A teaser Q&A with Positron to tame the masses?




Will Brutes' Fury not building properly in PVP get fixed?

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I've not figured out a way to get it working yet. It's possible I *can't* get it to work as described, in which case, we'll have to have a pow wow around here (complete with Tee Pee's and Peace Pipes, hopefully) to figure out what to do.

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Just go easy on the peyote.



The Lightning Rod power *is* affected fully by Fury. The description has been changed to reflect this.

Chain Induction is only partially affected by Fury. The initial hit is affected by the Furies Strength, however, any 'chained' blasts are not. They *are* affected by the strength of the opponent who is chaining the power, though, so an arc from an AV will be stronger than an arc from an underling by quite a margin.

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Wow! Thank you very much. I am really excited for Elec Melee. Looks like a pretty novel and creative set. Can't wait.



black scorpion,s corruptor patron's arachnobot disruptor has the summon spiderlings power in the cov game guide. Does the pet version also have this power?And does it summon them upon death or at any time?

What class are all of the 4th tier PPP pets? Henchmen, pets, lts?



...we'll have to have a pow wow around here (complete with Tee Pee's and Peace Pipes, hopefully) to figure out what to do.

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Ahh. Peace Pipes.

Finally, the question "what were they smoking when they designed X?" has been answered!!!



Will Brutes' Fury not building properly in PVP get fixed?

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I've not figured out a way to get it working yet. It's possible I *can't* get it to work as described, in which case, we'll have to have a pow wow around here (complete with Tee Pee's and Peace Pipes, hopefully) to figure out what to do.

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*points to sig*

You are REQUIRED to invite Dancing Hawk to this pow wow.



They *are* affected by the strength of the opponent who is chaining the power, though, so an arc from an AV will be stronger than an arc from an underling by quite a margin.

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That is sexy.

I'd just like to say, that the elec/elec brute sets are by FAR the most anticipated powersets by me personally... It just sounds like *wicked* good fun.



Any talk of changing the permanent part of Patrons or something?

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It's really not as simple as "let's let them respec it!"

Since Patron sets are tied to Contacts you receive, you get the set of the Contact you choose. We'd need to add a bunch of technology to take away access to Contacts (something we don't do currently), to make sure you couldn't end up with multiple Patron Pools.

We have talked about it though, and are not through talking about it either.

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How about offering one more choice? Either we choose the Patron route to Epic powers OR we choose the generic route (which I define as the choices Heroes have). Doable?


PS: thanks indeed for taking the time to answer some questions, man. I appreciate it very much. Half my teeth-gnashing has been nullified by just a few of your responses.

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You know it's doable, Cal, it's just not been worked on yet.

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But, er, I don't, Clint. There's stuff I find out all the time that I gripe about in strong terms only to find out later (usually from a _Castle_ Post) that it's a software issue rather than a design issue


Perhaps, the way they've coded CoV or some aspect of its engine precludes allowing the APPs. Maybe they believe these powers would cause all kinds of balance headaches if villains have access to them. Maybe they feel that allowing those on the Villain side would obligate them to providing PPPs on the Hero side---and all the griping about not having these powers available at the outset. Then there's the whole issue of respecing completely out of APPs or Epics whatever into PPPs on the Hero side and so on and so on.

In all honesty, I think 90% of the gripes round here (well, ok, 80% maybe) would disappear or never happen if we simply had more information available on a timely basis. I mean, of course, design information. _Castle_ does an excellent job on sheer programming info, etc and so on. I do, of course, realize that this can hardly happen if we expect these people to get any work done whatsoever heh heh.




Will Brutes' Fury not building properly in PVP get fixed?

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I've not figured out a way to get it working yet. It's possible I *can't* get it to work as described, in which case, we'll have to have a pow wow around here (complete with Tee Pee's and Peace Pipes, hopefully) to figure out what to do.

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Scalp the coders.

Or just give Brutes a flat 35% Fury when in PvP zones.



Will Brutes' Fury not building properly in PVP get fixed?

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I've not figured out a way to get it working yet. It's possible I *can't* get it to work as described, in which case, we'll have to have a pow wow around here (complete with Tee Pee's and Peace Pipes, hopefully) to figure out what to do.

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Just go easy on the peyote.

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Actually, I'm going to recommend more peyote. I think a little... "outside the box" thinking could help jumpstart the Dev team!



Maybe they feel that allowing those on the Villain side would obligate them to providing PPPs on the Hero side---and all the griping about not having these powers available at the outset. Then there's the whole issue of respecing completely out of APPs or Epics whatever into PPPs on the Hero side and so on and so on.

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I'd say this is the most likely scenario. I'd also imagine that they looked at the CoH APPs and said, "Y'know, it's going to take almost as much time to convert/playtest these universal pools for CoV ATs and throw in a few unique powers/effects to boot, as it would to create new pools based on some unique animation work we have for signature villains. We can always come back to APPs later and the priority now is to further differentiate the two games, which recyling APPs does not help."

(Just finished my Mind Reading Throught the Past 101 class. It was only Pass/Fail but fun.)

In all honesty, I think 90% of the gripes round here (well, ok, 80% maybe) would disappear or never happen if we simply had more information available on a timely basis. I mean, of course, design information. ... I do, of course, realize that this can hardly happen if we expect these people to get any work done whatsoever heh heh.

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Yes. Considering how easy it is for the average player to not be informed by the forum, it seems pretty doable to post more nuts and bolts stuff and not spoil the fun for those who don't want "the magic" explained succinctly.




Actually, I'm going to recommend more peyote. I think a little... "outside the box" thinking could help jumpstart the Dev team!

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Sounds like a Plan Foo. All you have to do is look at the amount of creativity inherrent in the 60's and 70's as a part of the music industry, to figure out that the same results can be had here.

Could Jack or _Castle_ be the next Jimmi Hendrix of the MMO industry?

I say go for it dudes!



Posi, will there be any other costume updates or additions in I7 other then giving heroes the costume options that villains have?




Actually, I'm going to recommend more peyote. I think a little... "outside the box" thinking could help jumpstart the Dev team!

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Sounds like a Plan Foo. All you have to do is look at the amount of creativity inherrent in the 60's and 70's as a part of the music industry, to figure out that the same results can be had here.

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Or point to Atari, when it was a bunch of dope smoking hippies. I recall one story where the Suits from Warner unexpectedly dropped by the studio to see how things were going one day. The Powers That Be at Atari had to stuff all these stoner programmers inside of empty arcade machines until The Suits had left.

Oh to be a fly on the wall for THAT.




Actually, I'm going to recommend more peyote. I think a little... "outside the box" thinking could help jumpstart the Dev team!

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Sounds like a Plan Foo. All you have to do is look at the amount of creativity inherrent in the 60's and 70's as a part of the music industry, to figure out that the same results can be had here.

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Or point to Atari, when it was a bunch of dope smoking hippies. I recall one story where the Suits from Warner unexpectedly dropped by the studio to see how things were going one day. The Powers That Be at Atari had to stuff all these stoner programmers inside of empty arcade machines until The Suits had left.

Oh to be a fly on the wall for THAT.

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*Muffled speaking*

"Whoah dude! It's like...I'm IN the game! Oh man...is that you Frogger? Totally awesome meeting you man! Hey! Watch out for that Asteroid little green dude!!! Man this is some good s***!"



Will Brutes' Fury not building properly in PVP get fixed?

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I've not figured out a way to get it working yet. It's possible I *can't* get it to work as described, in which case, we'll have to have a pow wow around here (complete with Tee Pee's and Peace Pipes, hopefully) to figure out what to do.

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Instead of fixing the rate of fury gain, why not make the bar "smaller"? It looks the same on the screen, but the distance from empty to full is less.




Will Brutes' Fury not building properly in PVP get fixed?

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I've not figured out a way to get it working yet. It's possible I *can't* get it to work as described, in which case, we'll have to have a pow wow around here (complete with Tee Pee's and Peace Pipes, hopefully) to figure out what to do.

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"Puff puff pass. That's the rule." -- Tauren Chieftain

Sorry, sorry.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Will Brutes' Fury not building properly in PVP get fixed?

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I've not figured out a way to get it working yet. It's possible I *can't* get it to work as described, in which case, we'll have to have a pow wow around here (complete with Tee Pee's and Peace Pipes, hopefully) to figure out what to do.

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"Puff puff pass. That's the rule." -- Tauren Chieftain

Sorry, sorry.

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Orc Grunts > Tauren Chieftain

Currently roleplaying, badgehunting, and laughing at the PvPers of CoX. lol, PvP.

Truedusk - Human Rogue



Will Brutes' Fury not building properly in PVP get fixed?

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I've not figured out a way to get it working yet. It's possible I *can't* get it to work as described, in which case, we'll have to have a pow wow around here (complete with Tee Pee's and Peace Pipes, hopefully) to figure out what to do.

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Scalp the coders.

Or just give Brutes a flat 35% Fury when in PvP zones.

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Pow wows, tee pees and peace pipes I guess we all have to swallow. But can we have a little respect for the Nations and not [censored] start talking about scalping?



(complete with Tee Pee's and Peace Pipes, hopefully)

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figures cryptic doesnt drug test.

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



And now for the post-locking question:

Trick Arrow has continued to perform sub-par as a Defender set for 8 months now. Is there light at the end of the tunnel, or is that just Flash Arrow reflecting off of the wall? More specifically, when is the set going to get some long-overdue love and attention?

Also, if/when you do get around to bringing the set up to Defender standards, please preclude the event with a Developer Response thread so that those of us who have been playing the set can provide constructive feedback and suggestions.



Any talk of changing the permanent part of Patrons or something?

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It's really not as simple as "let's let them respec it!"

Since Patron sets are tied to Contacts you receive, you get the set of the Contact you choose. We'd need to add a bunch of technology to take away access to Contacts (something we don't do currently), to make sure you couldn't end up with multiple Patron Pools.

We have talked about it though, and are not through talking about it either.

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How much of the 40-50 Villain content will be linked to these contacts? I've been thinking I won't be taking these pools on most of my villains until at least issue 8, since I really want to see how they work and see if any new ones or changes are made before I permanently lock myself into something. Does that mean I'll be stuck running newspaper missions through those levels?

Zapping, 50 storm/elec
Rain King, 50 ice/storm
Ard, 50 NB/SR

The rest of my lineup
Justice, Freedom and Virtue Servers
Avatar by Altoholic_Monkey!



Any talk of changing the permanent part of Patrons or something?

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It's really not as simple as "let's let them respec it!"

Since Patron sets are tied to Contacts you receive, you get the set of the Contact you choose. We'd need to add a bunch of technology to take away access to Contacts (something we don't do currently), to make sure you couldn't end up with multiple Patron Pools.

We have talked about it though, and are not through talking about it either.

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How much of the 40-50 Villain content will be linked to these contacts? I've been thinking I won't be taking these pools on most of my villains until at least issue 8, since I really want to see how they work and see if any new ones or changes are made before I permanently lock myself into something. Does that mean I'll be stuck running newspaper missions through those levels?

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I think it's possible that your patron will be your only contact from Positron's interview on Friday. I'm sure there are newspapers too though.

EDIT: Here's the quote

MMORPG.com: How do players go about gaining patron powers?
Matt Miller: Once you are in Grandville you can talk to Arbiter Rein who will tell you all about the Patrons and what they can do for you, and once you finish with him, you then choose a Patron as your next Contact in the chain. The Patron that you choose will be the only one for your character. Doing the first Story Arc for the Patron will unlock the Patron Power Pool for your character, and the next time that you choose a power, you can select from the Patron Pool.

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The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I think he meant that you will only have one Patron, not only one contact in Grandville.




From the 40-50 content preview:

They will fight their arch-enemies and meet a host of new contacts including double agents, mercenaries, arcane assassins, psychic Spiders, and strange mesmerizing objects.

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I think he meant that you will only have one Patron, not only one contact in Grandville.




From the 40-50 content preview:

They will fight their arch-enemies and meet a host of new contacts including double agents, mercenaries, arcane assassins, psychic Spiders, and strange mesmerizing objects.

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I hope so too. I was a little scared when I read that. I don't want just the patron as a contact even if they have a ton of missions.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



That wasn't really an interview.

It was just the features page updates with a question before each feature explanation

I expected it to actually be an interview not MMORPG conveniently asking questions that could be answered via Updates post regurgitation