Post Your Sexy Base Pics!!!!




Hadn't thought about that, but an interior set intended to look like a sub would be pretty cool.
What would really make it go is a alternative door way, skinned to look like a large hatch,
and a long narrow base footprint. There are stone arches, that make good arcane "doorways",
but there really isn't a tech equivalent of them.



Nice Work Dark Tower!

I started playing around with the new base features. I still need to finalize a color scheme, but posted the results below:

Portal Bar and Lounge

Meeting Room

Meeting Room

Theater / Auditorium

Control Room

Power Room

Telepad Room


28 L50's on Freedom
L50 Time Titan WP/Stn, L50 Lord Time Titan Grv/Rad, L50 Super Hero USA DM/Rgn
L50 Decoy Master Ill/Rad, L50 Shield Slinger SD/Ice, L50 Super Heavyweight Stn/Nrg
L50 King's Jester Fire/Kin, L50 Winterchill Ice/SS, L50 Alberta Clipper Ice/Ice
L50 I Mastermind Bots/Dark, L50 MVP Invul/Nrg, L50 Steely Resolve Psi/MM



With Issue 7 providing some new cosmetic / functional base upgrades I went through our current base and gave it a bit of a facelift. We (Arachnos Elite) are an Arachnos themed VG on the Virtue Server

The Arachnos Elite

Here are some screenshots from the base renovation:

Porter Room Angle 2

New Workshop Closeup

Entrance Room

Medical Ward

Meeting Room

Workshop Diff Angle

Control Room

Porter Room Angle 1

Raid Porter

Base Entrance 2

More Workshop




Whats all the stuff on the ceiling in the control/meeting room? Howd you do that? :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats the AES, tier 3(?) control item. It expensive and BIG...but oh so pretty



Time to bring this post back to life with all your new i7 bases

Here's one of the rooms in my base that was remade for i7

SG Coalition meeting room entry

Left Side

Right Side

On the podium

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats really nice, our SG is still working with all the I7 items.

how did you change the logo on the banner without changing all of them? i tried to change the SGs logo then place the banner but it stays the same as before changed it.



Time to bring this post back to life with all your new i7 bases

Here's one of the rooms in my base that was remade for i7

SG Coalition meeting room entry

Left Side

Right Side

On the podium

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats really nice, our SG is still working with all the I7 items.

how did you change the logo on the banner without changing all of them? i tried to change the SGs logo then place the banner but it stays the same as before changed it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only one type of banner can have one type of logo. What I mean by this is say you change you SG logo and colors to that of a coalition SG (Thats what I did) then place Large tech banner 1 with that logo, then you drop out of base edit mode and change your logo and colors back to your true SG ones.
When you return to edit mode you can never again move or use that banner again, if you do it will change to what ever your logo is now.

If you look you can see that none of the baners are the same other then the ones with my real logo.

Dark Tower. SL50 Stone/Stone Tanker
Founder The Freedom Phalanx Reserve
An Infinity Top 25 Super Group
Founded January 4th 2006




Whats all the stuff on the ceiling in the control/meeting room? Howd you do that? :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats the AES, tier 3(?) control item. It expensive and BIG...but oh so pretty

[/ QUOTE ]

We just qualified for it last night but I don't think I have anywhere to put it...




Whats all the stuff on the ceiling in the control/meeting room? Howd you do that? :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats the AES, tier 3(?) control item. It expensive and BIG...but oh so pretty

[/ QUOTE ]

We just qualified for it last night but I don't think I have anywhere to put it...

[/ QUOTE ]
It requires the 3,950,000-Prestige Control room, so most SGs don't have somewhere to put it offhand. Oh, and it requires large amounts of rare salvage.




Whats all the stuff on the ceiling in the control/meeting room? Howd you do that? :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats the AES, tier 3(?) control item. It expensive and BIG...but oh so pretty

[/ QUOTE ]

We just qualified for it last night but I don't think I have anywhere to put it...

[/ QUOTE ]
It requires the 3,950,000-Prestige Control room, so most SGs don't have somewhere to put it offhand. Oh, and it requires large amounts of rare salvage.

[/ QUOTE ]

They really need to heavily nerf base costs. Way too restricting, either that or buff prestige gain...




Whats all the stuff on the ceiling in the control/meeting room? Howd you do that? :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats the AES, tier 3(?) control item. It expensive and BIG...but oh so pretty

[/ QUOTE ]

We just qualified for it last night but I don't think I have anywhere to put it...

[/ QUOTE ]
It requires the 3,950,000-Prestige Control room, so most SGs don't have somewhere to put it offhand. Oh, and it requires large amounts of rare salvage.

[/ QUOTE ]

They really need to heavily nerf base costs. Way too restricting, either that or buff prestige gain...

[/ QUOTE ]

Honestly I think it's pretty fair, we have one in our base too.
If the prices were cheap and easy to get it wouldn't be 'special'.

You think that's bad, the fusion generater is 7.5mil, but with a higher amount of damage it can take and sheer size I think it'll be worth it (after we upgrade to a secure plot).




Whats all the stuff on the ceiling in the control/meeting room? Howd you do that? :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats the AES, tier 3(?) control item. It expensive and BIG...but oh so pretty

[/ QUOTE ]

We just qualified for it last night but I don't think I have anywhere to put it...

[/ QUOTE ]
It requires the 3,950,000-Prestige Control room, so most SGs don't have somewhere to put it offhand. Oh, and it requires large amounts of rare salvage.

[/ QUOTE ]

They really need to heavily nerf base costs. Way too restricting, either that or buff prestige gain...

[/ QUOTE ]

Honestly I think it's pretty fair, we have one in our base too.
If the prices were cheap and easy to get it wouldn't be 'special'.

You think that's bad, the fusion generater is 7.5mil, but with a higher amount of damage it can take and sheer size I think it'll be worth it (after we upgrade to a secure plot).

[/ QUOTE ]
I feel your pain. We're already looking at an extra 6.5M for the secure plot, then a few million for rooms, THEN the 7.5M Fusion Generator. I do think that cost needs to be downed a bit.




Whats all the stuff on the ceiling in the control/meeting room? Howd you do that? :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats the AES, tier 3(?) control item. It expensive and BIG...but oh so pretty

[/ QUOTE ]

We just qualified for it last night but I don't think I have anywhere to put it...

[/ QUOTE ]
It requires the 3,950,000-Prestige Control room, so most SGs don't have somewhere to put it offhand. Oh, and it requires large amounts of rare salvage.

[/ QUOTE ]

They really need to heavily nerf base costs. Way too restricting, either that or buff prestige gain...

[/ QUOTE ]

Honestly I think it's pretty fair, we have one in our base too.
If the prices were cheap and easy to get it wouldn't be 'special'.

You think that's bad, the fusion generater is 7.5mil, but with a higher amount of damage it can take and sheer size I think it'll be worth it (after we upgrade to a secure plot).

[/ QUOTE ]

You think its fair because you probably have 70 members in the VG. Not everyone does, but not everyone is a SMALL Vg either. What about medium VGs? You're either small or large in this game. Thats how the #'s are skewed. They ramp up insanely so that only LARGE extremely active VGs can really partake in most of this content. What if I dont want to run a McVG with 70+ people who don't know each other? I still want to have a great base for my medium-ish VG.



Whoa there - plenty of other threads to have this discussion on. let's keep this one on track and positive, if that isn't too much to ask.

Pictures, pictures! - Post 'em if you got 'em!

(will have various skylight and sewer grate pics up by end of day, if I can find hosting for 'em... blargh)



Ok finally got some photos uploaded to the gallery.

Here are some shots of our newest i7 base


The nicest thing about the new coloring options is that the Tech rooms are no longer so cold and sterile. Also in the arcane rooms I’ve found that a color combo of black and white make things look crisper and stand out more, since you can’t change the underlying color (arcane still has a brown tent to it).

Dark Tower. SL50 Stone/Stone Tanker
Founder The Freedom Phalanx Reserve
An Infinity Top 25 Super Group
Founded January 4th 2006



Dark, Nice base!. There are so many great looking bases. Here is the latest room from Hand of Recluse.

Hand of Recluse Meeting Room

We use no lighting at all except from lighting fixtures. I think it gives a more natural feel. Also, spots can create nice accents in a room, while torches and other softer ambiet lighting sources, warm a room up.



Here are some screenshots of the base for The Dead Man's Hand VG on Virtue.

The author of this post is speaking in generalities from his personal experience.
Your experience may vary.



After much foot-dragging, here's the current iteration of the Arcanos of Angmar Base.

I'll post more screenies in that album as I think to, so check back in a week or so.

P.S.: It should be noted that my name isn't really Gertrude.



wow no real base pics yet? you all sure are a secrative bunch. i'll just post a picture of a small bit of the SG base.
Teleportation chamber

enjoy and i've been really interested seeing pictures of other bases in both this thread and other ones.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice post a question. The teleport chamger do you know if that is the 2x2 or 2x3 room?
Just curiousl......
Also, the IoP list link in your signature is broken.....just an FYI



That's the 2x2. there is no 2x3 Teleporter room.



there isn't??? <shrugs> ok I look more and more like a total newb each day.

Thanks Ruin