To All Red Names! Don't let them get to you!




Ok, I've been doing this for awhile. I've played multiplayer games since my MOO days. (Love the multiverse!) Things changed a bit though, when the Devs started to have to talk to a broader audience, and not just the people geeky enough to enjoy text computer games...

I was a participant in for years, and I saw Raph Koster get beat up on daily. Everything he said was twisted and mangled to prove that he was satan himself, and one of his reps (Boomer) had the same problem. While I had some SERIOUS problems with some of his design ideas (I was a Blacksmith, and getting slaughtered several times a day), I thought he was consistently patient, informal, and empathetic to our concerns.

But eventually, he left. So did Boomer. Nobody can be asked to withstand that kind of abuse indefinitely.

In EQ, the developers hid behind their legal and PR departments, only peeking out from behind them briefly on rare occasions, and then only to snarl menacingly at the players. There WAS no decent communication with the Devs, and the atmosphere was both adversarial and even vindictive, with people losing their GAME accounts for saying something that a Whineplay board moderator didn't like.

Most other games, the devs never showed their faces. All you ever got was "official" release that had been run through so many lawyers that there was no actual information left in it.

The fact is that anyone that has to deal with the general public, runs into the laws of averages. 99% of the people you deal with either will never bother to make an impression one way or the other, or will be pleasant... BUT, that 1% is so nasty and so insulting, that they can ruin your day and make you think the human race deserves to be extinct.

I just came from a thread where someone called all the Dev's "Tossers". Ok, so this isn't exactly one of George Carlin's seven words, it is STILL an insult, and shows a lack of trust and respect. In my mind, that only indicates the ignorance of the person that wrote it, but I'm sure it isn't pleasant to work on this stuff all day, read all these messages trying to help your customers, and run across someone that insults you.

To you posters without the maturity and intelligence to understand that the devs are trying to help (even if you disagree with their decisions) and deserve to be treated with respect, I'd suggest you just play the game and not read the boards until you learn to be civil.

You have NO idea how good we have it here.

To the Red Names... Remember the 99%. You are NOT under seige, the vast majority of us understand and appreciate what you are doing. Don't let that 1% ruin it for all of us.




Agreed. We wuv the devs.






Here, here!!!!






They are providing a service that people pay for. It's the nature of the beast I am afraid.



Very well put. Disagreement with the developers is not necessarily a bad thing. Valid, intelligent input that could possibly help them is probably always welcome.

They've "tossed" out a pretty good game here. Hopefully they understand that the root of all the whinng and complaining is that people really like CoH and it's concept so much.



Devs = Dreamy. *swoon*



the devs are doing a great job so keep doing it and dont bother about the 1% ther this is sucks coss it dont relly love this game and the devs are yber!



Yeah, after so many devs that don't seem to care what we think in "other" games, this is heaven. It is a huge boost to the game IMO.

Way to go devs!!!



You stated it well and it's never said enough. I come to these boards occasionally for information and such, but it gets harder to stick around because of the type of people you described. Wish there were two boards, one for helpful advice and one for the haters.



Devs = Dreamy. *swoon*

[/ QUOTE ]

thank you my boss just came by wanting to know what i'm laughing at :P

Happy Wintereenmas! Blessed are the children of the D-pad, who follow the ways of the W-A-S-D. -Veritech

"let's face it, this is not the worst thing you have caught me doing" - Iron Man



heh...sorry Malk. Hope you still have a job. Silver lining if you got fired? More free time to be a hero!



"To the Red Names... Remember the 99%. You are NOT under seige, the vast majority of us understand and appreciate what you are doing. Don't let that 1% ruin it for all of us."

And 1% will cheer no matter how poorly they are treated.

Constructive critism has its place. Thats how SG was fixed, MA animations were changed.

Called them names does not.
Niether does shameless buttkissing threads like this one. Just a waste of space.

Maybe you want to be a sheep and take whatever the devs give, but I want a better game



[quoteAnd 1% will cheer no matter how poorly they are treated.

Constructive critism has its place. Thats how SG was fixed, MA animations were changed.

Called them names does not.
Niether does shameless buttkissing threads like this one. Just a waste of space.

Maybe you want to be a sheep and take whatever the devs give, but I want a better game

[/ QUOTE ]

That's right! Stick it to the MAN!!! Don't conform and be cattle!!!

See it's this senseless rambling, and might i add name calling, that this thread is about. It added ZERO to this thread plus was contradictive to your view of being able to speak your mind.



And 1% will cheer no matter how poorly they are treated.

[/ QUOTE ]

Patent = dreamy. *swoon*



If you make yourself a public figure in the realm of people who are paying a subscription fee to pay a game, you have to expect a certain ammount of criticism, both polite and scathing.

Public figures, especially ones that are highlighted by bright red names and a topic that tracks all of their posts, have to just accept the fact that people can and will sometimes get angry at them. They should not only accept it, but expect it... and be able to handle it without running away crying, figuratively speaking.



Oh frickin well. People see something that makes them mad and they come here and vent some frustration. Better than more ******** Bubble defenders training half the mobs in PP onto noob teams.

They need to just make a forum for flame wars, and move all threads that turn into them there.

Taking crap from players is part of a forum Admin's job.

If they can't take the heat...



It's inevitable that you have criticism. It's important that it shouldn't be based on personal attacks, even if the criticism is wrong.

It's legitimate for players to talk about game mechanics. It's not legitimate for them to rip the red names with insults.

Really, it's a game we like and we want to make it the best it can be. We can be wrong. The Devs can make mistakes. The important thing is to keep in mind we're all just interested in having a fun time in game.



My my, this is illuminating...

Although I specifically pinpointed abusive behaviour, and noted that disagreeing with the Dev's decisions was ok, even to be expected, the thread was immediately called "buttkissing", and became filled with comments like "They have to expect it" or "It's a service I pay for".

A man walking down a dark alley is not responsible for the mugging, the mugger is. There is no excuse for incivility, only rationalizations.

And deriding someone elses opinion as "Buttkissing" is a bit of a giveaway.

In any event, I have no intention of debating civility with the entire board, that's not my job. It's poor CuppaJo's. I made a case for civility, and tried to reassure the devs that most of us appreciate the job they are doing in an attempt to keep them talking to us. I'll just leave it at that.




Why do you think a butt-kissing thread is any more valid than a critical one?
Both are a waste of space, IMO.



Because he made an ***-kissing thread instead of a critical one?



We appreciate your feedback AND criticisms. We expect people to tell us what they think about the game - in a constructive manner. And we know there are going to be people who get very passionate about the game one way or the other. We like it - we may not like the insults, no one does, but we like that people are passionate about a product and a community that we spend so much of ourselves to bring to the players. We like our jobs, we like our community, and we like games. That's who we are... thanks for being a part of it!



Why do you think a butt-kissing thread is any more valid than a critical one?
Both are a waste of space, IMO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because a "Good job! Keep up the good work." encourages good relations?

In a world of machines, yes, both are a "waste of space."

But on all ends lies a human, who probably appreciates at least a small amount of appreciation.



The question should be, "Why is a butt-kissing thread any better than a 'I hate all the devs and I'm quitting' thread?"

The answer is, it isn't. It's just as pointless. Besides, you're going to have to shove quite a few people out of the way if you want to suck up to CuppaJo.

5 inf says she locks this thread.