Door Mission Location - Stupid Placement




Awwww.... poor widdle muffin. Did the Howwows Huwt You?

Get a grip. The mission placement should be a challenge. Do you just want every contact to hand you a door mission, that happens to be a block away, that happens to have REALLY easy foes to kill, which gives you enough exp to get 10 levels per mission?

People will complain about the stupidest things. Sure, I've had alts that have died in the Hollows... but my stupidity is to blame. I decide to shortcut through the red zone, and get my [censored] handed to me... lesson learned.

Any time I've had a difficult-to-reach mission, I've merely taken my time, and taken safe routes... and I've never had a problem that way.

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Actually the original theory behind the mission placements (as said by Statesman during an interview at one of the con's I beleive) was that it was intended for heros to street hunt on their way to and from missions. The placement of many missions especially at the lower levels are placed in areas that are nothing but purple cons to the hero preventing this form happening.

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Not only that, but level 20+ (all the way to 50) continually get doors in KR, PP, Steel, and Skyway. What in the world is a level 44 player going to hunt in Kings Row on the way to the door?

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ambushes is what

Warrior Streak - DM/regen scrapper
Code Monk - Ill/FF controller
Cyan Shift - Grav/Kin Controller



The missions you get around level 7ish where you have to hunt for Circle of Thorns in King's Row should also be looked at. There are a few CoT that like to hang around on the ground, but the rest perch up on top of buildings.

Maybe a Temp Power where you get special boots with springs on them so you can jump up onto rooftops.

That way I don't have to bug one of my teleporting friends for teleportation duty.




We will be revamping some of this stuff so crazy sitations like being put in an area that's WAAAAAYYYY too tough doesn't happen.

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And if you could place them closer togehter so one doesn't have to spend hours, literally, just going back and forth.



Level 6 Scrapper - get my mission "End Gang War" - timed - in the Hollows. Fine. So I run there only to find its a mile out on the far side of the gulch in the "red" area (where all the 12+ mobs are).


Why does this keep happening? Is the random door code so poorly done that doesn't take the players level into consideration? Why the hell is a door mission from a KR contact in the Hollows anyways???? OH SORRY RUNNING ACROSS ZONE AFTER ZONE AND THEN DIEING AND HAVING TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN IS GAMEPLAY WOOOO!!!!

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It happens because they want to slow you down. Even at level 49 you get to run from one end to the other.

Just be glad its a time mission, you can just let it time out.



You're a whiner. I've had difficult-to-get-to missions myself. It's part of the game. Not everything is meant to be handed to you on a silver platter. Yes, it IS possible to traverse the Hollows when everything is purples and reds...but it's difficult. Yes, you take the chance of dying and earning debt. Big deal, you work it off, you go on with your life.

How you managed to get another hero to level 39 w/o similar frustrations somewhere along the way is beyond me.

(as an aside, I strongly suspect that some timed missions were intended to be where the failure is part of the story-line)



The missions you get around level 7ish where you have to hunt for Circle of Thorns in King's Row should also be looked at. There are a few CoT that like to hang around on the ground, but the rest perch up on top of buildings.

Maybe a Temp Power where you get special boots with springs on them so you can jump up onto rooftops.

That way I don't have to bug one of my teleporting friends for teleportation duty.


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You can also take the fire escapes.

However, I'd like it known that I also hate this mission. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't inevitable, and there weren't thirty other people looking for the same thing, and there are only a few of them to go around, and....

Honestly, I think this mission was probably designed to remind those with some sick and perverted sense of nostalgia about the various other MMO's they came from. Most of them at some point also required you to be at location C-1 on the seventh day of Eventide so you could fight with the twenty OTHER players who are waiting for the Spiral Orc to spawn and drop his Orc-Tooth Chain. The CoT Mission in KR is just Cryptic's way of showing you how grateful you should be.

Btw OP, if the Hollows are really getting to you, you can do what I did, with your level 39. When some Igneous one-shotted an alt, I was sufficiently annoyed with it that I got my main (who was 22 at the time), came back to the Hollows, and kicked three whole groups of the sorry bastards into rubble. Naga Ooga One-Shot, you stupid rocks!

It made me feel a lot better.




I sneaked across the Rikti Crash Site with a first level character, and I'd say that it is sometimes of comparable difficulty because Rikti teleport in - and groups of villains just spawn around you in the Hollows - and take you out before you can get away.

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Anyone else want to call Shenanigans on this?

I mean, you must be totally UBER to get through Crey's Folley with a level 1 character (min level =30) just to GET to the Crash Site. I am in total AWE of your skills.

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There was a bug or some oversight at one time that removed or ignored the level requirement. It was a long time ago, but there were a few screen shots of folks doing what Kali mentioned. I never tried it, but I remember reading about it on the forums. So while this couldn't be done now, it was possible at one time.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



The missions you get around level 7ish where you have to hunt for Circle of Thorns in King's Row should also be looked at. There are a few CoT that like to hang around on the ground, but the rest perch up on top of buildings.

Maybe a Temp Power where you get special boots with springs on them so you can jump up onto rooftops.

That way I don't have to bug one of my teleporting friends for teleportation duty.


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You can also take the fire escapes.

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Heh Been there done that, with guidance from a friendly Hero who had hover. After running up the wrong fire escape several times we changed tack.

She would hover just in range, my scrapper would stay on the ground. The Guards would drop of the building right into my waiting claws.

Its a novel apprach (requires teaming too so not for everyone), but makes it a lot easier.


@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617




Then run straight east (perpendicular to wall) to your mission, usually over Julius's bridge which further reduces chances of accidental aggro.

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And how do you propose getting past the level 15 Madness Mage that is sitting outside your mission door?

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Now this is a problem. I personally just hop on a higher lvl alt and wipe them out real quick.

The actual mission doors themselves should have a "safe area" around them.

But I still stand beside my point that running through hazard zones is a skill that players should develop. The name says it all they're *Hazard* zones after all.

Also, never underestimate the stealth component of SS alone. I've ghosted through several missions catching glowies and bosses w/o any accidental aggro at all w/ only SS.

I solo'd the Atta mission at an even lvl w/ my Rad/Rad Defender this way. SS + Stealth = too much if you know what your doing.



I should not have to take SS just to get to my door. No one should ever have to take a power to just get to a door, especially in a low level zone.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



OK from recent experience, I HAVE made the run from Atlas Park to the Portal Corp. you CAN do this sort of thing, it's all in knowing what the agro radii are for each mob. However this is not to say quicherbichin. I absolutely LOATHE getting my L 6-12 missions spawn on the other side of grendel's gulch or eastgate heights where I have to trudge across the hazard map, dodging each mob carefully only to turn around and have one spawn AROUND me. no warning just, "Hey, fellas! Look who's here!" That part more than anything is what I don't like about the hollows. The rest, eh whatever.

Making the trek across the hollows down through Julius the Troll and past into red zones does kinda stink when you're only L 10...

Summer Heat



Ugh. Some of the people on this thread need to be group flown into the heart of the hollows and dropped right into grendls gultch as lvl 6 surrounded by lvl 15s and not allowed to teleport out. That'll teach em. "I never die" "I'm the best player" yeah, some how, its very hard to belive that.
You all lie, and your all a bunch of fan boys.

Why, o in your infinate wisdom, do you possibly think many many servers began to sprout taxi-bot characters that were power leveled so that they could ferry poor solo'ers to their purple destinations in the hollows? HUH? For me when i started my alt character after ver 2 came out, it really really sucked to have to hoof it out in the middle of the gultch to get to your destination. You fan boys hate it too, just admit it.
So go back to your lvl 50's and party out at the hive, we lowbies will close the blast door behind you. Say high to the endless swarms of mido that will be your cell mate. One of em is called bubba, er hamadon.



I've put 3 alts through the hollows and had similar challenges. I agree it can be a royal pain in the butt, but it can be done. In fact I only died once because of this situation. You just need to be extra careful as far as the path you take. It's a fine line, but it can be walked.

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Agreed. When my Controller was level 4, I travelled from Atlas Park to Steel Canyon using the tram. Then ran to the Independance Port gate. Then took the tram to Brickstown and ran through Brickstown to the entrance to southern IP. I did this to join an SG member in that part of IP.

You just have to be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye on nearby enemies.

Of course, The Hollows has a problem with enemies spontaneously "popping" up regardless of how careful you are. Try to stick to areas where enemies dont spawn, like on fences.

Champion Heroes: The Wu Jen Adept(50)/Major Madcap(50)/Panther Ice(43)/Nightshadow Dragon(42)
Champion Villains: Freezing Night(49)/Tactical Widow(44)/Umbral Servant(38)/Mister Mechanical(33)



I didnt say it was easy i said i could do it.
No it doesnt suck, its actually kinda fun being able to make it across hollows through tons of purples without dying. Im sure if you died repeatedly it would suck.



Granted this option is not available to a L6 yet since I don't believe you get your first pool power choice until L8 ( I could be wrong on that ) If you take the concealment power pool and choose Invisibility you can go anywhere you like in the game ( heck you can stand right infront of an AV and unless he is like 20 levels above you he will not see you ) Even stealth works well with mobs close to your level cutting down aggro range severely since you have to be right next to them before they will see you.

I know mission doors are a pain when they are in areas of zones above your level. I died many times when I would exit a mission to find a group of higher level mobs outside the door. That of course is not as bad as having them there when you arrive.



All I can say is what I tell teammates on their way to join me in missions in the Hollows: stick to the streets.

Do not cut through the middle devastated section. Do not cut through the parks. Do not cut through "empty" lots. Do not jump over fences.

Go as fast as you can, but be ready to stop. If a mob is ahead, cross the street.

I find myself hugging the outer wall a lot, and jumping a lot if they start shooting. But I get through.

Yes, it takes more time than the straight line path. But you actually survive.



I know how the original poster feels on this issue. The Hollows is the most annoying zone you'll ever be compelled to go through. Sure, there's Faultline and other places, but by the time you hit those, you'll have a travel power.

I refer to the Hollows as either the "Cesspit" or the "Toilet Bowl" because it stinks.



I don't mind it.

I started the game after issue 2 so everything was new to me. The first character I rolled did just about every Hollows mission and after spending so much time there, the other low level zones were a walk in the park.

For my second character I decided to avoid the Hollows and do more Perez Park missions. I didn't really see much of a difference in the experience. Both can be a pain but I took it as a challenge.



The problem with the spawns in The Hollows popping in ontop of players as they run through from everything that I have been able to gather by talking to many other players is this.

The game is designed so you can not sit in one place and camp spawns, meaning they will not respawn as long as you are in line of sight of the spawn spot. I think the problem in the Hollows is the terrain changing level so abruptly as you run through the non-city areas messes with the line of sight so since you are above or below the spawn spot it is not in your line of sight and spawns will pop in just as you bring the spot into your line of sight.

Granted this is speculation and I have never seen a dev confirm it or say they were working on the problem, but it seems logical since this is the only zone in the game where these spawns happen. With that in mind trying to take the speedy route through the zone actually works against you. Timed missions can almost always be completed before half the time has run out. Don't rush so much.



I'd like to add in one little piece of advice. Pay more attention to the description of the mish when the contact is giving it to you.

If it says you need to get them out the cave...well the caves in hollows aren't close to the figure on taking a nice trip. Also your contact will let you know if the mish is timed or not before you even decide to take it.

I find that most of the time folks are in too much of a hurry to smash and bash to read what the lovely CoH Dev folks have taken the time to write.



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