+1 mobs on missions? Keep them please




Personally, I prefer having +1 mobs on missions...it makes doing the missions even more worthwhile from an xp perspective on top of being a little bit more of a challenge, particularly if soloing alot of missions.



Same. Groups of 3 even con minions arent really a chalenge. Now a group of 3 +1 minions is a diferent story. Plus xp is better



The problem is that for certain AT/builds at certain points in their development, +1 mobs may make the mission virtually impossible.

The minions aren't usually the problem--it's the Bosses. Lots of heroes already struggled vs Bosses of the same level.

The sooner they can bring in a mission difficulty slider, the better.



Normal mobs its fine but get rid of the red bosses at least for us n00bs.

I died numerous times this weekend tryin to kill a red boss on my 'solo' missions.

Now I clear the mission pop outside ask for help to kill the boss. If I cant get help I go wander the city for mobs to kill til I can get help.



We're going to be tweaking with 22+ mobs soon...they'll be tougher, and give more XP....

Plus, we'll put in a difficulty slider (can't promise a time yet or else my producer will kill me).



Personally, I prefer having +1 mobs on missions...it makes doing the missions even more worthwhile from an xp perspective on top of being a little bit more of a challenge, particularly if soloing alot of missions.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep yep my Tanker took out two red bosses the other day at level 29. Course i'm a Tanker so you gotta be careful for other AT's. It was a Warrior/Freakshow mission. Anyway having +1 minions here and tehre is pretty cool.

Thanks for posting Statesman and for your hard work even on the weekends. You truly care!



Promise anyway, I think you can take him or her. You are Statesman after all.



+1 mobs are great at mid to high levels (basically, after you get fully set up with a decent assortment of powers slotted with SOs). At low levels, they're not so much fun, and lead to people avoiding door missions. Clearly, the fix should be targeted by level.



The difficulty slider is the easiest way to make everyone happy.

I really hope you guys can put this in soon, but if not atleast it could be put in at a later date.

Then the people who want a challenge can slide the difficulty up and the players who want less difficulty they can have that too.



We're going to be tweaking with 22+ mobs soon...they'll be tougher, and give more XP....

Plus, we'll put in a difficulty slider (can't promise a time yet or else my producer will kill me).

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm... I am personally not happy about this. Without a slider and harder 22+ mobs, this is one account that CoH will lose. I have really liked the game, but I do not like missions and game play that is so hard as to no longer be fun. Update #2 has really hurt the game IMHO.



I'd have to agree with RamsFan. As a high level Earth controller, I'm having a hard enough time soloing as it is. Please wait till you install a slider before making a permanent change like this.



For you not me. Cant wait for slider I hope you make it so people that want the game to be easy can fight blues or greens if they want. I would love to see at least a orange set of minions in a mission with the purple boss



We're going to be tweaking with 22+ mobs soon...they'll be tougher, and give more XP....

Plus, we'll put in a difficulty slider (can't promise a time yet or else my producer will kill me).

[/ QUOTE ]

What about, say, an enemy-type slider or some such? I'd love to see something like more lieutenants/bosses vs. less minions.



I agree that a difficulty slider would be a great addition to this game. But with one important change: I would like to see the mission difficulty setting have two sliders: one that determines the level range of the villains, and another that determines the number. Right now I'm powering my way through a kat/inv scrapper build, and while I don't mind the occasional yellow mob, i severely dislike the quantites they are being handed out in, especially pre-lvl 10. This level of mission customization would truly kick ***, but right now the situation is uncomfortable at best and truly a grind instead of being fun. The yellows are killing me, the greens are fine en masse, but strangely haven't seen too many blue groups unless I level up mid-mission. Too exhausted to continue making sense, so I'm done for now.

P.S. Since this is clearly affecting player satisfaction (you can tell from the expletives tossed over Broadcast when people die) it should be the leading priority, excepting of course server stability, which seems to be back to normal.



Hi Statesman!

I love the positive changes to Mind Control and the new MA and Katana Scrapper animations. I'm happy smoke grenade got nerfed as well-- it was extremely overpowered. Even the Steel Canyon Outcast "blaster minions" are great now that we're not getting stunned constantly so we literally can't fight back. These are all cool additions, and thanks for the tweaks.

But L22 might be a tad low to start ratcheting up the difficulty level-- Talos Island is already pretty tough on my L20 Energy Blaster, the L21 AR Blaster of my husband's I team with, and our daughter's L18 Mind Controller s/k'd to 20. Because of all of the Caltrops and mezzing, even tweaked down as they supposedly are now, it makes for protracted battles with sluggish response from our powers (when we can fight back at all) and quite a bit more debt than before. We've really outgrown Skyway but it feels lately like we shouldn't be in Talos either. Not everybody is a power gamer. We used to be able to make decent progress without feeling quite so...stressed out. It's a game and games are supposed to be fun.

I hope that difficulty slider goes down a little as well as up if you do ratchet up the L22+ mobs....

Sorry, but that's my .02 influence.



if you cant handle groups of 3 +1 minions then you can always get help or level up to finish it.

if all you need to defeat those same 3 +1 minions is sneeze, yawn, and sneeze again, then there is nothing you can do to wrangle any fun game play out of missions. essentially, you have to avoid a large section of the game just to have fun.

now tell me, which side of that coin needs to fixed?

remove the +1s from missions and wait for a difficulty slider to get coded and for beefed up minions to get balanced?

or just leave the +1s minions there until the difficulty slider and beefed up minions can be added?



I like the +1 minions and LTs, but my low alts just aren't up to a +1 boss. For my 29 AR/Dev blaster, NP, but my 12 scrapper just has to go away and come back when he levels up. Just not enough powers and not enough slots in what he does have. For my 41 controller, I LONG ago accepted that he plays in a team, period, so it's a non-issue for him. Unfortunately for me, I worked on my scrapper this weekend (other than the cape missions for the higher ones).



i just started up a tanker. have had 4 missions with bosses in them, all 4 were RED cons, all 4 were defeated the level i got the mission.



Careful with this. A lot of people are not happy with the +1 - heck, I'm not. My low levels blasters/defenders/controllers simply cannot do them. Change it back until you can put in a slider, please.



The game is so much fun since the update.
I just soloed a Pantheon missions of +1 mobs including a few red totems.
With my Defender .
A FF/psionic defender. If you didn't know, Pantheons are highly resistant to psionics.

I use:

Was fun. Please don't listen to people who can't play. Most players enjoy the change, but only the disatisfied people post.

I know, many people say they'll quit... We'll i brought 2 players BACK to the game by telling them it's fun again.



CoH is turning into some bizaaro mmorg, where the competent player is penalized with boring game play and is constantly told to "gimp yourself" if it's not hard enough for you.

everyone knows the "gimp yourself" response . . . makes me want to punch teeth when i see someone spouting that crap.

the other one is, "if you think missions are too easy and boring dont do them". gah! the mission system is the largest facet of CoH . . . and since im a competent player my reward is having to completely ignore and forego that aspect of game play?

and to make it worse, Update 2 acutally makes missions fun . . . and now theere's talk that it's considered a bug and is going to be "fixed"?

bizzaro world, i tell ya!



Yes really.
I'm glad someone started this thread.
I was dangerously getting bored with this game.
Now issue 2 is a GREAT update per mmorpg standarts.
It fixes and brings so much stuff people have been asking for (content, exemplar, badges, trials, respec, etc).

Me, and a LOT of my friends, and most people i play with online really enjoy the new CoH, the new challenging CoH.

But these forums are full of players that whine about it, makes you wonder about the quality of the players. And since i know the devs are listening, i'm very affraid to see a new update making it easier and boring again.

Just look at what they did to the poor Riktis... I was just destroying them, they are so weak now!



We're going to be tweaking with 22+ mobs soon...they'll be tougher, and give more XP....

Plus, we'll put in a difficulty slider (can't promise a time yet or else my producer will kill me).

[/ QUOTE ]

tougher how?

they do more damage tougher? cool

they have more hp tougher? then you better give my controller her old phantom army back with the current 60 second duration - because even with phantasm she can barely handle her missions as it is. and yes, she IS a rad secondary.

plain and simple, or you'd better seriously tone down the end cost for controllers because i'm out of end running no toggles after using 4 powers (am, phantasm, pa, flash) leaving me nothing left to cycle blindon bosses or spectral wounds to help my pets laughable damage.

i love teaming with the controller, but when the people i depend on are all logged off and i feel an urge to solo the missions as is at 32 are nearly perfect for her. any tougher and they will be near impossible unlessi can make them all green con with a slider - which then begs the question 'why bother?'



We're going to be tweaking with 22+ mobs soon...they'll be tougher, and give more XP....

Plus, we'll put in a difficulty slider (can't promise a time yet or else my producer will kill me).

[/ QUOTE ]

Great news, Statesman! This will be an excellent addition, and I strongly encourage it. While players will differ on whether or not they want more challenging encounters, I think it's important to preserve the option to engage in simpler, easier encounters that take a shorter amount of time to complete, especially for those of us with families who can only dedicate around 30 minutes a sitting.

Thanks again!



I dont fight white mobs on the street...why would i want to deal with them in missions...

the people who dont like it all seem to be level 10....getting to level 10 is like 5 hours of game play....missions and bosses where hard before the update for that level anyway...they dont even have a travel power! i mean doesnt everyone remember having to do the kill 10 circles of thorns mission and having to form a team and everyone dying...

i really loved missions on THURS and FRIDAY before the saturday fix...i really felt like i was on a mission and was attacking a villian's stronghold...i really loved the mix of levels scattered thru the maps

prepatch it was dull and repetitive....3 white mobs...2 white mobs and a lt...2 white mobs...3 white mobs...2 white mobs and a lt...yellow (occasionally orange) boss guarded by one white mob...

to be honest i really dont think its the con level that is bothering people...the mobs just dont seem as dumb as the used to be