Things To Do When There are Unexpected Outages




Counter Strike and Halo win every year for Worst Online Community ^_^



Counter Strike and Halo win every year for Worst Online Community ^_^

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly why I don't play Halo online.




My to-do list...

Sweep the floor.
Move furniture.
Change the baby.

[/ QUOTE ]

Change the baby into what? O_o

Tygara - 50 Claws/Regen/Power Scrapper, Virtue- Member of Kitties on the Prowl.
Shadeburn - Dark/Rad Defender, Virtue- Member of Catch 'Em Crew
Nature Boy' - Elec/Ice Blaster, Virtue - Member of Young Phalanx




My to-do list...

Sweep the floor.
Move furniture.
Change the baby.

[/ QUOTE ]

Change the baby into what? O_o

[/ QUOTE ]

/e alakazamreact




Best Community? In game? Maybe. The forums? You'd have to be kidding. If that's the case then I do not want to go anywhere near their forums.

[/ QUOTE ]
Then let me be the first to suggest you never, ever, ever go to another MMO forum. Ever. And the forum community here is great. There are the vocal and negative minority that seem to enjoy relieving themselves wherever possible, but you get that anywhere, and in a much smaller quantity here.

At the end of the day, don't worry about all those dirty negative Nancy's... If you can smile, stay positive, and have fun, then nothing else matters anyway.

"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



Call all your friends and explain to them that your CoX is down. That it's been down for hours. And that you really don't know what to do until it comes back up.

Ask them for suggestions.

Then what to see what they say.

Or maybe this kind of thing is only fun for me..

"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



<ul type="square"> [*]open Wordpad. [*]write appallingly bad fanfic about your character(s)[*]while re-reading for the third time, suddenly come to your senses[*]claw your eyes out in humiliation and horror [*]hide the document in a file marked /abandoned building/basement/beware_of_the_leopard/[*]take solemn vow to never, ever write fanfic again[*]hum tunelessly for twenty minutes[*]repeat.[/list]



<ul type="square"> [*]open Wordpad. [*]write appallingly bad fanfic about your character(s)[*]while re-reading for the third time, suddenly come to your senses[*]claw your eyes out in humiliation and horror [*]hide the document in a file marked /abandoned building/basement/beware_of_the_leopard/[*]take solemn vow to never, ever write fanfic again[*]hum tunelessly for twenty minutes[*]repeat.[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]

Anyone who writes something this funny can't possibly write anything "appallingly bad." I want to see the leopard!

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction




My to-do list...

Sweep the floor.
Move furniture.
Change the baby.

[/ QUOTE ]

Change the baby into what? O_o

[/ QUOTE ]

-Snip- what?? o.O




My to-do list...

Sweep the floor.
Move furniture.
Change the baby.

[/ QUOTE ]

Change the baby into what? O_o

[/ QUOTE ]

Fine, Rikmach gets the next stinky boomer.



/slathers on SPF 500




Nooooooo! The yellow face, it burns us! /gollum



[ QUOTE ] break

[/ QUOTE ]

I can understand some of the other ideas, but this one... There's already a bio on all my characters that I planned on having a bio...

[/ QUOTE ] means to go pee



[ QUOTE ] break

[/ QUOTE ]

I can understand some of the other ideas, but this one... There's already a bio on all my characters that I planned on having a bio...

[/ QUOTE ] means to go pee

[/ QUOTE ]

The indicates a joke... at least when I stick it there.



Wheeee! We won Best Community! Way to go guys!

[/ QUOTE ]

Best Community? In game? Maybe. The forums? You'd have to be kidding. If that's the case then I do not want to go anywhere near their forums. The community here for the most part, with a few exceptions here or there, seems to do nothing but urinate all over the developers efforts. Anyone who either agrees with the developers decisions, or those who don't but understand the decisions and why the developers had to take the path they did will get treated as being less than human. Those that don't understand seem to think that there is some big conspiracy where the developers hate the players and are trying to destroy their own game.

I'm tempted to think that the problems with this game aren't with the game so much as they are with the dregs of the community, those in game and especially those in the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, the problem is more with individuals who blindly support the developers, blithly thank them for fixing problems, and act incensed when people criticize the devs. As long as there are folks like this heaping praise on the Devs for making the game harder, stripping away powers, and generally fixing their own damn mistakes .. then the developers will have no real incentive or reason to improve game quality and testing. Yep, these "Thank you for whacking me" types really need to go elsewhere, so we can get the game improved.



Wheeee! We won Best Community! Way to go guys!

[/ QUOTE ]

Best Community? In game? Maybe. The forums? You'd have to be kidding. If that's the case then I do not want to go anywhere near their forums. The community here for the most part, with a few exceptions here or there, seems to do nothing but urinate all over the developers efforts. Anyone who either agrees with the developers decisions, or those who don't but understand the decisions and why the developers had to take the path they did will get treated as being less than human. Those that don't understand seem to think that there is some big conspiracy where the developers hate the players and are trying to destroy their own game.

I'm tempted to think that the problems with this game aren't with the game so much as they are with the dregs of the community, those in game and especially those in the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, the problem is more with individuals who blindly support the developers, blithly thank them for fixing problems, and act incensed when people criticize the devs. As long as there are folks like this heaping praise on the Devs for making the game harder, stripping away powers, and generally fixing their own damn mistakes .. then the developers will have no real incentive or reason to improve game quality and testing. Yep, these "Thank you for whacking me" types really need to go elsewhere, so we can get the game improved.

[/ QUOTE ]
What about the "OMG U NERFED X, Y, AND Z!!1!", "We used to be Super.. might as well be City of Pedestrians.", and the "The devs don't care! They hate me and are trying to ruin their own game because they hate money too!"? Where do they get to go?

"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



Best Community? In game? Maybe. The forums? You'd have to be kidding. If that's the case then I do not want to go anywhere near their forums.

[/ QUOTE ]
Then let me be the first to suggest you never, ever, ever go to another MMO forum. Ever. And the forum community here is great. There are the vocal and negative minority that seem to enjoy relieving themselves wherever possible, but you get that anywhere, and in a much smaller quantity here.

At the end of the day, don't worry about all those dirty negative Nancy's... If you can smile, stay positive, and have fun, then nothing else matters anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll try to keep that in mind.



What about the "OMG U NERFED X, Y, AND Z!!1!", "We used to be Super.. might as well be City of Pedestrians.", and the "The devs don't care! They hate me and are trying to ruin their own game because they hate money too!"? Where do they get to go?

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Wheeee! We won Best Community! Way to go guys!

[/ QUOTE ]

Best Community? In game? Maybe. The forums? You'd have to be kidding. If that's the case then I do not want to go anywhere near their forums. The community here for the most part, with a few exceptions here or there, seems to do nothing but urinate all over the developers efforts. Anyone who either agrees with the developers decisions, or those who don't but understand the decisions and why the developers had to take the path they did will get treated as being less than human. Those that don't understand seem to think that there is some big conspiracy where the developers hate the players and are trying to destroy their own game.

I'm tempted to think that the problems with this game aren't with the game so much as they are with the dregs of the community, those in game and especially those in the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, the problem is more with individuals who blindly support the developers, blithly thank them for fixing problems, and act incensed when people criticize the devs. As long as there are folks like this heaping praise on the Devs for making the game harder, stripping away powers, and generally fixing their own damn mistakes .. then the developers will have no real incentive or reason to improve game quality and testing. Yep, these "Thank you for whacking me" types really need to go elsewhere, so we can get the game improved.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you're talking about me I'm not pro-developer. I'm more anti-devbasher. I don't agree with everything the developers do. Sometimes they get it right and sometimes they don't. So far they seem to be doing okay. Nothing they've done seems gamebreaking, with the few exceptions they've already rolled back or are planning to. My problem is with the people who understand very little about game development and the work it involves. They seem to think that they know better and yet can't seem to display any understanding of the concepts at work in the game and behind the scenes at the studios. It's not even like I need to defend the devs either. They can take care of themselves. It's just these ignorant little runts get under my skin. I don't have any special salve to stop the itching so I may tend to scratch when I stop paying attention and let my guard down.



down loading Everquest II trial now heh

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I did that a couple of weeks ago, while waiting for I7. I was amazed by how EQ2 has changed for the better since it was released 2 years ago. I tried it back then, before I played CoH, and I absolutely loathed it. Later, I played CoH, and I've been here ever since.

Until two weeks ago. Now, I'm splitting my time between CoH/V (I refuse to say "CoX") and EQ2. At least it's something to do when there are unexpected outages, that's for sure.



Is there an outage? &lt;blink blink&gt;


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



What about the "OMG U NERFED X, Y, AND Z!!1!", "We used to be Super.. might as well be City of Pedestrians.", and the "The devs don't care! They hate me and are trying to ruin their own game because they hate money too!"? Where do they get to go?

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That is one of the few times I have actually LOL'd while reading these forums.



Things To Do When There are Unexpected Outages:


[cough, cough....]

I'll [i]almost certainly[/i] be happy with I7....."SOON(tm)"

Too bad "Maturity" isn't an Enhanceable power.

Anybody with a bow is okay in my book. ;-)

Liberty, Infinity & Protector



Things To Do When There are Unexpected Outages:


[cough, cough....]

[/ QUOTE ]

HEY! I was using gas, not charcoal!

And FWIW, the steaks were damn good!

Moggie's big forum-brother.

"I'm a tech. I tell it how it is. I'm incapable of the sunshine blowing necessary in their field." - BillZBubba