Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




I considered the option of taking quick recovery away from regen, strengthening it, and giving it to SR

[/ QUOTE ]

See, everyone's missing exactly what needs to be done to balance out SR, and I'll post it here because the topic of discussion seems to have drifted to /SR and Quick Recovery. Gather around, children, and I shall share the wisdom. Arcanaville, you'll want to listen to this.

Since MoG basically turns a /regen into a /SR, lets turn the tables. Give the /SR folks a tier 9 called 'Moment of Envy,' that for exactly 1 minute drops all their defense and makes them into a full-fledged regenner with Integration, IH, Dull Pain, and QR running, and one self-heal available. Bam! Problem Solved! No more /SR players within 10 minutes of the patch! 15, tops.

You can all bow down, now. Cryptic, I'm available for hire or consultation.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's pretty funny. Almost as funny as swapping instant healing for lucky would be.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



That's pretty funny. Almost as funny as swapping instant healing for lucky would be.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll probably get my regenner's license removed for saying this, but I think that would be cool. Give us a mild passive defense ability with scaling resists like that and I'd be really stoked.

Scrappers, GET TOUGH!

"I'm pretty sure it's deliberate. All they did was change the names and give the african americans super powers."




QR effectively means that not only does regen have the best damage mitigation, it a priori has - and cannot possibly not have - the best long term damage output. Nowhere in the description of regen do I see that conceptually it must beat everyone on damage mitigation and simultaneously must beat everyone on damage output.

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I see regen as the most constant. It keeps going and going, that's what it does. But with Invincibility Inv has a better tohit then regen thus more damage for as long as it can put it out, and SR has quickness for more damage as long as it can go. Sure regen out lasts them assuming someone runs out of end but in the short run its doing less then the those two. (I just don't know DA enough, does it not have a damage aura and stealth built in and thus also an offensive advantage to start with in fights?)


The devs have repeatedly stated both publicly and privately that they have no intention of altering QR. I think its because they are afraid of pissing regen scrappers off at this point. Which is good for regen scrappers, and I play regen scrappers, but when that carries more weight than actual material balance concerns, I'm not so sure that's really a good thing.

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Honestly I don't think they fear Regen's rage any. Look at ED and tell me honestly they care about pissing the players off? They don't and never have.



I can't believe how much LESS fun I'm having now with my regen scrapper. I miss IH as a toggle so much I nearly cry everytime I think about how much fun my old regen scrapper was. Did nerfing IH do anything but make me quit for a year? No...and even now that I'm back, the IH nerf makes me want to quit again.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've never had IH as a toggle and I've had bundles of joy with my regen. So maybe the problem isn't regen, it's your nostalgia for the past. The biggest complainers of nerfs seem to be those that say "well back in I2 or I4 I used to...". Well we don't care what it WAS like, we care what it is now. All the history in the whole game that has been changed really has no more relevance now. Except for those that live in the past and still torment themselves.



Because MoG is broken and Revive is not useful enough for a tier 8 power. SR is broken. It won't be fixed until the devs add a self heal to it and stop making SRs take seven powers that all buff the same stat. Invul won't be fixed until they roll back some of its nerfs. I support doing that AND fixing Revive and MoG.

Does Regen need the buff? No. But MoG is stupid the way it is. A panic button power should provide more mitigation that the powers that precede it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You see MoG as a panic button? I knew it, you've defined internally what it should be and are bitter because it doesn't fit your specs instead of using it for what it is and knowing how and when to make it work for you. Yes Geko, I'm baaAAaack. Hiya! I'm your thought police. Don't ya love me?



As nice as QR is, it isn't infinite END even now. Without stamina, even regens have to manage END. In fact, even with QR and DC on my DM/Regen, I still run out of END in teams when I go all out. I'm afraid I can't take seriously the "unless regen has zero END problems at all, its broken" objection.

[/ QUOTE ]

I never said it would be broken, only that I would be so ticked off that I would leave. And the ability to stack QR with Stamina is part in parcel of the benefit of QR. Just like the reason the devs won't buff Healing Flames or Recon to match Aid Self because we can combine the two.

A serious balance concern to me is that the devs use END as a limiting factor on offensive output. QR effectively means that not only does regen have the best damage mitigation, it a priori has - and cannot possibly not have - the best long term damage output. Nowhere in the description of regen do I see that conceptually it must beat everyone on damage mitigation and simultaneously must beat everyone on damage output.

[/ QUOTE ]

*Shrug* I think it's covered under the "No downtime provision." It's in the description now, I know it hasn't always been there. But you know, the devs use recharge as a limiting factor too and SR has an advantage there. The devs use our to-hit base as a limiting factor and Invul has (had?) an advantage there.

Is QR better than Invincibility or Quickness? Quickness for sure, the old Invincibility I would say no. But that gets to the point I've been making for awhile. SR is weak, Regen is not overpowered. Regen is simply good at what it does.

The issue is that QR was originally meant to power IH, and now IH doesn't need powering. Which means QR is really giving an offensive benefit, not a defensive one, and a massive one that was probably not originally intended. On the defensive side of the equation, regen now burns more end than it used to because of reconstruction, which is in effect replacing a lot of the original benefit of IH, at lower end cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well we can't go to original construction, because originally Regen was able to mitigate the damage of Monsters like the Kronos Titan solo. They took that away. A happy benefit of that is now Regens get to be the energizer bunnies of CoH.

If regen's actual regeneration was less dependent on burning END - if in essence regen didn't cost end to run - QR's reason for existence would be greatly lessened.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not really. It's reason to exist is for utility. SR doesn't really depend on Quickness for any of it's mainline mitigation (Well maybe a bit on PB). Invul certainly doesn't require the to-hit buff in Invincibility. QR is a benefit. Just like the endurance drains in the Tanker/Brute sets.

I wouldn't worry though. The devs have repeatedly stated both publicly and privately that they have no intention of altering QR. I think its because they are afraid of pissing regen scrappers off at this point. Which is good for regen scrappers, and I play regen scrappers, but when that carries more weight than actual material balance concerns, I'm not so sure that's really a good thing.

[/ QUOTE ]

The thing is, I don't think it's fear. I think Regen is just fine the way it is. It's not godmode, it's just a really good solid fun set. SR is broken. SR is the problem. They are doing this critter accuracy scaling to help SR. That's the appropriate way to look at it.

You're looking at it as Regen is so much more powerful than SR. NURF THEM. Sure you're saying it nicer and more reasonably, but in the end that's what you're saying. It's because both you and the devs can't figure out how to make SR be reasonably on par with Regen in a way that maintains the essential character of SR.

For me, this ridiculous mindset that sets can't be too similar is folly. There's only so many ways you can package healing, resistance and defense. At some point you just have to suck it up and accept that while defense might be SR's FOCUS it can't be its only appreciable means of mitigation.

All four Scrapper sets need varying levels of healing, resistance and defense.

If nothing else, consider that if that's the mindset, if they ever change their mind, logic is not going to be a useful weapon to get them to change it back. Personally, I'd rather have what I have because the devs honestly think its the right thing for me to have, and not because of fear. SR has the (low) defense it has because of fear: just fear of a completely different sort.

[/ QUOTE ]

The presumption here is that the devs aren't nerfing QR solely because they don't want to tick us off. Well hell if they were so worried about ticking us off they sure as heck got over it in time for I3-I6. More likely is that the devs just don't agree with you that QR is that bad. It's really not. I don't feel my DM/Invul is so much worse off than my Spines/Regen. I don't.

In teams, endurance isn't the biggest problem anyway. And that's how the devs play.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Because MoG is broken and Revive is not useful enough for a tier 8 power. SR is broken. It won't be fixed until the devs add a self heal to it and stop making SRs take seven powers that all buff the same stat. Invul won't be fixed until they roll back some of its nerfs. I support doing that AND fixing Revive and MoG.

Does Regen need the buff? No. But MoG is stupid the way it is. A panic button power should provide more mitigation that the powers that precede it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You see MoG as a panic button? I knew it, you've defined internally what it should be and are bitter because it doesn't fit your specs instead of using it for what it is and knowing how and when to make it work for you. Yes Geko, I'm baaAAaack. Hiya! I'm your thought police. Don't ya love me?

[/ QUOTE ]

No. I don't see MoG as a panic button. That's what Statesman and Geko see the power as. They've said as much. You weren't here for the long trench wars over this power.

I used to see the power as a way to substitute healing for defense when I needed it. They they nerfed it. Oh well. BTW, you don't get under my skin, MoG does. I think you're amusing.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I can't believe how much LESS fun I'm having now with my regen scrapper. I miss IH as a toggle so much I nearly cry everytime I think about how much fun my old regen scrapper was. Did nerfing IH do anything but make me quit for a year? No...and even now that I'm back, the IH nerf makes me want to quit again.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've never had IH as a toggle and I've had bundles of joy with my regen. So maybe the problem isn't regen, it's your nostalgia for the past. The biggest complainers of nerfs seem to be those that say "well back in I2 or I4 I used to...". Well we don't care what it WAS like, we care what it is now. All the history in the whole game that has been changed really has no more relevance now. Except for those that live in the past and still torment themselves.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now that's definitely true. Regen is fine the way it is, but it's still hard to let go of the past. The devs let things go too long. They wanted to make IH a click about a month past launch but Geko lost his nerve.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I see regen as the most constant. It keeps going and going, that's what it does. But with Invincibility Inv has a better tohit then regen thus more damage for as long as it can put it out, and SR has quickness for more damage as long as it can go. Sure regen out lasts them assuming someone runs out of end but in the short run its doing less then the those two.

[/ QUOTE ]

By my calculations, the increased end recovery of QR is worth about one SO's worth of end reducers in each attack, while quickness is worth about one DO's worth of recharge in each attack (and the actual net benefit is a little lower than the speed value because of the activation time penalty). Theoretically speaking, a regen scrapper can always parlay higher regen into faster speed, especially post ED (and actually, pre-ED also, although few did).

(I just don't know DA enough, does it not have a damage aura and stealth built in and thus also an offensive advantage to start with in fights?)

[/ QUOTE ]

Death shroud is an aura, so its best bang for buck comes in teamed situations with larger spawns, so DS can hit more targets for the END it burns, and the spawns are closer together so there is less time spent burning END and getting no benefit. I'd say DS in teams is at least as good of a benefit as QR is to regen provided the DA scrapper has KB protection and/or isn't being knocked out of the center of spawns, and has enough END to power all of its toggles and attacks through heavy END reduce slotting. Probably it comes up to par with the overall benefit with QR in the late game moreso in the early game, where QR has a big edge over the other sets' non-defensive benefits in the early game (when END is a bigger constraint prior to SOs and stamina).

In any case, DA is the one set I think has a legitimate ability to challenge regen for the strongest scrapper set. Under the right conditions, its the only set that can unambiguously outperform regen. Those situations are not necessarily representative of the average situation, but they aren't rare either. I would not say DA > Regen, but I wouldn't argue with DA ~= Regen, at least in overall performance (its a lot more expensive and takes more effort to get that level of performance out of DA that Regen gets much more effortlessly, but a strong DA driver can match and occasionally exceed Regen across a wide range of situations).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



By my calculations, the increased end recovery of QR is worth about one SO's worth of end reducers in each attack, while quickness is worth about one DO's worth of recharge in each attack (and the actual net benefit is a little lower than the speed value because of the activation time penalty). Theoretically speaking, a regen scrapper can always parlay higher regen into faster speed, especially post ED (and actually, pre-ED also, although few did).

[/ QUOTE ]

You keep proving my point. The problem there is with Quickness not QR. QR is worth a SO. Quickness should be worth a SO. Invincibility should work out to an SO.

(I always thought it would be nice if DA got a passive damage buff so that all the Scrappers could give up a power ten slot)

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



You're looking at it as Regen is so much more powerful than SR. NURF THEM. Sure you're saying it nicer and more reasonably, but in the end that's what you're saying. It's because both you and the devs can't figure out how to make SR be reasonably on par with Regen in a way that maintains the essential character of SR.

[/ QUOTE ]

Its trivially easy for me to do that. I've come up with about six different ways to do it. On each one, been implied or directly told it would make SR too powerful. I am one hundred percent sure that those suggestions would only put SR on par with regen, not exceed it. Draw the logical conclusion.

I want the devs to point to a spot, and say "somewhere generally around there is where the scrapper secondaries should be" and then make sure at least SR and Invuln get there. Frankly, I don't care if the spot they pick puts regen at ground zero or fifty miles away. What I do care about is that in the case of regen, because +regeneration is so tricky to balance, they let regen have a lot (whether its too much, not enough, or just right is immaterial: that its a lot is unassailable). But they believe defense is also tricky to balance (because of stacking), so SR's get to have too little. That is annoyingly inconsistent.

You say its not fear. They were in fact so afraid of stacking problems with defense that they invented a whole different damage mitigation mechanism just to give to SR so they wouldn't have to give it more defense. When the dev team says adding toxic defense or altering the perception rules would take too much work, inventing the first new form of damage mitigation since release just for one set is not altruism or someone getting creative, that's fear.

Its not wholely unfounded fear, but the problems are not intractible.

The real problem is that because regen's damage mitigation is much more difficult to analyze than say SR or Invuln, its easy to dismiss mathematical comparisons unless you've heavily played all the sets and can compare apples to apples.

Because you tihnk somehow I just lack the creativity it takes to "add a heal" to SR, this is SR balanced against the current performance of regen:

FF: 15.75% melee
FS: 15.75% ranged/AoE
dodge: 7.5% melee
agile: 7.5% ranged/AoE
PB: status, +15% health/+15% heal, enhanceable
quickness: +0.3 speed, +0.25 recovery, unenhanceable
lucky: replace with revive
evasion: toggle, intangible
elude: +45% defense, +run/jump/recovery
(this gets rid of the passive scaling resistances, by the way)

Its really easy to look at that and go "no freaking way." But that basically brings SR even with regen, on five critical metrics: average performance, build efficiency, slot efficiency, burst/average damage mitigation curve and power pool synergy.

That's the performance you're saying regen has to have, or you'll quit. And yet I'm pretty sure that if I fight for another two years, I'm extremely unlikely to get it for SR or Invuln.

You should keep in mind that I've never actually stated that I think regen needs or deserves a nerf. I consider the spot that the devs choose to balance the sets arbitrary, and I don't care where regen is relative to that spot: higher, lower, or dead even. Swapping QR between regen and SR was purely an academic exercise to look at the balance issues between them. QR offers three separate benefits to regen: build efficiency, offensive boost, and lower downtime. All three are specific weaknesses in the SR set, which has the lowest build efficiency, the lowest offensive boost of the four sets, and the worst downtime mitigation (no heal, no end recovery). Swapping them on paper helps demonstrate the gap between them, and it can be done in a way that doesn't seriously alter the character of the set (or it would be an invalid comparison). Consider that in the SR example above, I replace lucky with revive. That isn't necessarily because I think SR needs revive: its a placeholder for "a power with no defensive mitigation benefit that would not be universally considered a necessary build choice and could be skipped by anyone with a tight build."

If I actually thought regen should have QR taken away, I would have no qualms at all with starting a thread with exactly that title.

By the way, you know how we used to say that one advantage of SR was that its defenses worked against everything? Its actually regen whose defenses work against everything. Apparently, a theoretical hole in SR's defenses is not so theoretical after all.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



That's the performance you're saying regen has to have, or you'll quit.

[/ QUOTE ]

No. I said if they took away QR and didn't give me a comparable endurance management tool, I'm gone. I didn't say anything about the rest of the set, but I will now:

I just want people to stop nerf-herding my main. Jeez. The set's fun and it's taken enough nerfs. Balance isn't more important than fun. Everyone looks and Regen and gets annoyed that their favorite set isn't as good. And while you might play Regens, in your heart you love that SR and it gets your first loyalty. I understand. I play defense sets too. But Regen is my heart in this game.

Because you tihnk somehow I just lack the creativity it takes to "add a heal" to SR, this is SR balanced against the current performance of regen:

FF: 15.75% melee
FS: 15.75% ranged/AoE
dodge: 7.5% melee
agile: 7.5% ranged/AoE
PB: status, +15% health/+15% heal, enhanceable
quickness: +0.3 speed, +0.25 recovery, unenhanceable
lucky: replace with revive
evasion: toggle, intangible
elude: +45% defense, +run/jump/recovery
(this gets rid of the passive scaling resistances, by the way)

Its really easy to look at that and go "no freaking way." But that basically brings SR even with regen, on five critical metrics: average performance, build efficiency, slot efficiency, burst/average damage mitigation curve and power pool synergy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fine, you have the creativity and the devs simply don't have the courage to see the brilliance of your idea. Then keep arguing for it, help them see you're right.

But leave Regen the hell out of it. I don't say that Elude is too strong because I want MoG to be better. I just say that Elude is strong and fun and in character with the set. If you simply said, "Regen is a fun set that does really well in [your five metrics]" why can't we have that too, cool. I fully support you having that.


Finally, I'll tell you I think you're asking for too much in that proposal. Not that you're asking for something overpowered, but you're asking for something they are going to have to take on faith isn't overpowered. That's the problem. And again it's not necessary. SR would be fine if it had a decent heal. All your other metrics are nice, but really most people don't care about that. They just want to get back into the action quicker and have a way to deal with the unexpected damage spikes that accompany a defense set.

You think too much.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



SR would be fine if it had a decent heal.

[/ QUOTE ]

There's a reason why that proposal doesn't have one: its the thing that SR is least likely to get. I'm basing that on information I can't share, but suffice to say I believe I lack the ability to overcome the hurdle I know is there.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I can't believe how much LESS fun I'm having now with my regen scrapper. I miss IH as a toggle so much I nearly cry everytime I think about how much fun my old regen scrapper was. Did nerfing IH do anything but make me quit for a year? No...and even now that I'm back, the IH nerf makes me want to quit again.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've never had IH as a toggle and I've had bundles of joy with my regen. So maybe the problem isn't regen, it's your nostalgia for the past. The biggest complainers of nerfs seem to be those that say "well back in I2 or I4 I used to...". Well we don't care what it WAS like, we care what it is now. All the history in the whole game that has been changed really has no more relevance now. Except for those that live in the past and still torment themselves.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's the admit you've never had IH as a toggle...what can you possibly know about fun now vs. fun then? Just because you're having fun now doens't mean you couldn't be having more fun...

It's this mindset that allows the devs to nerf fun...people will keep paying to get their teeth kicked in...when people's favorite powers and favorite abilities are nerfed, it doesn't equate to equates to a nerf. Nobody in their right mind enjoys being made weaker. IH, as a toggle, was my absolutely favorite Situational, at best, and regen is a click-happy set.

All the talk now is focused on Regen...what people forget is that back in the day Invul was considered as good IF NOT BETTER than many invul scrappers can honestly argue that they are better than regen...people had a choice. That choice is now gone if they want to be as effective as they can...

Buff ALL secondaries to make them equal--don't nerf ANYTHING--and give me back IH as a toggle...

Kid Quills



SR would be fine if it had a decent heal.

[/ QUOTE ]

There's a reason why that proposal doesn't have one: its the thing that SR is least likely to get. I'm basing that on information I can't share, but suffice to say I believe I lack the ability to overcome the hurdle I know is there.

[/ QUOTE ]

You don't have to share it. I know they don't want to add it. They didn't want to scale AVs to EBs either, but they came around.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Buff ALL secondaries to make them equal--don't nerf ANYTHING--and give me back IH as a toggle...

[/ QUOTE ]

For every Arcanaville, there's a...

Scrappers, GET TOUGH!

"I'm pretty sure it's deliberate. All they did was change the names and give the african americans super powers."



I dont know if this has been said yet, but does the RP thing have anything to do with adding a heal or a rez to SR. Fire and Regen get self rezzes because it goes with the power. How would SR justify a rez. In reality your not really super at all like the natural description. Your basicially a cool ninja that can dodge bullets not some freak that uses darkness powers to come back to life.....

just a thought.



a lot of sr is explained by being sped up.what effect on the spread sheets would a int level of increased healing speed have?



I dont know if this has been said yet, but does the RP thing have anything to do with adding a heal or a rez to SR. Fire and Regen get self rezzes because it goes with the power. How would SR justify a rez. In reality your not really super at all like the natural description. Your basicially a cool ninja that can dodge bullets not some freak that uses darkness powers to come back to life.....

just a thought.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's more that Geko decided long ago that balance be darned, the sets WILL be different. The devs have hitched their horse to the idea of playing alts as a major form of content. And they want each of those alts to feel and play differently. That's why Elec and Eng are stuck with silly long activation times while Ice blasts things in seconds.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



so, 100% XP bump for all levels to facilitate the playing of alts then?

cool, i'm glad we could all reach an amicable solution.

Next Issue's topic: what real synergy is there for shield/regen.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



so, 100% XP bump for all levels to facilitate the playing of alts then?

cool, i'm glad we could all reach an amicable solution.

Next Issue's topic: what real synergy is there for shield/regen.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your request has been accepted. Please log into the test server now. Don't mind the limited playing space and lack of PvE options. It's a feature!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



It's more that Geko decided long ago that balance be darned, the sets WILL be different. The devs have hitched their horse to the idea of playing alts as a major form of content. And they want each of those alts to feel and play differently. That's why Elec and Eng are stuck with silly long activation times while Ice blasts things in seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's the problem...instead of content we have alts...but, even for the most diehard, there are only so many times you can kill frostfire, or kill the Kraken, or kill Dr. Vahz, or kill Hopkins, or run around in the same "what idiot designed this office mission." Alts aren't content, but that's all CoH has...

The thing that works in CoX's favor is how much fun combat is...and when they nerf that fun, well, hopefully CoX will withstand the coming tide of MMORPGs...I mean, have you seen some of the amazing games coming out? Makes me wonder how long CoX will stay viable...nerfs = unhappy customers, and unhappy customers = looking elsewhere, and looking elsewhere means fewer and fewer people playing...

Buffs--BUFFS--are what make people happy. When alts are what your content is, leveling fast and having fun are what make you roll alts to experience the content. I've done every story arc in CoH, and in the end, it's just a bunch of the same missions in the same looking buildings....adding a bit of new art here and there doesn't change that.

If alts are content, and they're all we have right now, then playing one to 50 sure as heck better not feel like a grind...and the same missions over and over? awfully grindy, if you ask me...


Kid Quills



I have a strange Idea. Take Int and make it an auto power. But remove the defense to status protection and give it resistance instead. However inexchange for that it gets resistance to all effects, fear, slow, everything. But it does loose KB protection. Really does it make sense that because you heal fast you don't get knocked back?

Anyway just a crazy idea.



Sorry, leave my Integration alone please.




i'll take you one further. do that for all scrappers and tankers. tanks get kb protection though.

then give squishies mag protection and no resistance.

hmmm, then change all toggles to long duration, short recharge, perma clicks.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition