too late to worry.

He was to the cloud.

His leap still carrying him forwards, he began to slash at the air, hoping to hit the Avatar.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Proto looked up at the dark cloud, only to look back down a split second later. After a few seconds of return fire on the robot, he realized that the cloud wasn't a weather balloon. He slowly looked back up... When the cloud was in sight, he made a yelp that sounded a bit like a dieing crow.

He turned around and sprinted for the rock, pushing buttons for his robot to do the same. "Mother! Help me!"


Burning seemed to stare at the cloud for as long as it was materialized. "...Greeaaat...." He ducked his head back behind the rock without showing any emotion that he cared. He did manage to mutter to himself, "This should be a very fun little experience."


Night looked up to the cloud, making her mouth drop as an instant reaction. She shook er head to bring her back to reality. Now isn't the time to get distracted. Go after that....Thing! He jumped up to the higher trees, looked for any possible location of the avatar, but no matter how high she got, the cloud seemed to follow her all the way up.


Hazard saw the cloud and began to fire at it with multiple arrows.

A few explosive arrows, a fire arrow or two, an ice arrow or three, possibly a glue arrow in the mix...


Falcon saw the cloud as quickly as it came. "Amedren, you have some explaining to do." He teleported himself to the ground, just behind a tree. The best part is, that tree is about 7 feet behind the rock that Burning and friends were behind.

He simply grinned and began to sneak up to the closest target to him, Biohazard Zero.



A few seconds passed, and Experiment hit the ground. Hard.

He sat up slightly, groaning. He glanced upward, blood leaking from his nose and right side of his head. His eyes widened at the sight of the cloud, and he sat on his knees, scratching his head injury.

"...That's kind of off. Why is there a cloud in the middle of a forest, when there is no other fog around? I don't get it..."



Lord Xabu*

((I finally changed H'taed's name to Lord Xabu. I got sick and tired of people mocking his name.))

Lord Xabu thought in the darkness of shimmer's tower. One focused thought.

'I'm an idiot.'


Lord Xabu came back up into Shimmer's offic in a burst of static.

"Yo, Shimmer. Do you have any escape pods or something identical to that? I got an idea. Here, catch."

He snapped his fingers, and a tiny spark no bigger then a pea lazily floated across the room towards Shimmer.



Shimmer spun, and immediately hit a button on his computer. A drone fired out, and sat between Shimmer and the spark.

"Why, no, no escape pods here I am afraid. However, I DO have a LOVELY Assault Bot or three that could take you out of here... Although, if they place you in the lava outside, I guess you could say 'beggars can't be choosers.'"

The three floor panels slid open, and a hissing noise made it obvious that a few bots had decided to come rising up.

"If that spark does anything to my drone, I will gladly disfigure your body in so many ways, not even an identical twin would be able to discern between you or a pile of mud that had been tramped on by a stampede of wild buffalo being chased by three hyena while unwittingly almost killing a lion cub, and completely murdering his father, but without the father having a single mark, strangely enough..."

He gasped in breath, and grinned.



Xabu would have raised an eyebrow if he had any.

"A little on edge huh...?"

The spark hit the drone.

A moment passed.

The spark lept back out of the drone and hit the ground. It sat there for a while.

Then it expanded. Soon, there was a puddle of static on the floor. From the static, a figure began to rise.

A perfect carbon copy of the drone now stood before shimmer. It was made entirely of glistening red energy. It flickered for a moment, and a slight static haze eminated from it, projecting a transparent and visually colored 'skin' of sorts. Itg now almost looked exactly like the drone on Shimmer, with the exception that the outer skin kept fading in and out to reveal the energy that composed the being before hiding it again behind a static visual effect.

"It was a Carbon Spark." Xabu explained. "Copies the electrical signatures of the target and re-creates it."

The Carbon Spark Drone saluted Shimmer, and then began to dance.

Xabu leaned against a nearby wall.

"I was planning on copying you a few dozen times and sending them all through a pod or something to wreck havoc and destruction and et cetera, et cetera. I can't copy myself, you see. Unless you had anything else in mind?"



Shimmer sat, blank eyed for a moment, before clearing his throat, and dusting himself off. "Yes, well, how am I supposed to know these things?"

The floor panels swiftly shut, three *BONK*s signifying that the assault bots apparently hadn't noticed, and their jets lost their flare.

"Besides, even if you DID send copies of me out, they wouldn't do much good. Your 'friends' are made of electricity. The only real 'power' I have is my intelligence, as well as my metallic skin. You may as well simply copy a citizen of Paragon City."



Xabu laughed softly.

"Think carefully about what you just said. Made of electricity."

He paused to let that sink in.

"In addition to any normal powers you might have through mutations and magical artifacts, they also have a wide array of electrical manipulatives. They absorb energy to become stronger and they can fly. They also have personalities of the copied entity."

His voice sounded proud this time as he said all of that.

"So even someone as...erm...frail as a Paragon Citizen would be mildly dangerous. Observe."

The Carbon Spark Drone shot a beam of electrical energy at a nearby wall. Being imbued by Xabu's power, the field deflected the beam...

Right back into the Carbon Spark Drone. It paused for a moment...

Then grew taller by a few inches. It then hovered around the cieling.

"And that's only one of your lesser drones. Do you have anything, say...Bigger?"



The cloud finally stopped growing, but it was about the size of a fourth of one the worlds "pie"s. iIt started to descend towards the 7 contestants on the ground.

((Since there's almost no way you'll escape this, I'll tell you what it does. When a person inhales part of the Nightmare Cloud, it will "knock them unconcious" (for lack of a better phrase). While they are unconcious, they are forced to fight their worst nightmares inside their mind. The only way they'll wake up is if they defeat their worst nightmare. Any damage they recieve while fighting their nightmare will be inflicted to their physical body. If they die trying to defeat their worst nightmare...well, you can guess what happens. Good luck! *insert evil laugh here* ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne




In responce to Element_Master: @.o I want one!

In responce to LordDiov: But...I liked the name H'Tead.... Who made fun of it? I'LL CRUSH 'EM!!! ))



((Muahahahahahaha My Nightmare Cloud will destroy you all!!!

*ahem* Um, yes. I liked the name H'taed to. It just had a certain ominous ring to it. The name Xabu sounds like some extinct flightless bird from Australia ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((OOC: And with that, LordDiov will now change his name... ))



((It's your move Burning/Prodiguy/El_D))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



All the heroes (or atleast mine) stood looking up at the cloud with wide eyes.


"Time to go!" Burning yelled, combusting into a cloud of fire and flying off. "Right behind you!" Proto said, activating his rocket boots. Up to this point, Proto forgot he even had a robot. In fact, it was still firing aimlessly into the cloud of doom.


Night had gotten to the point where following the cloud was useless. She would have to find a different way to the Avatar. She jumped down to the floor below, activating all of her defences. She protected herself againast elemental damage, physical damage and possible psy damage.

Something did catch her eye. Velkon had jumped into the cloud, but had done so with his camo off. Night, instead, waited for the cloud. It was time to see what the Avatar was made of.


((OOC: As of now, I have NO idea what I'm doing! ))



((Getting the heck out of there would be a VERY good idea ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Falcon set up for an assassin's strike, but did so at poor timing. Hazard jumped over the log to stop Night at about the same time. Falcon cursed and teleported himself in front of Hazard. "You’re not going anywhere!"

He lunged forward into an attack. Biohazard did a sidestep dodge, counterattacking with his knife hoping to his Falcon in the chest as he flew by. Falcon parried, throwing up his sword at the last second to block and knock the knife from Hazard’s hand.

Falcon continued with an array of attacks. He swung his sword over his head, a side swipe, diagonal slash and a series of lunges all in a series of combos. Hazard had dodged most of the attacks up to the lunges, the sword scraping the side of his arm.

Hazard fell backwards into a roll, all while doing so, jumping into a back flip right into a run in the opposite direction. Falcon blasted forward to follow Hazard. Hazard ran to a tree, jumping and running UP the tree. He pushed against in, forcing him to fly off the trunk of the tree and into a flip, landing flawlessly right behind Falcon.

Falcon turned perfectly just as Hazard began to shoot a barrage of arrows at him. He parried, dodging the explosive and ice arrow, bouncing the other arrows right back to Hazard.

Hazard rolled while continuing to fire his arrows, evading the ones that were being bounced into his direction. Hazard shot an ice arrow at Falcon’s feet.


The ice scattered under falcon’s feet, forcing him to slip onto the ground. Falcon teleported just before hitting the ice, right in the path of Hazard’s run. He spun his blade above his head and swung for Hazard’s skull.



((OOC: Yes, but Night doesn't know that, does she? ))