The World is Flat ((Open RP))




When Tiroth Awoke, He found himself on a stone, cold floor in what appeared to be a small cube.
"hmm..." He stated, realizing he could not summon his minions from stones as firm as them.
Soon, he saw a portal forming in the center of the room, while he was preoccupied in thought. His intuition told him of what was happening.
"Interesting... very interesting...." He whispered to himself.
He found himself soon walking through the portal and entering a huge morgue, filled with dead bodies with which he could infuse parts of his soul to reanimate and turn into his army.
Without much effort, Tiroth tour off part of his soul and seperated it into the bodies. The corpses instantly began to assemble the base exactly as his base looked on his homeworld.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Upon sitting in his thrown on the altar, he summoned his Red Crystal with which he had to focus and meditate on for 3 hours a day to keep his powers. It was intangible to anyone else, and it looked almost as though he was sleeping to people who did not know better.
While he was entranced by his Crystal, he was able to see all the zones on the world. He was connected to everything, and everyone inside his fortress while he was meditating. Whatever fate befell him befell everyone else, intruder or not, while he meditated. While his body lay vacant, his shredded soul chuckled, realizing while meditating, he was at his most and least powerful state.




The wind was harsh but this new found treasure.... Snow! The Fenris Project blipped at it with his tongue. It looked like the sky made it. He couldn't tell where it came from no matter how hard he looked up. He was snapping with jaws that could easily scissor a man in two at the snow flakes when Fenris caught the scent of something. He had traced the smell on all fours, nose twitching along the ground. There were no footprints and no scent in the air. The wind took care of both. The snow that covered those same footprints also sealed in the scent that came with them, prolonging the trails life and he could smell through that quite easily.

His left ear pointed toward a growing noise. Something flying towards him. He cocked his head briefly before continuing to sniff out his trail. Cautiously he kept the ear pointed and occasionally looked back quickly. He decided he was in an investigative mood so he continued to plow a small trail through the snow with his sniffer. With no Handler to direct him he wouldn't attack unless he felt threatened, mad, or hungry. He felt none of those... yet.



El D slowed his flight, seeing a large form plowing on through the snow.

"Hmm...Looks kindof like a Council Warwolf" He said "But this one seems a but larger than normal. I wonder if its that new project that people have been spreading rumors about, that the Coucil have develpoed a new type of wolf-man..."

El D stopped his flight instantly, thinking that there might be a Council traning ground near, but instantly dismissed that notion.

"If I dont know where I am, than the Council shouldnt know where this place is, ither" he mumbled to himself

Then he continued his flight, but much slowly, thinking that this wolf-creature might be on to something, and thought that trying to communicate with the once-soldier wolf might help him in finding some large battle, or just a place with a bit of food.

"Animals do have better senses than humans, and probably some demons, so this guy, I'l call him Cujo...No, thats stupid, how about Fenris? Yeah, Fenris, just like that old Norse legend. Man, it must have sucked to be T'yr, getting your hand bitten off and all that. Fenris it is!" El D said.

Then he continued on his way, confident that meeting with this Wolf-man would turn out to be a good thing. And dreading what would happen if it didnt....

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Shimmer thought for a moment, and sighed. "I see no other choice. My minions weren't pulled here with me, so I can only rely on my mechanical creations... Pfft... Like they're useful."

He then perked up suddenly, peering around. "I do have the tower... But I fear that the telekinetic may have attacked it while I was away... We must hurry."

He then hit his wrist, which seemed to beep suddenly, and a holographic map appeared of the lava-covered area, pin-pointing the tower. "This way."

With that, jets on the legs of the suit activated, propelling the good doctor into the air toward his tower...

...The tower, meanwhile, getting rather angry.

Several missiles began streaking from exhaust ports that, usually, robots ascended from, and headed towards Charles at an alarming speed.

Followed up, of course, by beams of energy.



H'taed had taken a single glance at the holo-map. He was from Husk Corporation, after all. Plenty of experience with those, nothing to see here, move along.

"Race ya there." He said.

Then a red lightning bolt descended from the sky and struck him, and Lord H'taed dematerialized into it.

A second later, the bolt was arcing back into the sky.


Charles continued to laugh, and just manuvered his gigaplusnourmous rock shield up and block all the missiles and energy beams that came his way.

Then a lightning bolt from nowhere went and decided to strike him.

He plummeted, and smashed into the ground behind a ridge.

The good news for him. Behind the ridge, Shimmer's base couldn't attack him anymore.

The BAD news. Lord H'taed was standing over his smoking form, tapping his foot impatiently. And Shimmer was probably already on his way.

"Did ya like that? That was a sample. Here's the appetizer." He shot a bolt of lightning at Charles.

With a backflip, Charles was on his feet again. He stuck his palm outward, wrapped in telekinetic force, and flicked his hand in contact with the bolt, which deflected and spiraled into the ground.

H'taed sniffed. "Okie dokie. You obviously have a large appetite. Deflect this." He conjured a mub bomb, and tossed it at Charles.

Charles raised a hand, and the mud bomb stopped mid-air, flipped around, and landed on H'taed.


When all the smoke faded, Lord H'taed still stood, not the worse for wear. He was naturally immune to his own innate element.

"That wasn't nice..." He growled, and conjured electrical blades and both hands.

Charles extended his hand again...

And H'taed was stuck, simple as that. He couldn't move one inch. Charle's telekinetic power wasn't letting him move.

Then he started to slowly float over to a nearby lava pool.

"Ah [censored]..." H'taed muttered. He hoped Shimmer would arrive soon.



A little device, no bigger than five inches in diameter, and completely circular, flew toward Charles, tiny blades spinning rapidly to keep it airborne. It beeped twice, and exploded in a storm of fire.

Meanwhile, a Protector Bot emerged from the river of lava underneath Lord H'tead, cooling itself instantly due to the heat-resistant metal and a few substances that Shimmer had decided not to name. It laid out its arms as the device exploded, hoping that the telekinetic man would drop H'tead due to the distraction, and the lord would be caught.

Meanwhile, Shimmer floated easily into his base, and landed, hitting a few switches.

"Calaborate the thingamabobber... Initiate the whatchamajig..."



((OOC: I lost myself on my way from work. Please give me an hour or two to find me and I'll be back when I do....Find me that is... He...or I....We are along the road somewhere. Where am I?))


Servant and Darkness looked around the HUGE room. Cryptes lie on top of eachother, getting high enough to reach the ceiling. There were so maney of them. Millions of the dead could be here. An ancient civilization that burried itself in this tomb. The east and west walls were covered. All of them pointed to the gaint white sorceress statue at the very end of room.

Sure there were a few torches lighting up the room, but other then that, the place was pitch black. The statue glowed by a magic, that also seemed to protect it. It also served as the room's main sorce of light. As freaky as it was, Darkness seemed right at home....Kinda... In the middle was a white crystle floating in the center. It glowed brightly, for such a small stone.

"Lets go." The undead siolders and mages emptied themselves from the staircais. When all of them were out, they set forth to the other end of the room. "Quite an unusual room." "Exactly what I was thinking."

Everyone got to the middle, gathering around the bright stone. The 16 zombies, 34 siolders, 3 battle mages, the two dark servants, the Lich, Death's Servant, and Darkness foretold.Darkness stepped forward to touch the stone, but when he did, the whole room shook like a gaint earthquake. It lasted only a few seconds. When it finished, Darkness was the first to notice an unusual demonic hissing. The crypts began to shake, the sides of all of them broke, unleashing a horde of zombies, siolders, battle mages, undead assassins, and demon summoners. The worst part of it all, a gaint Behemoth 60x uglier then the usual behemoth, flew from out from nowhere.

It dropped to the floor with a loud THUMP, taking out two fire maces attached to chains, swinging them wildly to attack anyone that came close. Dark and Servant nodded to eachother. They had to protect the crystel, and they had to survive.

"Give me some time. I need to begin a spell to get all of corpses on our side." "Do it fast." She jumped forward sending a barrage of dark attacks into her enemies. Meanhwile, Dark was chanting a spell. The lish was already casting spells of spirit energy to hold the behemoth at bay. The battle mages enchanted everyone with their wards to protect from harm, and all of the minoins rushed into battle.


The enemie zombies fell to Servant's might. This could very well be her last stand....


The three heroes jumped from their seats into a defencive stance. "Maira, its me. Proto!" Proto jumped back with his hands up in surrender.

Night stared at the man carefully. Where do I remember this guy from? After a short pause, "Sam?" She dropped her stance and walked slowly toward Proto. Proto took off his helmet. "Yes?" He replied, smiling. "Proto!" She said joyfully, running to Proto with her arms stretched out wide. She hugged him happily.

"Where have you been?"
"Yup. Thats Lord Recluse for yur!"
"He didn't hurt you, did he?"
"Just a little, but I'm fi-"

Burning Fang jumped in. "Not to interupt this little love fest, but who are you? Why are you here? Why do you know Night? And why do you have 'that'?" Burning pointed to Proto's Assault Bot. "I'm Proto Zone, I don't know why I'm her, Because she saved me life......Its for defence?" Proto replied. "Mmm hmm... I have my eyes on you." Burning said, giving Proto a death-ray. (eye to eye combat. )


Falcon's Strike looked out from one of Amedren's tower windows, carefully watching Aoleleb as he left. "Well, atleast I know who I'm teaming with."


((OOC: Tell me if there are any errors I need to fix before the 'edit' button disappears.

Oh! And I found myself looking at myself in a mirrior. I look so cute when I'm lost... ^_^))



The explosion of fire had the same effect on Charles as throwing a clump of mud at a bee wou.d It was annhoying, disorienting, and it threw his focus off entirely. He dropped from the air and stumbled back a few paces as the fire storm raged around him.

When the storm in itself faded, most of his clothes were tattered. He glared murderously around for his attacker.


Lord H'taed's electrical blade descended from nowhere and cleaved into Charle's right arm, cutting halfway through the deltoid, and lodging firmly in the shoulder blade. It was a miracle Charle's arm hadn't been cut off.

Static and electrical overcharge did the rest of the work, pumping itself through Charle's body. He convulsed.

However, he was not helpless, even in his weakened and battered state. He raised his left hand, and H'taed was flung back like a rag doll, smashing through a nearby boulder.

The psychopathic telekinetic gritted his teeth, looked up and glared at the spot where the armored avatar of lightning had fallen. The very air seemed to grow suddenly brittle...



A Hellion's face was thoroughly smashed and pulverized, as well as stabbed, impaled, as well as several other words for being punched and stabbed by an organic spike at the same time, as Experiment struck him with a spine-covered fist.

The neurotoxin in the tip of the spine caused the thug to fall unconscious almost immediately. 2.0 flipped a teleporter onto the hooligan, sending him to the Ziggurat. The old lady the Hellion had been attempting to steal a purse from thanked the hero, and ran off.

Experiment 2.0 sighed, and sat on a bench.

"Well... THAT was fun. You know, I like this. I hardly ever get to just be a hero any more! I get stuck in these weird dimensions, or I go to a little android's birthday party, and end up getting infected by a deadly virus, or--"

Suddenly, he disappeared from the bench, and people turned to look. However, a thought crossed their mind that, of course, NOBODY had just been there, and they continued walking in circles around the city.

Meanwhile, of course, a rift opened.

Right above Burning Fang and the others. The red-armoured hero, along with his blue and red cape, as well as what seemed to be the two planks of wood he occupied on the bench, manifested. He dropped like dead weight, his armour causing a reverberation as it struck the ground.

He groaned, face down.

"...Always with the other dimensions... And ALWAYS with the face-downedness..."



Quickshot continued down the hallway. A number of times it was intersected, but her instincts told her to continue in a straight line. Her contacts, which were specially designed (and stollen) from FlameTech Corporation, recorded everything she saw and did a number of nifty things, one of which was nightvision. A good 200 yards beyond the entrance hall was another set of doors. Beyond them was a two story library, filled to the brim with books; books on shelves, books on the floor, books everywhere. She noted that even with no windows or lights, the room was light up like a sunny day.

Holstering her pistols, Quickshot pulled a book of one of the selves. Titled [u]The Blue Queen[u], it was written by a person Quickshot had never heard of. Putting it back, she continued down an isle. Most of the titles didn't ring a bell, but a couple she recognized. She figured it must be a collection of books from all over the multiverse.

Having walked for so long, taking a break to catch up on some reading didn't seem so bad. Quickshot grabbed a book call [u]Crystal Daggers[u] and sat down in a chair she had found a couple isles back. Next to it was a small table, on which she placed the icy-blue sphere she had found earlier; it still radiated a soft blue light. She then placed one of her pistols next to it, incase need came up quickly. Settling in, she began to read. The thought hadn't dawned on her, but for being inside a huge chunk of ice, it was suprisingly confortable (temperature wise), but none of the ice was melting...

In the shadows of a tall bookcase, two yellow eyes peered at her, watching every move.

((I didn't really describe it earlier, but the ceiling and all the walls are made of ice (it has a soft inner glow to it), the floors are marble, and anything that would be wood, is made of mahogany.))

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



"I'd avoid him if I were you Falcon Strike. Daonri's driven him totally insane. He's pretty much a berserker now. He'll destroy anything or anyONE that gets in his way. If I know Daonri like I think I do, he's probably headed for the nearest hostile structure." Amadren pointed to Shimmer's base out on the horizon.

As Amadren saw a little explosion over by Shimmer's base, he added "On second thought, there seems to be quite a bit going on there. Maybe you should head there too.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Falcon's Strike nodded, and with a quick hand sign, he vanished. He reappeared on top of a rock, a half a mile away from Shimmer's base. The heat from the lava was making Falcon sweat. This temperature was way too high for anyone to be around.

He made a few hand signs, a defence jutsu that covered Falcon with an invisable shield. The second jutsu was simply to turn Falcon invisable to the enemies he would encounter. The last hand sign Falcon made was a teleportation jutsu, and with a flash of smoke, he was gone.


Proto and the other three heroes turned around to see 2.0 fall flat on his face. Bio Hazard took out his bow and aimed it at the new hero. Burning and Night jumped back with their arms in front of them, as if expecting an attack. Proto ran to his assault bot.

"Where is everyone coming from?!?!" This was the weirdest day Fang had ever experienced..



((The Fenris Project is not at all human fyi. But El D wouldn't know that unless he read up on him so it fits. It will be a bad surprise when he tries to negotiate though. Fenris is kind of dumb ))

The Fenris Project heard someone talking and froze. His ears and fur stood on end. He spun around to see an approaching flying man. He bared large butcherknife teeth and furrowed his brow showing angry yellow eyes. Even though he was just an animal his message was clear, "Keep your distance. Do not attack me." His growl was low and heavy. It carried through wind even this strong.

He resumed sniffing out the trail. His nose continuing to plow a small line through the world. It led him to some tall doors. He gave them a testing scratch. Then he shouldered the door open. He was zeroing in on Quickshot's trail like a magnet. When he got inside he shook his fur clear of most of the snow. The magnificense and grandeur of the Ice Palace was lost on the dumb brute. He regarded it for no more than a second before putting his head down to the ground again and resuming on his course. After several feet he looked back through the open door, waiting impatiently for the flying man to follow him.



Lord H'taed leapt back onto his feet...

And was immediately ensnared by Charle's telekineses.

He was tossed over a mile into the air as easily as a steroid pumped baseball pitcher could chuck a pebble into the air.

Then he headed in the opposite direction. DOWN, to say the least.

*FWRAAAK!* The ground literally exploded in a storm of rock, fire, and magma.

"Pain..." Muttered H'taed. His armor was almost completely ruined. The blood red runes which were usually dull were now blazing with malevolent light, the ancient bindings struggling to keep the Avatar of Lightning under control.

"Ok freak. You wanna play rough? Too bad. That's over. I'm playing for keeps."

With a pop of static, H'taed vanished into thin air. Charles extended his hand again, but his telekineses couldn't get a lock.

"Over here." Said Lord H'taed a few dozen feet to Charle's left. He swung his arm to ensnare the avatar, but there was another pop, and he vanished.

"No no, stupid. I'm over here." Lord H'taed leaned against the ridge to the right.

*POP* "Yoo-hoo, ovah here!"

*POP* "Wait, over here!*

*POP* I'm so totally here now. Yea."

*POP* Ok, so I lied. Now I'm here.

Charle's hand was flipping to and fro, struggling to keep up with the insane lightning reflexes of H'taed. His telekinetic aura simply couldn't keep up with the avatar.

*POP* "Another successful and on-time delivery by Husk Corporation! Enjoy death!" *POP*

Charle's eyes widened. There was suddenly a mud bomb on his chest.


The mud bomb exploded with enough force to level a good sized building. Charle's stumbled back up from the crater beneath his feet, smoking slightly. His telekinetic armor had protected him from the actual explosive energy, but it could not block the actual blunt force.

His eyes locked with Lord H'taeds.

"Right then, time to go..." He muttered. *POP*

Then he ran right into the telekinetic field Charles had set up. He had just positioned it a ways away to H'taed's right, and he had run right into it.

"Suffer..." Charles hissed.

H'taed felt a huge pressure begin to squeeze him while he was locked in the air.

'Where is Shimmer?' H'taed thought as his armor slowly began to crack and twist. The runes had gone from blazing to practically exploding with containment energy.



Experiment stood, coughing to clear his throat. He glanced up, blowing his messed up hair from his eyes, and then patting it back down into his eyes, but in a slightly cleaner way.

He groaned, however, and turned to see the three others, along with--

"YAAH!!! GIANT ROBOT-KILLING-DOOMINESS!!!" he yelled, running backward instinctually, and falling on his back. He aimed his right arm the the 'bot, before breathing normally again.

"...Holy jebus..."



"Um....Night?" Proto said while walking backwards. "I-is he one of your friends?" "I'm not sure," Night replied. "Who are you?" Burning asked while lighting up his fists with flame. Hazard wispered to Burning, "I think I know him...I just don't know from where." "Well, think faster!" Burning responded quietly.


Falcon's strike appeared next to the battle of H'Taed and Charles. He decided to let the battle continue before striking. He pulled out two surikens and waited in the shadow of a boulder for his chance to strike.


((OOC: *turns on some techno music* *does the robot* ))



As Burning lit his hands, spines erupted from along 2.0's arms reflexively. "Woah, buddy, you don't wanna be doing that... Although, I WOULD like to find out how your hands don't burn... Could make a suit, without causing cancer, of course... Abestos REALLY isn't the best material..."


Another device, much like the one that had distracted Charles earlier, approached the rock that shadowed the invisible form of Falcon's Strike.

"Heat signatures highly unstable in this area. Area of higher heat, please inform of your need to be here."

Although, in all honesty, Falcon shouldn't worry. About ten others were asking the streams of lava that exact same question. If the stream didn't answer, it simply returned to base.

However, one bubble appeared on the stream, and popped on the surface below a drone. "ATTACK!" it seemed to yell, and flew head-first into the lava, exploding.

It sent small spatters of lava-rain toward Charles and H'tead.



Aoleleb streaked across the sky toward Shimmer's base. One word stood out in his mind from all other thought.


He reached SHimmer's base and floated above the battle between Charles and H'taed. As he saw the latter, the ground around Shimmer's base literally exploded with the amount of energy coming from Aoleleb.


Aoleleb streaked toward H'taed at the speed of sound, his hammer of stone materializing in his hand. At the same time, four boulders ripped themselves out of the ground from the four compass points and flew towards the battered Avatar.

((I don't know why I decided to do this, but Aoleleb's only purpose right now is to destroy H'taed. Once he's destroyed he'll switch to someone else))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Then Aoleleb flew into the telekinetic field holding H'taed and got stuck himself. ((Telekineses is a TOGGLED AoE AUTO-HOLD AUTO-HIT. Of course, this is overpowered, so I usually rectify the situation...))

Charle's raised an eyebrow.

"Well well. Look what has flown into my midst. Two deaths for the price of one!"

The the magma rain reached them.

Aoleleb and H'taed were protected by Charle's telekinetic field.

Charle's himself, however.

"GAAAH!" He hissed, his concentration breaking.

Lord H'taed and Aoleleb dropped to the ground.

H'taed vanished in a pop of static the second he hit the ground. It was then that Aoleleb probably noticed the mub-bomb attached to his chest.

Charles recovered from the lava droplets, and noticed the mud bomb now stuck on him.

Lord H'taed, however, was nowhere to be seen.

Like all of H'taed's mud bombs, these were designed to explode in a period of 3 seconds.

In the time it had taken H'taed to plant both the bombs and run off to where ever, 2 seconds had passed.



Burning unlit his hands and stood straight, tilting his head slightly to the right. "Um...Oh kay...Now, question number one, who are you? And question number two, why are you here?" Of course, Burning was wondering the same question as to why he was here.

Night stepped forward. "Sorry about hot-head here. Too maney 'visitors' in a short amount of time."


The battle in the tomb raged on. Servant had taken out about 100 undead soildiers (SP?) by now. The lich's unworldly hold on the behemoth was getting weaker. Already, about 10% of Darkness Foretold's army was down. The battle mages were getting drained of their energy for every hit. The soilders had dents in their armor, and the wards of the enemies were too strong.

The dark servants shot bolts of dark energy to anyone attacking Darkness. Attacks phased through them easily, the only thing that could hurt them was light magic. Darkness foretold was now in about 16% completion of his spell, and time was running out.


Falcon's Strike watched the drone float around him, and retreat back to the base. It flew over a river of lava and asked the same question it did to Falcon. Falcon threw an assassin needle toward the bot, hitting it directly in the energy storage cluster. This caused the drone to self destruct and fall helplessly into the molten rock. Falcon simply laughed at the robot's terrible AI and redirected his attention to the fight with H'Taed, Aoleleb, and Charles.


((OOC: I like ninjas, yes I do! I like ninjas how 'bout you?! ))



The spines on his arms sheathed, and Experiment bowed deeply. A voice on his right wrist sighed. "Great, now you've done it."

He grinned.

"I am Experiment 2.0, technological extraordinare, and, apparently, jumper of dimensions! I am a hero of Paragon City, Rhode Island, United States of America, Earth, Milky Way galaxy. Also, I am known as an inventor... Who... Uh... Unwittingly creates explosive devices."

"He is lucky he even got ME right." the wrist-voice spoke again, chuckling.

"Quiet PDA. As for why I am here... I guess because I am amazingly strong and need to fight in some sort of competition to prove my worth, and to save Earth Realm against the fearful Shao Khan, and hopefully save Johnny Ca--"

"Okay, you're done."

However, when Night spoke, Experiment's full attention turned to her. "Well, hello there."

A shock then went through his body, sending him to the ground painfully. The PDA on his wrist spoke again. "Bad Experiment. No interdimensional flirting. Sorry about him... He just gets very interested in girls nowadays... I swear, he must have gotten a dose of hormones somewhere."

"...Quiet... Ow... My head feels like it just got pulled by a magnet..." 2.0 muttered, standing and pushing his electrocuted hair down once again.



The mud bomb on Aoleleb's chest exploded in a brilliant flash of light, energy, and explosive force. It blew Aoleleb back a good ways but he jumped back up again like he hadn't even felt it. H'taed was no where to be seen, but there seemed to be someone else to play with. Aoleleb turned towards Charles as a few crystals floated up out of the ground and started to hover around his head. A hammer of solid magma wrechned itself from the ground at Aoleleb's feet and floated to his hands.

"Let's play!"

And with that he flew towards Charles.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((OOC: Your second link is broken! Nya nya-nya nya-nyaa nya! ))