The original Kill Skuls post, saved from the purge
I really hope the moderators sticky this. With the badge, all the people that don't read the forums are going to want to know how this whole thing got started, and we can simply point them to this thread.
I don't get it.
I blame Upsen_Downs !!!
I blame Upsen_Downs !!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Bah, just go Kill Skuls!!
Bah, the devs should'nt bother with this "kill skuls" thing, it's old hat. What they should really do is put lesbian hellions in the game, so I can challenge them to a duel I won!
Bah, the devs should'nt bother with this "kill skuls" thing, it's old hat. What they should really do is put lesbian hellions in the game, so I can challenge them to a duel I won!
[/ QUOTE ]
I am a mutant a scrapper.
I really hope the moderators sticky this.
[/ QUOTE ]
Since this is the Player Guide section, it shouldn't need to be stickied. According to CuppaJo, this section doesn't get purged.
Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
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Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.
Nice, I posted on the first page of the thread
...and here is the commemorative badge.
Bah, the devs should'nt bother with this "kill skuls" thing, it's old hat. What they should really do is put lesbian hellions in the game, so I can challenge them to a duel I won!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ahahaha! Easily the funniest part of that, well, let's say "interesting" bio. Every time I see it, I just can't help but sincerely "lol,"
Awesome Stuff.
Freedom Server
Mr. Starshatter Lvl 50 invul/energy melee tanker (FOREVER MAN)
Epoch-Noon Lvl 49 Peacebringer
Altair lvl 35 broad sword/regen scrapper
Timberwolfe lvl 35 earth/fire tank
El-Aurian lvl 25 earth/empathy controller
Personally, I can't wait for the Kill Skuls badge to go live.
I'll be sitting in Perez all night long untill I get it !!!!!
Right now I have GO. HUNT. KILL SKULS as my battlecry, and now I'll have a chance to abuse it
I spent about half an hour on test killing skuls with Winza, I had help, but I can't remember what their names were, but I HAD TO GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have actually been using "Kill Skuls" when I talk to my IRL friends, they still have no idea what the heck I'm talking about.
I swear PP will have the same problems Atlas did when I2 1st hit when all heroes from every level range went inside the atlas building at the same time for their capes!
Till I see you all again, happy heroing!
Kill Skuls!
Some people are going to look at this and hate my guts for saving it. But here it is, thanks to the magic that is Google, the entire first page of the original Kill Skuls post. My one edit was that there was some unicode characters in the sig of Upsen_Downs that I couldn't reproduce. The rest of the thread was unfortunately (though some think fortunately) lost to the purge.
[/ QUOTE ]
Appropriately enough, the unicode you couldn't reproduce said Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls. in Japanese.
Really hate to bring up more Kill Skuls, as I want it to not be overdone. But I just had to post this picture of a game I found in a local card shop while I was hanging around. It's great that cell phones have cameras these days...
I just happened to look at this one shelf I'd never looked at before, and the weird box art caught my eye. I then noticed the name and figured that deserved a picture at the very least.
Bah, the devs should'nt bother with this "kill skuls" thing, it's old hat. What they should really do is put lesbian hellions in the game, so I can challenge them to a duel I won!
[/ QUOTE ]
I am a mutant a scrapper.
[/ QUOTE ]
then when I turned 12 I discovered I was a scrapper
Finally! I've been wondering for months where that came from, and no one could/would tell me.
Well, if the Kill Skuls badge is 500 skulls, look at the picture. There is another "Kill skulls to unlock this badge" bar above the Kill Skuls badge. And it's not even halfway there.
What badge is THAT?
Well, if the Kill Skuls badge is 500 skulls, look at the picture. There is another "Kill skulls to unlock this badge" bar above the Kill Skuls badge. And it's not even halfway there.
What badge is THAT?
[/ QUOTE ]
That's your Kill 50 Bone Daddy badge
Awesome! ... don't suppose anyone can find that crazy Jerk Hacker Gone TO the Americans thread? I'm not having luck.
Here you are
It's stickied in the Justice server forums.
And don't forget to read about the Lesbian Hellions. I challenge you to a dual you won!
Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
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And thus i4 hit... and thus perez park was littered with the dead bodies of skulls as well... people went hunting skuls...
Go. Hunt. Skuls!
it's always nice to see wholesale slaughter of <10 mobs by groups of lvl 50s
now to get the skull grime and monkey grime out from between my toes...
Saber Spectre Inv / EM Tanker on Guardian
Wraith Scimitar EM/ EA Brute on Guardian
Attack of the s00p3rphr34k ID 49744
I'm thinking there needs to be a mission enter quote in a Freakshow mish that goes as follows:
FS1: Kill Skuls-err Hiros!
FS2: Lazy n00b. /ignore
All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.
But memories remain, And that is beautiful.

Some people are going to look at this and hate my guts for saving it. But here it is, thanks to the magic that is Google, the entire first page of the original Kill Skuls post. My one edit was that there was some unicode characters in the sig of Upsen_Downs that I couldn't reproduce. The rest of the thread was unfortunately (though some think fortunately) lost to the purge.
Original title: <sigh> Some people don't WANT to play this game
FirePlug said on 01/28/05 01:47 PM
One of my secondaries (or tertiaries, or quarternaries, or whatever) reached level 9 yesterday. He's an Illusion controller, and I gave him the AE blind power.
I REALLY wanted to try this in a group, but nobody from my SG was on, so I took the chance of clicking the "seek team" button.
I was invited by someone, and immediately saw the group msg "Kill Skuls". I took off across the zone to find the team leader, when I saw someone else enter the team, and the leader again said "Kill Skuls".
He was all the way across the zone, so it took me a minute to get to him. I found him in a secluded lot, pressed up against the wall, just standing there.
I stood behind him for about three minutes. While I waited, I checked the missions, he had two "skul" missions, and seemed to be just standing there watching the numbers drop on them.
When I finally figured out that he had no intention of doing ANYTING himself, I did a "/G I should go kill skulls for YOUR missions while you sit in the middle of a lot with you thumb up your *^&%?", and quit the team
Why would anyone even bother to play this game if this is how they are going to do it?
The con men and the conned. I don't understand either one...
Level 30 INV/SS Tank
Kill Skuls!
Obituary187 said on 01/28/05 01:52 PM
I hate those jokers.
I'll help out a friends alt like that if i'm bored or they're on the john, but seriously folks, what gives?
Mass-Trumph- Inv.Tanker-36
Forgotten MIA-Rifle,Blaster-6
Oh, just go Kill Skuls already!
<Edit> Just to be perfectly clear, I totally sympathize with the OP, but I'm in the Friday afternoon brain-fry phase, and this strikes me as hilarious. Kill Skuls!
Generator RS-88, elec/elec 50
Gatecrasher, Inv/SS 41
Thunderkiss 65, PB 9
Unstoppable Nation
"The internet means never having to forget what highschool was like." Scott Kurtz
Edited by Gatecrasher (01/28/05 02:01 PM)
I agree, it is frustrating. But, just pass it off as "one of those things to live and learn by". Yeah, true teaming is everyone together, and attacking mobs, and not spread out all over the zone. You did the right thing, I would have quit the team too.
After Shock - Lvl 50 Elec/Elec Blaster
"Aspire rather to BE a Hero, than merely appear to be one."
Founder of Phoenix Prime
<Edit> Just to be perfectly clear, I totally sympathize with the OP, but I'm in the Friday afternoon brain-fry phase, and this strikes me as hilarious. Kill Skuls!
And I agree with it being funny in a sad way. In the old days, when UO was the only game in town, being able to emulate K3wl!0 5p33k was considered a comedic art form.
Don't you love it when people become charicatures of themselves?
Level 30 INV/SS Tank
Kill Skuls!
Heh, a similar thing happened to me in PP with a Controller alt that I had. I accepted an invite from a defender after a long wait with my seek team on.
I open up with my typical "Hello". After a long pause I get a "Go. Hunt."
hmm, I think. I'm a controller. Wiping out groups in PP sub-level 15 isn't exactly my forte. But, I figure he'll be firing away as a would-be blaster so I pick a group and start locking them down.
After returning from my full on sprint to the Gate Guard bots I ask, "Do you plan on helping?" To which I get a "Yes". Then another "Go. Hunt."
We picked up another hero along the way and I sent him a tell warning that we might have a leecher. "Ok...." is the response. As the new teammate and I spend way too long trying to take down a green group I ask again, "[defender] do you plan on helping?" After another long pause, "yes. they're too low".
This continued for 2-3 more groups before I "had to log".
It's sad and frustrating but they aren't going anywhere.
Kill Skuls!
F.A.N.G. - Federal Assault & Neutralization Group
Upsen Downs - L50 Grav/Kine/Fire Tactical Support
Shinobi Warrior - L26 Katana/SR Surgical Strike Specialist
ifotym said on 01/28/05 02:23 PM
Could have been a kid - OH! You just swore to a kid! - yrrrr gonna gooo to helllll
CeruleanStar-Blstr Fire/Fire
Mindsink-Ctr Mind/Kin
Bronze Brawler-Tank Inv/SS
Isthlor Kahn-Tank Fire/Mace
Geigon-Def Rad/Rad
Whispering Eve-Scrap Katana/DA
The fact that the guy didn't even spell skulls correctly makes this even better
Frost Magus - L50 Ice/Empathy Controller
T'Kira - L18 Peacebringer
Member of X Syndicate
Pangea said on 01/28/05 02:27 PM
Pangea--threat to Crey?--Updated 2/28
Warriors of Terra 2.0, now recruiting
Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
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