Killed while in Phase Shift!!!
Phase Shift, including the Warburg temp power version as of some fairly recent patch, automatically shut off after 30 seconds. You may have been the victim of bad timing.
Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.
The Phase Shift powers dont automatically activate, there is a slight delay timer built in. Takes about 2 - 3 seconds from the click till it fully protects you.
If the good guy gets the girl, it's rated PG;
If the bad guy gets the girl, it's rated R;
And if everybody gets the girl, it's rated X
- Kirk Douglas
Phase Shift, including the Warburg temp power version as of some fairly recent patch, automatically shut off after 30 seconds. You may have been the victim of bad timing.
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This is the most likely answer.
You lose your phase after 30 seconds. If it was after that point, then there is nothing wrong with the power, well at least nothing that isn't "working as intended"
"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero

No... I'm about 85% sure it was up... I sppose it is possible that it wasn't fully up (I didn't check the Icon) but I had finished the animation. It could be that she hit the Brute with an AoE & maybe with some lag she got me... But yeah... I know about the 30 secs. It had only been up a few secs... but u can see why I didn't want to test it again.
I feel your pain. I've had several bad experiences with this power. Personally, 30 seconds is too short for my tastes, but that's another thread.
My first time using it, I learned the hard way about DoT. A skyraider had shot me with a DoT, and I was low, so I phased. Animation was complete, combat log told me I was phased. And yet, the DoT kept on ticking. And I got defeated. I was pretty pissed about that.
The next time, I was fighting a +2 Ritki Boss, and my combat log said
you activate the phase shift power
you are phased
You take 400 points of energy damage
You take 300 points of lethal damage
You are defeated.
I sent a petition and was told that the Ritki boss had already begun his attack before I phased. It was at least 8 seconds from when I pressed the button and when I was defeated.
I asked what attack it was that killed me, but I got no informative responses from support.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
I wouldn't rule out the possibility that a couple of the AVs have the ability to hit a phase shifted enemy. Afterall it is possible for the base defences to do it now so its not impossible from a coding side like it used to be.
Also remember some attacks have delayed damage times meaning her attack might have actually done the hit check several seconds before hand and you weren't phased then or not completely. So after the animation and fx played it just so happened it took long enough that you were in phase already. Thus you still took the damage as the attack went off before hand but because of the delay it didn't hurt till after. You notice this alot in the game if you pay attention to it and some powers are more obvious then others, especially snipes.
Also remember some attacks have delayed damage times meaning her attack might have actually done the hit check several seconds before hand and you weren't phased then or not completely. So after the animation and fx played it just so happened it took long enough that you were in phase already. Thus you still took the damage as the attack went off before hand but because of the delay it didn't hurt till after. You notice this alot in the game if you pay attention to it and some powers are more obvious then others, especially snipes.
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Yep this is the key thing to remember about all attacks in CoX. The hit roll is done when the animation for the attack power begins, if it hits you take damage. Oddly, the only thing that can cancel this is killing the attacker before the hit registers. No shift, shield, heal, or other mitigation can save you. I like to call the delay in the damage applying and the hit being recorded as the "register time" of the attack. It can be quite useful as a character with a heal power, to be able to notice the hit registered on a teamate, then activate a heal power before the damage ticks off, such that the heal will come in just after the damage. This is also quite useful if a sleep power hits, a character with a self heal, timed right, can "self wake" by timing the heal to activate before the sleep registers, but register after the sleep does. The crey bosses with the long range and recharge sleep attack are excellent for honing this skill.
Phase Shift, including the Warburg temp power version as of some fairly recent patch, automatically shut off after 30 seconds. You may have been the victim of bad timing.
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This is the most likely answer.
You lose your phase after 30 seconds. If it was after that point, then there is nothing wrong with the power, well at least nothing that isn't "working as intended"
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Based on my experiences in the game and what later posters said, I think the OP was either the victim of lag that prevented him from seeing the damage when it occured or else the victim of delayed application of the damage from the strike.
There's been a lot of weird unexpected lag lately, even on my cable modem (which is normally fine). I also find myself taking large amounts of damage from attacks that go off, then do the damage a bit later when it seems like the mob might have missed me.
Btw, the loooong delay in activating Phase Shift is why I dropped it as a panic button for my emp/psy defender. At high levels, you will usually be dead by the time it goes off, if you are hit by something unexpected.
And now, with the 30-second timer, I find the power even less useful except situationally.
My experiences with the old phase shift pool power showed me that any attacks queued against my toon before phase shift fully activated would still hit me. There were many a time that I was knocked out of fully activated phase by a mez.
That, the long animation time, and the 30 second thing made me drop phase shift like a bad habit.
"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero

Any attacks activated against you prior to your completion of the phase power WILL hit you even if the animation time goes beyond the time that you have activated the phase power.
You hit phase, someone else hits total focus..they start the slowmo jump and op your phase is up and running by now, but the hit still connects.
COH works like a txt based mud mechanics wise..all attacks are calculated instantly and applied instantly..the animations are just fluff once the activation period has completed.
I know about the delay... maybe you're right but like I said I was fairly sure it was up & running before the Brute rounded the bend. Humm... how about this theory... she hit him with an AoE & he out ran in & got too close to me when hit nailed him possibly before Phase was up? Throw a little lag in the mix...
Really wish I had thought to check the logs. I was too busy yelling "BULL **** BULL ****!!!!"
I know about the delay... maybe you're right but like I said I was fairly sure it was up & running before the Brute rounded the bend. Humm... how about this theory... she hit him with an AoE & he out ran in & got too close to me when hit nailed him possibly before Phase was up? Throw a little lag in the mix...
Really wish I had thought to check the logs. I was too busy yelling "BULL **** BULL ****!!!!"
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That wouldn't work, as the AoE hit roll was determine the instant the power fired. Anyone within the AoE was rolled against. Where the target moves before the hit registers has no effect.
I wouldn't rule out the possibility that a couple of the AVs have the ability to hit a phase shifted enemy. Afterall it is possible for the base defences to do it now so its not impossible from a coding side like it used to be.
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We haven't given this ability to any AV's or GM's.
I messaged you with this problem a few weeks ago, and you said you were going to look into it. I stated that phase shift doesn't seem to work against signature characters and turrets.
Does this mean that you've stopped looking into it? Working as intended (which means don't use Phase Shift in RV), or that it's bugged. It has to be one of the two. If it's the former instead of the later, it means you guys changed phase shift without telling us...
I was wondering what happened when I hit phase shift, walked past a longbow who didn't hit, then got one-shotted by Positron...
Just an FYI, when phasing you can get hit with something like a hold or debuff yet the animation still goes off. At that point you are phased but have "resisted" the debuff. Should anything drop your toggle that is resisting the debuff it will still hit for the length of time it normall holds for. And if it is a hold that is sitting there waiting to hit then it will drop your phase. It is likely that you either ran out of endurance, or something dropped your status protection toggle.
Very hard to say after the fight is gone and you didn't post any combat logs showing the attacks.
I run into stuff like this alot since phase is actually part of my combat string.
hide, build up, assassin strike, energy transfer, placate, total focus, my 2 minor attacks, followed by air superiority to knock them down during my phase animation. phase. Wait for build up to recharge, manually unphase after they swing and miss then repeat. +3 boss dead normally with me only taking 1 hit. But yes, i use phase alot.
Most likely that was a result of "Bodyguard Mode" malfunctioning somehow, forcing you to share the damage to the bots.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
By any chance did you have your bots in defense mode (where they and you share damage)?
I wouldn't rule out the possibility that a couple of the AVs have the ability to hit a phase shifted enemy. Afterall it is possible for the base defences to do it now so its not impossible from a coding side like it used to be.
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We haven't given this ability to any AV's or GM's.
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I have been killed after Quantum Flight was activated. It even made me recharge the power.
I no longer have QF on my peacebringer.
Still here, even after all this time!

You said you got knocked back and had your toggles turned off. I assume that also includes phase shift. Is it possible she did a 1-2 punch? Hit you with something that detoggled you (turning off PS) then immediately hit again with another attack that killed you.
If the detoggle attack was queued by the system before your PS was, it would hit you, detoggle PS, and leave you vunerable to any damage from that attack and any follow up ones.
BUT... it would be interesting for further testing of this. I wouldn't be surprised if a bug is found regarding AV-class NPCs being able to hit thru PS. Hell, I did a mayhem mish last night and after my brute wound up in jail he was killed again by the mobs THRU THE JAIL DOOR. I went up to the door to attack it and was spanked in less than 5 seconds from the other side. If they can shoot thru reinforced doors, why not PS too?
I wouldn't rule out the possibility that a couple of the AVs have the ability to hit a phase shifted enemy. Afterall it is possible for the base defences to do it now so its not impossible from a coding side like it used to be.
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We haven't given this ability to any AV's or GM's.
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I know that something is wrong when you say that. I was in Phase. It was active before engaging... Positron runs in toward a Pillbox and hits me 2 shot through the Phase.
Might want to check that again, mate!

You said you got knocked back and had your toggles turned off. I assume that also includes phase shift. Is it possible she did a 1-2 punch? Hit you with something that detoggled you (turning off PS) then immediately hit again with another attack that killed you.
If the detoggle attack was queued by the system before your PS was, it would hit you, detoggle PS, and leave you vunerable to any damage from that attack and any follow up ones.
BUT... it would be interesting for further testing of this. I wouldn't be surprised if a bug is found regarding AV-class NPCs being able to hit thru PS. Hell, I did a mayhem mish last night and after my brute wound up in jail he was killed again by the mobs THRU THE JAIL DOOR. I went up to the door to attack it and was spanked in less than 5 seconds from the other side. If they can shoot thru reinforced doors, why not PS too?
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In order to de-toggle, a hit must be made. Phase makes you unhittable suposedly.

Ok... sorry if this gets wordy...
I'm a bots/Trap MM (FYI) I picked up that WB Phase Shift, temp power it comes in handy a lot.
After 2 tries to take down Swan I tried using it the 3'rd time to avoid her aggro & it worked. She locked on to me cuz of my traps but once the brute had gotten a few hits in she aggroed on her. Point is I avoided her alpha aggro with phase. For those of u that haven't fought Swan she's PSI/Kin.
Now on to how I died... Went to fight Sariphina (SP?) the Genie chick from bricks town. She's PSI/Storm. Now I did the exact same thing. Set up traps, had the brute aggro her, set the bots to aggressive, & went phased. Now I know it has a long animation time but it was running when she triggered the traps. She hit me with a huge AoE that dropped my toggles & flung me across the room & hit me with something else killing me. So yeah... WFT?! Any 1 else had this problem? I didn't test it twice but yeah it was very annoying.