Will Godzilla or Rodan ever terrorize Paragon?




If folks like kaiju, definitely check out Kaiju Big Battel. It's... well it's giant monster professional wrestling. Really, really strange but fun. I only got a chance to see one show before I left Boston, unfortunately.



Personally I would love to see another Rikti Invasion Type of event. That was by far one of the most memorable things that I have experienced in a game.

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Was that the one with the giant eyeballs that would float around the various zones ?

I was pretty new to the game when that one happened, but it probably was one of the major "Wow!" factors that got me so hooked - As a lowbie back then, it was *coooooool* to sit back and watch an army of heroes flock to a scene to wipe em out

(Though since I've now been on a few Hami raids, it was small scale compared to the hordes of heroes to hammer Hami



Personally I would love to see another Rikti Invasion Type of event. That was by far one of the most memorable things that I have experienced in a game.

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Was that the one with the giant eyeballs that would float around the various zones ?

I was pretty new to the game when that one happened, but it probably was one of the major "Wow!" factors that got me so hooked - As a lowbie back then, it was *coooooool* to sit back and watch an army of heroes flock to a scene to wipe em out

(Though since I've now been on a few Hami raids, it was small scale compared to the hordes of heroes to hammer Hami

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No, the eyes were the forerunners for The Shard. The Ralruu, if I recall right. (I guess I better remember since I am going to be going there in the next month or so.)

The Rikti Invasion was on the last night of Beta. Gigantic Ships filled the sky and newbies like me got owned repeatedly by rikti monkeys.



FYI - I'm a HUGE kaiju fan (giant monsters).

I collect all the figs, the theatrical posters, etc.

I've got Godzillas from the past two movies all around my office. And a Godzilla: Final Wars mousepad (theatre only).

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I think what you should add is villains that swoop down and abduct heroes or people. Then other heroes have to try to save these heroes or people in the air or at some secret hideout. It would be a nice sorta added mission to some story arcs. I mean, sorta like an ambush, but they basically stun u, grab you, and take off with you. Other heroes could actually try to chase the abductor's carrying you away and then if they don't save you in air, they have to get into the hideout and break you out of some cage, etc. Just an idea.



FYI - I'm a HUGE kaiju fan (giant monsters).

I collect all the figs, the theatrical posters, etc.

I've got Godzillas from the past two movies all around my office. And a Godzilla: Final Wars mousepad (theatre only).

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Then pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase let this mean that giant monster and robot fights/playable characters are at least an idea on a stickynote somewhere down the line... >.>

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We need an event where the heroes of Paragon City learn the consequences of failing to defeat Archon Bruckholder.



From the History of Talos Island:

In the last climatic battle against his arch foe, the Chimera, Talos and the serpentine beast clashed beneath the waters of the bay. A mighty battle ensued, shaking Paragon City to its foundations, tearing a giant rift in the ocean floor from which earth and lava rose to form an island. Known today as Talos Island, it is said that both Talos and the Chimera are still locked in mortal combat within its stony embrace.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you THE PLOT:

"Oh no! The Chimera has broken free and is terroizing the city! We need YOU to go and get Talos free as well, so he can help us! You have to wait until the moon turns red and the sun rises in the west! (1000000 points to someone who gets the reference.) Then, the two will battle it out in the BATTLE OF THE GIANT MONSTERS!!!"

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



From the History of Talos Island:

In the last climatic battle against his arch foe, the Chimera, Talos and the serpentine beast clashed beneath the waters of the bay. A mighty battle ensued, shaking Paragon City to its foundations, tearing a giant rift in the ocean floor from which earth and lava rose to form an island. Known today as Talos Island, it is said that both Talos and the Chimera are still locked in mortal combat within its stony embrace.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you THE PLOT:

"Oh no! The Chimera has broken free and is terroizing the city! We need YOU to go and get Talos free as well, so he can help us! You have to wait until the moon turns red and the sun rises in the west! (1000000 points to someone who gets the reference.) Then, the two will battle it out in the BATTLE OF THE GIANT MONSTERS!!!"

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BAH! King Cesar! (sp)

I believe from Godzilla Vs. MechaGodzilla... Although I am not sure if that is the exact one.



We need a Galactus type guy to come eat Paragon.


Selenoc 50 Kin/Psi Defender pinnacle server
Oric 49 Eng/Ice Blaster pinnacle server
Ulrich Von Beck 32 Dark/Dark Defender pin
Malhal 48 dark/rad corruptor Champion server
Perrywinkle 41Thugs /traps MM Freedom server
Crabby patties are good for the soul.



As long as Marvel doesn't own the rights to Godzilla, a giant anything may be okay..

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I believe the last American comic book company that put out anything Godzzila related(well, the early 90's anyway) was Dark Horse. So i'm pretty sure Marvel has no rights what so ever to anything godzilla at this point



We have had Giant Monsters Attack Paragon City Already.

Giant Pumpkins, Winter Lords etc.

Now you may see something "kindof" like Godzilla or Rodan, someday in the future, but it has to be something different enough, or we have the "Marvel" situation all over again.

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Anyone recall the American "Godzilla" movie? Toho holds the reins on Godzilla, etc. pretty tightly. Of course a few changes here and there and a reasonable non-actionable fascimile could be made.

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Don't ever bring GINO into my CoH. Kaiju-class monsters, please please please- I'd love to have to stop some mutated monster tall enough to stomp Rhode Island flat in three shots. But no Godzilla In Name Only. Have a TF in one of those areas between city zones, where you have to stop a new incarnation of the Mega Zenith Bot from destroying the war wall, or have the Devouring Earth spawn some giant flowering thing to try and destroy civilization, spitting out little pod people to harass the heroes while they try to defeat it.

I want something so big I have to go back a half-mile to screen shot the whole beast.



What we need is some type of giant monster that to be defeated........Get this.......We have some type of giant robot that needs over 50ppl to operate properly<sort of like a battle ram in DAOC> Let its total HP be the combined total of the ppl inside. When you as the character enter it,it would be like a mission enterance.
Very Voltron,shogun warrior you know the type.
People watching would only see 2 giants battle,people inside see the battle from some type of viewscreen.



I would like to see Stateman and his crew lead an attack on Paragon City using huge monsters. I want real live AI with these monsters...and I'm sure the Dev's wouldn't mind kickin some Hero Butt



It can be a 3-part invasion:
First the catepillar comes in and starts destroying stuff. When we beat it, it makes a cocoon and stays like that until we deal a billion damage to it. The longer it stays in the cocoon, the more powerful it gets. Then it'll finally emerge as MOTHRA, the hardest of the forms and we'll have to beat it down yet again.



Well even though we may never see Godzilla or Rodan or their buddies. I would sure love to see a special map incorporated where anything can and does always happen. Especially if buildings were set ablaze and toppled by huge monster beasts. Now that to me would be dynamic super hero, saving the city playing at it's best. Laterz.

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Ok, time to break character a bit:

I'm a game developer, and most recently I designed the two morst recent Godzilla games: "Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee" and "Godzilla: Save the Earth."

As part of my job I worked with Toho - the company who owns the IP for all of those monsters. If Cryptic has any serious interest in actually working with a Toho property, I'd be glad to give them some expert advice.

Japanese copyright law is very different from American law. In America, if a party purchases the rights to an IP, they have those rights. Under Japanese law, if a party purchases the rights to an IP, they only have so long as the owner doesn't change their mind. There is no strong obligation as in American copyright law.

It Cryptic has any interest in this area - it seems not at all impossible to me that they could get a Toho monster in their game.

--Mr. Strange



FYI - I'm a HUGE kaiju fan (giant monsters).

I collect all the figs, the theatrical posters, etc.

I've got Godzillas from the past two movies all around my office. And a Godzilla: Final Wars mousepad (theatre only).

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States, I am now your all time biggest fan. Godzilla movies rule, I have all of them up to godzilla 2000. Soon I will have them all.

Quick question. Where did you get the Final Wars mouse pad. That sounds so awesome.



I would love to see a giant monster crashing through a city that's actually a threat.

The ones we have now are fun, but I've gotten to the point where I actually feel sorry for poor Lusca (even though I love sushi). Poor Lusca goes down quick.

I want to see a monster that is real work to take down. Scary for even lvl-50's to come after. One that requires massive teamwork. Yeah, we'll probably get debt; but so what. Most of us get that anyway.

It'd be fun too if buildings got destroyed in its path. Then have them slowly rebuild over the next few weeks.

Oh well, the game is growing; and as more features are added I hope we can see some epic scale threats come through the city that requires the heroes of Paragon City to come together and save the day.



No my idea was to have the monster go on a rampage destroying buildings and flipping cars etc.

Then after it's gone the heroes can help rebuild if they want.

Right now I don't feel like I'm rescuing anyone except newbie heroes.
It would be nice if the hellion actually could grab the purse away and make a run for it.

Or a bank/store robbery where you have to chase down the escape vehicle. (target the tires or the body)

All these would happen only when a hero get's near. The store robbery could be a mission you get with a timer.
Depending how fast you responded to the alarm would determine if they were still in the store or just tearing off in their black van.

In other words, the monsters and villians, and subsequently heroes, should have a direct impact on the environment.
Though not necessarily permanent.



Hey, I resemble that remark!



I'm waiting for one of those giant statues to start moving. Imagine Talos or even *Peregrine* wading around the coastal areas!



Oh god, Giant ATs would be so cool. Heck, have a separate expansion, City of Giants! We get to run around a miniature city where we can actually destroy buildings, toss other monsters into City Hall, swat pesky heroes or help them, depending on our nature, or any of the other things we used to do as kids with our action figures (c'mon, I know I wasn't the only one who accidentally ate a GI Joe's head... right?).



Hey, I resemble that remark!

Rodan - Lvl 50 Inv/Stone Tanker
M A R S - Lvl 33 Fire/Fire Blaster
Goldeneyes - Lvl 12 Peacebringer
SG: The Triumph Foundation

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Heh, there's a Rodan on Freedom as well. Quite a few of us just refer to him as "Rodent" so we don't get you guys confused.



As cool as it would be to see something Godzilla-like rise out of Crey's Folly and play with the freaks, I would have been extraodinarily pleased with an appearance by the Holy Grail rabbit on easter...