Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




Is that 60% base defense?

I'd take it either way just because. I mean my fire tank has ROtP and I love that.



As long as you get the cool animation that RoTP does, I'm down.

Currently roleplaying, badgehunting, and laughing at the PvPers of CoX. lol, PvP.

Truedusk - Human Rogue



MoG: when you fall, you can activate this power to revive yourself. When you return, you return with 70% resistances to all but toxic/psi, 25% maximum health, 60% defense, and +800% (Instant) healing. The power lasts 60 seconds, and has 650 second base recharge. When it expires, your maximum health returns to normal, and you are left with your current health and endurance (i.e. no crash).

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Strange no toxic resists since that's one of Regen's strengths. Not a deal breaker since we could just hit recon. I'd be very happy with this version of MoG. Like DO said the defense would either have to be positional or base defense.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



MoG: when you fall, you can activate this power to revive yourself. When you return, you return with 70% resistances to all but toxic/psi, 25% maximum health, 60% defense, and +800% (Instant) healing. The power lasts 60 seconds, and has 650 second base recharge. When it expires, your maximum health returns to normal, and you are left with your current health and endurance (i.e. no crash).

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Strange no toxic resists since that's one of Regen's strengths. Not a deal breaker since we could just hit recon. I'd be very happy with this version of MoG. Like DO said the defense would either have to be positional or base defense.

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Its actually intended to preserve the psionic and toxic weaknesses the devs seem to insist they want to impose on MoG, but soften them significantly by allowing Instant Healing which would mitigate that damage (but I made a typo I'll correct in a moment). A compromise between what the players want, and what the devs might need to see it as not overpowered.

And as to using recon: I presumed that this would retain the "immune to healing and regeneration" that the current MoG has, *except* for its own inherent Instant Healing. The presumption is that Elude + IH is good enough for anyone, especially because this doesn't have a crash (as I think no self rez ought to). Its mainly to give regens an extended "immunity" after rez that allows the regen to bounce back, fight, retoggle or whatever, and then transition smoothly back into the fight - all things that seem reasonable if you've already died once. And if you've died once, the presumption is that a lot of +regen might not have been doing it for you, so this power gives you 60 seconds of something else - high defense - to buy your way out of trouble.

In effect, against most damage types, this is superior to Elude by a wide margin: can't complain there, even if you can't use recon.

For toxic, you're meant in effect to just have IH (no toxic defense): which means I erred in saying +RES(all -toxic/psi). It should have been +RES(all -psi) only - it should have toxic resistance.

For psi, you're meant to have IH, but a psi vulnerability, much like the current MoG, but softened by IH. You could still pop a bunch of lucks to cover the psi hole after using this rez, if it was necessary (everyone else gets to buy their way out of certain problems with insps, so I don't see that as making this power overpowered). Of course, you'll need to pop more than you think.

So uber against most stuff, just regen against toxic, and vulnerable (but less so) to psi. And you have to die first.

It isn't perfect, but its a serious suggestion and not a fanciful one, so I was looking for something the devs might actually have a chance to think was reasonably balanced.

Why 60% defense? Anything more than 45% doesn't do much in PvE anyway, so in that sense, there's no difference between 45% and 60%. But in PvP, its there to resist tohit buffage.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Its actually intended to preserve the psionic and toxic weaknesses the devs seem to insist they want to impose on MoG, but soften them significantly by allowing Instant Healing which would mitigate that damage (but I made a typo I'll correct in a moment). A compromise between what the players want, and what the devs might need to see it as not overpowered.

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MoG currently has Toxic resistance. It probably would have Toxic defense if such a thing existed.

And as to using recon: I presumed that this would retain the "immune to healing and regeneration" that the current MoG has, *except* for its own inherent Instant Healing. The presumption is that Elude + IH is good enough for anyone, especially because this doesn't have a crash (as I think no self rez ought to). Its mainly to give regens an extended "immunity" after rez that allows the regen to bounce back, fight, retoggle or whatever, and then transition smoothly back into the fight - all things that seem reasonable if you've already died once. And if you've died once, the presumption is that a lot of +regen might not have been doing it for you, so this power gives you 60 seconds of something else - high defense - to buy your way out of trouble.

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I figured that. But Reconstruction also gives 15% toxic resistance.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Arcanaville I'm not kidding this sounds like a good power to trade in MoG for. Give us that stance too and it would be fun to take and use. Change revive to a passive that does something small, maybe halve the effect of -regen . And you can call it a day with Regen for now.....



I figured that. But Reconstruction also gives 15% toxic resistance.

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Right, but as I corrected in that post, my suggestion was meant to offer toxic resistance, so its already 70% res to smash/lethal/fire/cold/energy/negative/toxic. Recon's toxic resistance is of limited usefulness especially if this version of MoG is 1-slotted with res to bring all resistances to the 75% cap anyway.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Arcanaville I'm not kidding this sounds like a good power to trade in MoG for. Give us that stance too and it would be fun to take and use. Change revive to a passive that does something small, maybe halve the effect of -regen . And you can call it a day with Regen for now.....

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I'll suggestify it after the dust settles on I7.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Boo! Scared ya didn't I? Probably never expected to see my sorry but in the Regen Lounge again.

At least our string of Issue nerfs is alive and well from the look of things. Think I'll take up my old seat here in the Lounge and get caught up.



Here have some beer. Been keeping a cold one around for you.



Boo! Scared ya didn't I? Probably never expected to see my sorry but in the Regen Lounge again.

At least our string of Issue nerfs is alive and well from the look of things. Think I'll take up my old seat here in the Lounge and get caught up.

[/ QUOTE ]

When the only nerfs was making a crappy power crappier, you gotta feel good about an issue, I figure.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



/drinks up

Thanks for the welcome and you're right about one thing Geko, by comparison the hit to MoG isn't really that big a deal.

Doubtful I'll be picking up my Regen this go round anyway. Till they add something to do at 50 that hero is going to stay retired.



Till they add something to do at 50 that hero is going to stay retired.

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I have lots to do at 50! With all my SG-mates' new alts, there's enough
powerlevelling to be done for ages.




So I reactivate CoX after spending many more months in WoW, and start a corrupter to play with a friend's Stone/Elec brute. I'm having a grand 'ole time... then I decide to log in my Scrapper and Tanker to make sure I get my aniversery badge.

I start marveling at how many buttons my scrapper has, then I inevitably lay my eyes on the "Headsplitter" key... it urged me, then pleaded... begged even that I use it... Okay fine, I'll go do some quick fights to use it. Oh right, I haven't been in Recluse's Victory yet, that'd be a good place to test it out!

I spot a lone corruptor sitting around. From my spot in the sky I descended upon him as silently as an owl. Buildup, Headsplitter. CRIT! Poor guy never even saw it comin!

This just reminded me why you never, never play a hugely SOed out character after playing one stuck with TOs. So much for my commitment for leveling that character. Hahah.

The Regen Lounge

is now a global chat channel. Please feel free to join. Nonsense welcome, fights not. Nerf-herding will get you silenced.

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Just for my own future reference. I'll have to remember to join that if it's still in active use.



This just reminded me why you never, never play a hugely SOed out character after playing one stuck with TOs. So much for my commitment for leveling that character. Hahah.

[/ QUOTE ]

QFT. Playing in slo-mo is no fun.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Hey guys, help me out here a sec, I'm obviously missing something...

1) I left before I7.
2) I came back after I7.
3) I played my scrapper just fine.

Anyone else see the missing step between 2 and 3? No? Okay then, I didn't respec! *Clearly* something is wrong! (Just... don't tell the devs that... )



yeah, no respecs here either. it was... weird.

OH, time for the completely unreasonable (to the devs) request of the week.


Make Integration and Instant Healing fully enhanceable again!

thank you, that is all.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



You know, as awesome as that would be, I think that I'd rather stay as is than get buffed and sequentially nerfed....



To play Devil's Advocate, if it's not even much of a buff, then why bother with it? (Fully enhancable IH would be downright disgusting. Perhaps the two slots I have in it for healing wouldn't actually go to "waste" then... )



Regen is soooo complete, its by far the best secondary of all the secondaries and you ppl thinking they are going to buff it are INSANE. First they will upgrade dark then MAYBE invul, itll be 5+ issues before regen is even given ANYTHING usefull and that really wont be that usefull, maybe some tiny amount of extra resist


God Mode has left the building



To play Devil's Advocate, if it's not even much of a buff, then why bother with it? (Fully enhancable IH would be downright disgusting. Perhaps the two slots I have in it for healing wouldn't actually go to "waste" then... )

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because regen is the only powerset in the game that can't get full use out of SOs in some powers.

actually, fully slotted IH would be 1560%. add 147% from FH, 78% from health, what would be 292% from Int, and you've have 2077%. That's still a full 1000 percent regen away from our cap. You'd still need an Emp Def to cap out. and even then, we're talking 90 seconds at a time.

plus, considering that Regen Aura slotts out to where IH slots out right now (1000) AND recharges 150s faster, i think it's only fair we get more actual regen for ourselves considering the recharge and 90s duration.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Regen is soooo complete, its by far the best secondary of all the secondaries and you ppl thinking they are going to buff it are INSANE. First they will upgrade dark then MAYBE invul, itll be 5+ issues before regen is even given ANYTHING usefull and that really wont be that usefull, maybe some tiny amount of extra resist


God Mode has left the building

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I give this a 7.5 on the froth-meter. We'll see what the Russian judge says.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad