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  1. New patch today & blaster burn is still broken. You do know if this was doing something like a million damage to baddies the devs would be all over this. :P
  2. I posted about this too. I'm guessing there just aren't many blasters out there with burn for it to get a lot of attention.
    And yes, I have had it miss too. The self damage I mean. But when you hit build up & aim, forget it. Might as well be auto hit. Maybe they just forgot to re-name the power Burn Transfer.
    But yeah I really hope they fix this soon.
  3. I was playing with the new Burn on my blaster & I found it now hurts me. It looks like I take the new initial damage but not the ticking damage. This damage is affected buy Build up & Aim too. It doesn't seem to happen every time but about 90% of the time. I was talking with a fire tank & his Burn wasn't hurting him so it might just be a blaster thing. I don't have any IO procs in there ether.
    I was actually able to kill myself with it.
  4. Man... wow...
    Well I like Backally's attempt to explain. & while PAs could still be useful PS is 100% useless. That would be like making everyone with Acrobatics get knocked down when hit by hami or a mito. So, make him attack PAs & able to kill them & ignore PSers. Easy.
    Though I'd love to have Backally chime in again about how Hami can kill something that's not real.
    But he did make an attempt to explain & it was good. Props for that. But the devs still get a lazy point for inaccurate power descriptions. I'm pretty sure PAs description says they aren't real so they can't be killed.
  5. Well I see the idea but I think it's just too' lazy of the Devs not explain why he can now hit you though PS.
    I think a better fix would've been to just make him ignor anything that's PSed. PAs included. That would solve the tanking prob.
  6. Hamidon can now hit you with it on!
    So now it's like raiding against police drones!
    What's the story behind this? His blasts are outa phase? Or we needed something else to make people not take phase shift?
  7. Eric_Linstone

    Rage debuff

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think IF you are able to avoid the crash then it's probably a left over from when they had rage take all of your end.
    I remember you could avoid the crash by 2 stacking it back then. It was probably just never fixed because they lowed the amount you lose & added all kinds of fun extras. For what it's worth I think -25 end, only affecting self, & -20 def are pretty steep. At least 1 of those could be scaled back I think.
    Also does anyone know if the 20% debuff was preED/GDN? If so then it really DOES need to be scaled back to say 10% or something. At the very least conserve power should lessen the end drop.
    It also just makes me laugh how you can still fly, port, turn into an unstoppable killing machine, go invisible, ect when rage drops. But for the life of you, you can't think up a good "yo mamma" bag to taunt a baddies with.

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    I guess there was a way to avoid the crash... nice how he went right for the bug & nothing else.
    Don't see this as a bug fix.. more of a nerf if u ask me.
  8. Eric_Linstone

    Rage debuff

    I think IF you are able to avoid the crash then it's probably a left over from when they had rage take all of your end.
    I remember you could avoid the crash by 2 stacking it back then. It was probably just never fixed because they lowed the amount you lose & added all kinds of fun extras. For what it's worth I think -25 end, only affecting self, & -20 def are pretty steep. At least 1 of those could be scaled back I think.
    Also does anyone know if the 20% debuff was preED/GDN? If so then it really DOES need to be scaled back to say 10% or something. At the very least conserve power should lessen the end drop.
    It also just makes me laugh how you can still fly, port, turn into an unstoppable killing machine, go invisible, ect when rage drops. But for the life of you, you can't think up a good "yo mamma" bag to taunt a baddies with.
  9. Eric_Linstone

    Rage debuff

    I agree with Toc.
    Back then u could also run unstoppable perma. & if u got stunned.... well u were still unstoppable...
  10. Eric_Linstone

    Rage debuff

    just got a reply.
    "It is NOT resisted. This is as intended."
  11. Eric_Linstone

    Rage debuff

    I was worried it had been asked already 100 times over.
    From what SQ says it sound like it cuts right though the debuff resists... think I will PM Mr. Castle... maybe we can get a fix... never hurts to ask.
  12. Eric_Linstone

    Rage debuff

    When Rage drops it seems to have a defense debuff on it. You can see the little purple shields going down. Also you get hit more. So do armors that resist def debuffs like Ice & stone lessen this effect?
  13. Your build with the Presence Pool had my jaw dropping.
    Genious! Combineing the debuffs from the fears & def from the armor? Amazing!
    Your guide has made me want to make an ice/ice tanker now.
  14. I agree. Nice work.
    The thing with Kels is that unlike your other heroes they have set origins & some pre-existing back ground. So u r kinda restricted when it comes to make a BG for them.
  15. Ok, not cool.
    I have a toon that uses the reptilian skin that has the keyhole texture over it. I read where it was the reptilian skin was "Revamped". Well her keyhole suit now looks transparent. Please changes this back. Or at least make he textures not so transparent. This really ruins the look of my char.
    Any 1 else have this problem?
  16. Hey there.
    Back in CoV Beta there was a part called monstrous shoulder fur that I believe was under shoulder parts.
    When CoV went live I wasn't able to find it. Is this a "bug" or was it intentionally deleted?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Tho, thinking about it, I guess we are all pretty much immune to GMs. It's a new inherent I7 ability called "Understaffed" that forces us to wait hour after hour for help in completing bugged missions.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Wow, you're lucky. I have to wait 2 days before they tell me that they havn't heard from me & they will assume the problem is fixed.
    As for the thing with Body Guard I think it's a 1 way thing. Where if the pets take damage u don't take any.
    Also in PS you are cut off from the bots. So even if u did share their damage it wouldn't matter.
  18. I know about the delay... maybe you're right but like I said I was fairly sure it was up & running before the Brute rounded the bend. Humm... how about this theory... she hit him with an AoE & he out ran in & got too close to me when hit nailed him possibly before Phase was up? Throw a little lag in the mix...
    Really wish I had thought to check the logs. I was too busy yelling "BULL **** BULL ****!!!!"
  19. No... I'm about 85% sure it was up... I sppose it is possible that it wasn't fully up (I didn't check the Icon) but I had finished the animation. It could be that she hit the Brute with an AoE & maybe with some lag she got me... But yeah... I know about the 30 secs. It had only been up a few secs... but u can see why I didn't want to test it again.
  20. Ok... sorry if this gets wordy...
    I'm a bots/Trap MM (FYI) I picked up that WB Phase Shift, temp power it comes in handy a lot.
    After 2 tries to take down Swan I tried using it the 3'rd time to avoid her aggro & it worked. She locked on to me cuz of my traps but once the brute had gotten a few hits in she aggroed on her. Point is I avoided her alpha aggro with phase. For those of u that haven't fought Swan she's PSI/Kin.
    Now on to how I died... Went to fight Sariphina (SP?) the Genie chick from bricks town. She's PSI/Storm. Now I did the exact same thing. Set up traps, had the brute aggro her, set the bots to aggressive, & went phased. Now I know it has a long animation time but it was running when she triggered the traps. She hit me with a huge AoE that dropped my toggles & flung me across the room & hit me with something else killing me. So yeah... WFT?! Any 1 else had this problem? I didn't test it twice but yeah it was very annoying.
  21. I did this with my latest brute. Though I didn't 2 slot sprint or hurdle. Now I was getting to the missions faster then any 1 I would team with but after "bunny hopping" though Cap for 2 levels I was begging for SJ. I was sorely tempted to skip it but I was constantly being shot at & it would be silly for me to have taken stealth. Better for some I guess.
  22. Eric_Linstone

    The DM/DA Bible

    Very nice guide.
    I agree with most of what u said in it.
    Your power & slotting options have made me reconsider respecing.
    Glad u didn't trash ST too badly. I wouldn't mind an unstoppable/elude/eclipse power instead but this is not a bad power. Way better then the revive powers regeners & PBs get.
    It has 1 nasty stun on it too. I've stunned AVs with it & tanks running unyielding.
    It's a nice lev 49 power pick IMO but that's just me.
    Also if u have the Eye of Magus it might be a good idea to use it right after u use ST if the situation calls for it..
  23. I noticed long bow & aracnos troops seem to have some leth resisit too. not as much as the clocks but still enough to make u use build up for the 1 shot.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Magnus, ever try 6 slotting Rage with all recharge? It gives you perma rage plus. That means for I believe 30 seconds you have 2 rages up. That is a huge boost to the damage output. I know what you are thinking about the 10 sec drop but it is a small price to pay for the damage and accuracy bonus you get.

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    U really need to not talk about this... u'll get it nerfed.
  25. Eric_Linstone

    Changes to Rage

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    If you want MEAT SHIELDS that do nothing but sit there and take damage, then make that a controller power! *SUMMON MEATSHIELD!*

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    HA! Yeah. I gotta go with u on that 1.