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  2. Mothership Raids

    Due to the increasing number of impromptu raids occurring, there has been a new channel created. Those wishing to receive updates on raids, please go ahead and join.
  3. Hexyl

    Cellflux by Reiq

    Reiq just finished coloring his piece I commissioned, and I've gotta say I'm probably in love. So without further ado:

  4. Hexyl

    Some Commissions

    Silly Rowr, why else would I show it off? :P
  5. Hexyl

    Some Commissions

    Just got the sketch from reiq!


    Can't wait until he colors this one too!
  6. Hexyl

    Some Commissions

    Anyways, I've gone crazy with commissions 'cause of the holidays. First to come off the line is one from Toxic_Shia.



    Black is quite hard to work with coloring wise, so he did a phenominal job in my opinion.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Man this is cool

    Had a little fun with the creation process ... is a 1 meg file btw
    creation process

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ooh that's cool, one day I'll figure out how to record as I draw, I always like watching other people draw!

    I still have a lot of tightening up to do. Hopefully the coloring won't kill me!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There's a program called opencanvas that I know tons of people use. It works great with a tablet and such, and there's a way to record all your drawing so you can replay it.
  8. Love it CJ. You're shading is awesome as always. The pose it great too!
  9. Yay for double posting! I feel so rebelious and stuff...

    Anyways, sent ya a little "thanks for the various drawings" donation
  10. Lookin' forward to it CJ. I love how punk-ish he looks!
  11. I'll put Cell into this. Gonna be using my vetspec to give him Psychic mastery. He's got plenty on the quirky/attititude part. He's 18, so he's not a "kid" kid, but he definitely acts like it.
  12. So... uh... Alex. Seeing as I just took the ficticious job of your Creative and Dynamic Funding Executive Officer in charge of Funding...

    What's my cut on these donations? >.>
  13. Ooh, another idea :P

    You could make a flash version of it where when you roll over the person, it highlights thier name instead of doing a standard key >.>
  14. You could probably make a few bucks selling the Hi-res version to us :P

    Or at least taking donations.
  15. Omg Awesome! I see Cell in there :P He's totally in the whole mid-air pouncing position thingy.

    Awesome Alex
  16. If you're up to it, Cellflux is available.

    *points to Sig*
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Okay it was too difficult for me to exclude anyone, so I'm gonna try to fit everyone into this! This should be interesting!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I'll call the morgue....



    What size body bag are you Alex?
  18. I'll generally tend to stick only to places where people offer up art, instead of asking for it. Personally, I know that there are people when asked, that even if they don't have the time or want to, that they just don't want to say no out of fear or just being shy. I don't want to put that type of pressure on people.
  19. *crosses fingers*

    Cell's such a [censored] anyways, it's not like you could do anything worse to him than anything he's done to himself :P
  20. Hey um Graver...

    Wanna write my english paper?

    Seriously that was like the best analysis of like, 3 sentences ever.
  21. *snickers* Kumpleet

    Sounds sooooo wrong...

    Anyways, it's an awesome piece Graver
  22. Hexyl

    Commission WIP

    Geez. That's incredibly awesome Alex...

    I -love- the coloring on the metal. It's just insanely realistic.

    The dramatic backlighting is great too.

    I like it more than the piece it was based off of :3

    Stop doing such awesome stuff or I'm gonna break down and have to get a commission!
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I said it could be! But it isn't that's an idea I'm saving for later, this one is different!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Alex, I swear you better key me into that project when you -do- do it then! :P