Wallpaper Contest Winners!




Congrats to the winners

Mine, which was not submitted can be seen in my signature.



For some reason I have to reply to this...

1. its a contest... they could have chose the worst wallpapers out there and no one can really say anything, cause its what they want to do, they're doing something nice for the people who pay to play the game... be happy they let you submit something...

2. they made no other promises than they'd announce the winners on the 25th, which they did.

3.I have no problems reaching around my back to scratch my elbow.

4. the people complaining are being really sore losers.

5. All I wanted was a teeshirt and I got it... I didn't expect mine to win at all.. but I definitely think I had originality down... nobody knows what the home planet looks like, it was just a fun creative idea. I think I became a runner up because of that reason... not necessarily the best one, but definitely one of the most creative.

6. the people at cryptic/ncsoft never claimed to be the say all in wallpaper or graphic art in ANY WAY, they chose what they like, so its all subject. Just because some professionals might not think is the perfect display of art and good coloration layout whatever... doesn't mean someone can't like it. I personally hate the Mona Lisa and everybody freaking raves about it.



OK, I'll throw in my thoughts on this and I'll be on my way...

First congrats to the winners...

Now with that out of the way, I must say that I don't believe some of the entries in the gallery and a few of the winners created something better than the things I've seen that didn't make the cut... I'm not going to point any fingers, but I do take this a little more serious than most would because I'm quite competitive and graphic design isn't just a hobby, but my occupation...

With that being said, I didn't expect mine to get posted because I had a grammar mistake on it, so that was that... However, I am disappointed that some of the works in the galleries got posted while a lot of other better entries didn't... Yes art is in the eye of the beholder, but things like having crisp images, good layout, a nice color scheme, and most of all being original isn't something that's very subjective...

So while I do offer congrats to any and everyone who had something posted, I offer even more congrats to those who had better entries that weren't posted... I do this because they truly didn't get the recognition they deserved in my opinion and for the most part aren't as mad as I think they deserve to be...



I so agree with your point!



I think that the content of your design is original. I'm glad that you won

4. the people complaining are being really sore losers.

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I don't agree with that. Your entry was posted along with the other winners almost a week ago. Now only your entries are the winners. Where are the other entries. It's understandable that they can't show all of them, but I can't believe that your entries are the only ones worthy of display. Maybe the judge didn't get around to displaying them -- I don't know.



Congrats to the winners. I concur with a lot of people with the results, but the judges have spoken, so be it.

I still like my submission, and at least now I have a nifty wallpaper for my desktop that I can call my own. I put up three versions for those who like it, too. I don't know anyone who uses a 1600x1200 screen, but if someone wants that version, just let me know.




I think that its probably that they don't want to take the time to do it, it probably is a lot and to show all of them in each resolution will take a lot of time and space... and mine wasn't in the first set.... I think it was a nice thing that they showed people some of the entries, they didn't have to do that at all, they made it easy to find them. and people complaining they didn't get this or that and how theirs was better than the winners is being a sore loser... if I hadn't have won I'd still be [censored] at the people [censored] cause its just not right... be happy for the people that one and the people that didn't don't neccessarily need recognition, just continue to post the work in the Fan Art section. And whining about what was is detracting from the fact that the winners did a damn fine job and they don't deserve to be getting a "congratulations... but"



4. the people complaining are being really sore losers.

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I honestly don't think you should be going around calling others sore losers... A lot of them feel shafted and a lot of others agree with them completely...

The major complaint is that overall, the best entries weren't represented in the gallery and the winners came from that gallery... If you call that being a sore loser than fine, but that obviously not who the masses feel about it...



And whining about what was is detracting from the fact that the winners did a damn fine job

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That's the problem that many are having - many people posting here (including myself) don't think everybody that got something posted did a damn fine job... I'm not putting anybody down (or atleast not trying to and apologize if I did) but that's the simple fact of the matter...



I'm not upset about losing, and I'm not going to flame about a contest being rigged... That just doesn't make sense.

However, an email receipt for submissions would have been nice, and pretty easy to do.

My other bone to pick is the fact that such a small fraction of the submissions were posted... The excuse that there isn't enough space to post all of the submissions is a poor one. The Halloween costume submissions are still up, closing those down would free up quite a bit of space and a fair amount of bandwidth as well. Even go so far as removing links to movies and such that are all over the site for a few months while the wallpaper submissions are up... That would be MORE that sufficient, bandwidth and space free. mazing huh?

I think you guys should give me a job, cuz I can work miracles!!! *gasp!*

Having said that.... Here's my submission, on my own mirror, so it's not costing NC or Cryptic any extra money to host it... Though I'd imagine my 15 a month should cover a bit of space and bandwidth.

The Irish Curse's Submission



The flinging of the jello is not needed.

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Jello? Flinging? Damnit, now I want to fight Hamidon!

This space is intentionally left blank.



I also imagine my 15 dollars a month should go towards some free Starburst in the mail. Where are my Starburst, devs? And none of those god awful tropical flavors, or else I'll leave for WoW, where they always send the original ones I love so well.



The major complaint is that overall, the best entries weren't represented in the gallery and the winners came from that gallery... If you call that being a sore loser than fine, but that obviously not who the masses feel about it...

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And thats your opinion that the best entries were not represented in the gallery. Obviously, the Judges did not feel that way, otherwise someone else would have won. And remember, this contest was not judged by the "Majority", but by Cryptic, and they are the ones whos votes counted.



And whining about what was is detracting from the fact that the winners did a damn fine job

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That's the problem that many are having - many people posting here (including myself) don't think everybody that got something posted did a damn fine job... I'm not putting anybody down (or atleast not trying to and apologize if I did) but that's the simple fact of the matter...

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I'm not saying that everyone that got something posted did a damn fine job... I'm talking about the 6 WINNERS. They did that's why they won, cryptic thought they were the best, it was their contest. You all don't get to decide and to continue to post and be pissy about how the contest turn out is distracting from the "glory" of the winners.

The wallpapers that got posted, yeah some were the winning 6, but they did not say that what they were posting were reflecting finalists or winners, just some of the desktops that were submitted. But I do have to point out that SweetThing was pretty much the first person to post and [censored] and his WAS posted there.



Oh and I would like to quote CuppaJo here
Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to post all the great entries we’ve received, so we’ve put up on our gallery the last installment of what we think is an excellent representation of the contest’s varied and talented submissions.

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It doesn't say that those were the best there were obviously many more... but that's what they decided to put up. And basically what is posted DOES respresent how many talented people play CoH.



The major complaint is that overall, the best entries weren't represented in the gallery and the winners came from that gallery... If you call that being a sore loser than fine, but that obviously not who the masses feel about it...

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And thats your opinion that the best entries were not represented in the gallery. Obviously, the Judges did not feel that way, otherwise someone else would have won. And remember, this contest was not judged by the "Majority", but by Cryptic, and they are the ones whos votes counted.

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I didn't say that I was right and that's what happened - I'm judging from my personal standpoint... From my personal standpoint, I really don't know what Cryptic was looking for because despite what was said in the rules and other documentation there are some things that I personally don't find were better than things not posted...

However, this type of thing happens in any contest where skill is involved... People see things getting recognition that they don't feel were better than their own... If there was one person complaining and nobody agreed with him or her it would be different, but when you have a lot of people agreeing that the best entries weren't posted you really can't deny that something did go wrong or judging occured in manner that wasn't expected (not saying it was crooked or fixed in any way, shape or form)...

The biggest problem in a graphic design contest like this is that participants who get recognition will always be under a microscope... People will nitpick about this and that, it's just how it is with this kind of competition... The difference here is that many agree that things that weren't posted were head and shoulders above some things that were and I can't say that I disagree...

I am happy for those that won, because I do think everybody did the very best they could - it's just that some people's best was better than others... Whether the "best of the best" is actually represented is subject to opinion...



After looking at all the winners and runners up, and all the other entries officially posted, as well as all those posted to this thread so far i have chosen this one as my new desktop

Its really kewl and it just says CoH to me. The winners entries are all fine and dandy but they just dont leap out at me. Kinda boring really.

Perhaps they picked based on their suitability as wallpaper but i disagree with whoever said wallpaper cant be too 'busy'. I already had my icons sorted and moved to strategic points on my desktop. When i changed it i only had to move a couple to uncover some enemies and it was fine. I like pictures with lots of interesting stuff going on. I like to look at it and theres a lot to see, thats why its on my desktop where i see it all the time.

If you have your desktop halfway covered up with all the icons now THATS too busy =p




Whether the "best of the best" is actually represented is subject to opinion...

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Right there is what I feel is so wrong with many many of the posts in this thread. You're basically telling the winners that they aren't good, that someone else was better. And THAT is the basic defintion of being a sore loser. and you're also taking into the fact that everything thinks there's is better... but also if you've seen American Idol... many many people live in the river in egypt... Almost everyone will think their's is better than the winners. But realistically they aren't. and since the majority of the people in this post aren't the winners, there's definitely going to be a majority of people complaining... i'm think i'm probably one of the only stupid winners that's gonna bother cause it is getting pointless. But I really can't stand that people are actually dissin on the winners, even if myself wasn't included. Infact I KNEW I had no chance at first place because Veikira entered and I think his artwork is just the best and i'm very very honored that he drew my character Larke.




Whether the "best of the best" is actually represented is subject to opinion...

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Right there is what I feel is so wrong with many many of the posts in this thread. You're basically telling the winners that they aren't good, that someone else was better. And THAT is the basic defintion of being a sore loser. and you're also taking into the fact that everything thinks there's is better... but also if you've seen American Idol... many many people live in the river in egypt... Almost everyone will think their's is better than the winners. But realistically they aren't. and since the majority of the people in this post aren't the winners, there's definitely going to be a majority of people complaining... i'm think i'm probably one of the only stupid winners that's gonna bother cause it is getting pointless. But I really can't stand that people are actually dissin on the winners, even if myself wasn't included. Infact I KNEW I had no chance at first place because Veikira entered and I think his artwork is just the best and i'm very very honored that he drew my character Larke.

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The one thing we do agree on is that Veikira is very talented...

However, you completely misunderstand what I'm saying... I'm not saying the winners aren't good... I'm not saying those who got their entries in the galleries aren't good... What I'm saying is that IMO and in other's opinions, there are some entries that are better that didn't get in either gallery... It's not just the creator of the entry saying that, others are also saying that... Nobody is trying rain on your or anybody else's parade, we're just posting our opinions like you posted yours... If things were closer in terms of the entries some of us have in mind that made the gallery in comparison with some that didn't, I don't think it would be a big deal... The problem is that there isn't any question that some things that aren't in the gallery are INDEED better, in every aspect of the entry...

So like I said, nobody is saying that you aren't good, or your entry wasn't good or that anybody else's entry isn't good... We're saying that others created things better and it's ashame they didn't get the recognition that they deserve and that they've earned...



Here's my entry.

Criticism is welcome. The "cut-out" areas on the left are for desktop icons (My Documents, browser shortcut, etc.), the one on the bottom right is for the trash bin, and the circle on the bottom left is for your CoH shortcut. It's a bit funky and probably would not work with a desktop with many icons. I keep a notoriously clean desktop, so it works for me.

Anyway, enjoy.



I really like that one... I had a similar idea about placing areas for icons, but it wasn't until after I submitted mine...

I too keep a notoriously clean desktop btw...



This is the reason I don't do these contests...

Nothing I could ever submit would match up to the quality of artsmenship/imagination as presented in the gallery today. I just can't do it. I have zero, 0, none, no artistic flair what so ever when it comes to any of the wallpapers shown here.

If I did, I'd have an awesome hobby and a full harddrive.

Good job to everyone, and to the judges. I'm sure they were as floored with the tallent presented as I was, as many of you were.

And to the non-winners...
there's always next time. i'm sure the mods know better than to pick the same winner more than once. Heck, even if they did print em out and toss darts at em, it was because some were SO good, it was hard to decide! I'm sure a coin or two was flipped.



I would like to apologize to the winners, I shouldnt have ripped into your entries. You did a good job. However still stand by my intial gripe of perhaps next time, they could incorporate some sort of auto response system, or clear room to post some more.

I am sure some of the contestants would love to direct their friends to www.cityofheros.com to show their artwork all the while driving up traffic and possibly bringing in new customers, maybe show 5 or 10 a week and rotate to the next set.

I still think though that when you enter a contest, especially something like this, where isnt just filling out an entry form, where you worked at it to develop something, there should be some sort of auto response email.

Until then I do love people posting their work, as it is wonderful to see, especially the one with the kid at the computer and the hero behind him, very well done, it is one of my top ten so far.



Sportsmanship (n) Def- 2. Sportsmanlike conduct.

Sportsman (n) Def- 2. one who exhibits qualities especially esteemed in those who engage in sports, such as fairness, self-control, etc.

Sore loser (n) U.S. Slang. a disgruntled or vindictive person, especially an unsportsman like loser.

You lost. Deal with it. Tell the winners "Good job, I hope you enter the next contest." "Next time I'll try and do better" and move on with your life.
If you want them to change the way they run contests, send them some PM's. Post here in a constructive manner, and stop giving out back-handed compliments like [ QUOTE ]
So like I said, nobody is saying that you aren't good, or your entry wasn't good or that anybody else's entry isn't good... We're saying that others created things better and it's ashame they didn't get the recognition that they deserve and that they've earned...

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Because it will do nothing but generate alot of animosity towards yourself and your "cause".
You lost. Deal.

O ye that love cake! Ye that love to lick and nibble, stand forth! Freedom to taste and savor hath been hunted round the boards. If I am to be denied my cake ere long, let it be said that I went to my fate with a face full of creamy frosting and a smile on my face.
Go. Nibble. Lick Cake!



I don't know what we're yelling about! LOUD NOISES!