75 -
At first blush I would certainly say so. When the most recent one listed in the guide to guides is four years old. Can't really see much that would be viable in the current environment. Unfortunately that's exactly where my Google-fu is leading me.
So where does the Mind/Psi Dominator turn to now for guidance when they clean the dust off their suit and starts bending the brains of the great unwashed of the Isles once more? -
Because I'm testing stuff. If it plays nice with WMP12 in spite of itself, it should also play nice with Media Center.
Windows 7 and WMP12 do not play nice with ID3v1 or ID3v2.4 tags on mp3s.
I so wanted to grouse about another P_T post, but there is a definite grain of wisdom in this one. Something I learned very early in my career: blasters are squishy and should not take point.
After pre-ordering CoV, starting on opening night, and capping a brute at 40 the last weekend that was the level cap, I finally have my first 50 villain. Captain Marbles, Freedom server.
I was gonna have a cookout this afternoon, but the rain isn't gonna let up
Considering I still play the game and still farm in MA, after having already gotten three fifties, at least four low to mid fourties, why do you care what I do?
Does my having fun impact you in any way, nope not at all.
Don't be concerned with others do or think.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why do I care? Because it's the farmers crying the most when they were called out for it. Because they won't shut up about it and how it's killed the entire game for everyone. Because they deserved what they got. -
You must be new. CoV was a ~$40 stand alone game when it was released. It wasn't until GvE that you could get both in one. And even then, GvE was a Wal-Mart exclusive when first released.
Free extra content is the exception rather than the rule. -
Room for a farm arc? Why? Just to get gobs of whatever with little to no risk? Play the damn game already. Farming isn't playing, it's City of Veruca Salts crying, "don't care how, I want it NOW!"
Apples and oranges. We're not talking about level pacting, we're talking about MA.
Seems to me the only ones *really* crying are the ones who abused the system into the ground. Writing arcs that would PL a newbie in an afternoon. Running "click a gross of glowies" missions until their butt goes numb just to get another "big number" badge that requires virtually no real skill or strategy.
The MA should be for the players to show off their creativity and storytelling skills. Instead, a few turned it into a level and badge factory with no real "content" in those missions. I have no sympathy to those screaming because that's been taken away. -
I quit for a time because they broke stuff, as in really broke stuff. Invisible walls blocking your path and mobs on invisible catwalks broke. If folks are crying DOOM, or quitting because they can't get a toon they started at lunch to 50 by dinner instead of actually *gasp* PLAYING THE GAME, then those aren't the ones I want to spend my online time with anyway.
I don't see the wailing over removing the "big numbers" MA badges, either. So you ran missions with a couple hundred glowies each all weekend. Yawn. -
I took a 21 thugs/poison MM and a 45 ss/inv brute through this last night and this morning. Tore me the eff up. More than a couple of the custom minions would slaughter my thugs if I wasn't dead on with the debuffs to start the fight. The boss just after rescuing the assistant was one or two-shotting everyone. Don't get me started on the cluster of minions and Lts. behind me. There was just no way.
My brute? Forget it. The end drain is just ridiculous. After the fight with Requiem, I just gave up. Almost immediately he had me down to zero end, and Unstoppable didn't do a thing.
Not gonna try that solo again. -
I'm in the same boat as the OP. Returned after ~3yrs away. Spent most of the reactivation weekend running regular arcs, so I missed most of the unpleasantness. Until I headed in here with the ZOMGWTFBBQ!!!!!ONE!!!ELEVENTY!! posts that claimed that hunting down and eliminating the 0-50 in mere minutes players DESTROYED EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
If someone was taking their third ss/inv brute through, I might understand. A little. Anyone else, not so much. And if was someone brand new to the game, good riddance. -
Aww. I'm finding this thread just before bed. Can't save Rock if I'm faceplanting the keyboard.
But tomorrow, in the name of Bill Veeck, Disco will be Demolished once and for all! -
I just wedged a full OS with GUI onto a 12GB hard drive.
The order is important.
Pirates, Reds, Giants, Dodgers, Cardinals, Dodgers, Dodgers, Cardinals, Cardinals, Mets. What am I?
By hook or by crook, you will.
I just repaired a 60 year old Esterbrook pen for only $2.50. It should last another couple of decades before needing more maintenance like this.