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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    Still hampers team splitting in Zones, which is probably a limitation they have anyway as I mentioned later.

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    Not to sound like a fanboy here, but what experience, exactly, does one have to claim if one's teammates are so far away as to be completely undetectable? If you can't even SEE what they're doing to a bad guy, how could you possible say you "experienced" it? And if you didn't experience it, why should you get xp for it?

    Makes perfect sense to me. It's a pain in the butt when hunting Spirit masks in DA, but hey, maybe some badges SHOULD be a pain in the butt. Makes it mean more when you get them.

    Not meant as an attack, just an observation.

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    well, problem is, if your team splits to hunt, its not so much that you get no xp's from the other half of the team, its the fact the xp is still be split for a team. lets say for arguments sake, 8 man team hunting in boomtown. they split into 2 4 man teams to hurry up a few defeat xx missions. now, while out of xp range of each other, their xp is still being split for an 8 man team, its just the other 4 guys xp is going to no one. in other words, each half of the team is taking a larger risk by splitting the team, but actually getting less of a reward.
  2. Honestly, if they wanted to curb Pling so badly, just turn the 2 high lvl Av fest arcs(can't think of the name at the moment), and the "to save a 1000 worlds" arc into 3 seperate TF's. It would do 2 things: prevent them from having to turn most of those missions into timed ones, and people wanting to do those missions for the storey/gettting the badges and what not, would be able to get teams together for them.
  3. Take flight for example. I'd hate to find out i wasted a slot/influ on a useless flight speed enhanch when i could have put an extra end reducer in.
  4. davido

    XP and I5

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    Statesman I have tried to side with you on every change you have made. I understand that you are a visonary that has the best intentions at heart. I watched you build my invunerability/super strength tanker from poor to uber and I loved it. I have also seen names of people dear to me changed, some very very unsubstantial, but I have understood. But here is a change I can not side with you on, this change I feel is going too far.

    You are NERFING debt.
    And I will not take this and be quiet.

    Debt is one of the many reasons I play this game. Debt is the major draw/focus of my supergroup, of the J-Force. If someones debt is not in the 7 figures they aren't J-Force.
    I go OUT OF MY WAY to reach the debt cap every level. I have leveled in debt 7 levels in a row (since 33) I am the J-Man and my mass amounts of debt are one of my defining features.

    First you take away debt until level 10. I'm saddened by this because nothing is more exciting then your first real death with debt. And now myself, my J-Force and the CoH community have to wait 5 more grueling levels until that first debt. But on this I understand, this is a kind of force/incentive to play beyond level 5 (something I rarely do besides my main).

    The second one is really really tough for me. See the majority of my game play is with a large team on invincible missions. The J-Force and I get together NIGHTLY to go on what we coined Debt Runs(TM) and we dont' just keep it to ourselves we welcome any hero who wants to see what real fun is. With only receiving half debt you are effectivly forcing us to work three times as hard to do what we are now, hit debt cap.
    I REFUSE to be forced to street hunt.

    But after reading each and every post on this thread I see that this comunity is not made up of real men and woman. That its mostly sissy, wimps, wusses, chumps, wankers, girlie men, and even more girlie woman who can't seem to take their debt like the hardcore heros they are. Yes this is griefing of the entire community, because the many are making the life of the few so much more difficult.

    Statesman, please, I beg you do not take my debt from me.

    But if you do, I have one small request. Please Statesman, remove the debt cap. This way while it may take me longer (much longer) to accure massive amounts of debt I will never ever have to reach a point to where my deaths are worthless, every death will raise not only my purple bar, but my enjoyment of the game.
    It has been my dream to out debt a level 50 before I reach it. Never ending debt *swoon*

    I appologize if this post sounds rude, I don't want to be rude. I am just very upset at the prospect of losing the ease of my debt.

    Thank you for your time

    -The Legendary J-Man-

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    um, did you ever think their doing this so peeps would have a slightly quicker road to travel powersand at least help those of us who get in bad pick up groups on occasion a little help? I don't mind debt and being defeated when it happens, but sounds like your lot are best avoided anyway.......
  5. I remember an old MUD from back in the day. they had a xp system that had it were you HAD to do non-combat quests to balance out the combat xp's, or over time, you would get less xp'x for kills.
  6. i just thought some dev orderd some Geral Tso's chicken one day, and thought, "hey, add a o, and that'd be a good name for a villan group". and have none of you ever orderd chinese food before?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    As long as Marvel doesn't own the rights to Godzilla, a giant anything may be okay..

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    I believe the last American comic book company that put out anything Godzzila related(well, the early 90's anyway) was Dark Horse. So i'm pretty sure Marvel has no rights what so ever to anything godzilla at this point
  8. I'm curious, heres a scenerio that would likely come up post these changes. lets say my FF defender is running the Numina TF. its been a long grueling few hours, as the last missions invilve DE, we only have one person with Mez Protection, and the only healing we have is my char who dipped into the healing pool. we finally get to the end, fighting the big bad at the end, and i'm keeping bubbs up and healing as best as i can. now we all the heal other powers in the healing pool are almost point blank range, and i die after getting a heal off on the tank. now, theres no way i can rez, because Jurrisik(sp?) is well within footstomp range, no one has TP friend, so its either take a chance of going to the hospital, and hope to make it back in time for mission complete....oh wait, what if i make it back just to the door, not getting back in in time before mission complete? but wait, i havn't done any damg to the mob either....well, enough speculation, jurrisik goes down 2 mins after i've died(well before my bubbs on the others dissipate). do i at least get my Tf badge and defeat badge for the big scarry? or have i just wasted several hours of my time for nothing, not even the "yes, i put my time in to play this TF, and beat the monster too".
  9. People thought energy blasters were unpopular before.....
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Hello everyone who is anoyed by the AVs with psi PBAoE. You can get someone with PS and agro the clock king or babbage and they will use their wail (PBAoE). Then just attack him from the back and he is easy kill. You can disarm most psi PBAoE for any AV that way. Only the clocks are stupid enough to keep agro on the PSer though. The rest like Mother M is still something to worry about but a tank with a healer can easily tank up to her.

    ~my 2 cents

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    get a warshade with the their PS like power to do this, as the warshades seem to have an odd aggro thing going on, as one of my sg mates has one with that power. Took on the PSI-clock king, and stayed aggroed on the phase shifted warshade the entire battle.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    But not before proving yourself, i.e. reaching level 32!


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    tell that to the outcast boss frostfire(a lvl what, 12-13) and has jack frost and fire imps. not only 2 powers no hero gets till 20 lvls later, but from 2 powersets that said heroes can't take together. now, if cov ends up being coh with just slightly diffrent window dressing(in other words, i only can get certain powers at set lvls, i can't mix my power sets like the npc villans), then whats the point other than pvp, and why bother buying cov, because i've already got a guy who follows the rules i've been playing for some time. people keep saying villans break the rules, but shouldn't that be the same for player char villans?
  12. what makes me mad, is the player char villans people will make in city of villans won't be able to get above their lvl powers. am i not supposed to be a villan? would my villan not make some deal with whatever dark deity to sell his soul for power beyond measue?
  13. i solo'ed a clockwork mish(with the boss around the first turn of the sewer. i had a then lvl 10 ill/kinetics controller. i start decieving the sprocket standing next to him that his boss really didn't like him, and i was his friend. then, when the boss had about 1/5 of his life left, two hits and i killed him. took awhile, but tactics do work, and being patient helps.
  14. my only question, why do some people equate this with real life/world crime? its a video game. not your job/something a criminal does like robbing a bank or what have you. its just a game, get over it already.

    oh, and a buddy(someone i know in real life) wonderd Why i only went up one lvl when i tf'red. personally, i feel sorry for him feeling that you should lvl at least once an hour. me, i always like the senic route. never Know what you will see along the way.

    I really feel sorry for the peaople who feel being lvl 50 means more than the fact that you're at the the point, than how you got there the hard way instaed of working your way there, but, their loss. i like taking hte country roads, so to speak. never know if you'll see a clockwork king or babbabage alon the way. these peaple prefer to be uber right away. noyhing to do at that point tho. i like the ride.
  15. i'm curious. i have a pretty well gimped emp/elec defender, that has a hard time just killing stuff unless their grey(i have 2 attacks in elec that are 2 slotted each). i have to group to even have a hope of even seeing another lvl. now, if its a pretty kicking team, i rarely have to heal, and my attacks are fairly useless. wouldn't that make me almost as bad as the guy standing at the tram? i'm not really contributing much to the group.

    honestly, i don't see the comparisons to pling and real world criminals. more like the cousin of the ceo of a company getting a high lvl position in said ceo's company, instead of working for the spot/being quilified for it.
  16. personally, i could care less about some guy just standing in one spot while their buddy or some guy they paid real money for the service gets them xp's. the guy getting power leveled runs the risk of leveling out of his contacts, thus running into the problem later of missing out on one facet of the game. their loss, not mine.