I Killed _______ in PvP




Ah, leave it to PvP to bring lurkers out in the open...



Thats an amusing post Akira. Hmm.. I seem to remember my team in WB killing Kagemon over and over and over again.

And again.

And then again.

Get over yourself.



If you really wanted to go on the offensive you could have.

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Tried. As I said (check the screenshot), I couldn't hit you. When you ran out of yellows and couldn't see me, you started hopping around. I couldn't catch up to you to hit you. Had you on follow with Energy Transfer keyed up (except when you went into the water because, as I said, I'm not stupid) and I was always JUST too far out of reach for it to activate.

And there's no animosity. I just found it amusing that someone who's known for his jousting techniques would criticise someone for being mobile. I'm not going to stand there and let you beat on me. You learned that lesson early in Siren's Call, and you starting being mobile as well. As I recall, your exact quote on the matter was "Pain is a good teacher." I learned the same lesson from the same teacher. Scrapping with a Scrapper is a bad idea.

So yeah, if you get the initiative on me, I'm going to withdraw because I'm at an immediate, clear, and often insurmountable disadvantage. Therefore it's in my best interest to cancel out your advantage as quickly as possible and attempt to re-engage on my own terms, gaining my own advantage.

PvP is about knowing ones strengths and limitations. If you, an SR scrapper with aid other, prevent me from landing my high-damage toggle dropper on you as an opener, I've little chance of surviving the encounter as you're able to simply withdraw momentarily and recover the small amount of damage I've done to you. However, if I'm able to land that attack, my subsequent attacks become easier to land and I've got a very good chance of killing you. As the scoreboard shows, it was a successful tactic.

And BTW, there's no need call iltat names. He's quite simply one of the most skilled PvPers in the game, bar none.

*edit* And also, don't take anything said in this thread personally. This is and pretty much always has been a pat-yourself-on-the-back thread. I wouldn't have posted about the victory if I wasn't proud of it, and I wouldn't have been proud of it if I didn't respect you as a competitor. Everytime someone brags about killing me in this thread, I take it as a compliment that they feel the accomplishment worthy of acknowledgement.



Been seein alot of trash talking here in these threads. Just wanted to visit and add my own. First DA LIMPER PWNZ ALL. Thats right I talk a better game than any of you.

Let me start this lil rant off by saying I have never lost, EVER, in PVP. Not once. Sure sure people like Kagemon, or Quason might bring up time when they THINK they defeated me. I SAY BRING SCREENSHOTS. Till then I will keep shouting smack over broadcasts in Warburg and Sirens, and enjoy my pvp dominance. (at least till one of you really does bring in a screenshot).

WAR Jim Rome, WAR Deadboy (really a great sport considering I developed my build to kick his [censored]), WAR Kagemon & Quason, and WAR the LMC all of you are a challenge.

PS please take every word I spew with a grain of salt, most of my smack talk is for humor or to get your best effort. My apologies to anyone that has killed me when I was cranky, I generally take defeat graciously.



Okay, I'm totally gonna have to catch you in Warburg and take a screenshot now, just because you mentioned it.



I love a challenge. Quason if you can get a screenshot of me, lying dead with proof from the combat window.... I will never again talk smack to you for ganking my bounty. No wait cant promise that, I love talking smack. OK you get that screenshot, and ill GIVE YOU A FULL TRAY OF ENHANCEMENTS!!!!!

(training enhancements only, void where prohibited, limited time offer, not valid for nrg stalkers on champion server, one coupon per villain)



He's quite simply one of the most skilled PvPers in the game, bar none.

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That's debatable



He's quite simply one of the most skilled PvPers in the game, bar none.

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That's debatable

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Is that because you think you're the most skilled PvP'er in the game and you like to toot your own horn?



He's quite simply one of the most skilled PvPers in the game, bar none.

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That's debatable

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Oh geez get over yourself.



very debatable



He's quite simply one of the most skilled PvPers in the game, bar none.

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That's debatable

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Is that because you think you're the most skilled PvP'er in the game and you like to toot your own horn?

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Ya, that's it .. lol .. I guess by saying someone else's being one of the best is debatable suggests I think I'm the best .. how could I have missed that one..



Ah....here comes the pissing again. Hope you guys brought your ponchos; we wouldn't want people getting wet.




He's quite simply one of the most skilled PvPers in the game, bar none.

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That's debatable

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Is that because you think you're the most skilled PvP'er in the game and you like to toot your own horn?

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Ya, that's it .. lol .. I guess by saying someone else's being one of the best is debatable suggests I think I'm the best .. how could I have missed that one..

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I'm just messing with ya fly. But to be the official "best" PvP'er in the game, you have to take a Ice/Axe Tanker and make it uber in PvP.



He's quite simply one of the most skilled PvPers in the game, bar none.

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That's debatable

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Oh geez get over yourself.

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If having 3000+ posts on the forum makes you skilled at PvP.. then possibiliy. However, with so many different ATs .. different play styles .. different tactics .. different skills .. no one is "one of the most skilled" .. perhaps in a certain AT .. but over all .. no... logic isn't that hard



I would like to devote this post to a toon that isnt getting enough props in PVP, let alone this thread. Thats right DA LIMPER. Quite likely THE BEST PVPer ON CHAMPION SERVER (in print + CAPS = TRU.DAT). Just wanted to offer this PSA, since I know DA LIMPER, is to shy to TOOT his own horn in such a public forum.



He's quite simply one of the most skilled PvPers in the game, bar none.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's debatable

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that because you think you're the most skilled PvP'er in the game and you like to toot your own horn?

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Ya, that's it .. lol .. I guess by saying someone else's being one of the best is debatable suggests I think I'm the best .. how could I have missed that one..

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I'm just messing with ya fly. But to be the official "best" PvP'er in the game, you have to take a Ice/Axe Tanker and make it uber in PvP.

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Haha, well thanks for letting me know you were joking.. I honestly appreciate that .. I assumed I'd have people jump at me after saying that .. .. and ice/axe is the roxxors!



Calling someone "one of the best" doesn't knock you off the list, btw. Not that I'm saying you're on that list, or that you aren't. The only time I ever saw you PvP was on a team of 8 of your SG mates, so it's hard to gauge what your own personal contribution was, but the team you were on at the time was phenomenal. I've just not had the pleasure of encountering you on your own.



I don't consider myself one of the best .. in fact, I don't really consider anyone one of the best.. partially because my preference is team vs. team and partially because is largely dependant upon the AT you're playing vs. the AT they're playing (i.e. - if my main is a Rad/Empath .. I can be very good at PvP, but not be able to kill :: or, if my main AT is a Invul Tank, and after the Invul Nerfs my supurb 1v1 Tank just turned mush, not because I suck, but because the AT got trashed) .. but I'm always up for a 1v1 .. I'm pretty easy going when it comes to PvP (meaning, I don't get pissed when I lose, and then blame the other for cheating, etc) but I still love it all the same, that's the reason I still play this game .. so, lets get together sometime and do a 1v1, would be fun.



hmm, I guess I killed someone in PvP.

I've put down Quason a few times, and vice versa. Always a close match.

Me and Cajun had a great fight, too close for me to be comfortable with a rematch. I prefer to be remembered as the victor thank you very much.

Lady Lullabye... you have to admire her spirit!

There has been others, I swear, just as a loss for some names right now.



That sounds like a lot of fun, Fly. Could I talk you into attending a Fight Club in Siren's Call one night (tonight would be great, around 10pm eastern) or are you specced for a higher level zone? Warburg would be fine too if you'd prefer.



I'd actually prefer Warburg myself.
But, would be interesting to check out both.



I don't consider myself one of the best .

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats cause you arent. It was clearly established (in print and all caps) by another poster (see independant verification) that DA LIMPER is da best.

Sorry bored as hell at work, and ganking your 1v1 conversation, but hey Quason does that to my bounties all the time.



I'll be on tonight, but I've got Christmas parties I've got to go to .. (If I don't got I'll draw too much wife aggro ) .. So, I'll most likely be on late .. around 9:30-10ish central (which is like 10:30-11ish eastern right?)



I don't consider myself one of the best .

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Thats cause you arent. It was clearly established (in print and all caps) by another poster (see independant verification) that DA LIMPER is da best.

Sorry bored as hell at work, and ganking your 1v1 conversation, but hey Quason does that to my bounties all the time.

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ROFL -- Warburg is for all so bring da limper and we'll have some fun!



He's quite simply one of the most skilled PvPers in the game, bar none.

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That's debatable

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Oh geez get over yourself.

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If having 3000+ posts on the forum makes you skilled at PvP.. then possibiliy. However, with so many different ATs .. different play styles .. different tactics .. different skills .. no one is "one of the most skilled" .. perhaps in a certain AT .. but over all .. no... logic isn't that hard

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hehe I had to throw a jab at you.