I Killed _______ in PvP




That's perfect for me. I'll poke my head in Warburg around that time and see if you're around. There's a perfect spot on the roof of a building near the hero base to have 1v1s. We'll head up there for a match or two just for the hell of it, maybe see if we can get some other people involved too.

I prefer Siren's Call for 1v1s personally due to the fact that the level 38 powers can be a bit frustrating (picture a Brute using Overload and a Scrapper using Elude, just standing there whiffing at each other for two solid minutes) but in our case I think Warburg would work out fine. I don't have Overload yet, and your 38 power was my 32 power, so it works out perfectly.



He's quite simply one of the most skilled PvPers in the game, bar none.

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That's debatable

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Oh geez get over yourself.

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If having 3000+ posts on the forum makes you skilled at PvP.. then possibiliy. However, with so many different ATs .. different play styles .. different tactics .. different skills .. no one is "one of the most skilled" .. perhaps in a certain AT .. but over all .. no... logic isn't that hard

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hehe I had to throw a jab at you.

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hehe, I can take that .. I suppose I could have explained what I ment ... I guess had I read someone elses post like that I would have to jab too!



Had some fun with Crackback on his troller, blaster and tank. Pyrad with practice can become a force. His ice/dev, well, good concept toon bro. His tank is ok, needs some practice.

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Twas fun. Yes. I think the battle of controllers was by far the best match we had. I've come to the conclusion that my ice/dev should never step foot into arena again solo. My tank against your ice/em was a good match also IMHO. even though i lost 5-0. So as of right now my two PvP toons will be my controller and my tanker. CrackBack isn't built for solo PvP anymore but if you wanna see how effective your toon build is against a badass SR, just holla at me.

AF, I'll see you again tonight for some more beatings. I guess I like being spanked....for all the women out there. I'm also gonna be grinding up some other toons for PvP support (defenders).

Holla at ya boi if yall wanna battle or help me out. My controller is by far my best PvP toon to date.



Had some fun with Crackback on his troller, blaster and tank. Pyrad with practice can become a force. His ice/dev, well, good concept toon bro. His tank is ok, needs some practice.

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Twas fun. Yes. I think the battle of controllers was by far the best match we had. I've come to the conclusion that my ice/dev should never step foot into arena again solo. My tank against your ice/em was a good match also IMHO. even though i lost 5-0. So as of right now my two PvP toons will be my controller and my tanker. CrackBack isn't built for solo PvP anymore but if you wanna see how effective your toon build is against a badass SR, just holla at me.

AF, I'll see you again tonight for some more beatings. I guess I like being spanked....for all the women out there. I'm also gonna be grinding up some other toons for PvP support (defenders).

Holla at ya boi if yall wanna battle or help me out. My controller is by far my best PvP toon to date.



hmm, I guess I killed someone in PvP.

I've put down Quason a few times, and vice versa. Always a close match.

Me and Cajun had a great fight, too close for me to be comfortable with a rematch. I prefer to be remembered as the victor thank you very much.

Lady Lullabye... you have to admire her spirit!

There has been others, I swear, just as a loss for some names right now.

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It was a good fight Ring, and my hats off to you for winning. That one ranks up there with the match I had with Kazara. I lost that one too, but it was a great fight.

Lets see...I defeated Kilioton, Bedrock, and countless others, but I cannot recall all of the names right now.


"Yes, Cajun, you CAN have a pony!" - Dusk Hammer (11/11/2008)



That's it Cajun. You're gonna have to put your EA Brute against my tank.



u are a toughie cajun =) i have to agree the match we had was a great match. Only other match i have had with a brute that was harder (not so much harder as pointelss lol) was a match i had with metal o a dm/ea brute........talk about a whiff fest. Granted we agreed to no isnspirations so that is probably why it had no result.



Thats an amusing post Akira. Hmm.. I seem to remember my team in WB killing Kagemon over and over and over again.

And again.

And then again.

Get over yourself.

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I dont know if a team or heroes killing one hero is something to brag about.............now if you have defeated him solely one time after another then i would say brag on, but kage is very good at what he does.......He just couldnt take your team wich if im not mistaken is not something that anyone can do really unless that team just really really sucks. Kage is a very modest pvp'r and probably one of the coolest people you will meet in the game if you give him a chance.



Yep, I've had many a match with and against Akira Project, and he's by far not one to brag.



Yep, I've had many a match with and against Akira Project, and he's by far not one to brag.

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i definitely do and will always vouch for AP/Kage hes a great person



I have a list, as it happens, of what I feel are the top 50 PvP'rs that I've seen. To be "among the best in the game" you should probably be on that list. There are only 8 people from Champion on that list. Ability to hunt down squishies and those somewhat new to PvP is not how you get on that list, iltat. You are certainly skilled, but then so many other players are as well.

Quason, are you experienced with players from other servers? I am. I've fought their best and brightest.

Who made me judge? By sheer hours logged PvP'ing and number of players met, there are few that come close to me.



:Crosses fingers:



Personally CZ, I can't wait until they change the toggle dropping rules and see how everyone tries and adapt.

Taking nothing away from your skills, it's easy to take a very gifted powerset and do well with it. But it isn't very easy to take a non-PvP heavy powerset and do well with it, especially when the odds are stacked against you from the devs.



Lady Lullabye... you have to admire her spirit!

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One of these days, tanker, ONE OF THESE DAYS!!!

i'll catch you afk



And BTW, there's no need call iltat names. He's quite simply one of the most skilled PvPers in the game, bar none.

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I appreciate the kind words, but on one hand, I completely agree with him. I am completely new to PvP besides racing games and getting my butt handed to me at Halo by some friends. I like to think that I can hold my own, but in all reality, I am a n00b. As a matter of fact, I was THRILLED when just yesterday, I killed Kagemon by myself while he was chatting on arena chat. I was quite pleased to have pulled it off since he's quite the challenge for me to kill

I just try to PvP logically. I try to work on new ideas and approaches to help me become better. I also try my best to learn from every defeat I suffer

Quason's too nice, and I would be happy to PvP with you sometime _Fly_ as I think I've yet to meet you. Also, since I PvP with Quason nigh-daily, I'm kinda surprised that you're basing your opinion on my post count instead of having ever actually seen me play, but maybe that's the deciding factor

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



I have a list, as it happens, of what I feel are the top 50 PvP'rs that I've seen. To be "among the best in the game" you should probably be on that list. There are only 8 people from Champion on that list. Ability to hunt down squishies and those somewhat new to PvP is not how you get on that list, iltat. You are certainly skilled, but then so many other players are as well.

Quason, are you experienced with players from other servers? I am. I've fought their best and brightest.

Who made me judge? By sheer hours logged PvP'ing and number of players met, there are few that come close to me.

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lol ..and to think, stealth is the key to success against this guy



Lady Lullabye... you have to admire her spirit!

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One of these days, tanker, ONE OF THESE DAYS!!!

i'll catch you afk

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Happy Birthday Sheema! Maybe today is your day!?!?!

Either way, it's good to see you around the boards!



That's it Cajun. You're gonna have to put your EA Brute against my tank.

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Anytime buddy. I'll be on later tonight after I get off of work.

"Yes, Cajun, you CAN have a pony!" - Dusk Hammer (11/11/2008)




lol ..and to think, stealth is the key to success against this guy

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hehe, you should see me in team matches!



Heh.. I'm a PvP n00b as well. I'm too busy scrapperlocking and trying to beat, say a tank, 1 on 1 . 50 levels as a kin defender, pre-ED I was used to soloing everything but AVs, even on invincible. Only way I could maybe wring out a draw in the arena was if I took the "No power pools" option.
I'll have to bring Blue into Warburg and see if I can get in a PuG against the Monkies or HVND teams... that'll ramp up my learning curve a bit, I'd wager



I have a list, as it happens, of what I feel are the top 50 PvP'rs that I've seen. To be "among the best in the game" you should probably be on that list. There are only 8 people from Champion on that list.

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I hope you didnt list me multiple times? Dats Da Limper on Champion, rest are in my Sig. Make sure you update that, would hate to hog several spots. Im just one player, killin toons one at a time.

BTW Tandy, I could use a partner or three in PVP. Look me up anytime. And on a serious note the devs seemed to have fixed the zone/rep bug, everything prior to this has been a test imho.



I have a list, as it happens, of what I feel are the top 50 PvP'rs that I've seen.

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I have a list of the top 50 movies Ive seen.

BTW You've been sworded!



I have a list, as it happens, of what I feel are the top 50 PvP'rs that I've seen.

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I have a list of the top 50 movies Ive seen.

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I have a colon that constantly drops out of my anus!

"Yes, Cajun, you CAN have a pony!" - Dusk Hammer (11/11/2008)



I have a colon that constantly drops out of my anus!

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You should have that looked at.




I have a list, as it happens, of what I feel are the top 50 PvP'rs that I've seen.

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I have a list of the top 50 movies Ive seen.

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I have a colon that constantly drops out of my anus!

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Watch out, that might get infected!