Wallpaper Contest Winners!




Thanks to the hundreds of you who made the City of Heroes Wallpaper contest such a grand success! The votes are in and we have selected the winners and runner-ups. As always, when dealing with such an outpouring of creativity and talent, the judges were not handed an easy task. Though every single entry had one or more elements that were truly outstanding, it came down to those who demonstrated best overall design, functionality and originality.

So, without further ado, the winners and runner-ups of the CoH Wallpaper Contest:

1st Place Winner – Veikira (Gloucester, Virginia)

2nd Place Winner – CrimsonHelix (Kitchener, Ontario)

3rd Place Winner – Amanda Martin (Palestine, Texas)


jeaf7 (Lakeland, Tennessee)

Larke (Modesto, California)

Cerebris (Rochester, New York)

Congratulations to all the winners!

The winning entries can be found here.

To see some of the contest entries, please visit our Wallpaper Contest Gallery.

Thanks again for all your hard work. Look for more fun contest events in the future!



Cuppa, are you sure those are ALL the entries?...



That is some Fine work , you deserve your prizes
<admiring the new kheldian wallpaper on desktop >



To see all the contest entries, please visit our Wallpaper Contest Gallery.

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I don't see mine there.



To see all the contest entries, please visit our Wallpaper Contest Gallery.

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I don't see mine there.

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Hmm Not mine either.....heh...prolly a good thing :P



overall design, functionality and originality

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...And a brief description of the game, full URL, and logo
Grats to the ones that didn't make the gallery.



Sorry about that - I edited it. It should say "some" of the contest entries.

We had too many entries to post all of them.



I am so upset, mostly because I have no idea if you guys even got mine since you didnt send out an email saying at least even thank you for the entry or even acknowledging it when I emailed you asking for some sort of indication if you got it.

Personally I feel you looked through a few and threw darts at board and went with it, cause I have seen a few others that far surpass the limited choices you presented.

By the way, here is mine , thanks for not letting people know anything and keeping them in the dark, I am not the only who submitted something and asked if we could get an email to let us know you even got them, thats not so much to ask, some sort of auto response system saying, yes we got it, thank you for entering.

Next time if you are gonna have a contest, at least find a way to let people know you got their entries, its bad enough to be worried if you will win, add in the fact that they were kept in complete darkness as to the status of it.

I think you chose poorly, and thats more then sour grapes talking, as I see you only showed a few of the first ones and few of the last ones and made yer pick from there. I am sad for the people who entered and were left in the dark and still dont know if they had their entries judged, and just sad for this contest.

I am sure I will get a warning or lashed out at for speaking my mind, it really doesnt matter though.



Nicely done! Am a big fan of the second place winners wallpaper



I also agree that whoever judged this contest did a poor job. Apparently to win/place, you had to had skills in hitting the "Print Screen" button...



I do think the 1st place entry is the best of the lot, but I am a bit perplexed by some of the other choices.

Congratulations to the winners.



"best of the lot" -- funny how so many entries seemed to have gone "unposted" but when those missing entries were posted by the artists, they gleened many, wow that rocks, that is so much better then what has been posted, they should of posted that....or similar statements to that effect. Guess originality, creativity and talent had less to do with the contest as it seems to be who submitted theirs first since they stopped looking at them early on oh and who could hit print screen the best. If I knew all ya had to do with paste a few words over a screenshot instead of actually working on something original I could of had it done in a few minutes instead of days. HOORAH for PHOTOSHOP!!!



Art is subject to opinion.

I think Monet was on acid and Van Gogh should have stuck to coloring books. But thats MY OPINION.

CaenFuryfist, you believe because you disagree you are right. No you have an opinion.

Art is in the eye of the beholder. Does anyone think Moulin Rouge should have beat out The Fellowship of the Rings for best picture? Well some did it won the award.



You can use the following to create your wallpaper entries – logos/graphics from the Official City of Heroes web site, in-game images that you capture yourself, and of course, your own original work.

PLEASE NOTE : You may NOT use any materials that you do not own the rights to and utilize them for the purposes of this contest. Likewise, taking an image and altering it slightly (via Photo Shop, for example), then presenting it as your own work is strictly prohibited. You must have ownership rights to every element included in the wallpaper image you submit. Also, any copyrighted heroes and/or trademarked names that appear in your wallpaper will automatically disqualify it! We’re talking comic book heroes, T.V. characters, movie characters, etc. If it’s a recognizable, copyrighted character from a property that isn’t owned by Cryptic/NC Interactive, Inc., it can’t be submitted for this contest. You must make sure your entry doesn’t infringe on any patent, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right, or any privacy, publicity or publishing rights of any third party, or is libelous, obscene or otherwise contrary to law.

Seems to me the second place winner broke a few of the rules. Anyone disagree?

The first place winner was allowed to submit an altered entry (Yes..a minor change, but still a second entry).

Why were the rest of us not allowed a second submission?



Nicely done! Am a big fan of the second place winners wallpaper

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KW Represent!!! LOL!!! Good job, good ol' ontario boy up there.
Im not a part of KW, but KW is fun.

To everyone else, quit your sucking. Just congratulate the winners and suck it up. So what if yours didn't win. There WAS no conspiracy, just yours wasn't what they thought should win. So be good sports and congratulate the winners. This was a fun contest and as such, take it for that. SHEESH!!!!




Wow, these really good "winning" wallpapers make my attempts at making wallpaper look incredibly shabby. I'm very good at photoshop but I'm horrible at drawing freehand.

Anyway, congrats to all the winners. Maybe I'll enter into a contest when my skills improve.



I understand it is subject to opinion, but the contest smells, the entries that were first posted magically almost all made it, save for one, I havent heard anyone say they got any kind of response or acknowledgement saying that their submission was recieved, and more over, there is being subjective, and then there is being moronic. I am sure you will say a picture of a dog turd is just as beautiful as sunset at the beach because you say it is subjective, but there are things that have a mass appeal, and some of those entries dont cut the mustard when compared to others.

I am sorry if I am hurting the feelings of the contestants that won, but its not like they gonna lose their prize, so they most likely dont care, and some might even know they submitted a bad entry and magically won, so its no skin off their teeth.

The contest system was bad, the judging seemed to go horribly wrong, and the requirements for winning seemed to have changed without notice to the people entering. Next time you want to have a contest, make sure you explain what you want clearly, that if you want just fan screenshots with the words CITY OF HEROS, your logo, your website address and some catchy phrase, state that, and if you dont want real original pieces of work, state that too. I see one, maybe two winners that I like, ones that actually used some creativity and didnt just stick some screenshots together. However I would like to see more of them, and I encourage others who entered to post their works. It seems to be a ribbon going through alot of the threads, "Was that all of them?" "Wow, where is mine?" "Did you even get mine?".......

Smells bad to me....



Huh? I don't get it. I mean, the comedy winner was cute and all, but it really didn't seem all that...funny.

Oh, whoops. Wrong contest. Carry on, congrats to all the winners, kudos to all the entrants.



3rd place is my favorite.

And CaenFuryfist, your wallpaper is good in a sketchy fanart kind of way...but it doesn't have the CoH logo, the website URL, or really anything to do with City of Heroes. And it definitely isn't as good as the winners. Though, really, turn this around on them: make more wallpapers and fan-art, put them on a website, then put ads on the website and make some change off it.



I'm happy for the winners! Yay for them -- what bothers me is that this can't be the only good ones. I entered mine after they had shown these (before the deadline). I did use some screen elements in my design, but I also drew some of it as well. I think mine could hold it's own against the winners (maybe they didn't get mine -- possible). True art is subjective and the judges may feel that these are the best. I just expected to see some better than the ones that were posted.

Personally I feel you looked through a few and threw darts at board and went with it, cause I have seen a few others that far surpass the limited choices you presented.

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That may or may not be how the winners were selected, but it kinda feels that way to me. Oh well nothing I can do about it. Anyway here's my wallpaper



I understand it is subject to opinion, but the contest smells, the entries that were first posted magically almost all made it, save for one, I havent heard anyone say they got any kind of response or acknowledgement saying that their submission was recieved, and more over, there is being subjective, and then there is being moronic. I am sure you will say a picture of a dog turd is just as beautiful as sunset at the beach because you say it is subjective, but there are things that have a mass appeal, and some of those entries dont cut the mustard when compared to others.

I am sorry if I am hurting the feelings of the contestants that won, but its not like they gonna lose their prize, so they most likely dont care, and some might even know they submitted a bad entry and magically won, so its no skin off their teeth.

The contest system was bad, the judging seemed to go horribly wrong, and the requirements for winning seemed to have changed without notice to the people entering. Next time you want to have a contest, make sure you explain what you want clearly, that if you want just fan screenshots with the words CITY OF HEROS, your logo, your website address and some catchy phrase, state that, and if you dont want real original pieces of work, state that too. I see one, maybe two winners that I like, ones that actually used some creativity and didnt just stick some screenshots together. However I would like to see more of them, and I encourage others who entered to post their works. It seems to be a ribbon going through alot of the threads, "Was that all of them?" "Wow, where is mine?" "Did you even get mine?".......

Smells bad to me....

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You should smell your cornflakes in the morning before consuming. Just a tip.

Anyway, carry on your crying... if you do it long enough, maybe there won't be anymore contests. Then will you be happy?



I dont care that I didnt win but after spending 2 days working on this wallpaper I at least wanted people to see it. I worked on it so much and I dont even get an email acknowledgeing that I submitted it. Kinda disappointing. Here it is, guess I have to post it myself since nobody will see it any other way. This makes me not want to compete in any other contests. All the costume people got their pictures posted so why cant we? Here it is My Wallpaper which wasnt good enough to get posted



CaenFuryfist, I 100% agree with you on this contest. It seems a little fishy on how this was conducted. I do believe THEY SHOULD SHOW ALL THE WALLPAPERS!....a image gallery should be able to show 100 images easily, depending on how this gallery works. If the admins upload the image manually, they should that because you are limiting the submission to the public when we should be allowed to see the different submissions and choose from our liking. Now i have seen many galleries before where you upload images to folder and its automatically shown on the site, requiring virutally no work.

Anyways Congrats to the winners. I do not like my work wasted so you can check out my wallpaper Here. and use it for your desktop if you feel neccessary to



I dont care that I didnt win but after spending 2 days working on this wallpaper I at least wanted people to see it. I worked on it so much and I dont even get an email acknoledging that I submitted it. Kinda disappointing. Here it is, guess I have to post it myself since nobody will see it any other way. This makes me not want to compete in any other contests. All the costume people got their pictures posted so why cant we? Here it is My Wallpaper which wasnt good enough to get posted

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wow, very well done! By the way , there is a section in the forums where you can post your art any time. You should take a look.

I believe CuppaJo did say they were not able to post all of the entries. I'm sure there were thousands.