The World is Flat ((Open RP))





The granite-encased form of Aoleleb stood in the doorway. His hammer was in his hands, and if you could have seen his eyes, they would've been filled with murder. He started swinging his hammer into midair. When it was about halfway down, he opened a portal inside himself. He reappeared behind H'taed with his hammer about .0000000001 centimeters from H'taed's head. (())


Daonri had been watching Amadren's screens since he had started making the energy orb, which was now about the size of a baseball. As Falcon Strike muttered a plea for help into midair, she thought it might be fun to drop in on the party. She walked through the portal on the wall and reappeared right beside Falcon Strike. ((She has this odd power where she can see the "minds" of people unless they're stealthed really well.))

"Hello there Falcon Strike. Sounded like you could use some help." She smiled at him in an almost human way and then activated her own invisibility powers.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Bringing in a new character, also El D isnt going any where

Velkon, the 6'7'' 264 lb. warrior of the shadows dragged the carcass of a newly killed Mamba Fang back to his den, which was a fairly large place, being undernieth the mile-long ruins of Mercy Island.

"Heh, at least I have food for the night" he said, in his deep vioce, almost growling every sylable in the words. "I'll have to-" his vioce cut off suddenly, upond seeing a group Arachnos Enforces nosing around in his home.

"FEINDS!!!" he roared at them "Do You KNOW Whos Lair You Tresspass In?!?!"

Needless to say, the group of four Enforcers were extreamly taken aback by this new commers ferocity.

"We are Enforcers of Lord Recluse, here to capture any people resistng the-" the closest gaurd started to say, but Velkon cut him off, yelling "I Care NOT Who You Work For, Only That You Have Invaded My HOME!!!"

At that, long, serrated blades of an unknown black metal slid out from Velkon's wrists, then he just vanished from sight....

"Whered he go-" one of the guards started to say, but he was stopped short, one set of dark blades piercing his neck. When the stabbed garud dropped, Velkon was seen standing in his place. The other gaurds started fiering their rifes at him, but to no avail. The blasts just seemed to singe his skin, then instantly heal, by some unseen means. The second guard went down, his abdomen ripped open. The third guard narrowly missed a full decapitation, his helm now sheared in to a twisted black mass, his skull obviously crushed inside. The last guard, upon seeing this, started to run for the entrence to the clawed warriors den, and he almost made it, but fell to the side at the last moment, a large, semetricly sided shuriken-like object, as black as Velkons claws, protruding from his back.

"Now" Velkon said, his vioce much calmer "Back to my meal". He was just walking back to his now-discarded snake when he vanished. Were any of the soldiers still alive, they would have thought he just disappered like he did befor, but no attack would have come, for he was now in a small gery room, with a prtal in the center, giving him a vision of a large forset through its mirror like depths.

Seeing it as his only way out of this new, strange room, he lept through it, and instantly back away from a large, towering form, almost 3-stories in hight. The form seemed to be saurian, like that of a T-Rex.

"This dimension has some surprises" Velkon muttered, still moving back word, wanting no fight with this behemoth of a lizard, and activated his vanishing ability. He turned, and ran off a disctance to the left. He saw a group of beings arguing in the distance.

"Lets see what these people know about this place" he said to himself, and, after a running start, tensed his leg muscles and leaped, covering the entier distance between himself and the group, and landing on the side of a large tree, 20 feet above where the group was talking. He jammed the claws of one of his arms into the tree.

"I hope these guys hurry and let loose some information soon" Velkon thought to himself "I really don't like waiting..."

Velkon is my claw/regen stlaker, at the moment hes lvl 5, but Im giving him the powers he would have at a higher level, but he wont have any patron powers. Also, he is like a half-werewolf, so what is shown if his upper body is covered in thick, ligthish grey fur. The lower half of his face is coverd by a assassin mask, but he can (and probably will) remove it for certin things, showing that he has razor-sharp teeth. His eyes are a dull gold, but they shine when he looks into a light source. He also has a long mane of straight, lightish grey hair to match his fur.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((OOC: Before I continue, I just want to say that The lord of the Rags' large KABOOOOO-*five hours later*-OOOOOOOOM just broke my screen. Now I have to scroll right, the back to the left, making it hard for me to figure out what I'm doing.

Oh, and Element. That wasn't a plea for help, it was more of a, "While I'm about to get my butt whooped, what the heck are you doing?!" But I'll take help anyway! ))


Falcon nodded to his companion and set forth down the hall. There were a few drones in the hallways, but they seemed to be more like cleaning drones. He ignored them and continued toward the stairs.

Falcon (And Daonri) got up just in time to see the fight between Aoleleb and H'Taed begin.


The battle in the underworldly tomb continued.

Servant was getting tired. Her dark energy was starting drain her like a fish coming up for air. She was taking out each enemie pretty quickly with her blast - teleport - blast - teleport battle tactic, but she didn't know how long she could keep it up.

Darkness' army was now down to about 3 soildiers, a battle mage, the lich, the dark servants, Death's Servant, and Darkness, but the opposing army still had zombies crawling from their tombs. Things could only get worse from there.

The lich's dark hold on the behemoth broke through. The beast roared and rushed into battle, heading straight for the one that imprisoned him: The lich. The behemoth summoned a fire sword and lifted it to decapitate the lich. One of the battle mages hit it with dark magic, but it didn't flinch. The firesword came down on the lich, taking it out, once and for all.

Servant teleported herself on top of the lich and fire dark energy against the top of its head. The dark servants jumped to Darkness Foretold's side and attacked anyone that came close. "Any time now!" Servant said, jumping to the floor, while sending rays of dark matter toward the Behemoth.

Ritual: 67%....


((OOC: and I cannot lie!

Edit: Fixed all the little errors.))



((Yea, that big kaboom is kind of annoying. It'd be nice if you made it smaller. And since it'd be kind of annoying to have to post everytime falcon moves, assume Daonri is following him.))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((OOC: Oh! She is? You could have told me that in the first place!!

Um...Will she follow me home?




-Burning Fang

Edit: I edited the previous post.))



((My only argument being, you think you people can just walk through Shimmer's base without letting him react with his automated defenses? >.>

In any point, I'm stuck until he responds.))



((Portal teleportation ftw! Portals can get you almost anywhere. (I wouldn't try getting to Amadren with them though. That could get nasty )))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((H'taed doesn't need to use portals. He could just conduct himself through the synaptic molocules in the air, into Amadren's iron filled blood, and materialize inside of him, causing him to explode.

Of course, he isn't going to actually do this...Ever...It's not very stylish, and he hates getting his armor crapped up.

And the force field has nothing to do with it. I'm talking about INSIDE THE BASE. You're making a huge number of assumtions on what his base looks like, and assuming their are no assault robots are auto-turrets inside...

Point being, next time, wait for the host of the base you're attacking to respond before you actually enter. ))




...Actually, this gives me an idea...))

After the heroes passed by the 'cleaning drones,' each turned toward the door they entered which had led toward the area H'tead and the others were.

Several more 'cleaning drones' began flying out of the walls, and shifting shapes into larger, more 'boomy-boomy' robots, such as battle drones.

However, one significantly larger drone switched into a massive Assault Drone, equipped with missiles, a cannon arm, and what seemed to be a rail weapon on the right arm.

The robots smashed toward the heroes, lasers, missiles, and beams of energy from the rail gun preceeding them.

Shimmer meanwhile, unholstered a pistol from his belt, firing with tremendous speed toward the intruder who was attacking H'tead, and frowned. "Now now, breaking and entering? That isn't very nice."

((Again, I say-- Hehehe...))



*POP* H'taed vanished in a flare of static from underneath Aoleleb's hammer.

"Indeed, I believe you are right Shimmer. Let's beat the unholy crap out of our guests here. If I were you, I would summon several dozen dozen dozen more robots here. Now."

Then he aimed his motar cannon at Falcon.

"Eat explosive electrical overkill meat-sack!"

Pumping the electromagnetic signatures into the barrel of the improvised motar cannon, Lord H'taed launched no less then five mud bombs in Falcon's general direction. Then, in another pop of static, he vanished into thin air as his lightning reflexes kicked in.



Shimmer frowned, and blew some grey hair from his eyes.

"Try not to destroy my WHOLE base..." he muttered, taking aim with the pistol once again, "Besides, it takes TIME to manufacture robots... It isn't like they just exist... They take resources and... Well, okay, they are coming up now..."

He glanced at his view-screen, and smiled. "...And it looks like they're chasing even MORE intruders!"



The bullets merely bounced off the armor of granite surrounding Aoleleb. He turned to look at the little gnat who had shot them. One thought crossed his mind.


Aoleleb punched his hands into the wall and tore out what looked to be like some sort of control panel and chucked it at Shimmer.

Meanwhile, the mud bombs flew toward Falcon Strike and Daonri. I still honestly have no idea how H'taed knew they were there, as they were both invisible.

Anyways, as the mud bombs neared the two invisible intruders, they suddenly veered off and smashed into the nearby assault drone. ((Have a taste of your own telekinetic medicine!))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((H'taed has tactics. Alley Oop.))

They exploded, but the assault bot remained entirely unharmed. H'taed had magnetized all of them with a special harmonic field as he had been running around, so they wouldn't be destroyed in friendly fire blasts from himself.

H'taed, in the meantime, was still nowhere to be seen since he had last popped in his last burst of static...



The control panel hit the shining man head-on, sending him backward heavily. He smashed into the wall behind him, hands still up in a defensive pose. He coughed, and began dusting himself off.

"Well now, that was NOT very nice..."

((Note; Shimmer is RESISTANT to physical attacks. I mean, he is eventually gonna get broken apart, but his skin is coated, if not entirely made of, a very durable metal alloy. Hell, even being choked won't work very well, as Noitpeced found out in City of Zombies.

However, he DOES have a mind, and he DOES still feel pain. Either hit him a hell of a lot, or...

...Well, do something not-physical to him. It really isn't hard to find his weakness if you think about what he is made of for a while.))



((Yea, I still remember that. Noitpeced would not be a good matchup Vs Shimmer...On one hand, Noitpeced can't hurt Shimmer because Noit is super-strength...However, Shimmer can't hurt Noitpeced due to the whole Cyber-Wraith thing...

When you think about it, actually...Noitpeced and Shimmer both have the same basic weakness...))




...But Shimmer has a very obvious, and easy to get, weakness. In fact, it is usually so obvious, people never get it.))



((FYI Telekinesis may be auto-hit, but it's not auto-hold, it's auto-pushback. You can still do stuff, you just can't get close to the user. So if you're going by game terms, Charles has about a 30yrd sphere around him that people can't go into. Unfortunately, in game terms, it's just people, so flying boulders and such, telekinesis has no effect on them.))

Hearing noises from down the hall, Quickshot put the book down and grabbed her pistol and the blue sphere. And I was just getting to the good part too, she thought. The yellow eyes that had been staring at her slunk back into the darkness. Moving through the bookcases, she made her way back to the main hallway. Somehow it looked different this time, but she couldn't put her finger on it. This time, there were no intersections; the hallway just went straight. Stopping about where she remember one to be, she knocked on the wall. Solid. She continued until she reached the entrance hall.

Standing at the edge of the light, but still covered in darkness, she could see what was causing the ruckus. A Warwolf?!? Now way. But... she looked around, hmm, no handler. This could be good. The other person looked like a demon, or at least part demon. Searching through her pouch, Quickshot pulled out a small red shell with three orange runes scribed on the side. They were draconic for "Holy Demon Fire." Loading the shell, she took aim at El D's chest, then pulled the trigger.

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



((Actually, Telekinesis does have a hold portion in it. Otherwise Charles wound't be able to flip it on every boss fight, take a short nap while the boss is held in a corner, not attacking or defending or taking any actions, before finally taking his time and playing a game of "How many PSI bolts does it take to kill a purple boss...?"

I don't know where you got your info, Nether, but telekinesis does have a hold portion in it. Plus, since telekineses IS really just the movement of objects with mind, it is acceptable that Aoleleb can have his succubus use her telekineses to deflect my mud bombs and so forth.))



The smell of gunpoweder, and some strange smell that seemed familiar were the only hints El D got as to the oncoming fire.

He reacted on reflexes alone, leaping on one side as the bullet went flying, thinking that he had avoided it. Then he noticed a large indentation on his armor, with a small red object lodged in the middle.

"Hmm, a round specificly designed to fight demons, I believe the Circle used things like this when I was tortured by them for thousands of years, whill I was also watching Earth develope to where it is now, from the Dinosaurs to the Hyper-Thecnology of today" he thought.

"Well, if this is how our new friend wants to play, so be it" he said aloud. Then, he shouldered his axe onto his back, and opend a small portal of flame above where his armor had been mamed. The indention, and the magic bullet were gone, leaving his armor looking just as it had before. He then lowered his field of vision to include the spectrum of heat...

"I see you" he called out to the now easily indentifyable figure of a human at the end of the entrance hall. With that he raised one arm, and started to raise a ring of flames around the figure. "But you cant see me" he finished, as he flew up to the shadows of the transparent ceiling of the ice castle.

"This just keeps getting better" El D thought, as he considered the implications of this new player in this game of life and death.

Then he considered another possablilty.

"Human girl!" he called out from the shadows "I realize you may not trust me, but we both seem to be trapped in this place. Perhaps we can forge and alliance between us, and we could use the wolf-creature for the advantages he would bring."

Then he waited for the woman's reply.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



The Fenris Project had followed the trail down the hall running from the fiery flying man. Then he heard it. He spun around and dug his claws in scraping and sliding to a halt. His ears perked up alertly in the direction of the demon. It didn't make sense. He wasn't friendly. He had a warwolf whistle though.

His indecision was cut by the sharp bang of a shotgun cracking the air. He looked at the source. He confirmed with a couple sniffs that it was the woman who left the trail.

Unsure of what to make of such a strange situation he stayed there in the middle of them. He looked at the woman who shot at his attacker, then back at the man who had the warwolf whistle.



Now seeing that the wolf had his attention caught between himself and the human women, he blew on the wistle once more, and lowered himself down to the floor.

"Come, wolf" he called to the Warwolf.

Then, looking over to where the human woman was, he called out.

"It seems that I have a new friend, a large one at that" he said loudly, letting his vioce carry over to the human. "But, I shall not force you into an alliance, as I know that that is your own choice. Should you join with me though, we can find a way out of all this, and hopefuly back to our homes. I await your reply..." he said, once again letting his voice carry across the hall.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((She's NOT a succubus Diov. ))

Seeing as H'taed was nowhere to be seen, Daonri decided to go after the only other target in the room. Aoleleb seemed to be keeping him occupied as he ripped another control panel from the wall and chucked it at Shimmer, but he didn't seem to be doing much damage. Focusing her psionic powers into a small beam, Daonri sent a psionic lance hurtling right towards Shimmer

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((Fine. From now on, I'll call her a "Whateverthehellhecallsthatfemaledemonwithpsychicp owers." How's that sound? ))


H'taed popped into visibility for half a second behind the Whateverthehellhecallsthatfemaledemonwithpsychicpo wers and activated the motar cannon again. Only he pumped a bit more juice into it this time. It fired off seven. Five headed towards Whateverthehellhecallsthatfemaledemonwithpsychicpo wers and the other two flew at Falcon.

With another *pop* H'taed vanished again as his lightning reflexes kicked in.



Falcon vanished, letting the two mud bombs hit the wall behind where he just was, and reappeared in front of Daonri. He made a hand symbal and let the mud bombs fly toward him. Almost a foot before they got to him, though, they stopped in midair, as if controled by telekenesis.

This was Falcon's special jutsu, he could stop objects in mid-air. Unlike telekenesis, Falcon could not throw them or make them move in any way. "I'll get Sparky and the robots. Your focus on Metal Head." At the end of saying this, he smoothly, but quickly switched from one hand symbal to the another, switching the first jutsu into a shield jutsu.

The mud bombs began to fall to the floor and exploded apon inpact. The explosion hit and moved around the shield protecting Falcon and Daonri. He waited until the smoke cleared before switching to his teleportation jutsu, teleporting directly behind the robots at the doorway. He took out his sword and swung for all the nearby robots.


((OOC: Hey Prodiguy! 2.0 hasn't responded yet!))



((Well, a succubus is a female spirit/demon that enters a males dreams, usually sexual, and takes control, or kills him, or whatever, depending on where you read up on it.


I know this because I played Matrix Online, and decided to read up on the Succubi that kept kicking me in the face.))

Shimmer's eyes grew wide, and he held his head in pain. He glared upward, and growled deeply. "Alright, 'friend.' I believe that you have lived long enough..."

He reached back with his left hand, and picked up a red and black axe, similar to the one from earlier. He took aim at Daonri, and fired multiple bursts of energy at the annoying interloper.