To All Red Names! Don't let them get to you!




Funny you should mention fire and smoke



Thanks Men and Women in RED.

I have logged more hours in Paragon City than work since the game came out. A fine product if I do say so.

My family doesn't understand...

My friends don't understand...

Only my SG understands...





I have to agree the devs here are great. The only other community which had devs which I liked this much was Allegiance and that was only until the lead dev left (the dev chats ended at this point). I do think a big part of keeping the community togather is your informal and frequent postings. So to say it once more, way to go devs.



I agree 100% with this post. I don't see how it as anyone is turd-polishing anything when this is a clear attempt to make sure that for all the negative things said on this board that there is at least one post that says "great job" for no particular reason, other than that it should be said and is nice to hear.

Btw.....nice dodge with the word "passionate" there. I myself couldn't have been that tactful.



LineageII Anyone?

Even though I've tried to repress any memory of that game I actually go in search of tidbits from it's "community". Once I even found stuff from a GM's bad behavoir that made me laugh unctrollabley for a good couple of minutes

It's a strange kind of humor, a lot like.... Well, if you've ever been to this site, you get the picture...: ...or a really whack game like...
Some things, are SOOO bad that's it's hilarious. Some Game Communities are a great example of this



Remember though that some people are out just for personal gain and whine until people take notice.
I think the devs know what the're doing on this game though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Many won't believe this, but most balancing (or not fixing of claimed imbalances) is based on datamining as opposed to volume of complaints, or so claim the balance folks when I talk to them.

Board posts/complaints do make folks run different queries on the actual live data however to see if there is fire with the smoke, so it's well worth posting if you see something that appears off.


[/ QUOTE ]
Which is the way it should be I used to play planetside and they tried a bit to hard to please everyone. Everything ended up being watered down.
Of course if too many people say something is wrong then obviously it shouldn't be ignored.
The thing that springs to mind was the SG and the lengthy threads and "I'm quitting" and "OMG THEY NERFED SG" posts.
I read about the tanker changes (I'm a blaster) and have to say again the devs showed that they listen and have the best interests of the game at heart. Instead a good all round solution was found which is great.
I'm waiting for an official AoE thread to appear as I've just got inferno and need to post.



You can give Statesman grief. He's responsible for my cat dieing.



You can give Statesman grief. He's responsible for my cat dieing.

[/ QUOTE ]
And if your avatar is anything to go by your cat will be the living dead soon.
Sean of the dead was so funny.



i gotta say, one of the biggest things that has made me love this game is the personality of the red names on this board, and THEIR passion for the game. Gaf's funny/irreverent comments always bring a smile to my face. Poz & Geko are always around to address game mechanic #'s / Broken Tasks ect., Joe keeps the boards in line and is ALWAYS considerate and nice to the populace (save the "whiner" comment, but hey: truth, it hurts sometimes) and states, the lead freaking dev on this game posts on these boards on a daily basis, on his free time no less! does he always let us know what the dev team is up to? Does he always give us sage advice or positive input on our complaints? No. But he DOES do it sometimes. He does go out of his way to address SOME of our complaints. and sometimes he just has nothing to say but wants to talk, othertimes its just to tease us about upcoming ideas... but Jeebus people, I know we've all become spoiled with this degree of interactivity, but have you EVER played a MMO before this where you could expect a dev to answer a question that YOU had about their game, let alone the daily barrage of downright rude criticism they get on a daily basis?
I know no one expected this in EQ, DAoC, SWG or AC among others...

I think the OP said it best, we absolutely have a right to complain to the devs about issues we feel need balancing (in a way, i'd say its our DUTY to them and the game to try to make it better) but no one deserves to be personally insulted or to be subject to the rudeness that some people around here spew on a regular basis. I know the anonymity of the internet makes some forget the idea of manners, respect, or personal courtesy that most of us have in real life (you can go to Penny arcade and read gabe's internet ****wad theory), but damn. Here's a good benchmark for all of you:
next time you post something, read it aloud to yourself and then say: "if someone said this to me in person, would I punch them in the face?" if the answer is yes, then maybe you should rephrase...

ps all the red names kick it hard, even if i didnt mention ya.






Devs, I just want you to know that WE ARE OUT TO GET YOU!



I suppose I should publicly thank the Devs for making the game that finally dragged me away from Ultima Online. I hate what that game turned into, and I am loving what this game is becomming.

And what's most amazing is just how friendly the personalities of the Devs are.