Virtue's Global Chat Channels Info Thread




Hey folks,

Please post the names of your public chat channels here, along with a short description of what they do.

I've been trying to find a list of these channels and it's been a little difficult, so I was thinking a consolidated thread for this topic would be helpful. Please note that this thread isn't for heated discussion about the quality of the channels, more for info about if a channel is there and being used. I guess I can start with the ones I've read about in the forums, feel free to correct me if I'm messing up the description.

Binding a chat channel: (from a post by Archimedes)
/bind numpad1 beginchat /send "VirtueUnited" [$name]:
(be sure to leave a space after the colon).


VirtueUnited - a catch-all global channel for everything, including a lot of social chatter.

Badge Related:
Virtue Badges
Vee Badgers - badge global channel by Roughtrade.

Hamidon Related:
HamidonRaid - a channel specifically for Hamidon Raids on Virtue, moderated.

TaskForce/StrikeForce Related:
Academie Events - Saturday Strike Forces organized by Silverspar.

PvP Related:
The Marauders - Villain PvP chat
Giza Fight Night - PvP Chat and Giza Fight Night Events



Binding a chat channel: (from a post by Archimedes)
/bind numpad1 beginchat /send "VirtueUnited" [$name]:
(be sure to leave a space after the colon).

[/ QUOTE ]

Just as a couple of general notes about this bind:
<ul type="square">[*]The numpad1 key can be changed for any other key of your chosing, don't feel you have to use that particular key for this channel.[*]If you don't want other people to know what character you're playing, leave out the [$name] part, though keep the colon (with space afterwards). For example: /bind numpad1 beginchat /send "VirtueUnited": [/list]



Variables usable are:


Sadly, we appear to have no variable for server name. Some people put the server name in their battle cry, and use that.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Virtue 911 is a channel that is monitored by members of Meta Forces and Joint Task Force Hero.

If you ever have a problem and need backup use that channel. The dispatcher will immediately put you in touch with the O.D.O. and do their best to get reinforcements to you A.S.A.P.



The Peacekeepers: Is a heroside in character, RPvP, Monster Hunt, emergency (ambush and the like), channel. It's used for situations where backup is needed in a timely manner from RP folks. Often used to great results in PvP, we've expanded it for calls for help for Giant Monster sightings, any sort of an out of level ambush, and any sort of event news as well.



CANADA is a well used canadian channel. We offer advice and can request help if needed. Feel free to join the channel by sending me a tell @Genie.



Quick question--Is Virtue United IC or OOC?



Woah, my channel got listed? O.o Anyways, Academie can also fill in for villain side badge hunting channels, monster hunting and the like. Also this channel is where I get together to organise Strike/Task Forces or Trials, and don't always get locked into Saturday though I pick that day as it's usually best for others.

Will probably also be expanding Academie Events Channel to cover the new Hamidon, once I get an idea how it will work after testing on i9 test when that get's patched in.



Quick question--Is Virtue United IC or OOC?

[/ QUOTE ]
OOC, and its VirtueUnited as one word.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



why are Badges and TF/SFs split?

I'm asking because I don't have two channels to give up for Virtue globals.

Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome



I'm lost.



Vee Badgers - Public Access:No Invite Required for Joining:OOC Channel
Purpose -
Share Badge Missions &amp; Badge Information.

Strike Force, Task Forces and similar efforts all yield badges and are therefore considered as viable topics. Hamidon Raids would not be out of line either; it just has not cropped up yet. I personally love Giant Monster Fighting, feels like one of the most heroic things in the game, and if I have a level appropriate hero available will always join in if I am able.

My main reason for creating Vee Badges was that I like sharing badge missions but did not like the chatter on VirtueUnited. Nothing wrong with chat, just not my thing. I do not in any way intend to “steal” members from any other channel. If another channel were to crop up that did the same thing as mine and was more popular I would likely switch over. I just want to share Badges and advice on getting Badges without having to deal with discussions on sports and politics and movies and so on that many people enjoy but I do not wish to discuss.

I am the only Moderator on Vee Badgers and I intend to “run” it as little as possible. I have absolutely no interest in dictating things or dealing with personality issues. If someone becomes abusive or rude everyone is entitled &amp; encouraged to make use of the /gignore function.

I prefer that the channel chat be kept to a minimum but no one is getting kicked for making a remark or comment or asking a question that is not directly badge related.

The ONLY rules I have for the channel (so far) are:

No Selling/Extorting Badge Missions I would appreciate it if higher level characters who are getting their Spelunker and Negotiator Badges (or whatever) would reward the lowbies with some influence to show their gratitude but I will not abide people “selling” missions. It is too easy for one side or the other to cheat. Either by taking the influence and bailing out or completing the mission and bailing out. I will not be the moderator of the potential arguments that this behavior raises. The only option I have to keep things in control is to simply refuse to allow it to start.

No using Channel Information for Griefing If someone is gathering up a team to make a run at Bloody Bay for Shivan harvesting, please do not gather together a team of opposing side players to grief their efforts. Same goes for Badge Hunting in Sirens or any other PvP area.

Be Polite and Respect Other Players Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and what you have fun doing does not have to be how everyone else has fun in the game. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.

"SARS, Bird Flue, 9/11, Anthrax in the Mail, Mad Cow Disease. Pope John Paul didn't die, he preboarded." - Christopher Titus "5th Annual End of the World Tour"




Virtue LRSF : used to coordinate Strikeforces daily, we have 350 members and try to run 2-4 raids a night
Public channel



Sup lord mad. thought id pop in to say i want my dishes cleaned and my trash taken out. much appreaciated.



New Channel; Virtue Crafter'\s. Prepping for i9 crafting, as I know I can't be the only one who loves to craft hehe.



New Channel: UHTVU

This is the global channel for those that wish to discuss or learn about the Unoffical Handbook to the Virtue Universe, a nod to the Offical Handbook to the Marvel Universe. Any and all of your questions can be (hopefully) answered here.

By default, the channel is set silent to new people joining the channel; please contact a channel mod to be unsilent. Thanks!



So I saw this thread and joined the VirtueUnited one. and tested to see if it worked, and well got a bunch of rude comments back. So in my oppinion that channel is just a bunch of high school elitist jerks.



The Crafter channel for Issue 9: Breakthrough is actually Virtue Crafters. Yeesh I musta been super tired when I wrote that original post.



So I saw this thread and joined the VirtueUnited one. and tested to see if it worked, and well got a bunch of rude comments back.

[/ QUOTE ]

All channels have their particular cliques, if you aren't feeling welcome in one channel, try one of the other channels that are around on Virtue.




Euro Chat is a channel generally open to folks playing in GMT times. Not restricted to Euro players at all, but you'll find it quiet during premium US times.

Generally used to find teams during quieter hours/premium GMT times, although not heavily used at the moment. Please join armed with a sense of humour.




So I saw this thread and joined the VirtueUnited one. and tested to see if it worked, and well got a bunch of rude comments back. So in my oppinion that channel is just a bunch of high school elitist jerks.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not elitist if the rude comments are directed at everyone.



Hey, started playing here more seriously since Issue 9 and am loooking for a good global chat channel. Virtue Badges and Vee Badgers seemed pretty dead, Virtue United seems active, but apparently I need an invite to it? Who do I talk to about that?

or are Virtue United and VirtueUnited two different channels?



VU is set to auto silence upon joining to stop spammers. Send a tell to one of the ops to get unsilenced.



Here's on I thought was needed and made:

Name: RPSeek
Description: An OOC channel to find and arrange IC meetings and RPs with other RPers. No more scouring the D to hope that someone wants to RP, and it could be used to get help with larger RP story arcs.



Here's on I thought was needed and made:

Name: RPSeek
Description: An OOC channel to find and arrange IC meetings and RPs with other RPers. No more scouring the D to hope that someone wants to RP, and it could be used to get help with larger RP story arcs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not a bad idea...