I Killed _______ in PvP




Did you miss my post about test server?



D'oh, indeed my friend!
I've missed many fun times because of that ..
Makes me wish that CoH/CoV would make a server we can transfer to that is purely PvP.



If only if only...



Well, the team we had tonight in Siren's call was rather mean...

Arctus, Mage, and Master Ruin joined me initially as we battled in the waters in front of the villain base. Later on, gulag/blue/suppressed fury joined us after he had given us some runs with his two heroes. And for those who still think constantly moving won't prevent AStrike, he can vouch for it since he ran my Stalker butt on a marathon while I chased his defender. Everntually got him twice when he was rebuffing other folks, but by that point, it was for honor's sake, not the bounty Promises also joined up just as I was leaving due to bad system lag, and I'm sure she more than picked up my slack

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



i was running through Siren's call with only 2 other heroes in it last night nailing tons of villains. you guys need to keep up with my so called "jet fighter tactics" so funny when someone tps me mid jump just to have me take off when i get in front of them.



That was fun. I was in there a long time on my Stalker and now have my AS with 5 SOs at level 21 ::evil look::

Anyone who thinks Stalking is easy needs to actully play one in PvP. Man lots of chasing and waiting. As I'm jumping around Sirens serveral times I'm thinking to my self if I was on my blaster he would be dead a long time ago with alot less fuss.



That was fun. I was in there a long time on my Stalker and now have my AS with 5 SOs at level 21 ::evil look::

Anyone who thinks Stalking is easy needs to actully play one in PvP. Man lots of chasing and waiting. As I'm jumping around Sirens serveral times I'm thinking to my self if I was on my blaster he would be dead a long time ago with alot less fuss.

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Especially if his name was Blue Neutrino or if he was one of the ADD Scrappers we chased off and on (one sticks out in memory...)

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Siren's call last night was brutal. Heroes starting out kicking butt by the villian bass (Dead boy TP'ing strays into his mine fields) where I tried to play AS bait (only works if you actually live through one or two as was later the case). Eventually the villians ran us out of town and were even getting into our base by the zone door / hospital. Weird thing happened though and we managed a pretty decent defense of the place, even managed to to knock out prev with the help of an 8 story fall to the ground! hehe... I was defeated maybe 10 times and defeated (or partially) maybe twice as many, often the same brave dominator, my drone hat is off to you brave warrior.



Here's a quote from Statesman:


Right now, we’re working on some possible solutions for the fact that defense doesn’t scale with level (this affects Ice, Stone and Invulnerability). That’s an imbalance that we’re looking at. I’m somewhat concerned about toggle dropping in PvP and perhaps it’s too much, though we’re still at the research mode right now.

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It looks like strategies will have to change down the line...



I soo need to work in Repel for Blue Yes yes, I know it won't save me from a stun/Focus, etc., but if I *DON'T* get stunned, I can at least make the bounty interesting.
I'm wondering if with their datamining, that the devs might not raise the base HPs of controllers and defenders to blaster level, since that would be the quickest "fix" to being 1-shot. That 2nd attack would still get you, but you'd have a split second of time to do something, like being able to hit a quick Transfusion

Lastly.. AR/* blasters need a touch of loving for PvP.. I hit.. I think it was Da Limper with my 3 dmg SO'd snipe.. for a whopping ~160 damage



Forgot to add.. so iltat, how much bounty do you think you gave up trying to keep up with a Siphon Sped flying defender? I think we had each other's Most Wanted since I kept seeing your dot trail me by a few yards every 10 seconds or so



Forgot to add.. so iltat, how much bounty do you think you gave up trying to keep up with a Siphon Sped flying defender? I think we had each other's Most Wanted since I kept seeing your dot trail me by a few yards every 10 seconds or so

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Eh, I logged over 36K that day, so I'm not TOO worried I was zooming around kicking myself for not slotting Flight Speed yet though

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Had a very good match with CZ's ice/storm Prince Of Carnia.

Had a battle with Future, Defenders dont make very good PvP toons IMO. (versus trollers at least)

Fought, He's With Me, another fire/rad, not very experienced but game.

Avoided Blues troller, he is a very skilled fire/rad.

Urlan is one of the best ill/storms to fight.

Had some fun with Crackback on his troller, blaster and tank. Pyrad with practice can become a force. His ice/dev, well, good concept toon bro. His tank is ok, needs some practice.



Ok, I'm hurt. I have annoyed almost EVRY hero in Sirens's Call, taken multiple butt whippings in FC (when I'm not being a blatant [censored] TK-ing for ring outs), and contributed mightily to all of your bounty goodies. Not even a honorable mention? I should be listed in every post here, because I'm pretty sure I have been killed at least once by everyone now. GIVE CRAPPY HIS LOVE!!

Mr. Craptastic- Lvl 36 Dominator, specializing in post-motem holds since 11/05!




Ok, I'm hurt. I have annoyed almost EVRY hero in Sirens's Call, taken multiple butt whippings in FC (when I'm not being a blatant [censored] TK-ing for ring outs), and contributed mightily to all of your bounty goodies. Not even a honorable mention? I should be listed in every post here, because I'm pretty sure I have been killed at least once by everyone now. GIVE CRAPPY HIS LOVE!!

Mr. Craptastic- Lvl 36 Dominator, specializing in post-motem holds since 11/05!

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now THAT's funny.

5 stars fo....oh crap... nm.



Hehehe. Was in Warburg playing my almighty Empath; Stimpack today, helping an SGmate grab a missle.

Wasn't sure why, but I just KNEW a stalker was near. My team consisted of Me (Stimpack) a stormie and a blaster. We were split up gathering scientists. I grabbed one, and then heard the loveable BuildUp sound.. I play a Staker so I know what happens next. Stalker Quason AS'd me. Therefore I hit Heal Aura and teleported outta there.

I run and tp around a bit till I think I should have lost quason, then land. I gather up my scientist. I know I'm not safe yet though, so I decide to bring in my reinforcement. I begin to recall friend my Stormie. Right as my Stormie arrives..... Quason is revealed to me... in the middle of the AS animation! Thanks to the stormy he couldn't complete it... whew.

Quason says... "eep" and tries to bail out, but my Stormie friend is intent on his death, and keeps him slowed down. I fry him with my Ho'd out rad blasts. Quason goes down. Doubt I could've done it without the total suprise inflicted in Quason. Was pretty fun though. Don't think anyone has ever been so close to pain and escaped as I was when I ported my buddy in.

Oh, and in Quason's defense, he later whacked both my Stormie buddy (THROUGH hurricane!), and my blaster buddy.... but not me!



Couldn't find you anymore after that. Looked around and didn't see anyone but the blaster and the stormy.



Anyone who's 1 on 1ed with Kagemon will find the conversation in this screenshot amusing. Particularly where he accuses me of running too much. This took place during a 10 minute arena match.

He'd bought a tray full of yellows to see me, so I bought a tray full of purples. I stood still and let him come close, then ate a handful of purples and ASed him. Got two kills like that before he ran out of yellows and I ran out of purples. Then we just ran around in circles chasing each other for 7 minutes without either of us landing a shot.

Quason - 2
Kagemon - 0

Good match for 3 minutes, frustrating for both of us for the last 7.




lol, too much running...

EZ Fix: Don't run Kage

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



I guess that is better than being TKed in a corner on my scrapper by his mind/bubble troller for the duration of a 10 minute match and everytime my Impale shots would get close to killing him off to PFF. I think I had that match twice and each time it was a boring draw.



Stalker Quason

Firstly, I'd like to congratulate Stalker Quason on his vicotry. Tactically yours was superior and I was caught off guard. Popping purple shield inspirations prior to engaging an opponent is a brilliant tactic. I commend that tactic, sincerly.

My fraustration with your tactics, however, was with the last 7 minutes where you didn't even make an attempt at all. You literally, just ran the entire match. I would see you, chase you, get a hit in or 2 then you would run, run, run and then run some more. I wouldn't mind if you'd retaliate in some way and make it more of a match. Non was returned however. I spent 7 minutes of the match, 2-0 down, looking for you. If you really wanted to go on the offensive you could have. Your build is much more mobile than my build, having Super Speed as one of your powers.

I'm an avid reader of these boards but I rarely ever am compeled to reply to a post. I see Arena matches for what they are.. just Arena matches. I had my share of dominating wins and crushing losses. (points to CZ and AA) Which is why
it puzzles me as to the reason why you even bothered publicizing our little arena match which I thought ended without annymosity.

Anyway, congratulations on your win once again. Although, clearly, your definition of an arena match differs from mine.


I call you for what you really are. Your a PVP poser. Go PVP more first before I'll start to take you seriously.

Mage Storm,

I remember that match. I recall your eagerness to challenge my troller to that arena match. You didn't seriously expect my mind/ff troller to joust with your regen spines scrapper did you? True, I did hit you with TK early but you failed to mention that I was spamming you with holds and force bolts In the attempt to break mezz protection.

Your a PVP veteran, you know the tactics that I employ. Don't tell me you didn't expect that when you initiated the arena challenge with my troller. Its like challenging DB and not expecting TP foe + mines; CZ and his blapping or Mage Storms hover snipping. To each his own.


The Akira Project / Kagemon



or Mage Storms hover snipping.

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MS is much more versitle than that. He can Blap or Hover Blast. I like to be more well rounded than just a "hover sniper" or just a "blapper"

I recall your eagerness to challenge my troller to that arena match.

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Strange because I don't eagerly challenge anyone to a one on one.




I call you for what you really are. You're a PVP n00b. I'll never take you seriously.

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Corrected for accuracy

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.