



Pax, it clearly states in the FAQ on the CoV website, that CoH users will not have access to this base building feature without buying CoV first. Of course when CoV is released, they will have an update for CoH, so the two work together. Why they wont add this to the "free content" you pay for every month is beyond me. In this aspect, CoV is adding content to CoH, content that you would not have without CoV. IMO that is an expansion. They are running a business, so you can expect to pay something extra a month. I would still like to hear Statesman's thoughts on my original post here.

What I am hoping is that we do get this base building feature without having to buy CoV, because there are a lot of us who do not have an interest in CoV. But have an interest to have a place to RP at, or get away from anyone that may be annoying you. I mean what SH doesn't have a base of operations anyways?



My highest was an Invince/Stone, set to invince at 20, retired at 34 because it was WAY too easy. Sure, things like Malta and Carnies would have made the 40+ game more challenging, but... meh. Couldn't be bothered to take it that far simply because of how easy it was before. Now... I rolled a couple of tanks, an Ice/Mace out of masochistic curiousity and Stone/Energy on coolness (Granite + Total Focus = one of my favorite visuals in the game).

[/ QUOTE ]

It's funny how tanks who stuck with the game despite the "boredom" some people had are being called lazy, but the lazy ones quit because they "couldn't be bothered" and are being rewarded for it.

I guess to get Invulnerable resists back, Invulnerable tankers should just quit and issue six will address resists?



I'm not sure by what criteria I5 could be called "one of the best launches ever", but I'll take your word for it. I'm more or less convinced at this point that the better part of this forum is completely ignored by the devs, but what the hell, it's been slow today.

First the good news...

Croatoa. I like it. I've taken my En/En blaster and my Inv/Stone "tank" through all the content now and more or less enjoyed it. The Red Caps are tough little buggers and a nice switch from beating up even more wussy Freaks or Sky Raiders. The TF is fun, lots of action, lots of rewards (the hat, accolade, and likely most of the defeat x badges), and is nice and short. I've done it twice and had a good time doing it.

A couple suggestions: The level gap between the contacts could be looked at a bit. Many people finish off the first three contacts by 27 or so and then have to wait til 30 to move on. It kind of breaks the "atmosphere" if you're trying to do the whole zone as one big arc. Also, the 30 Fir Bolg mission needs to be reworked. Either explain the objective better, change it completely, or put a visible timer on it. It's rather annoying to not know when the thing will end even after you've cleared the map. I don't have a gripe about the difficulty, my blaster soloed it, but the feeling of "being in the dark" about when the thing will finally end is just frustrating.

Any chance we'll ever see a PC powerset based on the Red Caps' double daggers? In my opinion they have the coolest fighting style out of any villain group in the game. The way they twirl around and stick that little shiv in your gut is wicked! Well done with those!!

Also like Sonics so far. On the fence about all the elves running around with their little bows and arrows, but whatever.

Then the bad news...

Really, really, hate the way Inv was changed. Like most, I agree it was due for a step down in power, but like many, I also agree that the way you did it was way off base. There were ways suggested well prior to I5 that would have brought Inv "in line" without changing the "flavor" of the set. Yes, Inv can still survive, but it no longer feels the same. It's not the set I signed up for andit's not the same character I leveled to 50. I'll leave it at that in lieu of the many other threads on this topic and the fact that they were ignored too.

The crashing, dear god, do something about the crashing!!! I didn't have a single problem under I4 outside of the occasional map server disconnect, but the first week I5 was out I crashed to the desktop 7 times in one night, 1 of those locked the system and forced a hard reboot! It's gotten better, but I still get at least 1 crash to desktop a night in 2.5 hours of playing.

Last, I'd just like to comment on your lack of communication. Both personally and collectively from your dev team. It may be that I'm spoiled coming from the Bioware community and before that the Epic Games community. But it seems that you (Cryptic) have taken an oath of silence recently. And I do mean recently. I came to COH a month prior to I4. When I got here (to the forums) it seemed like I'd lucked out again and gotten attached to a game with an active dev team who was both involved in the forums and friendly with the majority of the customer base. The change from that to the deafening silence witnessed prior to I5 and continuing even now is drastic.

I take it as an insult to our intelligence when there are page after page of "Dev Response" threads populated by nothing but an original statement of intent, hundreds of posts for and against by the community, followed only by a restatement of intent. No discussion happened in all but a few cases and in one case (Phase Shift) there was no response AT ALL! That's just ridiculous.

I'd really like to see you post a real "Balance Vision" somewhere here for us all to read. Not one filled with anecdotes about handheld games, but one filled with a breakdown of where you see the role of each AT, in and out of team, how you see that relating to PvE and PvP, and how they stack up in your mind against/with the Villain ATs of COV. It would also be nice to see some real, honest, discussion about your views on PvP vs PvE and how to deal with changes to powers and powersets that seem to be changing only as a result of PvP. Many of us just don't believe you when you tell us that certain powers are not working as intended a full year or more after being implemented and then looking at COV powersets and seeing the real answer.

In summary, I'm not a fan of I5. It has good points, but they are overshadowed, in my mind, by the seeming heavy handedness of the dev team, and you in particular. In all honesty Jack, I can adapt to any nerfs that may come, and I fully intend to at least give COV a test run. But if you keep treating the community with indifference and feeding us made up BS, I don't intend to stick around for much longer. And that's too bad because I really like this game.

[/Novel] sorry...



My highest was an Invince/Stone, set to invince at 20, retired at 34 because it was WAY too easy. Sure, things like Malta and Carnies would have made the 40+ game more challenging, but... meh. Couldn't be bothered to take it that far simply because of how easy it was before. Now... I rolled a couple of tanks, an Ice/Mace out of masochistic curiousity and Stone/Energy on coolness (Granite + Total Focus = one of my favorite visuals in the game).

[/ QUOTE ]

It's funny how tanks who stuck with the game despite the "boredom" some people had are being called lazy, but the lazy ones quit because they "couldn't be bothered" and are being rewarded for it.

I guess to get Invulnerable resists back, Invulnerable tankers should just quit and issue six will address resists?

[/ QUOTE ]
I also find it funny that tankers who never bothered to play the 40+ game seem to want to assert themselves as some kind of authority on the issue of "god mode" tanking.

"I'll just let that room full of Carnies or that Sapper know that I'm in god mode so they can't hurt me...oh, hello floor, havent seen you since lv17."

Yes, Inv needed an adjustment, but it just digs me when people go on and on perpetuating the myth of the "unkillable tank" and have never even played one past the mid 30s. The devs could have done something to address the free pass Inv got from 18-40 without gutting the non s/l resists and making us SR Scrappers to any other danage type.



I'm imagining...

[/ QUOTE ]

Stop imagining. You haven't played a Tanker in the post-40 game. You don't know what you're talking about. I'll respect anything you have to say about Defenders, but your Tanker posts come across to me as: "blah blah blah I don't have a clue. blah blah blah"

Stick to what you know. Please.

Lancelot Strong --
Level 50 Inv/SS Tanker on Triumph [Retired]

Tashkent Zen --
Level 25 Mind/Psi Dominator on Virtue

Hector Slade --
Level 34 SS/WP Brute on Virtue



I also find it funny that tankers who never bothered to play the 40+ game seem to want to assert themselves as some kind of authority on the issue of "god mode" tanking.

"I'll just let that room full of Carnies or that Sapper know that I'm in god mode so they can't hurt me...oh, hello floor, havent seen you since lv17."

Yes, Inv needed an adjustment, but it just digs me when people go on and on perpetuating the myth of the "unkillable tank" and have never even played one past the mid 30s. The devs could have done something to address the free pass Inv got from 18-40 without gutting the non s/l resists and making us SR Scrappers to any other danage type.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, I'm sorry, I must have missed the "Free Pass" method of gaming, considering I'm what would've been called a "casual gamer." I get a few levels every so often because I have plenty of other things to do other than grind for XP and learn the most uber way to build and play.

It kills me that players of 40+ characters all talk about how they're fine and dandy and that lower levels don't know a damn thing when, in actuality, it is the 40+ powerlevellers and exploiters who rocketed up in levels and are now sitting pretty in their unassailable 40+ tower are more often than not the cause of the nerfs that hurt a casual gamer.

This sort of statement really burns me, I have to say. What in the hell would it matter if I were 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 50? If I'm cheated of my game experience, I'm cheated of my game experience. It's time, money, and effort that I've (apparently) foolishly wasted in crafting a character that can play in a certain way that I'm comfortable with.

Do disinclude me from your narrow vision where everyone gets to play up to 40+ at a whim with no RL pressures bearing down on them, where a casual tanker, like myself can just let her hair down and be as invulnerable as she wants to be.

I apologize if this comes off as flamey, but don't think that being 40+ means you know more about fun and game experience than I do. I've been to the 40+ dance plenty of times as a sidekick and I did fairly well for a sidekick. But why is it that I feel like a sidekick fighting with any team now?



Whoa...whoa...WHOA...you misunderstand...I quoted you to AGREE with you!! lol. My point was that chainsaw was talking out of his rear-end since he's never played a 40+ tank. He can't exactly comment on something he's never done with any sense of authority, now can he?

Please, for the love of all that is holy, don't put me in the group of the narrow minded nerf lovers...I think I5 is forcing people to play in ways they never wanted to and I think that stinks. I haven't even had the heart to respec my 50 yet. My other tank is now a "skranker" and I really can't stand that, but I've brought him too far to just delete him now.

Again, sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, my comments were directed at fuzzy.







Destruction of concept is unfortunate. However, the whole 'stand and take damage' seems pretty lazy, really. Now tanks have to be more active. You know, like everyone else. The tank that just stood around soaking up damage and taunt-botting always struck me as something of a useful xp sponge, but not much more than that though.
From a design perspective keeping an overpowered poewrset as it is in order to preserve the concept characters is absurd. Unfortunately for those concept builds, though.

[/ QUOTE ]
I think he was refering to the concept of "Tanks" not just a specific concept build.

I get a little tired when people who don't play tanks regularly just think of them as "taunt bots" or proclaim them boring or "overpowered". Yes, they were much harder to take down, and more than a few Tank players agreed that they were too powerful, but the changes that were made were too much in a number of cases, and hurt a lot of the Tanks more than one who doesn't play them really understands...

In older issues, Tanks had powers that prevented them from moving in exchange for the protection they offered(Unyeilding and Rooted, off the top of my head) their attacks also did less damage. Those attacks, as far as I know, didn't cost less End to perform. Even now, the End cost to run a Tanks toggle armors and attack regularly is pretty expensive. My Stone Tank has Stamina well slotted, and he still gets winded pretty quickly when he attacks a lot. This is only exacerbated by the fact that Stone generally slows the Tank as well.

Based on this... they were originally "intended" to stand there and take damage, and occasionally attack. Moreover, their Primary Powerset is full of things that help them do just that. If they took attacks over armor... wouldn't that make them more of a Scrapper?

Overall, since it's original inception, they've made a lot of positive changes to Tanks, in order to fill the role they were designed for better. They can now have mez protection and move, so they can get to teamates that were out of range before; they made taunt affect groups and made it an automatic hit.

They also raised the damage they deal out (though that was more for a comic book feel, I am given to understand)... but the overall implication was that they stood there and took damage... so the other players didn't have to.

They aren't soaking xp.. they were doing their jobs! Every guy blasting away at the Tank, is one that isn't attacking you. With all the previous factors I've mentioned, the taunt, and Gauntlet... if not take aggro, stand there and get smacked on... what do you think they were "intended" to do?

Now, they can still do it (in varying degrees depending on their Primaries) but I'm not surprised that some feel like they can't do that as well as they used to, if at all. Many of the armors are now closer to those of a Scrapper's in what they offer, yet their attacks are still slower and cost quite a bit of end. The natural progression there is to make up the difference by reducing the end and possibly adjusting the recharge time and/or damage to those attacks. But if they do that, the difference between Scrappers and Tankers shrink still more...

Scrappers make up the difference in faster attacks, doing more damage overall, providing another form of "damage mitigation" for them... Tanks don't have that luxury, especially now that they (ideally) have to slot taunt in their attacks to make the most of their Guantlet inherent power due to the reduced taunt effect numbers.

Higher levels tend to bring this a bit more in line... but there's still an obvious disparity between the two AT's in this regard now, especially in the lower levels, and Tanks don't want to be Scrappers.

Other Tank players feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or elaborate on your own takes as you wish, but that's the real issue, IMHO.

EDIT- I know I haven't played a Tank into the 40+ range, but I've teamed with them, talked to them, and like to think I have a good idea of them based on my own 30something levels of Tanking experience Like I said though, the above post is my opinion, and correct me if you other Tank players have a different one. I don't presume to speak for anyone else, and I have no problem with that.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



You hit it pretty much on the head there, Lycantropus.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

"Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man."

- Thomas Jefferson



You hit it pretty much on the head there, Lycantropus.

[/ QUOTE ]


honestly i agree invuln WAS over powered byt now its UNDERPOWERED

and as ive saind since I5 was on test it really rather simple to fix...

Invuln has no special effects its just dmg mitigation, no slow, no mez, nothing.

~70% for S/l is fine
~34% energy/ele(and toxic damn it you lazet DEVEL psi was soupose to be the killer Tonic was supose to be like sonics just another type of energy) is not

~70% elenry/ele would fix IMHO invuln.

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; we’re going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).

Thanks for all your great feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]

What about the 'no-defence' set.. Regen?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not Regen anymore. It's called Degen..




My Regen Scrapper feels like he's out of range of his Mentor... all the time. After some testing, I still haven't figured out if there's a way to respec him that won't destroy the feel of the character; I'm afraid that I'm going to have to turn him into Clickmaster to be able to keep playing him at all, and that breaks the character concept I built him to. But every Regen Scrapper took Tough, Weave, perma-Dull Pain, and Reconstruction, so Instant Healing had to be nerfed into the ground, because after 18 months of play, you just then noticed that some people were slotting it so they could run it all the time?

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, my MA/Regen NEVER took Tough/Weave. I didn't want to b like so many others who had to make some uber build. I liked being able to make a toon I liked to play. Now however.. I may respec into Tough and weave because IH as a clickie completely destroys what Regen was all about. Regening. I call it Degen now. I don't want to continuously die when IH drops and hang out for 8 minutes and say to my team "Sorry, I can't help u, I need to wait for my timer to go off to regen again. Gimme 8 minutes.." This isn't fun for me. Not fun for my team.. And killed the toon I have loved to play since pre-release. I'm tired of being told "this is the way to have fun.." and "This isn't fun for me, so it must be fun for you, so let me screw it all of for you as long as it's fun for me..." I'm tired of the most bogus BS excuses that completely try to make the players have no idea what they're talking about. Enough nonsense already!

[/ QUOTE ]



I recall when in April of last year I first discovered CoH, and appreciated the simplicity, fun and addiction of it. Now it's developed into a nightmare where the voices of the masses remain unheard unless they are singing praises to something that was once great.

- Captain Amazing

[/ QUOTE ]

Quoted for Truth. This is exactly how I feel. I LOVED how the game was a year ago. It was a game that I actively told my friends to play.

Now, I'm telling them to save their money.

What does that say? Really?

[/ QUOTE ]

Same feeling here. I used to send friends the "free trials" when they first had them because I thought they would like the game. Then I started to send them so I'd have more friends to play the game with because others left because of the nerfs and dev arrogance. I no longer send them to anyone, people at work don't hear me talk much about the game anymore, and I'm FAR from playing it as much as I used to. It's sad. It was a great game until egos got to some people and thought they were some kinda all knowing being who ignored what everyone said because of a blind vision in their own head.



First, a big thank you to everyone who played on the Training Room server and helped I5 to be one of our best launches ever!

[/ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ]
Second, we’re still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues, but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets .

[/ QUOTE ]

Why do I suddenly feel like I just wasted two respecs for my characters? Oh I know, cause I mistook this post to mean.
NO there wont be a patch changing things again in the next week.
Was this patch planned more than a week ago? Why post this tripe?
Acrobactics was one of the things I lost because I thought it was nerfed and left unmentioned. The knockback issue was something you introduced with patch COH V 6.20050817.4t.

A minor tweak patch that went undocumented.

Im sick of not knowing when its "safe" to use my respec. Im sick of tweaking that comes down with only days of testing.
Im sick of having to re-examine everything I think I know about this game. Im sick of haveing to "adjust" to a unstable game enviorment.
Im sick of the whole "Its not for PVP/CoV we do this" spin doctoring.
Im sick of the now perpetual "Beta Test" feel of the game.
And quite frankly im sick of playing now.
Goodbye, Doom on you



Wholeheartedly agree. I played a Def to 50, and loved it. Got my kheld (after the fixes) and loved it right up to 34, when I5 hit. With every bit of tactics and strategy my mind can muster, I can barely survive a fight with a standard group of mobs, and this is after firing off my heal twice and having every applicable defense power up and going since the start.

CoH has moved away from the concept of "you can team if you want, and you can solo if you want" to "You can team in this game, and I *guess* you can solo, but we wouldn't recommend it". That was the thing I really truly loved, I could team up when I felt more social, and solo when my mood was less than pleasant. No such luck now. After trying out the I5 for 3 days straight, I could barely stand it, and god forbid I encountered a boss solo.

But I'm not gonna sit here and do what most people do when they're upset by the nerfs. I'm not gonna threaten to quit... no sir. I did it, two weeks ago (just stopped by to see if anything has changed).

So long, CoH. It was fun!



Wholeheartedly agree. I played a Def to 50, and loved it. Got my kheld (after the fixes) and loved it right up to 34, when I5 hit. With every bit of tactics and strategy my mind can muster, I can barely survive a fight with a standard group of mobs, and this is after firing off my heal twice and having every applicable defense power up and going since the start.

CoH has moved away from the concept of "you can team if you want, and you can solo if you want" to "You can team in this game, and I *guess* you can solo, but we wouldn't recommend it". That was the thing I really truly loved, I could team up when I felt more social, and solo when my mood was less than pleasant. No such luck now. After trying out the I5 for 3 days straight, I could barely stand it, and god forbid I encountered a boss solo.

But I'm not gonna sit here and do what most people do when they're upset by the nerfs. I'm not gonna threaten to quit... no sir. I did it, two weeks ago (just stopped by to see if anything has changed).

So long, CoH. It was fun!

[/ QUOTE ]

the /only/ reason im still here is i have /5/ friends still playing this game

they go...i go...


and 2 of them are considering leaving for DAoC and WoW

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Whoa...whoa...WHOA...you misunderstand...I quoted you to AGREE with you!! lol. My point was that chainsaw was talking out of his rear-end since he's never played a 40+ tank. He can't exactly comment on something he's never done with any sense of authority, now can he?

Please, for the love of all that is holy, don't put me in the group of the narrow minded nerf lovers...I think I5 is forcing people to play in ways they never wanted to and I think that stinks. I haven't even had the heart to respec my 50 yet. My other tank is now a "skranker" and I really can't stand that, but I've brought him too far to just delete him now.

Again, sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, my comments were directed at fuzzy.


[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry ^_^ I had a tough day, I apologize! Peace and Love ^_^



Ok well here is my problem. It referes to pvp. You reduced everyones defense and resistances and changes many powersets: what about my builds? I play controllers and defenders. When is the issue of overpowered debuffs in pvp going to be addressed? You have essentially made powersets such as radiation even more poweful then it already was by not reducing its base debuffs. Same applies for storm. I have to refuse matches against heavy debuff appoinents because those sets, unlike the new sets, have enhancable debuffs so you can essentially slot those powers to overcome any defense or accuracy in the game save maybe focused accuarcy, and until you let my builds to select FA as a power something needs to be done. THere is a difference between learning to beat the weaknesses of debuffs and not being able in any way shape or form mount any kind of offense or defense. If it the intention of the developers to make this a staple for the game then let me know and ill stop complaining about it. Ultimatly it is a huge imbalance when one or two powersets have an arsenal to negate most all other AT's ability to defend themselves or fight back. Running away is not a viable defense and makes the pvp experience no fun at all.

Btw i have a rad controller which i love playing and i still feel that the base debuff needs to be dramatically reduced. My controller is kninetic secondary(and no i do not use the kin bug in my matches) if you arent going to reduce other sets debuffs can you increase mine so that Syphon Power and Fulcrum SHift actualy have a chance of reduceing foe damage output like it does in pve? In PVP hero's are much more powerful then pve as they slot thier powers accordingly and if the information on the boards which ive read is correct i should be able to reduce a foes damage output to no less then 10% below base which is not only an unattainable number it doesnt even come close.
Just looking for that balance we were promised.



They're added debuff resistances to certain powersets, that's what they're doing ^_^



It is not enough. Unless they are adding an extremely high resistance then it will be worthless. Furthermore I did what Statesman recomended: i played on test with my toon at least once a day and just respeced her a few days ago. What if i dont have a power that resists it? I cant change now. Respec? Of course not im still waiting for the repec that should have come with the HO nerf. The only solution is to do to debuffs what was done to defense and dam resistance. Lower the base debuff so that way the power is brought into line with defense nerfs. Plain and simple.




Im sick of not knowing when its "safe" to use my respec. Im sick of tweaking that comes down with only days of testing.
Im sick of having to re-examine everything I think I know about this game. Im sick of haveing to "adjust" to a unstable game enviorment.
Im sick of the whole "Its not for PVP/CoV we do this" spin doctoring.
Im sick of the now perpetual "Beta Test" feel of the game.
And quite frankly im sick of playing now.
Goodbye, Doom on you

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree 200%. If you want to keep changing the game after a year then you must conceed and allow us to respec our toons permanently. S*%T or get off the pot! Im sorry you left the game. I am also considering leaving as more and more of my friends do. Before I5 I was never bored playing the game because my friends and I always had fun teaming. Many of them arent on anymore. Such a unique game too bad really.



Heya boss.

First, overall I5 was nice. I think Croatoa's "Dark Astoria" effect could be diminished a bit; it'd be nice to see all that geometry y'all did. At least make it something other than burlap brown... maybe a dim bluish-green, like when sunlight is trying to get through a very foggy morning.

Second: Please address the Teleport "double teleport animation" bug. It was reported as soon as I5 hit Test with various /bugs, but so far it's still an issue.

Third: Latency seems to be a greater concern in general. For instance, it used to be that you could Superspeed out of a tram at full tilt and not get rubberbanding in most maps. Now, it seems like you're destined to rubberband in the first 5 seconds of having loaded a map. Also related to this are the "smoothness" of map changes in general. In I4, the FX of a map change seemed very slick; in I5, they're very stuttered. Glossing stuff like that, which everyone sees constantly, would go a long way in calming the general public down about the other stuff.

Fourth: I noticed Positron posted a "my bad" on the Sally spawns. Can this spawn check be commented on, post-investigation, on the other unique monsters? Kraken's generally considered an urban legend on Freedom...

Fifth: There's still some metrics to be gathered by the gaming community, but can accuracy enhancements "not working" be investigated? It seems like, at least in the Controllers forum, that certain powers are missing uncommonly often - enough to warrant a doublecheck, I think. This is relatively low on the list, but it's something we only noticed after Issue 5, so wanted to see if there was anything we could correlate the accuracy issues with.

Lastly, and this is NOT Issue 5 related, but a general comment: Can the restrictions on # of global channels/occupants be loosened? Having only 5 channels is IMO a bit restrictive, and makes it hard to build community discussions in COH. 10 channels would be nice, etc. Is there a reason why Five as the limit was chosen, and can this be upped?

That's it. Thanks for listening.



if invuln tankers got kicked in the balls. what about the invuln scrappers?



if invuln tankers got kicked in the balls. what about the invuln scrappers?

[/ QUOTE ]
Tell me about it! That's my main.

Honestly though, playing side by side with an Invul Tank, there isn't much of a difference. We're both squishy and more prone to faceplant, unless we slot up our Dull Pains and use it often. At least, that's the tactic we've found that works...

The problem with the smaller numbers in the defenses and resistances is that there is a smaller gap between the two AT's in effectiveness. I don't feel it is effective enough for a scrapper, much less a Tank who actively seeks out aggro.

Additionally, I'd be ecstatic if they removed the "taunt" factor on the Scrapper version of Invincibility now. It's almost too dangerous even unslotted. I could (and have) fought alongside three other scrappers... and inevitably, the bad guy turns to me.

I actually used to like that. I have buddies with SR, and I'd rather take the hit, and reduce their chances of getting smacked down if the baddies actually got past their defense. Not so much anymore.. I can't handle the degree of "attention" that I was used to in that. Heck, they sometimes turn their attention to me, even if a Tank is there holding aggro!

I don't know if the new Resistance inspirations will make that much of a difference (haven't played with them enough to form an opinion). Though it almost seems kind of like a backhanded apology for taking away our ability to do it without them. I see inspirations as a "helping hand" when you really need it... not a reqirement as part of a build (one of the reasons I feel strongly about everyone having some kind of mez resistance- no matter how limited). That seems like the direction they're going though.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.