Post Your Sexy Base Pics!!!!




Pinnacle's Team Evil recently revamped out base -- screenshots can be found on our blog.



Pinnacle's Team Evil recently revamped out base -- screenshots can be found on our blog.

[/ QUOTE ]
/em gasp and drool!

Oh, very cool! I love the look and the layout is really's great how the room style gradually changes from area to area. There's a lot of fun ideas here but I think I like the "basement" look the best. (Although the entrance room and the "briefing area" next to the raid teleporter are cool, too.)

Of course I'm also jealous of the larger base plot...sigh...someday...

Story Arcs:
"The Joy of States-mas", #533168
"A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams", #497506 (2011 Players Choice winner!)
"Television Presents: Attack of the Toons!", #373710
"Lightning in a Bottle", #376222



Heres the Freedom Phalanx Reserve's Base to date.

It's still on an 8x8, but a bigger plot is not far off

The Freedm Phalanx Base

Dark Tower. SL50 Stone/Stone Tanker
Founder The Freedom Phalanx Reserve
An Infinity Top 25 Super Group
Founded January 4th 2006



That video at the begining of the thread was really neat <o.O>b Almost reminded me of my SG and base lol <,< Cats everywhere! <'x'>; (Woot!)



hee hee hee... KidEclipse, your virtual base tour reminds me of the old infocom text games.

Welcome to Zork.
This version created December 8.
West of House.
Your are in an open field west of a big white house with a boarded front
There is a small mailbox here.
North of House
You are facing the north side of a white house. There is no door here,
and all the windows are barred.
Behind House
You are behind the white house. In one corner of the house there is a
small window which is slightly ajar.
With great effort, you open the window far enough to allow entry.
You are in the kitchen of the white house. A table seems to have been
used recently for the preparation of food. A passage leads to the west,
and a dark staircase can be seen leading upward. To the east is a small
window which is open.
On the table is an elongated brown sack, smelling of hot peppers.
A bottle is sitting on the table.
The glass bottle contains:
A quantity of water

[/ QUOTE ]

...Which probably shows my age. Argh.



hee hee hee... KidEclipse, your virtual base tour reminds me of the old infocom text games.

...Which probably shows my age. Argh.

[/ QUOTE ]

MUD influenced, showing my geekitude

I really need to work on my eye-candy though, some of these more recent base pics are fantastic...

Maybe after I7 I can spruce it up.



Ok, this is kinda fun...

My villain group recently added an arcane workshop to our base, and I wanted to do something with those arcane bridges and balconies. I've been frustrated with them since I couldn't figure out a good way to use them, and this is what I came up with:
[*]Entering the workshop [*]Here, the unworthy will be made to walk The Path of Fire... [*]...pass through the mouth of Mannitzahotwon, Aztec god of fire... [*]...and be flung into the sacrificial fire pit! (MOLA RAM! MOLA RAM! MOLA RAM!)

So has anybody else come up with a good use for those bridges or balconies? It seems like the long bridge and balcony are especially tricky since the ends are roped off. (I'd love if we could at least put things on them!)

Story Arcs:
"The Joy of States-mas", #533168
"A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams", #497506 (2011 Players Choice winner!)
"Television Presents: Attack of the Toons!", #373710
"Lightning in a Bottle", #376222



Avonlea, be aware that too many torches in a room can overload the graphics buffer and crash your base. I doubt you've enough to do it currently, but it has been accomplished by others more 'talented'.

I once managed to use the bridges pretty interestingly in a big decorative room, by using them to link a series of "islands" (raised platforms) at the back of the room. I then used a combination of tree/shrubbery planters, deep green lighting and a few other tricks to make the lowered floor beneath them look deeper and darker, like a jungle-moat thing. some judiciously placed bookshelves and lateral files created some very nice apartments/living spaces on the islands...

It was a long time ago on Test, but I'll see if I can dig up the screenshots.



Oooh, that sounds pretty cool! (The jungle room, not the graphics buffer thing. ) I was fooling around with the bridges in a big decorative room with trees, and i liked how the "canopy" of the trees was able to put some foliage around the bridges...I'd be curious to see what you came up with!

And thanks for the tip on the number of torches...I used the bonfire to keep the number of torches down (and it was getting too bright in there anyway), but I hadn't thought about the effect on the graphics card! That's espeically good information since I've been looking at the bigger decorative rooms.

Story Arcs:
"The Joy of States-mas", #533168
"A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams", #497506 (2011 Players Choice winner!)
"Television Presents: Attack of the Toons!", #373710
"Lightning in a Bottle", #376222



*dr_tech grins
I have all the base pictures saved on my SG website. I would love to show mine base but my memebers disagree (we are assassins we like to lay low). and our base changes every week (month if everyone likes it)
how do you take pictures in game?



*dr_tech grins
I have all the base pictures saved on my SG website. I would love to show mine base but my memebers disagree (we are assassins we like to lay low). and our base changes every week (month if everyone likes it)
how do you take pictures in game?

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't you kind of need to know that if you have all your pictures saved on your sg website?

The answer is the "print screen" button. They're saved in your "screenshots" folder in the CoH folder.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



no I ment that i have all of the base pictures from this post.
and i don't know how to take the screen shot in the game. though my SG doesn't want me to show pictures of the base, because we are assassins (they say we should stay low). though i still want to know how to take screen shots.



though i still want to know how to take screen shots.

[/ QUOTE ]

I answered your question.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



I like how this base used bridges and trees in this, this, and this shot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats awsome! I love the calm park feeling with that small arcane twist.



Is there a specific trick to getting your floors set at different heights? I can never seem to do it.



Team Invictus is a small SG consisting of four casual players, filled out with our alts.
We started saving immediately after I6, and finally got around to starting a
base in March. Our layout is nothing special, an infirmary on one side of the portal
and Telepads on the other. Power and Control north of the Telepads, with any
unused space being converted to recreation and office areas.

The Layout
Generator / Rec Room turned out decent
From another angle

Our next priority is saving for a workroom, salvage rack, and empowerment station
when I7 come out.



Is there a specific trick to getting your floors set at different heights? I can never seem to do it.

[/ QUOTE ]

There's a specific interface for doing so - the box on the upper right side of your edit screen shows the height of the room divided into different levels. Selecting an (empty) area of the base and then clicking on the various levels will raise/lower your floors and ceilings, and even create solid blocks of walls.

As with all functions of the edit menu, these commands are reversible, so you may play around with it as much as you like. The only trick is that the space MUST be empty - furniture, lighting and wall items will interfere, so clear them away first.



Is there a specific trick to getting your floors set at different heights? I can never seem to do it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Iron, you need to come see my base :P

My SG sort of died so I basically have a personal base and 1.3 million prestige to build it with. I need to do a bit of a rebuild though.



You can skip the fluff, but I figured every SG base has a story to tell so that you can get an idea behind the architecture or reason for the design.

In late 2004 ACADI (Advanced Cyberneitcs And Dynamics Industrial) began exploring the idea of expanding thier current Research/Manufacturing/Storage facilitiy (located in Creys Cove near the Kings Row tunnel). Complications included no available land near the facility to expand, the inability to shutdown research and production to modify/build a completely new structure, and various city ordinaces which prevented the extension of exsisting property out into the harbor. It was decided then to expand underneath the facility.

A survey team was formed and exploratory shafts were dug underneath the currenty facility so that detailed examination of the strata could be executed. Broad specturm examination revealed sturdy bedrock in which to build, however an anomolous pocket of low density material or even a void exsisted some distance out into the harbor. The team tunneled to within 50 feet of the low density region and used a series of high resolution sonar equipment to generate a three dimensional image of the region (which revealed it to be some sort of construct). Intially it was thought that the team had discovered a secret Rikti bolt hole or subterannean staging area possibly linked with the extensive sewer network in and around the city, more detialed inspection of the site in conjunction with city records showed that the sewer system passed nowhere near the lair (as it was being called by then).

It was decided that outside help was needed in the matter and the super group known as the Justice Avengers (a group which had established ties to ACADI mainly through tech tranfers and logistics help) was contacted for further assistance.

In early 2005 the team broke through the bedrock seperating the tunnel and the lair. What they discovered was not a Rikti hideout, but something more ancient, something related to the ancient oranbegans. The structure apparently had been sealed off (theories range from a cataclysmic event to purposeful abandonment by the oranbegans) with no apparent ingress or egress. The original structure is best described as having a large central chamber with two small alcoves set just south of the main chamber (researchers are currently examining the global geometic arrangement to other known Oranbegan sites as well as its astronomical relationship to the aforementioned sites and other points associated with the oranbegans.). Occult experts as well as acheologists were called in to examine the site as well as augment the research already being carried out.

By mid 2005, almost every concievable bit of data had been examnied and catagorized by the ACADI team with all of the items contained within the lair donated to M.A.G.I for further examination and safe keeping. During that time construction began on the ACADI building expansion with several ideas floating around about what to do with the lair. Arno Stone, CEO of ACADI stepped in and decided that the area would make an ideal base of operations for the Justice Avengers with expansions provided by ACADI for them.

To date the area has seen extensive modifications for the basic systems needed to support the JA. These include the nessecary infrastructure for electrical systems, telecommunications and computer networks as well as lifesupport systems. The ACADI tunnel is being expanded around the original oranbegan structure in order to house the power supply and other modern systems which require dedicated and engineered construction space with the original space serving as the central hub for current operations.

JA base circa 2005
Anti grav shaft and entry to ACADI tunnel
Confrence room
Infirmary/Basic lab
Library/Research Area
Hall viewed from Library
Hall viewed from Lab
Power room viewed from tunnel near lair entrance

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Team Invictus is a small SG consisting of four casual players, filled out with our alts.
We started saving immediately after I6, and finally got around to starting a
base in March. Our layout is nothing special, an infirmary on one side of the portal
and Telepads on the other. Power and Control north of the Telepads, with any
unused space being converted to recreation and office areas.

The Layout
Generator / Rec Room turned out decent
From another angle

Our next priority is saving for a workroom, salvage rack, and empowerment station
when I7 come out.

[/ QUOTE ]

I like the generator room setup, very cool. sorta reminds me of a space station layout maybe. Every square inch of space is dedicated to systems with the niceties shoved in where there is room for them.

I think I might get on test tonight and play with that concept. Maybe even try to arrange it like some sort of mobile base concept like a sub?

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------