Request and Forum Etiquette
Thank you, BAS.
Very well done. Somebody should sticky this.
An inspired post, BAS. Well done, sir.
I'm not very good at asking for things yet. I do try and act as polite as possible though.
Please remember that not all of us use English as a first language.
So don't feel insulted or aggravated when someone comments on a piece or posts in a request thread and it is illegible or the meaning is unclear.
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While I agree with this, I believe a lot of people who have a problem with spamming know English, as shown by their arguments with people after they've started spamming.
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
Very nicely thought out BAS.
Just a small pointer.
Please remember that not all of us use English as a first language.
So don't feel insulted or aggravated when someone comments on a piece or posts in a request thread and it is illegible or the meaning is unclear.
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Usually, it is the foreigners who write coherrent sentances, and lazy americans use the "LOL HI2U! HOW R U?????////"
although, my spelling do tend to suck.... badly, i get easily confused
Usually, it is the foreigners who write coherrent sentances, and lazy americans use the "LOL HI2U! HOW R U?????////"
although, my spelling do tend to suck.... badly, i get easily confused
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Unfortunately, it also tends to be a 'trend' of a handful of forum posters, who think they're "cute" doing that sort of thing over and over again. While they seem to stick in certain area's, but I've also seen a few bring that sort of behavior here.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
But if you have a critique or suggestion (if the OP is open to suggestions, sometimes artists put works up and do NOT want critiques!), then by all means do so. Just do it tactfully. Don't say "that sucks!" say -why- it sucks and how to improve it.
About the "requests" thing. After awile I've gotten to know who "really" likes my stuff and who is just trying to get somefree art.
If someone sticks around and makes constructive comments, I try to include them in my pieces.
*reads...gets bored*
Oh look, shiney!!!!
Sorry, couldn't help it....I haven't had my coffee yet and it was soooo open!
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
Please remember that not all of us use English as a first language.
So don't feel insulted or aggravated when someone comments on a piece or posts in a request thread and it is illegible or the meaning is unclear.
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While I agree with this, I believe a lot of people who have a problem with spamming know English, as shown by their arguments with people after they've started spamming.
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I disagree. Ever seen Neo_Lurker post?
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
Please remember that not all of us use English as a first language.
So don't feel insulted or aggravated when someone comments on a piece or posts in a request thread and it is illegible or the meaning is unclear.
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While I agree with this, I believe a lot of people who have a problem with spamming know English, as shown by their arguments with people after they've started spamming.
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I disagree. Ever seen Neo_Lurker post?
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*spits Coke on to the monitor*
Yeah but... *bites tongue*
Please remember that not all of us use English as a first language.
So don't feel insulted or aggravated when someone comments on a piece or posts in a request thread and it is illegible or the meaning is unclear.
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While I agree with this, I believe a lot of people who have a problem with spamming know English, as shown by their arguments with people after they've started spamming.
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I disagree. Ever seen Neo_Lurker post?
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*spits Coke on to the monitor*
Yeah but... *bites tongue*
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�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
BAS you moderator, you.
About the "requests" thing. After awile I've gotten to know who "really" likes my stuff and who is just trying to get somefree art.
If someone sticks around and makes constructive comments, I try to include them in my pieces.
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I can understand this. I watch these forums a lot and I think I would make more comments except I don't know what to say other than "wow" and "nice job" and I didn't want to appear as if I was just trying to build my post count. I love what you guys do.
Keep it up!
About the "requests" thing. After awile I've gotten to know who "really" likes my stuff and who is just trying to get somefree art.
If someone sticks around and makes constructive comments, I try to include them in my pieces.
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I can understand this. I watch these forums a lot and I think I would make more comments except I don't know what to say other than "wow" and "nice job" and I didn't want to appear as if I was just trying to build my post count. I love what you guys do.
Keep it up!
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Same here. I see so much that I think just looks cool, that appeals to me but critique wise, I don't always notice what a better trained eye might. I shy away from that aspect and just post because I think something turned out really neat. I love seeing it all and for the most part I don't think there are many posters in this forum who are problematic.
But a good reminder never hurt anyone.
....Polite request, don't spam someone's posted art with meaningly , thread/forum breaking drivel with no spaces for 3 or 4 posts.
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
I'll generally tend to stick only to places where people offer up art, instead of asking for it. Personally, I know that there are people when asked, that even if they don't have the time or want to, that they just don't want to say no out of fear or just being shy. I don't want to put that type of pressure on people.
I must have missed the posts that lead to this thread. I always thought everyone was pretty nice in here and just did their own art thing.
BAS, good advice. The artists here deserve all the respect we can give them and anything that helps to ensure that happens is welcomed advice indeed! Though, I will be the first to admit that I am at times overcome with schoolgirl-like enthusiasm when requesting art and manners may be absent from an occassional request.
Heh. I try to throw in a thanks, a comment here and there without seeming spammy - but stay limited with my comments unless something seems really wonky enough that even I can see it ("Wait, shouldn't her back leg be... you know... in back?")
Of course, if it's *that* off, someone else has probably seen and commented, too.
As far as pointing at the sig - I'll do that (a) if someone's saying "Give me something to draw," since I have a number of characters there to choose from, or (b) in a situation like Alex's "I have an idea, who wants to volunteer?" ... also to give a number of choices which might fit an idea better. That and, well, anyone can go there and mangle my characters for practice if they want. I know I do it enough when I have time (which, unfortunately, isnt' much, recently...)
I must have missed the posts that lead to this thread. I always thought everyone was pretty nice in here and just did their own art thing.
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I think I did too. But then I haven't been around this section much lately.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
Heh. I try to throw in a thanks, a comment here and there without seeming spammy - but stay limited with my comments unless something seems really wonky enough that even I can see it ("Wait, shouldn't her back leg be... you know... in back?")
Of course, if it's *that* off, someone else has probably seen and commented, too.
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I'm a bit of the same way. I lot of lurking and admiring of the works on my part. But I try to avoid the 'me too' comments if a piece has been posted and already has a ton of comments on it by time I see it. As for comments, I pretty much shut up in that area, as I have pretty much next to no artistic skills. Or, at least a very untrained eye.
Ok, so due to a couple of posts I've seen in the past days, I feel this thread needs to be posted. Some people are being rude in posts, not just in their comments, but how they are posting. This forum is one of the nicest on the boards, and I think a lot of people would like it to stay that way. So, getting to the point:
" Here they are asking politely, and complimenting on their work too. Nothing is liked more than compliments about pieces, especially if they are just starting out, and need some encouragement. C'mon, take the 10 extra seconds to say 'Please' and 'Thank you' and post a polite request. Remember, this is a privilege to get art, not a right. Treat it like one.
General Etiquette
The Screenshots and Fan Art forums is a place where people can show their work, take requests, and recieve art from other people. It is also a place to discuss various techniques and tips, and also to post screenshots in-game.
When someone posts a thread, they are usually posting it for a good reason. Either they want to show work, ask for help, or show some screenshots. When replying to these threads, the posts, for the most part, should remain on topic. The posts should also NOT be thoughtless, meaningless, one word phrases, just to aggravate people or "troll" and bring up your post count. Now, I admit that even I get off topic with friends sometimes, but usually it is followed with an apology and a refocus. Spamming is also an issue. This includes meaninglessly repeating stuff, or starting arguments with people where they don't need to be argued. If you have a complaint about someone, PM them! If someone politely asks you to stop spamming and you do, thank you very much. If you don't, then people get agitated and it ruins threads where 2 whole pages are meaningless banter about nothing.
Now to my next thing:
When someone offers to draw your or other's characters, it is a very generous offer and should be treated like so. "Draw meh. Link in sig." is not a way to request art. "Hey SoAndSo, those are some really great drawings! Would you like to do SoAndSo? It would be awesome if you found the time. Thanks very much, and good luck on your future drawings.
All I have to say for now.
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!