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  1. CitizenZero


    Before the SG retired, HVND was very much against venge stacking, but HVND was not a vocal SG. If something bothered us, we kept our [censored] private. Just because people did not complain about it prior, does not mean the sentiment did not exist.

    Also, concerning storm teams, they are very beatable by run and gun teams, it just takes a different playstyle and very strict focus fire. If you want some tips and tricks, I'm more than happy to share.
  2. CitizenZero


    [ QUOTE ]
    And the only map is eden

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Boo hiss
  3. CitizenZero


    I vote forbid completely or limit to a max of 1 toon having it per team. Good post though, Goldie.
  4. CitizenZero


    Whatever will be will be. We'll just keep bringing storm teams and other groups will keep stacking vengeance and whoever wins wins. If that means more storm v. storm matches, I'll be happy. I think those matches where there is strategy and nuance as much as twitch and venge gathers are more fun.
  5. CitizenZero


    I love how all the non-storm players consider storm teams the same Easy-mode that venge stacking is.
  6. CitizenZero


    Acutally, last time we drew the eden map, storm won.
  7. You didn't search very hard. Check out the PvP FAQ and Guide to Guides thread which is stickied at the top of the forum.
  8. CitizenZero


    Positron approves this thread.
  9. What Pudds Said.

    1) 75%
    2) 95%
    3) 5%
    4) 66-75%
  10. Hey everyone.

    I'm CZ, and I'm an alcoholic. I am teh PUGmaster and most of you fooks know me already but for those that don't:

    -Been playing the game since launch
    -Been a hard core arena player since i4 test (lead most of the dev run SG rumbles in kills, take that terpman)
    -Former member of HVND
    -Current member of FoL
    -Originally hail from Champion server

    I'll be helping out with running events and some pre-event education for the less hardcore. I am here to make sure the interests of the hard core are heard and so we don't have any BS like over in the EU tourney's where they don't get to use travel powers.
  11. /signed to the above three statements
  12. Just stating that you're not really putting much on the line that already wasn't there.
  13. That's a very cheap wager considering you're continued participation in the game is already on the line regarding the current state of pvp. You are here for the PvP aren't you?
  14. SG/VG- Have A Nice Day/HVND
    Server- Champion
    Size-Medium (30+)
    Recruiting- On a very limited basis.

    HVND is one of Champions better PvP SG's. (Along with LMC-Lunatic Monkey Cult and WC-War Council)

    We're fun loving group of folks that are simply in love with PvP. One of the requirements of the SG is that it be the only SG that you are in. This breeds a strong sense of loyalty and pride in our actions and pursuits as well as a ferocity in the arena and abroad.

    Our preference of PvP is Base Raids/Arena and then the zones. If you would like to organize an SG match please contact @Nicci, @Angelsfist or @Citizen Zero, or contact any of us on the boards and we can set something up.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, the only thing I really wanted to change in this mess was the ability for Repel Fields to effectively trap a player against geometry in Base Raids.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Castle could save the programmers a lot of trouble by simply making a public service announcement letting all the ignorant players out there know about the counters to getting trapped like use of Phaseshift or TP to remove oneself from the corner or enlisting the help of a kineticist to buff you.

    Then again, requiring teamwork for success in a game where pvp is balanced around teams... I dunno...
  16. "Tired of getting ganked in Siren's Call?
    Too lazy to set up arena matches yourself?

    You're in luck! Tonight is Champion's Arena night!

    What does this entail you ask? This is an event where level 47-50 heroes and lvl 38-40 villains pit their skills against eachother in 10minute team matches.

    The arena is a debt-less, controlled environment in which griefers and gankers will be unable to reach you during your match.

    We promise hosting of non-stop matches into the wee hours of the morning. All you need to do is show up."
  17. Sirens really is the minor leagues: Fewer powers, fewer targets, tp to drones more prevalent. I'll take the 'Burg or the Arena any day of the week.
  18. We owned in Warburg because I logged on just as they were heading there.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Answer: NOBODY!!! w00t!

    But it's a rare, rare thing when somebody in my team dies. So that should say something.

    My problem is that the "somebody" on my team who dies is typically me. Oh well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    w00t .. an HVNDer back from the dead! And a frakkin' awesome Empath!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Killed Fly last night 9-4 in the arena
  20. Join us. Resistance is futile.
  21. You impose too much on me Ember. I make very few opinions without testing, but I'll keep my numbers to myself.
  22. Mal is absolutely right. Epic shielding is a real [censored] on scrappers and non-energy-melee tanks.

    Also, in my not-so-humble of opinions, ice/EM is currently the best tanker set for PvP. I pray you disagree with me though, it'd make things more convenient for me.