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  1. Not necessarily a suggestion, but definitely player inspired.

    In Outbreak, one of the contacts you get is a hero named Coyote. Originally, this was another police officer. Coyote was a character of a real life person, who actually died (I don't remember what of). The devs decided to let Coyote live on by taking the hero he created, and sticking him in Outbreak.
  2. Well, if the Kill Skuls badge is 500 skulls, look at the picture. There is another "Kill skulls to unlock this badge" bar above the Kill Skuls badge. And it's not even halfway there.

    What badge is THAT?
  3. Jomero

    Open Questions

    [ QUOTE ]

    You can have a base that can't be raided, so long as you avoid collecting certain things.

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    So, no stealing Statesman's mask and then using it as a wall-hanging in your bathroom if you don't want your base to be raided. Gotcha.
  4. Dale Keown is doing a cover?!?!

    I bow before Keown. When it comes to drawing Hulk, there is none higher. I must have this variant cover.
  5. I pronounce the "t" in Tsoo, but I say it very softly. It sounds like I am saying "Sue" but if you listen closely the T is there, it almost sounds like a s mixed with a z. I don't say "Tuh-Soo" like some people (heh).

    Best way I can describe it: Say the word "Mitsubishi." Now take off the "Mih" and the "bishi" and there you go.

    And I say Vahzilok like the dev described, except the "vahz" I say has the same vowel sound in "Fozzy" Bear.
  6. Jomero

    Exemplar Aggro

    Eh, of course people would rather take a few experience points than debt. That's a no-duh situation at any level. It's too easy to do that though, and it guarantees your group is never in any REAL danger during the mission. To my knowledge, Cryptic is a big fan of risk vs. reward, which is why Task Forces are a bit tough anyway. Losing a couple potential experience points is not enough of a penalty.

    If you don't like the whole "not able to /unEx during a misison" then I propose this: if you /unEx, you have to wait at least 5 or 10 minutes before you can re-Exemplar. That sounds fair enough to me. It forces downtime for an ultimate party save like that, and if you are /unExemplaring a lot then maybe your group shouldn't be fighting that tough of a mission anyway and/or need to get their act together a bit more quickly.
  7. Jomero

    Exemplar Aggro

    On *LIVE*, Exemplar aggro is perfect as of last night!

    Low level stuff do NOT run from me anymore. And as another side benefit, when my low level buddy is sidekicked to me, low level mobs treat HIM like a high level character now too, and ignore him. They used to annoyingly attack him (even though when sidekicked they couldn't do any damage to him).

    Whatever you did Pos, you did it right! Sometimes it seems we aggro a little more than we should, but it could just be me being used to not having to worry about my health as much as a higher level tanker.

    My only suggestion: Make it so that when you are in the mission as an exemplar, you cannot unexemplar. It's too tempting and too easy to /unex when the Schmidt hits the fan so you and your buddy(s) don't die.
  8. PVP will either make tankers useless or one of the most important things to have. It all comes down to if Taunt forces a PC to not be able to target anyone but the tanker or not.

    I get the feeling the CoV was a cool idea, but the people who actually have to make it say on a daily basis "How in the CRAP are we going to do this?" and "What was he thinking making those promises?" PVP.... *good* PVP is tough to do. CoH wasn't designed with that in mind.

    It will be interesting to see how it's done. But I don't have high hopes for my main character, a tanker, to contribute much. My gut tells me that City of Blasters will become even more solidified as City of Blasters.

    Cynical? Maybe. I think the devs for this game are the best devs for any game. I just have a hard time seeing how my tanker will be of any use, as any moron with half a brain will say "Ignore the tanker, focus on the blasters!"
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh god, that's SOOO funny!

    I love those Six Flags commercials.

    But yeah, where'd you get the music track from them? And what's it called?

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    The song is called "We Like to Party" by Vengaboys.

    I've never seen the Six Flags commercials. But this video still made me smile. Good job!