The World is Flat ((Open RP))




Night smiled slightly. Burning, on the other hand, looked kinda annoyed. "Well, you seem nice. We could use your help." Night said. "No we wouldn't!" Burning replied. "Yes we would!" Night shot back. "I said, 'No we wouldn't!'" Burning forced at Night... This continued for awhile...

Proto walked over to Hazard. "They never did that when I was spying on them. Is that normal?" "I don't know. I just me- Wait...You spied on them?!" Hazard replied, looking at Proto suspiciously. "Well, it wasn't long. I just wanted to see how Night was doing! It was only 5 minutes!" Hazard rolled his eyes, dispite his manners, and walked over to 2.0.

"I go by BioHazard Zero. Do you know where 'here' is exactly? All of us are lost in this unusual world. We would be honored if you would help us find out where we are." Hazard said politely, ignoring the argument behind him. "We are lost in an evil world, now is not the time to be the 'good guy'." Proto wispered in Hazard's ear rudely.


((OOC: Again, let me know of any spelling and grammer errors.))



Charles lifted a hand, and Aoleleb smashed into an invisible wall. Charle's telekinetic aura. He would find he was trapped in a perfect cube of force, not allowing him to escape.

Charles walked over to the box and examined his captive.

"Hmmm. Interesting. Your mind is not your own. Let's see what mischief I can wreck, eh?" He gace a cruel smile, and winked. He extended a hand...

Aoleleb felt a spike of Psionic energy being driven into his mind like a nail being pounded by a hammer. Charles was forcing his way into Aoleleb's mind!


H'taed rushed up to the force field surrounding Shimmer's base.

"Hey, Shimmer. Would you mind letting me in? I have an idea how to take care of our telekinetic pal. He's only going to be distracted for so long with his new meat-toy."

((Fixed the second link.))



((Hehe, nice try H'taed. You may want to check the post where I came after you.))

And then all of a sudden Charles psi-spike dissapated. ((Earth Armor psi-protection ftw!!!)) Aoleleb was sucked into the ground below the cube and spit out behind Charles

"Nice try." Aoleleb growled

And then his hammer descended right toward Charles' head.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Charles rolled his eyes.

Aoleleb was flung across the area like a rag doll. He found he couldn't move.

((TELEKINESIS, AUTO-HIT AUTO-HOLD TOGGLE! FTW! Look it up if you don't believe me.))

"Naughty naughty." Charles hissed. "I'm going to drill through your defenses like a dentist drills through a tooth."

He waved his hands, and several mental lances of energy arranged themselves around Aoleleb's head, preparing to strike.




Experiment shrugged, sighing as he closed his eyes in concentration. "I don't know EXACTLY where we are, but from the looks and sounds of things, we are in yet another alternate dimension. As far as I can remember... Well, not really REMEMBER so much as 'see foggy visions of,' but still, I have only been in this kind of thing once or twice."

He began pacing in a circle, frowning. "If this place has any familiarity to my dreams and such, then it is practically an interdimensional free-for-all, a way to figure out who is the strongest being, or a way to eliminate the strong by forcing them to fight or something. Other than that, I see no reason for this thing to be going on."

He groaned, rubbing his temples. "My head hurts now... What was going on again?"


The field flashed green for a second, before returning to the deep, shimmering blue it had been before.

"Alright," a monotone, mechanical voice spoke, "Your bio-signature is cleared for entry. Just step through, and avoid the flowing moat of lava-burnination-ness, and you'll be fine."



Hearing the large wolf creature growing in his directon, El D stopped, considering his next move.

"Hmm..This wolf doesn't seem to like me much..." he said, watching it go in through the doors of the magnificant Ice Castle.

"I might wanna see if I can find a new way in, but..." he said, letting the last word hang ominously in the air "That would take all the fun away" he continued, half laughing as he said this.

At that, his face and armor suddenly changed in a flash of heat-intense fire, his face appering to have been painted white, with large, spiked black triangles over his evil, glowing red eyes. His armor now held the flames, as though they were a blazing shield, a shield that could incinerate flesh, bone, ice, and metal with a just a touch.

"From now on, we are enimies...You and I.... " he said, his voice sounding much more demonic.

He then pulled out his large silver axe with his left arm, its three feet of length coverd in runic designs. He then raised his right arm, in a seemingly symbiolic pose (think Moment of Glory), then, igniting his hand, brought it down like he was playing the axe as a guitar. At that, rock music thundered out like an aura from him. He raised his still burning hand from beside him, and sent a large ball of flame that was set to explode outward into the castle after the wolf (Fire Ball). He followed that blast of flame, rocketing forward conjuring a blade of flame in his right hand, and hoping that this wolf knew what he was in for.


My image is the face of my new costume, btw, and he will soon be made into a seperate Villian entity on Gaurdian server, but he will still keep a place on my hero. Also, I'm not saying that Fenris can not hit me. He CAN...and probably will, but he WILL take a bit of burns and singes in the process

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Falcon's Strike had to save Aoleleb. The problem, he had to do it without being seen. Just then, one of shimmer's idiotic robots came flying toward him. He looked around him for a big rock. There was a nice chunk of stone close to him, about the size of a binder.

He grabbed the rock and ran toward one of the lava streams. Falcon carefully, but quickly dunked half of the stone in the lava, making sure not to burn himself in the process. Falcon ran as fast as he could back to the fight and hurled the rock at Charles, and as expected, the drone followed the heat signiture.

Falcon quickly teleported himself back into the shadow of the rock. Now all he could do was hope his plan would work, and that no one saw him.


((OOC: Well then. Aoleleb is supposedly under mind controll, but the reason I couldn't be seen was: A.) Charles would see Falcon, and B.) Aoleleb has the possibility of going berserk on Falcon. Either way, I'm not good at thinking of ways to get out of messes. ))



Hazard looked at 2.0. "Well-" "You fell out of the sky, Night and Burning won't shut up, and Hazard here is being too polite for his own good. Sound better?" Proto interupted rudely. "Who asked you?" Hazard asked, as if it were a threat. "Um, he did?" Proto replied, amused while pointing at 2.0.

A sudden ~Wack!~ came from behind them, followed by an, "Ow! My nose!" Proto and Hazard turned around to see Night walk happily away while Burning lay on the floor holding his nose. "What was that for?" Hazard asked. "A woman has to take care of herself somehow!" Night replied with a wink. Hazard sighed and shook his head. "This is going to be a looooong day..."


((OOC: These are basicly the traits of my characters.

Night Protector: A girl who was born to be a leader. She has some former street skills making her an excelent fighter against thugs. Most of the time she is happy, and she knows how to take care of herself.

Burning Fang: <---- Is a hothead. 'Nuff said.

BioHazard Zero: This man grew up in a mansion, so manners aren't a problem. Though, sometimes, he can be a bit blunt. He is always serious, and hates competition. He also doesn't take a joke.

Proto Zone: While he is a good guy, his life on the Rogue Isle has made him a bit rough and rude. This man also loves bubble baths and long walks on the beach.

Any errors I need to fix? Let me know at 1-800-PL MEH, or send me a PM.

Edit: Fixed the Shimmer/2.0 mixup))



Aoleleb saw the drone and molten rock flying towards Charles. He grinned, and with a small flash of light he vanished. He reappeared a good distance from Charles.

"I'm done playing games!"

With a mighty roar, Aoleleb brought up granite from deep within the earth. It encased him in a massive suit of granite armor. Some othewr rocks encased his legs to prevent him from being moved without him wanting to be.

"You're finished!"

With a mighty effort, he wrenched a boulder the size of 2 school buses out of the ground and hurled it at Charles.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



When Aoleleb came out of his portal, he proceeded with his actions...

Or rather, he tried to really.

The granite rocks still encased him, but the telekinesis still held him firmly.

((Auto-hit AUTO-HOLD attack. Even blasts right through tier 9s. Again, look it up if you don't believe me.))

As he struggled to lift the two boulders he had been imagining, Charles smiled lightly, and raised a hand. The Psionic needles hovering above Aoleleb's head began to glow softly.

((And btw...Granite offers no protection to PSI. You would have been better off with the crystals.))


Shimmer thought he felt a touch of static in the air as Lord H'taed materialized, jumping out of thin air from a nearby console. He had conducted himself along the metalic structures of Shimmer's base to get here.

"Shimmer, do you have anything like a motar cannon lying around?" He asked.



((Ummmm, yea, read that last post. I teleported away (with a portal if you wanted to know). I'm almost absolutely certain a) There is a maximum distance or b) it gets harder to hold the farther away I am.))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((And since when can you teleport while held?

Plus, all he needs to do is re-apply the telekinetic aura, or let you fly too close to him. So yes, I'll allow you to escape via teleport, but Charles can just grab you all over again.))



((OOC: Its nice to see you two love birds getting along... But isn't there a fight in progress?

Besides, that rock and evil drone is still flying toward charles.))



((For anyone curious here is the Fenris Project's bio.))

Fenris heard the incoming fireball while waiting for his travelling companion. The explosion rocked the palace entrance and sent him skidding across the ground. Fenris dug his claws into the floor slowing his skid and finally stopped facing the entrance. He looked up briefly at the sound of ice cracking thunderously. The scratches dissappeared from the floor quickly.

The Fenris Project roared in anger. He punched holes into the marble floor with his fists and pulled up a chunk of rock the size of a dresser. He hefted it over his head and chucked it with brute strength.

With no wind to carry it away he was drawn to the much stronger trail like a magnet. He was picking up details now. Gunpowder, the ionization of air indicated small amounts of electricity. Gadgets. But there was something else now. She was not alone.

The chunk of marble that had been pulled up by Fenris was now quickly growing back on itself.



"Ooohh, this guy is a tricky one" El D said, seeing the hugh hunk of marble floor flying at him. He reformed his fire sword into raw flames on his palm and blasted it towards the imporvised boulder hurling through the air at him.(Blaze basicly) The intensely strong ball of heat connected with the boulder, breaking off much of its mass, but leaving a siezable chunk still flying at El D. He now just doddged the smaller boulder, and went down for a skidding touch down on the floor of the palace.

"Hmm...This place looks even better from the inside" he said out loud. "Also, I think I've got something that might change the mind of this wolf" he said, reaching into a portal and pulling though a.....Council Warwolf Wistle. His body flashed with flame once more, when it subsided his face lost all traces of the white and black markings, his skin now holding a very dark red tint, with a mask covering the lower part of his face, and the upper half obscured in flames.(assassin mask and entire fiery face aura) He brought the wistle up, and, dispite wearing a mask, blew clearly though the wistle.

"That should attract this beast's attention" El D thought

Then he smelled a familiar scent, at least on familiar to him. Gunpowder. He had easily recognized it because, while back on the Baphomet's homeworld, the closest things to "cadles" there were was large, black couldrons that gave off a smell very much like gunpowder. He realized that more people beyond himself and the wolf were in here, and they obviously had technology, and enough brains to know how to use it....

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((First of all-

BioHazard Zero: This man grew up in a mansion, so manners aren't a problem. Though, sometimes, he can be a bit blunt. He is always serious, and hates competition. He also doesn't take a joke.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hazard and Experiment are NEVER going to get along.

Second- RP!))

Experiment smirked, glancing over at Burning. "Trust me, don't get girls angry. Seriously. Most. Homocidal. Things. EVAR!"

He chuckled, before his smile faded. "...I'm gonna regret that at some point..."


"Mortar device?" Shimmer inquired, scratching his head. "...No. However, I can merge my Omni-Rifle and a rocket launcher to be able to adjust the range of an energy grenade and such... It may take a few minutes, but... Y'know... It's possible."



H'taed nodded.

"Go ahead and do that quickly. If I can slot a few mud bombs into that, we can cover this entire damn zone in so many little electrical fluffy balls of doom, that I think they'll be able to hear the explosions all the way back at Terra. I took the liberty of infusing the force fields with some magnatized energy, so the base should also be protected from electrical powers, thus rendering us immune to our own bombardment of death."



"You idiot! Pay attention!"

Aoleleb snapped back to reality as Daonri's voice rang in his ears. The boulders he had envisioned were gone, and he was still stuck. He struggled as hard as he could against his invisible bonds to no avail. But the rock and device were still flying towards Charles!

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Shimmer grinned in approval, and ran to a storage closet. He opened it, and reached for said rifle. However, if H'tead looked in, he would probably glimpse about 7 sets of weaponry, all neatly arranged as if shells in a little girls room.

The door closed, and Shimmer then held, not only his rifle, but a huge red and black rocket launcher, seemingly glowing with different power cells.

"When you arm this thing, stand back. Trust me. You DON'T want to be near it when it fires." he chuckled, taking the weapons to his worktable. He slid over a microscope, and began fiddling with a few screws to get inside the Launcher.



"I've been regret the day I met Night..." Burning said while still trying to stop the bleeding. Night silently walked up from behind Fang and tapped on his shoulder. Burning turned around only to have Night's foot plung into the top of Burning's boot like a spear flying toward a loaf of bread.

"YYYYEEEEEEOOOOOOOWWWW!!!" Burning screamed holding his nose with one hand and his foot in the other. Night took advantage of the situation and tipped Burning off balence and into a nice little thorn bush that just HAPPENED to be there! "Hmm!" Night grinned while walking back to the campfire. "That's how 'I' do things!"

Hazard looked at his impossible teamates and muttered to himself, "Why me..."


Falcon couldn't take it any more! Since when did it take so long for a boulder to hit a telepathics head?! Falcon knew he had to do something, but for now, he had to wait.


((OOC: I love my alts. ))



The boulder finally came within range of Charle's head...

And stopped mid-air and started to orbit around him like a planet around a sun. The little drone started to follow it around.

Charles, however, didn't spot that. He kept glaring at the held Aoleleb. It was obvious the telekinetic aura around him wasn't very strong at the moment. The tiniest of taps could probably send the rock moving towards Charle's head again.

The downside being, if anyone got close enough to actually shove the rock, Charles would probably spot them a mile away.


H'taed tapped his foot.

"Could you go a tad faster? It looks like the freak is about to blast through his meat-toy..."



Shimmer glared up from his work, which was now attempting to meld the triggers together to form the firing mechanism.

How that worked, even he probably didn't know.

"Listen, you want a mortar cannon, I'll give you a mortar cannon, but patience is a virtue. Take advantage of it."

However, after a few more sparks and laser-melds, he finally picked up the Omni-Launcher device, grinning broadly. "'Tis finished!"



Amadren watched through one of his arcane drones as the battle progressed. A small movement in Shimmer's base caught his eye.

"So they want to play the doomsday device game do they? Very well."

Amadren snapped his fingers his imp servant appeared at his side.

"Open a portal and get Aoleleb out of there.I don't care where you send him, but get him out of that device's range."

The imp bowed and vanished with a small *poof*. As he did, Amadren started meditating. If people were starting to make powerful tools, maybe he should start as well. As he meditated a small orb of energy started to form in the air in front of him.


Aoleleb struggled harder against the telepath's powers, but all it did was make him even more tired. As he had given up all hope of getting free, a small portal opened inside him and he was whisked away.

He reappeared inside the magnetic force field surrounding Shimmer's base! The rocks around his feet crumbled into dust as he made his way inside.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Lord H'taed snatched the improvised motar cannon from Shimmer, and ran to the nearest window.

"Hehehe...I've only been able to do this once before...Let's see, if I shift the electrodes in the force fields by a degree, they should allow the mud ombs alone to pass through..."

He placed his right palm against the side of the barrel, and began pumping in the energy required for his mud bombs.



The motar cannon fired no less then five mub bombs in one sitting.

H'taed looked at the cannon dubiously.

"What kinda noise is THAT?"


Charle's eyes widened as three mud bombs landed on him.




Charles was literally sent flying. The telekinetic aura around him, again, protected him from the actual energy discharge of the attack, but he went spiraling high into the air, right out of the zone, eyes wide.

A few mnutes later of flailing through the air at over the speed of sound, he smacked into the grey smooth tower in the center of the Flat World.

"Pain..." He muttered.

Then he began to slowly slide down the edge...


Lord H'taed looked very smug indeed.

"Hey Shimmer. Have any ideas of what I should blow up next?"



Falcon watched from behind the rock as Aoleleb dissapeared. Wha? Where did he go? Falcon had time. And with the time, he had to leave.

Falcon used his teleportation jutsu and appeared right outside of Shimmer's forcefield. "Amedren. Where are you?" Falcon said hopelessly, turning around to see Amedren's castle miles away. He turned back around. Once he was through, there was no turning back. And with that, Falcon disappeared, and reappeared inside the field.

Falcon activated a few defence jutsu and made sure he was invisable to everyone around him. He drew his sword and walked curefully into the metallic building. Falcon's training in ninjitsu helped him to hear anything that came close. Be it footsteps, a muffled gunshot, a mouse, or even a pindrop, he had to be flawless. Not one mistake, or it could cost him his life.


((OOC: Which is better to add to this RP?

An empathy/energy science defender
a gravity/energy science(or mutant) dominator
an elecl/elec tech brute
a dark/dark mutant brute
an inv/super strength natural tank
a super strength/inv natural brute
an inv/mace tank
or my Taxibot?
(These are just a few)


EDIT: Fixed 'acticated' ))