The World is Flat ((Open RP))




((OOC: [ QUOTE ]
You're making a huge number of assumtions on what his base looks like...

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, unless Prodiguy has a diagram, I don't know what his base looks like.

Remember when I stopped while 'heading toward the stairway'? I was waiting for something like what you described! The only problem... For some reason, I didn't look at the name of the person who said that Daonri was following me (Element), and since I just wanted to get into a fight scene, I skipped it all together! ))





Oh dear lord... No, I have no idea how anyone would be able to plan out their bases that well... My description of my base?

Tons of holes
Generator room
Manufacturing room

And whatever else suits the RP.))



((OOC: Let me add to that list:

Dining room
janiters closet
Bathrooms labeled for boys/girls/and robotic beings
a bar
game room
'game' room
bowling alley
indoor movie theatre
a school for gifted robots

I think I'm missing a few...))



Falcon's blade met another.

One made of electricity.

"I think not." Said a towering Lord H'taed, two electrical swords in hand.

"Time to die meat-sack."

With his left sword holding Falcon's sword in place, H'taed slashed at Falcon with his right sword...



Daonri siezed her one chance that H'taed had given her by remaining visible for more than a few seconds. As H'taed's arm descended it suddenly stopped, along with the res of his body. As Daonri grabbed H'taed, the bursts of energy from Shimmer's axe curved around Doanri and Falcon like water going around a rock.

"Now I've got you."

((Oh and Shimmer, Aoleleb threw another control panel at you as Daonri shot that lance. Read the post again.))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((OOC: Wait, what just happened? Element, you didn't explain what you just did very well... Besides that the energy from shimmer was deflected.....kinda...))



((Ack! Sorry, I missed that.))

Shimmer's axe brought itself up after the bursts of energy due to recoil, and the control panel cut in half due to the reverberating energy... Thing... And the axe-blade.

Shimmer growled deeply yet again as his blasts began circling the others. "Hold on, brb."

He turned, and hit a button on his computer. Nothing seemed to happen, though.

Well, unless Aoleleb ((...So hard to spell, btw.)) reached for anything else inside the base walls, that is.


((OOC: Hey Prodiguy! 2.0 hasn't responded yet!))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Double ack!))

Experiment chuckled once again, while keeping a cautious eye on the femme fatale. However, when Hazard spoke, a huge grin seemed to appear on his face.

"You probably deserved this, for whatever reason."

He stood silent for a moment, and sighed, his hair flowing out of his eyes in the air he exhaled. "Wow, that one sucked..."




The carbon spark that H'taed had flung at Daonri hit. He had observed her re-orient his mub bombs, and assumed that like Charles, she was also telekinetic. Knowing that telekinetics could only maintain fields in one certain area at a time, H'taed threw the carbon spark and then blocked Falcon. If Daonri had blocked the carbon spark, H'taed would have been on her in a heartbeat. However, she had blocked H'taed. Now the carbon spark flicked onto her.

((Prodiguy is also familer with this, arn't you?))

The spark bounced back of Daonri's body, and landed on the floor. It spread out in an electrical puddy, and a figure rose from it.

Soon, a perfect Carbon copy of Daonri stood. Only this Daonri was composed entirely of static. It raised a hand, and shot a beam of electricity at the real Daonri.

((A note to everyone who does not know what the carbon spark is. It's a nasty little power that sends out a spark. If it hits the target, it copies their electromagnetic signatures, and creates a perfect carbon copy of them through this method. The carbon copy had all the copied person's attacks and abilities, along with electrical blasts to boot, and it can absorb energy.

The downside being, nobody can control it. It's a wild vicious beast, and will attack anyone, including the person who summoned it. *In this case, H'taed.* The actual control of the carbon copy is going to go to Twisting_Nether, seeing as she's the only one who isn't actually in the fight.))



"Gggrrah! I'm tierd of waiting!" Velkon growled, but low enough so that he did not disturb the group below him. Then, he lept off the tree, deactivating his camouflauge as he did so. He hit the ground with a resounding thud, going into a quick crouch to absorb the impact of the drop, and smoothly straightned into a standing pose.

"Do any of you know where the Hell this place Is?! he said, growling each word in his throat.

Only then did he notice his mistake.

He had not gone that far off from the large saurian creature he had left when he first came into the forest.

"Aww Shi-" he started to say, but was cut off by a gigantic roar, comming exactly from where the dinosaur was.

"I might need some help in taking care of that" he said to the group, and then a ran off in the direction of the T-Rex. "Just Follow Me!" he yelled back to them.

"This is gonna be one Hell of a Fight" he growled to himself.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((Not to rain on your parade El_D...But currently, there isn't anybody in the tower region aside from Charles, and he's knocked out and sliding down five miles of tower at half a mile an hour.))



(I know, I thought that where Prodiguy and Burning_Fang were, but then I saw they were in the Forest, so I changed my post. I've been observing them, and if they get back soon were gonna have an awsome dinosaur fight!)

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Falcon slid between H'Taed's legs when he wasn't looking and hit him behind the knee with the blunt side of his sword. Falcon quickly did a stealth and teleportation jutsu and appeared behind the fake Daonri. He knew this was the fake when she shot the lightning. Falcon thrusted his sword foward to hit the fake Daonri in the back.


Burning had just got out of the thorn bush when Hazard said, "If I deserved this, I would have known." Burning had various thorns on different parts of his armor. He walked to Hazrad and Proto with a limp. "No really...I didn't need any help." He said in the odd voice your get when holding your nose while talking.

Proto headed toward the camp, and sat about three feet from Night. They both stared deeply into the fire, looking at the waves the flames moved, how graceful swayed back and forth...


((OOC: Singing contest!!!

Look! Over there!
My soup has a hair.
I got attacked by a bear!
Sing with me!!

I hate Mu.
I love you!
lets head through...
Sing with me!!!

(^^^Is a made up song. No person would think of something this bad.^^^)

You try!))



"Good thing, too!" Experiment replied to Burning, smiling even wider than before.

It was a wonder his mouth hadn't ripped in half yet.

"'Cause I wasn't gonna help. Seriously, crazy women equals a no-no from me. Hell, Countess Crey? Fought her once... Believe me, you do NOT want to be on the recieving end of a roundhouse kick from her... Ouchies..."

He then brought his right arm up, and began tapping randomly. Small *BEEP*s could be heard every few seconds. If anyone looked, they would find he was playing Snake, and seemed to be attempting to beat a high score of about 20,002.

"...This is what I get for being bored on a saturday..." he muttered, staring at the screen intently.



Shortly after they sat down, Proto and the three heroes heard a large RROOOOOWWRR from behind them. They turned around to see a half-warewolf beast with black claws head into a fight. "We better help him." Night said running into the shadow of a tree, she disappeared.

"Great! She's gone again!" Proto yelled while running forth toward the monster. He activated a forcefield generator about the size a a bowling ball from his wrist pad, then activated his rocket boots. The generator followed him up. With the push of another bottun, his inactive robot began to whir and beep. It slowly walked to the beast, later turning into a run. With a small beep, it shot a few missles to its target.

Hazard sighed and picked up his bow. He took out an explosive arrow and aimed for the heart of the gaint....thing. -thwoosh-

"Hehe...That great! While your do that, I'll sit by the fire." Burning limped to the log and sat down slowly. with the time he had, he took out the thorn in various parts of his body. "Ow....Ow....Ow....Ow...."



A rock bounced along the ground near Burning, and Experiment uttered a low 'drat.' before activating the jets on his boots. He rose into the air.

Or, more accurately, he blasted into the air as elegantly as a wasp.

That just got hit with insect repellant. He hit a branch, and lowered himself, holding his head. He shook it, sending leaves everywhere, and his hair in his face once again, which he blew out of the way, and then darted toward the tyrannosaurus rex, spines extracted from his right arm entirely.

He then pulled said arm back, and the spines shot forward, all tipped with a neurotoxin that was similar to a sedative, and all in a straight line of spikey doom.



Night jumped from tree to tree while invisable. She just to a spot aobe the T-Rex like beast and jumped down. She fell gracefully, at the last second, doing a spinning kick right on the neck.

Proto and the assault bot fired multiple shots of energy at the monster's head, or more specifically, the eyes. A direct hit blinded the beast, causing it to go crazy.

BioHazard Zero's arrow his the monster in the chest. The explosion pushed the Rex backward, making the beast walk akwardly while trying to regain balence.

Burning Fang continued with his thorn picking.... "Ow....Ow....Ow...."


((OOC: ))



((Is it sad that I spent, like, five minutes congratulating myself on correctly spelling Tyrannosaurus Rex?




Falcon's sword just stopped in mid air. Static Daonri (SD) turned around and wagged a finger in his face.

"Tsk, tsk."

With telekinetic force, she sent him flying towards Aoleleb, hoping to take out two birds with one Falcon.

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



"Ahh...It seems I have some back-up" Velkon growled to himself, seeing the missles and the arrow arching towards the saurian. Velkon didn't even wait for the missles, which likely would have defeated the beast, to hit. Rather he leapt ahead of them, right at the beasts massivly jawed head. He raised his right arm in the jump, sending it slicing in for a slash that could have cut bones in-half. But this creature wasn't going to be denied a meal. It opened it's maw of teeth.....And Velkon's right arm went right inside.

At first he didn't even register that it had happened, then the pain hit him. It was like having your arm inside a 5-foot blender, that was slowly turning with jagged, rusted edges. Had this happened to any other person, they migth have blacked out from the pure intensity of the pain, but Velkon wasn't ordiary. He ripped the air apart with a roar that seemed to defen all of the noise in the surrounding area. The cells in his body then began to regenerate, the pain continualy subsiding, as he raised his left arm, srtiking with what strength he had left at the dinosaur's face, trying to gouge it's eyes out.

Then he herd the approaching missles. Then he looked down, just in time to see the arrow hit the saurian in the chest, and explode.

Velkon was launched back from the creature, again almost blacking out from the impact with the ground. Then he looked over at his right arm. It was a mangled mess of bone, muscle, and tendon, with some teeth from the creature still embedded in it.

"Great, that is gonna hurt tommorrow" he said, and finding that he now didn't have the strength to move, called out to the group he had left. "Hey! If any of you guys have some sort of healing things, they would be much appriciated assistance!"

Then he just looked up at the canopy of the trees above him, waiting for an answer or aid.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Falcon flew towards Aoleleb, but at the last second, teleported BEHIND aoleleb. (Think of it as teleportation phase shift) The problem, he was still flying. Infact, he flew OVER the wall, and down to his death below. "Well...That was stupid." He said to himself while he fell down 39 stories worth of metal tower. (Pretend with me. )

He used his teleportation jutsu and reappeared in the middle of the fight. "Miss me?"



Experiment landed, a face of annoying across his features. "Great job. I'm serious. You wouldn't think punching a tyrannosaurus rex in the mouth, while missiles, spikes, lasers, and exploding arrows head toward it would help, but there it is."

He removed a green handheld device from his belt, and aimed it at the hero's right arm. "Hold still."

A jet of green energy expelled from the device, reknitting muscles, tendons, tissue, and skin together, as well as the gas left from the beam strengthening the mind of the ally slightly.



Velkon slowly stood up, now flexing his newly fixed right arm.

"I was thinking that this creature wouldn't be as smart as it was" he growled, staring intently, down at the new comer, his eyes narrowing into golden slits.

"But I do thank you" Velkon said, relaxing from his tense overlook of the hero. At that he breifly, but forcefuly clapped the hero on the shoulder, a gesture of respect that almost never occured between Velkon or anyone. Then, he turned back to the fight to see the large creature staggering backwords.

"This just keeps getting better" he said, then ran off to one side, activating his vanishing camoflauge. He leapt over to be behind the beast, the he crouched down, and lept almost at a compleat 75 degree angle to land on top of the beast's head.

"Time for REVENGE!!" he yelled at the beast, deacivating his camouflauge and slamming home his fixed right arm, claws imbedding deep into the creature's skull. As the rex pitched forward, he jumped off to land just infront of where the saurian toppeled over onto the ground. Then he looked around to the group infront of him.

"Soo....Who's arrow was that?" he asked, a large grin showing even under his mask, his eyes alight with the excitement of the kill.
The shoulder clap would feel like getting hit on the shoulder moderetly hard with a frying pan.

Also, think the secen where Legolas kills the giant elephant in Return of the King for when Vel kills the rex

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Harzard looked at the unusual werewolf mix before saying, "Do I have to say it was mine? If not, I can get started on some dinner. But, thats only if any of you want some." "Thats a good idea, I'll start looking for some berries." Night replied, as friendly as ever. Proto agreed and went off with Night to get some berries and herbs.

"Hey! Mr. Whoever you are! Can you help me out? That device can heal me, right?" Burning yelled over to 2.0, hoping for the answer he wanted to hear. "I'll get started on the meat." Hazard said while carving the meat from the Rex corpse.



((OOC: Nice new avatar El__D! For anyone that can't read it, it says, "Werewolves are cool!"

Edit: This is proof that I can't read it. Who wants cookies?! ))



((lol, thanks, but I think you mean "werewolves, not warewolves"))

"Was just asking" Velkon replied "By the way, shouldnt we get some introductions done here first? Its not like I can read your names off of a Arachnos computer screen is it?" he said, in a jokingly sarcastic manner.

"My name is Velkon" he said to the group "And if your wanting to cook that rex, your gonna need a BIG fire" he finished. At that he lept up into the boughs of one of the surrounding trees, and slashed off a large branch, one that easily measuerd 4 feet long, and tossed on to a clear spot on the forest floor.

He then lept down and began cutting the wood into more managable pieces, trimming off all the excess leaves and twigs, and setting them in a nice triagular stack beside him.

"Mmmm...Thats gonna be some good eaten' " Velkon said enthusiacticly, lowering his mask down to his neck in the process, smiling like befor, this time with his large, gleaming canine-like teeth exposed. Then he continued on his work, waiting for a reply.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector