



Well, I play both a regen scrapper and an invul tanker. I don't feel "nerfed" in any way. Sure, my regen scrapper can no longer jump into a group of purple bosses and my tank can't herd an entire mission. I occasionally did that for fun/showing off. I *knew* the devs never intended it and never relied on it for consistent play.

On a more reasonable note, on "normal" missions I'm still having a blast and am still just as effective as I was in I4 soloing with my scrap or tanking for my SG. I now have to *gasp* actually think and work instead of just playing on autopilot. Much more fun, imo.

XP is better and debt is significantly less. No complaints here.



I feel the same way....paying $15 a month to be a beta tester is crap!
They can say whatever they want but in the end it is the Dev's actions that we will judge them by!

[/ QUOTE ]

Anyone else ever noticed that in EVERY MMORPG you get this same whine of a comment? Those are the comments that get your other semi-valid points ignored by people who could possibly care.



When feedback is given voluntarily, and at some cost to those giving feedback, you tend to get feedback mainly from those who feel strongly about what's happening.

I feel motivated to post in this thread because the picture I'm getting of responses to I5 while online doesn't match up with what I'm seeing in this thread. While online, I don't sense a strong tendency towards feeling one way or another about I5 from those who are playing, while the tone of replies to this thread is mostly negative, according to what I've read. My sense is that there's a wide range of opinions out there that varies from excitement and enthusiasm about I5 to anger and disappointment, and that players are adapting to the recent changes and exploring the new content.

That said, and even though I'm having fun in I5, I personally wouldn't welcome any more large-scale changes anytime soon. Hopefully this will be the *last* set of large-scale changes to gameplay for quite some time, with new content and smaller fix-its becoming the devs' focus for the foreseeable future.

A "blastroller" build explanation: electricity / ice / fire



I hope you are right. But as is often said in other things... don't hold your breath.

In fact, shortly AFTER States said they were done with sweeping changes for now, they went ahead and gutted two more powers of their usefulness in PvE because the devs can't seem to come up with a way to make Kheldian phase powers work fairly in PvP while preserving their PvE usage.

It's rather interesting though... I am seeing less people on overall, less servers hitting yellow... all immediately after the free trial time expired. I'm sure the apologists will inform me that I'm mistaken and that the servers *just* got upgraded because States said in a recent article they were going to be doing that soon to support CoV.

I simply find it interesting that they cannot make powers work appropriately in PVP when the GAME knows what zone we each are in. Strikes me as odd since the game is giving PvP on a ZONE by ZONE basis rather than player by player.

Maybe it's just a developer version of scrapperlock.

Virtue: multiple characters.

CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.

Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!

If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.



^ You are mistaken and that the servers *just* got upgraded because States said in a recent article they were going to be doing that soon to support CoV.

Guessed that you were waiting on someone to do it.




This is a very simple post. I feel that you, Statesman, owe me and everyone else effected by the september 20th stealth nerf our respecs back. I did what you said:

"We are automatically reducing every character’s Reputation to “Heroic” – the base setting. This change will allow players whose powers have been altered to become used to their abilities before tackling tougher foes."

I played on test since I5 was released there. I waited a week or in some cases 2 to see if there are anymore announcements on test for changes. I respeced 2 toons out of powers that you fixed and took Quantum Flight on my level 50 Kheld. Like many Peacbringers i used this power as my main travel power and put 5 slots into it. I heeded your warning. I waited a while and relearnt to play my toons under the new unbalanced "balanced vision" and now i have 2 toons with powers i want back and one which i cant play at all as i have useable travel power. (and dont say quauntum flight was never "intended" to work that way. its been months since they were introduced and no one is buying that excuse anymore).

So there it is. I followed the rules. I read the forums. I followed YOUR ADVICE IN YOUR ADDRESS.

You owe me and everyone else our respecs back.
I dont expect it to happen.
I dont even expect a response to this post.

Par for the course i guess.

To sum up- i deleted my level 50 peacbringer. Thats right! I deleted the second toon i ever really played. Too bad really, I was good at playing her.



To sum up- i deleted my level 50 peacbringer. Thats right! I deleted the second toon i ever really played. Too bad really, I was good at playing her.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have every right to take your ball and go home.



Hey if they want to stop the whining then they need to conceed and finally put in a task force that will allow us to respec our toons to keep up with all the changes. Its that simple.
Idont care if its 40 missions requires a full team of 8 and the villains are all plus 4 and takes 2 days to finish. Risk vs. Reward!

Unfortuantly the biggest risk you can take in COH right now is respecing your toon since they dont even announce major power changes anymore they just do it.

What you call whining is actually the frustration of players who love the game and thier inability to get any customer support for it: if its a power change talk to the devs is the response you get from support. you post in the forums and it falls on deaf ears.

And i do have a problem with the changes because its not like COH was realeased last month. Its a year and a half old and if they want to keep reinventing the game they MUST give us the tools to adapt our high level toons that we have used all our respecs for............does anyone remember the day when someone would say, "would you like to help me run the ritki respec? im going to respec my toons final build." There was a time when the only changes were new content and bug fixs we never had to guess at weather or not we can respec our toons and be afraid to.



Problem is i really liked this game and have met some really great friends. I dont want to go home, but i may have too. What happens if too many others take thier ball and go home? Then there wont be anyone left to play with.



I happen to think that the i5 changes have been overall very healthy for the game and have added a real degree of challenge to it that I rarely saw outside of the 1-20 game.

Its a game where tankers can do their job but can't do a team-level job without team-level support. Its a game where two or three tankers on a team isn't one or two too many. Its a game where blasters can do excellent damage but can be buffed up by their teammates to do more. Its a game where one controller doesn't bring along their own personal army of pets and single-handely locks down full-team-sized spawns flawlessly but rather where they can handle some and their teammates are there to do more than pad mission size.

No one likes being depowered, no one likes feeling like they've had their toys taken away or reduced. I get that, but as someone who also is a GM for tabletop and live action games I can see where it needed to happen. I see the results of these changes as being very healthy for the game long-term.

That said, I do believe that every kheldian character in the game should be given another free respec due to the changes in QFlight and NForm. Had these changes been announced in advance during i5 or included in i5 then this wouldn't matter. I may not like the reasoning behind the change, but I'm not angry about it like some of the more vitriolic posters are.

QFlight and NForm were being used by kheldians as "travel powers with perks" and now their use as "travel power" is non-existant. That is a fundamental change, and players who respecced and obviously didn't know it was coming deserve a chance to rebuild characters around what the power will now do.



I want another respec, too! I've got 2 Khels, a WS and PB.

When I-5 went live I respeced using the freebie and got rid of Q-Fly and Neb-Form because I knew they'd be nerfed just like Phase Shift.

Oh wait.....ummm....

OK! I deserve a respec since you're making massive changes to SR! This addition of defense debuff resistance might actually help me be viable in combat more often.

Oh wait.... ummmmm


Be well, people of CoH.



I happen to think that the i5 changes have been overall very healthy for the game and have added a real degree of challenge to it that I rarely saw outside of the 1-20 game.

Its a game where tankers can do their job but can't do a team-level job without team-level support. Its a game where two or three tankers on a team isn't one or two too many. Its a game where blasters can do excellent damage but can be buffed up by their teammates to do more. Its a game where one controller doesn't bring along their own personal army of pets and single-handely locks down full-team-sized spawns flawlessly but rather where they can handle some and their teammates are there to do more than pad mission size.

No one likes being depowered, no one likes feeling like they've had their toys taken away or reduced. I get that, but as someone who also is a GM for tabletop and live action games I can see where it needed to happen. I see the results of these changes as being very healthy for the game long-term.

That said, I do believe that every kheldian character in the game should be given another free respec due to the changes in QFlight and NForm. Had these changes been announced in advance during i5 or included in i5 then this wouldn't matter. I may not like the reasoning behind the change, but I'm not angry about it like some of the more vitriolic posters are.

QFlight and NForm were being used by kheldians as "travel powers with perks" and now their use as "travel power" is non-existant. That is a fundamental change, and players who respecced and obviously didn't know it was coming deserve a chance to rebuild characters around what the power will now do.

[/ QUOTE ]


PM's statesman about this.. answer.. Gotcha.

I dont know if thats a yes or no though..



Its a game where tankers can do their job but can't do a team-level job without team-level support.

[/ QUOTE ]

And what's the name of this game? Because it certainly isn't City of Heroes.

I would love it if COH were this game.

Its a game where two or three tankers on a team isn't one or two too many.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh yes it is. But not for the reasons you would cite. A team with three tankers is going to be much less effective than a team that has something else in their place.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

"Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man."

- Thomas Jefferson



PM's statesman about this.. answer.. Gotcha.

I dont know if thats a yes or no though..

[/ QUOTE ]

Neither. But I'd expect one around Halloween as a treat. Not sure what the coinciding trick may be though.

Be well, people of CoH.



PM's statesman about this.. answer.. Gotcha.

I dont know if thats a yes or no though..

[/ QUOTE ]

Neither. But I'd expect one around Halloween as a treat. Not sure what the coinciding trick may be though.

[/ QUOTE ]

another nerf

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=114726][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



PM's statesman about this.. answer.. Gotcha.

I dont know if thats a yes or no though..

[/ QUOTE ]

Neither. But I'd expect one around Halloween as a treat. Not sure what the coinciding trick may be though.

[/ QUOTE ]

A Nerf to Regen.

What else would it be?



Problem is i really liked this game and have met some really great friends. I dont want to go home, but i may have too. What happens if too many others take thier ball and go home? Then there wont be anyone left to play with.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure there will be! And less lag when the rest of us are playing!



Its a game where tankers can do their job but can't do a team-level job without team-level support.

[/ QUOTE ]

And what's the name of this game? Because it certainly isn't City of Heroes.

I would love it if COH were this game.

Its a game where two or three tankers on a team isn't one or two too many.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh yes it is. But not for the reasons you would cite. A team with three tankers is going to be much less effective than a team that has something else in their place.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know why you or your friends' tankers are having so much trouble. The tankers I've teamed with have been certainly capable of handling their job on a team.

They just couldn't do it with us /em boombox at the door though.

This to me is a good thing, I'd like to have the feeling that me being on a team matters for more than padding the spawn sizes. I like thinking that the increase in mission difficult in response to my presence is mitigated by my contribution and that without my contribution things will be a lot harder for everyone.




No one likes being depowered, no one likes feeling like they've had their toys taken away or reduced. I get that, but as someone who also is a GM for tabletop and live action games I can see where it needed to happen. I see the results of these changes as being very healthy for the game long-term.

[/ QUOTE ]

So let me ask you how often during one of your campaigns do you tell a character that a power you've let them have for over a year isn't working like you're original concept so they can't use it anymore?

Do you routinely have your player's inventories stolen during the night and tell them that the Gods of the realms decided that those things shouldn't exist any more so they can’t be replaced?

Do you tell your thief’s that their concealment value is just to high, and he's using it too much so you're cutting its effects in half from now on, and making him easier to hit if he’s spotted?

As a GM you should be outraged by these changes. you can't make this kind of drastic changes in the middle of a game and give either lame, or no excuses and expect the players to keep showing up to play.

"No one likes feeling like they've had their toys taken away." I feel like I've had my car taken away. And the only way to get it back is to go all the way back to the beginning and start again.

I have a level 26 fire tank. Statesman took a bat to him, then a steel pipe. And if I want to make him an invulnerability tanker I have to delete him and start over. Badges, inf, missions, levels GONE. Why would I want to scrap my fire tank, because my main attack, the power that I created him for in the first place is now is less then 1/4 as effective as it was in I4.
Just for those tuning in late count with me
1. It has 1/2 the Duration
2. It has 2X the Recharge Time
3. It does les damage.
4. It has a limit on the number of targets it will hit (I never came close to the limit but it still is a limit.)
5. MOBS RUN FROM IT. My blaster can do I don't know how much more damage with a Fire ball, but they don't run from him. Oh and they keep burning after a Fire ball but step out of a Burn patch and have no more problems.

States answer to the complaints above, use control powers to keep them in the burn patch. Tankers being know for there great control powers. Oh wait no. But that’s alright I planed ahead and have Ice as my secondary. But wait her comes statesman with that steel pipe I mentioned. AOE control powers are boring so once again. Ice Slick now is now is less then 1/4 as effective as it was in I4.
1. It has 1/2 the Duration
2. It has 2X the Recharge Time
3. It has a limit on the number of targets it will hit (I never came close to the limit but it still is a limit.)
And of course we won’t change the end usage after dropping the effectiveness. That would make sense.

I can’t stop being a tank. I can’t change my primary or secondary, I can change the powers I have with in them but why would I want to I created my too because burn sounded fun. And it was. Repeat WAS.

The only other MMOG I've played is AC and one of the things they added was a respec type thing where you could sell back powers you no longer needed. Here's the big difference; My sword guy could use a bow if he wanted. I wanted to I could at lv 50 decide, this guy would be much better off as an archer, it would not be easy, it would take a lot of time, but I could if I wanted switch over my skills to favor a Archer instead of a Swordsman. It might take more time that it would to create a new character, but I could.

COH has been a lot of fun, but it seems that with every update fear becomes more of a factor. Not fear powers in the game MY FEAR that my toons won’t be the same any more. Stop making these changes. Stop giving reasons like Our original concept, It was never supposed to work like it has been for over a year. Or you new favorite. We forgot to post about that. It wasn't intentional - it was an administrative error.


QFlight and NForm were being used by kheldians as "travel powers with perks" and now their use as "travel power" is non-existant. That is a fundamental change, and players who respecced and obviously didn't know it was coming deserve a chance to rebuild characters around what the power will now do.

[/ QUOTE ]
By the way from The introduction to the Kheldians in I3
“Neither Peacebringers nor Warshades can access the Flight or Teleport Power Pools. At first glance this looks like a major drawback, until you learn that Peacebringers inherently have Fly at Level 1, and Warshades can inherently Teleport. Kheldians can augment their travel powers with powers such as Group Energy Flight from the Luminous Aura set and Starless Step from the Umbral Blast set.”
Looks like they were supposed to use these as travel powers since the account needed to have a lv 50 toon they already did their time with out one. So what do the Kheldians do for travel powers now? (Freely admint I might not know that I'm talking about for the Kheldians)

Ps. I’m not blaming CuppaJo about the pach notes. You’re the messenger, not the designer. You put up with more of our garbage then they could pay me to.



One last thing Dev Comment threads are nice don't change them, but it would be nice if the devs would, oh I don't know, Comment. I know they are set up so we can comment to the devs. I know that there is no guarantee that they will comment back. But when you ask for comments, 90% of witch could best be expressed as "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING.", and the only noticeable change or comment is changeing the patch notes when they go live away from the this "isn't how we intended the power", to "Pet powers were too strong with multiple instances out at once" It rubs me the wrong way. You want us to tell you what we think of a change, but never tell us anything, and none of the changes changed. If you ask of an opinion you should either say that you still think your right although not
"The devs are happy with the changes as they are"
Or maybe act on what we tell you.

Silence followed by inaction gives the impression of apathy. My preferred method is still placation followed by inaction, it gets a much better review from my customers. I also use apathy followed by action, but I gave up hoping for that from the devs long ago.



Please direct me to the post where there was warning about nerfs to khleds forms and i will retract my statement.



Hey if they want to stop the whining then they need to conceed and finally put in a task force that will allow us to respec our toons to keep up with all the changes. Its that simple.
Idont care if its 40 missions requires a full team of 8 and the villains are all plus 4 and takes 2 days to finish. Risk vs. Reward!

[/ QUOTE ]

I care ... it shouldn't require 2 days and 40 missions of forced grouping with dev-gimped toons to allow us to fix what they broke.

And it doesn't even need to be a system wide respec, with their vaunted "data-mining" ability that gives them gawdlike insight into how we should play the game it should be a breeze to data mine the people who have the power they broke and assign them a respec.



Please direct me to the post where there was warning about nerfs to khleds forms and i will retract my statement.

[/ QUOTE ]

There was no warning from the dev team at all. However Bill, like I and many others, have been around long enough to see the writing spray painted on my car windows in pink flourescent lettering.

No offense, but if you didn't think they were going to gut those two powers you were only fooling yourself. Look at the track record and be amazed. People laugh and mock some of us when we predict nerfs for upcoming issues. Then when they happen they seem amazed at the accuracy.

Sailor eX
"Not in the face!"

<sigh> Viv says its no longer "all me".



I feel like I've had my car taken away.

[/ QUOTE ]

No its like your parents gave you a Viper for your 16th birthday.

Over the next year you grew to love that car. You got a part-time job to get money to buy cool mods and accessories and had it customized just the way you wanted it.

Then for your 17th birthday your parents got you a new set of tires and new sound system and seemed to want you to drive the car as much as you could.

Then when you are 17 1/2 they say "Oooops, sorry son. We didnt mean to buy you a Viper. We meant to buy you an Aveo." And they take away your sweet ride.



Prior to I-5 I had RPD (6), Rel (6), Ren (6) TI (6) Uny (6) Inv (6) and TH (6) Dull Pain (2) I spent 36 slots in my primary. Put 6 slots more in health, 6 in endurance, 3 in fly and 4 in Taunt (15 more for 51 out of 67 slots leaving 16 slots for attacks I had 3 attacks fully slotted that’s it.

My secondary is Ice so I do not do a lot of damage. My strategy was to out live my opponents and slowly whittle them down. I’m not a min/max guy. I’d say I was more of a Max defense guy. I maxed out all of my defenses. Yes it was overkill. I know that now. But unless you read the boards a lot you don’t know what the best slotting is. I wanted to be an Invulnerable Tank, So I spent all my slots on defense. When I made Ace I did not read the boards. I leveled him to 50 prior to discovering the boards (and how crappy Ice is for a secondary as compared to some of the other secondary power sets).

Now with I-5 even though I vastly over slotted all my defenses I could not take the aggro of even a small group that did damage other than strictly S&amp;L (I had to run more often than not, I felt like I was in my blaster again). I had to change him into a Scranker for survivability. I can now survive better than I could (3 attacks and 4 holds fully slotted) but he is not as fun to play anymore. I spent a long time leveling him and am not happy that for survivability I had to make him into a scranker. If I wanted to make a low damage scrapper I would have made one in the first place. In I-5 the Nerf’s cut to deep. Changing something that I have played for nearly a year is not right.

Here are the numbers for Invulnerable Tanks (posted below) the first 3 powers (RPD, Rel, and Ren) are not worth slotting at all anymore. Some say they are not worth getting anymore. RPD is not if you’re a level 50 and you have access to SO’s that are above 50 (51++, 52+, or 53) they will bring you to the cap if you have enough to place in TI and Uny.
As promised here are the current numbers for Invulnerable Tanks

Resist Physical Damage (RPD) is 7.5% resistance to smashing and lethal and each single origin (SO) enhance damage resistance (DamRes) enhancement provides 1.5% more (16.5% with 6 SO's)

Resist Elements (REl) is 7.5% resistance to fire, cold and toxic and each single origin (SO) enhance damage resistance (DamRes) enhancement provides 1.5% more (16.5% with 6 SO's)

Resist Energies (REn) is 7.5% resistance to energy and negative and each single origin (SO) enhance damage resistance (DamRes) enhancement provides 1.5% more (16.5% with 6 SO's)

Unyielding (Uny) is 10% resistance to all types except psionic (only 5% to smashing and lethal), and each SO DamRes enhancement provides 2% more, (1% smashing and lethal). It also provides status-effect protection (hold, sleep, disorient, knock, immobilize) that increases with level up to level 35. It also has a 5% defense debuff (So with 6 slotted Unyielding you get 11% Smashing and lethal, 22% to all other's except Psionic)

Temporary Invulnerability (TI) provides 30% resistance to smashing and lethal and each SO DamRes enhancement provides 6% more (66% with 6 SO’s)

Invincibility (Inv) provides 1.5% melee defense (0.75% ranged) to all but psionic damage for every foe in melee range up to 14 foes and also adds a to-hit bonus for every foe in melee range up to 14 foes. It also provides a melee Taunt effect. Each SO DefBuf provides 0.3% melee (0.15% ranged) more

Tough Hide (TH) is 5% defense to all types except toxic and psionic. Each SO enhance defense buff (DefBuf) enhancement provides 1% more (11% total if you want to waste 6 SO’s in the power). (if you get TH but not slot it, it will make up for Uny’s 5% defense debuff).

(Thank you for the numbers Buffy).

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=114726][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]