The World is Flat ((Open RP))




H'taed was long gone far before the fault ever reached him, what with his lightning reflexes and all. There was, however, a consequence of moving so suddenly to dodge the fault while Bio was moving. Lord H'taed tripped over Bio Hazard's foot, and was sent spiraling into a nearby tree.



As H'taed slammed into the tree, Aoleleb reached toward him with his hand. The ground around H'taed shot upward in a violent explosion. Unless he moved, H'taed world be pinned to the tree in about half a second.

With the same movement, a boulder ripped itself out of the ground at Aoleleb's feet and hurled itself at H'taed.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((Hint hint Yeah I was going to bring one other person into this, but seeing as I haven't even posted what Quickshot's reaction is and Burning_Fang has enough characters to do his own forum RP, I'm not going to, so rest easy Element ))

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



As the lance of invisible energy, and the lava approached the base, Shimmer's eyes grew small.


The forcefield defended against the physical might of the lava, but the telekinetic energy pierced it like a bubble, ripping right through and striking the base head-on.

Several Protector drones approached the damaged area from the air, hitting it with healing energy.

Meanwhile, Shimmer was tapping repeatedly on his chair's keyboard. "Alrighty then, buddy... Let's see how you fare now..."

The largest port on the base began opening, about double the size of an average highly-paid basketball player on growth hormones, and a similarly sized robot flew out, red and black in colour.

A large laser-rifle appeared in its hands, and it aimed quickly.

"The Assault Prototype MK III Advanced Version is prepared for battle with the unknown assailant. Beginning first assault."

With those words, the MK III fired rapidly the energy blaster bolts toward Charles, keeping his aim relatively steady.

((Y'know that mech I currently use in place of the real Shimmer ingame? Tada!

Talking of which, you may notice it says Prototype and Advanced in the same section? It is meant to contradict. I am not THAT stupid...


Or so I like to believe.))



The rock trap fully ensnared Lord H'taed.

Aoleleb, however, had run into Lord H'taed before. This was the very first attack he had used on the avartar of lightning. He should have remembered what H'taed could do.

One of Lord H'taed's favorite tricks were the little globes of destruction he called "Mud Bombs." They were electromagnetic pulse streams clumped into a converged form. These little balls of explosive electrical force were designed to attune to the electrical signature of anything it hit, and STICK to them. Then, after a period of about three seconds, explode in a violent burst of energy.

Lord H'taed used the exact same trick he had used the first time Aoleleb had trapped him.

He simply conjured two mub bombs in both hands.

They both exploded, causing the rock prison to shatter into millions of incomprehenibally small bits, and it caused the tree H'taed had smashed into to fall over, then catch on fire. There was also now a slight crater beneath Lord H'taed's feet.

"Seems so familier..." H'taed muttered. Then he noticed the rock being thrown at him. He recalled a similer rock being thrown at him in the past, in a fassion mostly the same.

There was another flash of light as H'taed conjured a third mud bomb.

A moment of whizzing brilliance as he tossed it through the air.

The slight crackle of static as it smacked into the flying boulder.

Then the fiery explosion of light that blinded everyone as the mub bomb went off, shattering this rock into millions of incomprehensibally small bits, and creating another nice crater in the ground.

Lord H'taed now turned to Aoleleb.

"Feel like I know you from somewhere. It's not exactly in the most pleasent of memories. I'm going to have to make you suffer before you die now."

Another mub bomb was conjured in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, and in a pop of static, H'taed vanished and reappeared not a few inches behind Aoleleb. His hand extended, the mud bomb a few short centimeters away from latching onto Aoleleb's back...


Charles raised both hands in front of him, and the energy bolts bounced off his palms. He was creating thin telekinetic fields around his hands, and was using them to force the shots to bounce off in random directions. However, he could not keep it up all day, and he couldn't deflect every last bolt. The last one got through his gaurd, and clipped him on the shoulder, cutting through his trenchcoat and slicing a tip of flesh away.

Finally, he raised his hands into the sky. The ground shook.

Ten large boulders rose from the ground. They then hung around Charles, like planets hanging about a sun.

"TELEKINETIC ORBIT!" He shouted. The rocks then began to spin around him, deflecting laser bolts as they shielded him.

That wasn't all, however. The elipsis of the rotating boulders grew WIDER. The ring of rocks began to expand, spinning faster and faster around Charles, until they were mere blurs. Soon, the orbit would expand, and the rocks would smash into and pulp the Assault Bot to pieces.



((Woah, creepy. I just realised I just recreated Aoleleb's first assult on H'taed. I didn't think you'd use those mud bombs as they aren't technically in the game. This should seem similar too ))

Right before the mudbombs hit Aoleleb he was sucked into the ground and spit out right behind H'taed. The Mud Bomb whizzed away and blew up a safe distance away.

"Surprise surprise!"

H'taed turned to look and saw a hammer of solid stone descending right towards his face!

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



The bot grunted in its grainy, technological-yet-old-and-obvious monotone voice, "Do you really think that will destroy me, $target?"

He continued firing, laser after laser missing him by inches. One hit his right arm, phasing out of existance entirely. It seemed that Shimmer's bots were protected from their own technology.

He continued his incessant firing, before a ball of light fired from the rifle.

A photon grenade flew at Charles, composed entirely of energy, and fairly unstable.

Of course, it would not agree with the rocks in that boom-boom was a bad idea.



And indeed, the mysterious narrator behind the controls of the photon charge was absolutely correct. The grenade would NOT agree with the rocks, although in a differant manner then expected.

The rocks were spinning fiarly fast now, clocking 600 MPH easily, and still speeding up. The energy got smacked dead on by a rock. However, it was carried AROUND the orbiting loop by the spinning missile...

And once it had completed a complete 360 degree cycle, it was spat back off the rock, and headed right towards the assault bot. Then it chose to explode as planned.

In the meantime, the random energy bolts SOMETIMES cleared the orbiting field of rocky death. One such bolt grazed Charles on the tip of his ear. He frowned slightly.

Unfortunately for the assault bot, he seemed to have forgotten about the telekinetic fire cannon of doom.

It choose to launch at that exact moment. So now teh assault bot had his own photon grenade exploding in his face, a fiery ball of magma death rocketing towards him, and who could forget the still expanding ring of rocks, not but a few feet away now, and still edging closer to pulverize him?


H'taed took the blow directly in the head, and he was again flung across the open area like a rag doll, crashing into a tree, (which snapped in half and feel over) and creating a huge storm of dust.

His red glowing eyes suddenly appeared in the cloud, and he slowly walked back out of it. There were several heavy dents in his armor, and they previously faintly glowing runes were now shining with intense light, struggling to keep H'taed's intense energetic body under control.

"Die." He spat.

Then he launched a wave of CARBON SPARKS* at Aoleleb.

((Don't reveal what the carbon sparks do, I want to see how the others react to them first.

Prodiguy is pretty much the only other one here who has had a character exposed to the carbon spark before. You'll find he had a much more pleasent time with it then you did.))



((P|-|33r 73|-| (/\r|30|/| 5p/\r|&lt)
((For those of you that don't remeber what happened between Ragrok and Quickshot, refer to page 6 ))

Quickshot laughed at Ragrok's attempt to intimidate her. Hearing what sounded to be fighting coming from the distance, she decided it would be more fun to check it out that try and take down this lumbering behemoth. Knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to run very fast with all the rock covering him, let alone catch her, she turned and headed in the opposite direction. With a wave and a fleeting smile, she disappeared into the forest like a ghost.

Crouching on a branch of a tall tree, Quickshot had a perfect view of the fight between H'taed and the others, though she was unlikely to be seen. She recognized H'taed from his runed armour, as a friend had told her about fighting him on Praetorian Earth... but these others were unknown. From what she could make out, the one currently engaged with H'taed could control elements, or at least stone/earth. The other looked like he could conjure or control fire. There was a third she could make out, but that one looked unconcious.

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



((H'taed, you didn't use those aginst Aoleleb remember? You used them aginst Syne. I had a wonderful time with them actually. And if you're going to use those, I'm going to use a power of my own.))

The Carbon Sparks flew towards Aoleleb. For an instant it looked like they would hit him. But then a large portal opened in front of him. The portal led to a dimension off toward the edge of the multiverse. The carbon sparks passed harmlessly into the portal, which closed behind them.

"I have a few tricks of my own, remember?"

And with that he blinked out of existence.

((Y'all might recognize this move ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



The explosive device, just as the laser blasts, did not affect the drone. It seemed that the bot had a fairly good resistance to every single one of his attacks.

The magma, however...

The MK III bot went flying backward, the force of the blast causing his jets to backfire. However, the resistance to immense heat seemed to affect his under layer of armour.

His outer layer melted away, the fine black and red paint disappearing with it. Below, his body was composed of a glowing, seemingly untouched metal. The pale metal glowed with an inner, blood-red glow.

A floating crystal, held in place by an almost opaque blue forcefield, hung in space in the chest chassis of MK III.

"...You have caused me slight annoyance. New rank promotion. Previous rank: Insignificant maggot. New rank: Maggot with annoying tendancies."

The MK III then burst into the air, lowering his rifle. A large red light began proceeding up the rifle.

A giant burst of energy expelled from the tip of the rifle, the strength of the blow causing what seemed to be a painful recoil had a human been holding the rifle. The drone flipped backward a foot or two, but then proceeded to watch his blast of strengthened energy approach Charles.

((Energy Burst? Nah. Energy Meteor version of Energy Burst? Heck yeah!!!))



Charles blinked as the energy bolt ripped towards him. Surely the bot was mad. It wouldn't clear the rocks...

But it did anyway.

Charle's eyes widened, and he reached forward with his hand, projecting a telekinetic field to slow the shot...

It slowed, but continued.

Charles shot his other hand out, pumping more juice into the telekinetic field.

It slowed a tad more.

Charle's was finally forced to slow the orbit of his rock field. They slowed down a little, and the shot slowed...

It still hit him though. Straight in the face. Charle's had learned from the first attack, and had created a telekinetic field about himself to blunt any oncoming attacks, but it still sent him hurtling away like a rag doll.


The rocks suddenly stopped moving.

Charle's had been the focus of their orbit. Now there was nothing controling the telekinetic focus. So it shifted to the next valid entity...

The assault bot.

All ten rocks suddenly started to spin again. However, seeing as the assault bot had no telekinetic abilities to speak of, he couldn't hold back the drawing power of the field. The rocks suddenly shot from their orbits, and homed in on him.



"...Rank up to [censored]." the droid muttered, turning and blasting away from the rocks as quickly as possible. Of course, he was a prototype, and wasn't about to outrun the rocks.

His metal interior blocked the first, while a slight screech followed the second. The first came back around, and the MK unit flipped around. It flew directly at the rocks, spinning inward.

The first few rocks did not follow right away, flying in the original direction. However, the fourth rock smashed head-first into the drone. The bot began falling, quickly realligning as quickly as its A.I. would allow.

It began firing quickly, the blasts bouncing off of the rocks as if nothing.

A blast then sent one of the closest rocks into dust from the tower's turrets.

"Okay then," the mysterious voice spoke from the tower. The crystal inside of the MK III disappeared in a flash of light, sending the drone downward into the river of lava surrounding the tower, causing it to melt like nothing, "I tire of your incessant annoyance."

With that, the four turrets facing toward Charles all moved, and began firing rapid, powered blasts of energy toward the telekinetic. "Die."



((I don't know if the H'taed fight stopped 'cuz my moved confused everyone, but I'll explain now that I won't do anything 'til the fight progresses.))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((That clears things up...))

H'taed simply shrugged, and turned to face Bio Hazard.

"Guess I'll just need to kill you while I wait for whatshisface to get back."

With that, he conjured another mub bomb, and playfully threw it at Bio Hazard.


Charles quickly recovered, and turned back towards the base...

And got smashed in the face by a bolt of energy.

The slight telekinetic shield around him protected a little, so it was too serious...

Then the barrage of beams converged on him.

There was a large explosion of light and energy as they all hit at the same time.

When the light died down, Charles still hovered in the air, smoking slightly. The only reason he wasn't dead was due to his telekinetic shield. His eyes, wide behind his red tinted glasses, made it very clear however that he had just been pulverized.

He fell from the sky, smashing into the ground, thankfully dodging falling into a lava lake.

He raised a crippled hand into the sky...

and slowly, the lava in the lake rose up, and formed about him in a dome. It then hardend, creating a cacoon of stone around him.



Xivilai chose that moment to strike. One of Xivilai's abilities as a being of darkness is the ability to transform into a living shadow. As hardened lava would be porous, the dome was no defense at all for the now weakened Charles.

Xivilai slowly sank into the ground and became a little pool of shadow. He moved across the ground, up the dome, and through one of the lava's pores.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



The turrets all took aim toward the shield of hardened lava...

...When they were then retracted into the tower as a form in silver and grey battle armour descended, his shimmering head reflecting the fiery light of the lava lake.

He pulled a black and red axe from his back, and struck the shell, attempting to reach Charles inside.



As the axe hit the magma shield...

There was a flash in the attacker's mind...

'Come in and PLAAAAAAAAAAAY with my mind, meat...'

Then there was a scream, which came from everywhere and nowhere. A PSYCHIC scream to be exact. It ripped through the minds of anything nearby, tearing them and shattering them and even making some smaller brains explode under the pressure.

The lava dome had taken a small crack from the axe attack, but more lava rose from the lava lake to splatter across the shield and harden, reinforceing it.


As Xivilai entered the magma cacoon, he found something he probabally did not expect.

He was in a hospital ward.

It was a classic Black Heart Hospital Ward from the Rogue Islands.

Only that there was blood splattered on the walls, dripping from the ceiling, and pooling up to his knees on the floor.

And there were dead bodies EVERYWHERE. Some rested against the walls, others were strapped to operation tables, and a few had been flayed and stretched across the ceiling like silly putty. Some had their heads blown off, others merely had theirs twisted 180 degrees, some were missing faces. (Which had been torn off.) Most of the actual bodies had been shredded and tattered, revealing the gory innards of each corpse. Only their organs were missing.

That's when the gory lung smacked into Xvilai's head and exploded. Then he probably observed SEVERAL body parts simply hanging in the air, floating about.

'Welcome to my mind meat-sack.' A cold voice reverberated throughout the hospital.

'LET'S PLAY.' The blood on the floor started to rise, and one of the flayed corpses suddenly rose, and shambled over to Xivilai like a zombie.


Of course, nothing like that was actually happening.

Charle's was a telekinetic.

Telekinetics moved things with their mind.

So they often also had additional mental powers. Any idiot could have figured that out.

Charles had wrapped the inner lair of the magma dome with the power of his mind, both protecting him and helping him accelerate his healing process by transporting him to a comfortable memory.

And anyone who entered the dome would probably be helplessly drawn into the power of Charle's mind as well.


The magma dome was the only thing keeping Charle's illusional reality together. If it fell, then the illusional world would probably lose its structure and fall apart.



Shimmer recoiled slightly, holding his head with his left hand. He gritted his teeth, but his mind was far beyond normal. He then grinned, pain still evident, as he aimed the axe with his right arm toward the shell of protection around Charles.

The end began glowing with bright light, and several bolts of energy began firing at the shell. "You will die, fool."



Xivilai looked about with slight amusement. This telepath thought he would scare that easily? This was like a playground to him. Xivilai focused his energy on his hand and smashed it into the zombie. It exploded in a gory explosion that splattered Xivilai with even more nasty organs. He shrugged and waded through the blood toward the elevator at the end of the hall. If this was Charles' mind, he had to be somewhere here.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



The elevator doors opened with a soft ding.

All THREE of them, that is.

From each poured five more zombies.

The elevator doors closed behind him. Then Xivilai probably noticed two things.

The elevators had no call buttons.

And the pool of blood on the floor was RISING. It was up to his waist now.


The energy blast cracked more off the magma dome...

And as it cracked...

A Psionic lance of mental energy screamed through the crack into Shimmer's head.

More lava suddenly rose up around the dome and re-sealed the crack.



Xivilai stumbled back a step as the zombies poured out of the elevators. He had no chance of fighting them as it was now. Thinking quickly, he sank into the ground and morphed into his shadow form. He slid across the floor, under the blood, and through the crack in the middle elevator door.

He traveled through the elevator shaft to the top floor, the most likely place for Charles to be, and slipped through the door.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Shimmer flew backward, gripping his head in agony.

His teeth began grinding against each other, and he scowled deeply.

"Alright, buddy boy... Time to die."

With that, a glowing light began pulsing in both of his arms, and he dashed forward, arms high above his head, before bringing said arms down with almighty strength upon the shell, hoping to crack it.

((Air Superiority in Shimmer-form. Woo!))



The magma dome cracked all by itself and opened, revealing the darkness.

BEFORE Shimmer had hit it.

His hands flew through nothing...

And that's when he lost his balance and fell into the magma cacoon.

The lava pooled and sealed the hole back up again.


Shimmer suddenly found himself in what was a classic Black Heart Hospital Ward from the Rogue Islands.

Only that there was blood splattered on the walls, dripping from the ceiling, and pooling up to his knees on the floor.

And there were dead bodies EVERYWHERE. Some rested against the walls, others were strapped to operation tables, and a few had been flayed and stretched across the ceiling like silly putty. Some had their heads blown off, others merely had theirs twisted 180 degrees, some were missing faces. (Which had been torn off.) Most of the actual bodies had been shredded and tattered, revealing the gory innards of each corpse. Only their organs were missing.

He probably observed SEVERAL body parts simply hanging in the air, floating about.

He also probably noticed that the giant pool of blood was RISING, it was already at his waist.

And he had arrived just in time to see a shadow streak through one of the elevator cracks.

And the fifteen shredded and flayed inhabitants of Charle's psychotic mind now shambling over to him.


Xivilai found himself in a darkened room.

There was no blood.

There wern't any dead bodies.

The room was spotlessly and impecably clean.

He could see his own face reflect off the impossibly smooth and clean reflective green tiled floor.

The white washed walls practically glowed softly in the darkness.

The grey ceiling was a grey expanse, devoid of even the slightest flake of dust.

In this room, there was a single operating table. There was a figure lying beneath a white hospital sheet.

Xivilai thought that for the smallest of moments, he heard a soft chuckle.



Shimmer glanced around quickly, and sighed. "Well, that was stupid."

Then, as quickly as he had glanced, he pulled his axe from his back. "Okay then, let's get into our next lesson;"

He swung his axe, and let go. A red aura emnated from the tip, sending it into a boomerang of sharp axey-ness. "Filet' Zombi-ion."