I'm not dead! Proof!
Welcome back Star and congrats on all your lawyering
I wrote things on deviant, but I"ll reply here, too. Nice Chibis! Yay not dead!
Yeah welcoem back! Hopefully life will get less hectic for you soon!
awsome do u take request heres my hero can he be holding a broad sword http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/1...ot1copyuv9.jpg
You know if you want him holding a broadsword you should do a screenshot while he has his weapon drawn. I hope he's a BS scrapper or you're a waterhead for asking.
i imagine the yknow what sword looks like and yes he does have a broadsword
All Im saying is.....actually, first why dont you ask people who may be willing to draw other folks charecters, like post your screeenie in the Sketch a Day thread. Dont just ask random people who have posted art, they may just want critiques on their own work not some retard begging them for work.
If you want your guy to have the BS when he is drawn take the screenie while it is drawn.
Thanks a bunch, Star!! (Dangit, she's not dead! Curses, my plan failed!) That's a great version of Derek!!
yes it was a good derek
No offense xoxman, but how old are you?
I refuse to disclose that information.
He's a young un.
edit: By the way xox do you know how to post your screenie in you sig with just your hero's name?
Glad to see you back Star! I may have to hop in your queue too. I'm patient. That and I have a promise of getting bumped up the line...hehehe
On Justice
Quake - Lvl 50 En/En Blaster
Shakester - Lvl 50 Invul/EM Tanker
Kiao Dai Ken - Lvl 40 Katana/Regen Scrapper
Gravity Lad - Lvl 21 Grav/Emp Controller
Ebon Shock - Lvl 32 Dark/Dark Corruptor
"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."
how do we know your alive and not really just a zombie or ghost or something?
either way GJ on derek snow/fox.
Thank you TProtector! Thank you! Finnaly, someone who understands! However, I still feel that I have to address this death issue.
People, don't believe a word she says! The dead lie! In fact, that's all they do! All the dead do is lie! How many times do I have to tell people this before they start listening?! Don't believe her, the DEAD LIE!
Secondly, yay, mo chibies! I do dig them both... the Derek one had some real nice body language (wow, a chibi has body language... damn!) plus some right good colors
And thirdly, Mr. xoxman, to make your life a touch easier in the future, you might want to read a post before responding to it.
You see, most posts will be constructed of words which are put together in such a way as to symbolize and communicate a meaning or message which is meant to bestow upon the reader of said organized words a particular knowledge or understanding of a certain situation, thought, or point of view. Now, in case you were having difficulty deciphering meaning of the words and the order they were put in, let me help you out by walking you through the message of the post.
I'm just REALLY busy with my job and NaNoWriMo.
[/ QUOTE ]
Here the OP has informed us that her job as well as her writing project has been using up most all of her time. This idea is conveyed not only in the literal statement that she is really busy with her job and NaNoWriMo but also by the fact that she chose to draw attention and emphasis to the word "really" by capitalizing it.
I'm doing my best to keep on drawing even though I REALLY don't have the energy.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now, she goes on to expand upon her previous statement about having almost no time due to work and her writing project by explaining what it is that she does not have time for. She chose to only use one word for this thing that she has no time for, that word being "drawing".
This idea of having no time for drawing because all her time is being devoted to work and her writing project is further expounded by the ending portion of the sentence stating that she simply does not have the energy (to keep up the drawing). Just to make sure the understanding of her depleted energy reserves is fully understood, she again chose to capitalize the word "really".
Now, she did use the word combination "I'm doing my best to keep on (drawing)" which does express a slight hope that the drawing will continue. She does this by stating that she is doing her "best" to keep up, but based on the remaining words in the sentence, it can be surmised that doing such is a bit taxing on her, a struggle even.
Now, the fact that she placed in that order of words a small message of hope for more drawings is countered by a long string of words with punctuation's (dividing the ordered words into something called "sentences") that she appended to the end of her message. Now, the important part of this grouping of "sentences" is the very first sentence:
If you are in my queue I swear you will get done eventually!
[/ QUOTE ]
Here she uses the word "you" to show that she is addressing the reader, though she quantifies this address with the word "if" which is to signify that the reader she is wishing to address may or may not be the exact reader who is reading the message but the fact that she has voiced this message publicly instead of speaking individually to those the message is intended for or naming the intended recipient of the message explicitly shows that not only is the message meant for a wider audience then those "you"s the message is addressing, but that there are more then 3 "you"s (otherwise, it would have been far more reasonable for her to address them individually as opposed to collectively).
So, what does that bit of insight mean? Well, as that part of the message is addressed to multiple recipients, and these multiple recipients are in her "queue" (a waiting line especially of persons or vehicles), we can now glean the fact that she already has multiple persons waiting on drawings. Now, if we were to combine this bit of information with what we have been able to puzzle together from the first part of the message, we can now see that she has multiple people waiting on drawings that she does not have the time nor energy to complete but will do her best to finish them as best as she can.
So, now that we have figured out what her message was saying, we can now see that she was, most likely, not the best person to ask for a drawing from as she is having a hard time finishing drawings for those that have come long before you and, based on that information, we can surmise that she will more then likely not be adding anyone else to her "queue" for quite some time to come.
I hope I've been of some help to you in this new and exciting world of words and understanding. It's a much larger world out there with meaning, my friend! Now go, go and revel in the ability to actually understand what it is that you read before you post and marvel at the time you shall save by not writing out and submitting irrelevant messages!
ROFL Graver, that's awesome XD Next time warn me before you make me spit coffee on my monitor! And what's with the clams.... >_>;;
But yes, I probably won't be taking any more requests unless you are a Special Friend (tm) or if you've done artwork for me in the past. Art trades have and will always get a bump, as Quake so astutely pointed out! I may reopen the floodgates at a later time if I ever get caught up on the people that I have to draw right now.
I've been told I'm special. That's what all my friends on the short bus tell me.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Thank you TProtector! Thank you! Finnaly, someone who understands! However, I still feel that I have to address this death issue.
People, don't believe a word she says! The dead lie! In fact, that's all they do! All the dead do is lie! How many times do I have to tell people this before they start listening?! Don't believe her, the DEAD LIE!
[/ QUOTE ]
seiously...while watching Dawn of the Dead today i found out the only thing that zombies like to do more than lie is shop. thats why they were at the mall...none of that instinct or hunger baloney...balogna whatever
seiously...while watching Dawn of the Dead today i found out the only thing that zombies like to do more than lie is shop. thats why they were at the mall...none of that instinct or hunger baloney...balogna whatever
[/ QUOTE ]
But of course! Have you ever been to Wal-Mart and seen the dead glazed over eyes of the putrid shuffling masses mindlessly consuming? As Peter stated while in the Mall: "They're us, that's all."
Wait, you better be talking about the original '78 version and not that hideous remake that completely and totally missed the point of the movie. If you're talking about the remake and haven't seen the original, go out and rent that bad boy now! It ain't got the eye candy the remake has, but it sure as hell has way more meat and substance to it.
And that's enough derailing of a thread for me. Gotta get it back on track... gotta...
Love the chibies Star! yup! And just to make sure those reading this can easily see all of her chibies, here's a link to her main gallery page... so much chibi goodness...
Hey um Graver...
Wanna write my english paper?
Seriously that was like the best analysis of like, 3 sentences ever.
Geez I hope star isn't dead who will I have to cyber wit....errr roleplay with in Teen Squadron
Besides its not like anyone else shares my joy of scantily clad , slim waisted cat boys
Glad the jobs going great star , nifty awesome new chibis , sad that your so busy right now
That's so awesome! (both actually, but esspecially Snow and Fox!)
Re comments on your DA:
The wait was well worth it! And besides, I think you're the only person I can think of more swamped with life stuff than me atm, heh, so no worries.
And. .. uh.. I don't have a Deviant page o.O I have no idea who you linked, but it's not me, heh.
Okay I swear I'm not dead!!! I'm just REALLY busy with my job and NaNoWriMo. I'm doing my best to keep on drawing even though I REALLY don't have the energy.

See you guys around!
Here are some new chibis!!!
Derek Fayte
Snowlily and Foxlily: Sisterly love
And now for a little rant, directed at no one in particular (okay, well, several someones in particular
If you are in my queue I swear you will get done eventually! Unless you keep e-mailing/PMing/texting me to see when it will get done. Then you get bumped to the back of the line while I keep telling you "soon". My life has enough stress, I don't want more from a hobby I do for free because I enjoy it. It makes me enjoy it less.