Door Mission Location - Stupid Placement




I've had this problem on alts also. I hate the Hollows. I always avoid it if possible and I'm kind of surprised there are as many people there as there are.

I've done the mile run to a mission and back at 6th-8th level. It's not fun, but it is possible.



We will be revamping some of this stuff so crazy sitations like being put in an area that's WAAAAAYYYY too tough doesn't happen.



We will be revamping some of this stuff so crazy sitations like being put in an area that's WAAAAAYYYY too tough doesn't happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sweet! Thanks States!



Awwww.... poor widdle muffin. Did the Howwows Huwt You?

Get a grip. The mission placement should be a challenge. Do you just want every contact to hand you a door mission, that happens to be a block away, that happens to have REALLY easy foes to kill, which gives you enough exp to get 10 levels per mission?

People will complain about the stupidest things. Sure, I've had alts that have died in the Hollows... but my stupidity is to blame. I decide to shortcut through the red zone, and get my [censored] handed to me... lesson learned.

Any time I've had a difficult-to-reach mission, I've merely taken my time, and taken safe routes... and I've never had a problem that way.



Pfah! I can run with a level two through Founder's Falls and not die!

Ya'll are just wimps.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Awwww.... poor widdle muffin. Did the Howwows Huwt You?

Get a grip. The mission placement should be a challenge. Do you just want every contact to hand you a door mission, that happens to be a block away, that happens to have REALLY easy foes to kill, which gives you enough exp to get 10 levels per mission?

People will complain about the stupidest things. Sure, I've had alts that have died in the Hollows... but my stupidity is to blame. I decide to shortcut through the red zone, and get my [censored] handed to me... lesson learned.

Any time I've had a difficult-to-reach mission, I've merely taken my time, and taken safe routes... and I've never had a problem that way.

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Actually the original theory behind the mission placements (as said by Statesman during an interview at one of the con's I beleive) was that it was intended for heros to street hunt on their way to and from missions. The placement of many missions especially at the lower levels are placed in areas that are nothing but purple cons to the hero preventing this form happening.

w00t Radio



Woo nice!



Pfah! I can run with a level two through Founder's Falls and not die!

Ya'll are just wimps.


[/ QUOTE ]

Really? One would have to wonder what your secret is for surviving the first sniper that spots you....

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Pfah! I can run with a level two through Founder's Falls and not die!

Ya'll are just wimps.


[/ QUOTE ]
Who can't?

BTW, may I be the first to say... IMPOSTER!



Awwww.... poor widdle muffin. Did the Howwows Huwt You?

Get a grip. The mission placement should be a challenge. Do you just want every contact to hand you a door mission, that happens to be a block away, that happens to have REALLY easy foes to kill, which gives you enough exp to get 10 levels per mission?

People will complain about the stupidest things. Sure, I've had alts that have died in the Hollows... but my stupidity is to blame. I decide to shortcut through the red zone, and get my [censored] handed to me... lesson learned.

Any time I've had a difficult-to-reach mission, I've merely taken my time, and taken safe routes... and I've never had a problem that way.

[/ QUOTE ] insensitive of you, Kript. This man has a resonable grief and you make fun of him.

Oh yeah....and about this "stupid complaint"'s a quote about it from Statesman himself:

We will be revamping some of this stuff so crazy sitations like being put in an area that's WAAAAAYYYY too tough doesn't happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

So in fact, this WAS a bug and is being addressed.

Actually, what strikes me as truly funny is your post is AFTER Statesman's post IN THIS VERY THREAD!



Pfah! I can run with a level two through Founder's Falls and not die!
Ya'll are just wimps.


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Really? One would have to wonder what your secret is for surviving the first sniper that spots you....

[/ QUOTE ]
Hey, I did it once while I was bored.

That counts.

BTW, may I be the first to say... IMPOSTER!

[/ QUOTE ]
I was wondering who took the name "ninja pirate" in Test...

Tch, step off, homes, I been here since the second round o beta.

I'm famous, I am.

And now the world will explode for your pleasure and amusement, as two pirating ninjas is too much for reality to withstand.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Just for the sake of argument, i have no trouble getting across any zone at any level... EVER. No travel power, no stealth, just me and my 2 feet. In fact just the other day i lead a group of my friends from the atlas gate all the way around gredels gulch to a mission on the other side. Everyone was lvls 6-10, everybody followed me, and nobody died. We walked back without dying too. It requires being aware of your surroundings and paying attention but its not really that difficult. I mean you cant seriously expect to be able to put on auto run and step away from the keyboard in the Hollows, right?

I understand your complaint, how some people are less skilled then others and you shouldnt HAVE to slalom your way across a difficult zone for every mission, but seriously how often do you have to do this? Just thought you should be aware that while im sure your not the only person with this problem, its far from universal. Theres no zone thats so hard the mobs arent spaced far enough apart that you cant sneak thru with alittle effort.



what i took away from the post was that the TIME factor was a big part. when you can have a spawn drop on top of you, and they do, it's instant death. say you're 3/4 of the way there, death, back to atlas. that happens another one or two times, it's outside of your direct control and the mission is unbeatable when you get there with no time left.



Be careful what you wish for.*
I'm sure when you are playing your 39th level character you are always just thrilled to have to go to Atlas Park or King's Row to do your missions. Those zones are safe!

Shouldn't level X missions be in an area that is Level X +/-4. Approximately? At 6th level maybe 3 to 9 or something?
You should not be in an area where you can be one-hit by minions.

And the devs wonder why their datamining shows that we mostly just go straight to our missions and not fight anything along the way...because our missions are not in areas appropriate to our level! Why would a bunch of level 37's have a HQ in a level 9 area of town? Wouldn't they just take over the whole neighborhood? That's like Darkseid moving his base of operations to the Gotham City docks. Sure, there's crime at the docks, but not that much crime!

*I do sympathize, however. I had the same thing in the Hollows at around level 6. I died twice in mission transit and my friend died once. I was being careful but I had blaster HP. My friend was being careless but even with scrapper HP she got eaten for lunch.
Having friends wouldn't have made a fact, more people = more aggro!

Part of the sad story is the in-game GM that spoke to you. Some (most) are pretty good but some seem to be extremely ignorant of the game, or poor-listeners, or both.
You are paying $50 plus $15 a month, so you should feel free to express your opinions about individual CSR's to their employers.
If it is a one-time thing, then that person has nothing to worry about, but if you are the 73rd complaint, that might be relevant when they get their next evaluation.



Glad that Statesman finally addressed this. There nave been numerous topics about the Hollows over the past months. Of course the other problem with the Hollows is still people are having spawns drop on top of them.

Just search around and you'll find plenty of topics, people getting sent to door missions surrounded by purple mobs from +5 up to +10 or so. Maybe you can take a couple hits from a +5 when you're in your 30s or above, but at level 5 you're not gonna last.

Getting sent through crap like this at level 5-6 is ok for some veteran players. A lot of us who were around before I2 just skip the Hollows when we make alts because it isn't worth the frustration. But I feel for the new players who think they have to do the Hollows missions after they get sent all the way there from King's Row.



Actually, you have a good break for one thing - it was timed, so if getting there is really, truely pissing you off, just let the timer run out.

No more mission.

Now my level 32 controller with those two missions deep in level 40 DE territory in Founders... well, I'm not sure what I'm going to do about them.

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Heh, wait 'til you get a mission in the BFE part of Eden where the door is inside the Perez Park-like maze and guarded by 6 Devoureds (Greater & Lesser), along with their attendant Fungoids and Deathcaps, all spewing out massive damage, holds and Swarms by the gazillions. Don't even bother to take Awakens, you'll die immediately upon rez.

I actually didn't mind the "far doors" in FF, since by then I was a pretty fast flier. It's those son-of-buck-toothed-rabbit distant missions in Perez and Hollows where you don't have any travel powers and you have to run through mobs that are higher than you just to get to the door. Especially in PP's maze. That place needs to be burned to the ground.

Can we please have an event where we get clean up PP once and for all?

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Awwww.... poor widdle muffin. Did the Howwows Huwt You?

Get a grip. The mission placement should be a challenge. Do you just want every contact to hand you a door mission, that happens to be a block away, that happens to have REALLY easy foes to kill, which gives you enough exp to get 10 levels per mission?

People will complain about the stupidest things. Sure, I've had alts that have died in the Hollows... but my stupidity is to blame. I decide to shortcut through the red zone, and get my [censored] handed to me... lesson learned.

Any time I've had a difficult-to-reach mission, I've merely taken my time, and taken safe routes... and I've never had a problem that way.

[/ QUOTE ] insensitive of you, Kript. This man has a resonable grief and you make fun of him.

Oh yeah....and about this "stupid complaint"'s a quote about it from Statesman himself:

We will be revamping some of this stuff so crazy sitations like being put in an area that's WAAAAAYYYY too tough doesn't happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

So in fact, this WAS a bug and is being addressed.

Actually, what strikes me as truly funny is your post is AFTER Statesman's post IN THIS VERY THREAD!

[/ QUOTE ]

Some people find strange things funny.

And I can be a real ***** sometimes. I'm used-to it.

Frankly, bug or not, it's not a big deal. If the whole back wall were a hazard zone... then yeah... that'd be a pain. However, you can quite easily get around in hollows, regardless of level. It's called 'playing carefully'.



And now the world will explode for your pleasure and amusement, as two pirating ninjas is too much for reality to withstand.

[/ QUOTE ]

This reminds of the argument the twins from the excellent miniseries Maximum Bob had about the creature they saw the swamp...

Twin #1: "And that's when we saw the GatorMan!"
Twin #2: "That weren't no GatorMan -"
Sheriff: "Thank you!"
Twin #2: "- that were a ManGator!"

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Awwww.... poor widdle muffin. Did the Howwows Huwt You?

Get a grip. The mission placement should be a challenge. Do you just want every contact to hand you a door mission, that happens to be a block away, that happens to have REALLY easy foes to kill, which gives you enough exp to get 10 levels per mission?

People will complain about the stupidest things. Sure, I've had alts that have died in the Hollows... but my stupidity is to blame. I decide to shortcut through the red zone, and get my [censored] handed to me... lesson learned.

Any time I've had a difficult-to-reach mission, I've merely taken my time, and taken safe routes... and I've never had a problem that way.

[/ QUOTE ]

1 star for you. This is a problem that needs to be looked at.

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)



I agree, it should be fixed, but wait! It's now become a right of passage, like getting teased in school, everyone must die in the gulch on the way to a mission, it's only fair!

At least they could give a badge for it!

Depending on the server give a shout out for a taxi-bot and I bet somebody can help you out. Taxi-bots park at Hollows due to this problem but it depends on your server if you have any bots.



Excellent post

While I agree that an experienced player can usually get where they're going even with high level mobs around - The Hollows especially should not have this issue.

I have had those Lvl 31 missions in the back end of FF guarded by lvl 40 DEs. I personally use some stealth (Steamy Mist) to make it fairly safe, but unless DEVs want to requre stealth of one form or another, this is a problem. Just making the spawns not happen very close to doors is probably enough for the lvl 20+ game, but below that you have to take into account the newness of players and lack of both travel and stealth powers combined with a lesser understanding of Aggro and mobs.



Just so you know ... there are no ambushes in hazard zones.

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You know, I read that, but since I read that supposed change I've had three (3) ambushes in Perez Park. These were ambushes in the 30s, way above the level of Perez Park, one just last week.

Now I only had two enemies attack me each time, so it was no big deal. I didn't /bug it, although perhaps I should have.

[/ QUOTE ]

I get ambushed in perez all the time, two last week in fact... do the dev's no longer consider Perez a hazard zone?



Getting to missions deep in the Hollows is easy as can be.

Instead of running diagnally to your mission, run along the wall the entrances to Atlas/Skyway are at. The mobs stay at lvl 7 and below nearly all the way to the Sky entrance where you'll meet 10+ CoT, which are easily avoided.

Then run straight east (perpendicular to wall) to your mission, usually over Julius's bridge which further reduces chances of accidental aggro.

The red zone (Grendel's Gulch) is full of lvl 13+ Igneous that usually catch people w/ thier boulders who try to run diagnally. Running along the wall then east straight to your missions avoids the Igneous, who are the only real threat in the Hollows.

And Tab between enemies to see them before they are drawn in. Enemies may not be registered on the client side visually yet but the Tab always knows.

After playing other MMORPG's CoH is child's play when it comes to avoiding accidental aggro.



If my pregnant wife who has only been playing games of this type for the last year AND has never gotten a character past level 20 can nevigate several of her level 5 characters across the Hollows without incident then I'm sure you can.

All it takes is a little awareness and knowledge of where to and where not to go. A little tip would be to NOT go into the Gultch which is a known deathtrap for low level characters. People do it on a daily basis infact so I know you can do it without dying.