Request and Forum Etiquette
I don't post in the art forum much, but I sure do admire the art I see posted I'm guilty of the quick single phrase responses but I will every now and then give "good advise" I hope. Anyway...I just felt the urge to respond...I have never seen any art on these forums that was not good...but then again I haven't posted my own stuff (except what's my's drawn my a friend in Wilson, NC...but I'm inking and when it's done it will be here, but anyway) I love you guys, keep posting and I'll keep ogling
Aww BAS has growed up! *sniff*
What I'll do, (People don't usually get mad at me for this) is I'll request art, even if someone didn't say they would, but I'll request in a different way than some people. I don't say "lol u r0xx0rz *points to sig*"... I respond more like this. "Wow, you're really good! Do you take requests? If you do, Zapros is in my sig!" And I wouldn't mind if they say "No, sorry, I don't take requests." It just seems like natural manners/etiquette to me.
Well, it never hurts to ask an artist if they do they requests or commissions, unless it's blatantly obvious from the thread that they're not interested in that.
I tend to do that more on deviantArt (especially when scoping out commission) than here as I prefer to read and view the efforts of this local community of artists.
It's very encouraging to see how an aspiring artist's talent progresses over the weeks and months through their works, and while I may not always comment (especially due to studies now), I try to read through new threads, and updates.
So hats off to all of you artists who labor to breathe life into player created heroes and villains and immortalize them. Without you, CoX would be a far less interesting game.
as many have mentioned, well said BAS.
have I requested art? yes. but hopefully it was taken to be in a polite manner. does this in turn mean the artist is bound to draw my request? not at all...they are free to ignore at will.
I am usure what brought this post up, but imo...the Art Forum is the nicest place here in all the CoH Forums. while there are the occasional people who are...not so polite.... I would say on the whole the regulars are pretty good.
to be honest though, I suspect that, while this thread is indeed inspiring, it will change very little in the grand scheme. we will still have people screamin "U roxor my soxorz! Draw Meh!" and scores of posts of people asking the same "Draw Meh! I suck because ___________. thanx." as such, I suspect we will continue on as we ever have...enduring such lovely people that drift in and out...and that's ok cause that life on the 'net and especially in this forum where art is potentially available for request.
at this point it really is the only place I regularly come to here in the CoH Forums. why? because of the people mainly...while the great art aint exactly chopped liver...I mainly come for all the fine folk that post here regularly. you all make me all make the day a lil brighter for this hero and for that I say thank you....thank you one and all for being the heroes you all are.~
...the sword is truth...
Aww, Our lit'ol BAS is all growed up... it's seems like only yesterday he ding'd Lvl 50. *sigh*
Good on ya tho BAS, alot more coherent and calm than I'd of put it.