Endurance Costs for Toggle Powers




Sorry, I'm not understanding the Atlas Medallion math. Does this mean that the Atlas Medallion gives you more than 5% bonus endurance recovery? The toggle cost calculator seems to have it bump up about 10%.

I just got the Atlas Medallion today, so I'm wondering what it does.

Wrath smash good.



From ZeroG's calculations, yes it gives about 10%.



Maybe this power does not belong in with what you have listed..
But I would really like to see now much a drain.. hasten will

I'm a lvl 17 Elec/Em blaster.. and only have access to trainning recharge enhancments.

My earlier power pool selections are hoover and fly. I was thinking about selecting hasten at lvl 20,
but heard it has a hugh endur drain. A some point I would to have it 6 slotted,
with recharge, and one endur drain recover..
Currently, it will have in slot 1 endur drain recover, lvl 20++ training.
So, what would the drain be, with just the one endur
drain recover..
The what would it be with one drain recover and one recharge, the two.. etc..
Also what would the recharge times be for each slot I fill.
I will add slots overtime, but my powers are first .
I may even hold off on a complete slot till I can get SO's.

Dazzer lvl 17 Elec/En Blaster



Maybe this power does not belong in with what you have listed..
But I would really like to see now much a drain.. hasten will

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, provided you dont have any +end accolades.. Its the 2 minute uptime and 25 percent of your end as a cost, so 25 / 120 = 0.2083 per second... (This is assuming its six slotted, otherwise it functions as the cost while its up.. ) Hasten is a great ability - even if your not using it 24/7 its a great asset for that rough boss here and there..



Maybe this power does not belong in with what you have listed..
But I would really like to see now much a drain.. hasten will

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The real end drain you'll see from this power comes from the fact that your powers recycle so much faster. So, while you do incurr a hit once Hasten wears off, it's generally far overshadowed by the extra endurance you're going to burn by using your powers more often during its 2-minute duration.


I'm a lvl 17 Elec/Em blaster.. and only have access to trainning recharge enhancments.

[/ QUOTE ]

Check your contacts' stores. You should be able to find a contact that sells DO's that are appropriate to you after running a few missions for them.



I'm surprised I haven't seen any stats for the Defender Primary powers Radiation: Accelerate Metabolism and Kinetics: Speed Boost. Both of these are supposed to increase END recovery. AM can be made perma like Hasten, and SB can be recast as needed. They aren't toggles, but they're close enough. And it would be very handy to see their stats here and in the Toggle Cost Calculator.

AM lasts 2 minutes and is a level 2 power. It should be REAL easy to find someone to test it if you have a character with enough toggles. SB is level 12, but still pretty common.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Tested Fly + Unyeilidng (new version) on the test server. Took me 134 seconds to run out of End, which translates to a cost of 0.40 end/sec.

About the same as Temporary Invulnerability. Not that bad.



The url to the toggle cost calculator has changed. Please use the one in my sig below.



GREAT!!! work on the toggle cost calculator. It has been added to my favorite sites.



Tested MoG end recovery (I3)

QR (unslotted)
Stamina (unslotted)
MoG (no End Recovery)

Atlas Medallion
Portal Jockey

0 (all toggles used to drain dropped) to Full end in 20 seconds.

Could someone else check the result? I'm getting +2.3068 eps (after bonus from Accolades) or 1.9065 eps w/o Accolades which is better than base end recovery (1.6667 eps w/o Accolades/2.0167 eps with).



If I assume that the accolades provide a 10% bonus to end recovery, I'm getting a base value of 2.2 EPS (or 132%) for MoG -- using your numbers.

If I use the numbers for the accolades provided earlier in the thread (a double bonus of 20% in this case), then I end up with a base value of 2.033374 EPS (or 122%) for MoG.

Either way, that's really good. It would be wonderful if someone could test the Unstoppable regen times. I've heard that Unstoppable's end recovery buff is much weaker than MoG's, but it'd be nice to see by how much.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



What is the EPS bonus for accelerated metabolism?



What is the EPS bonus for accelerated metabolism?

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I believe it is .25 for defender version - either .2 or .25 for controller - I'm not sure if this power is affected by the controller secondary penalty or what.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Why does the calculator not include Speed Boost?



Howdy all!

I've started the Powers Quantification Project on another guide thread, and I thought the users of this one might be interested in it. It describes a method to get accurate timing information on attack powers, similar to the way we can get endurance information on them here.




Got a new one here!

Repel: 100 end used in 40s, placing one skul (appropriately) in permanent knockback against a corner. No enhancements whatsoever (nice empty slot).

Should equal 2.5 eps.

Tested with a SL 8 Kinetics/Electric Defender on live.


Oops forgot to account for base regen of 10/6 EPS (+1.667 )
That should equal 4.167 EPS unenhanced. Ow.



Got a new one here!

Repel: 100 end used in 40s, placing one skul (appropriately) in permanent knockback against a corner. No enhancements whatsoever (nice empty slot).

Should equal 2.5 eps.

Tested with a SL 8 Kinetics/Electric Defender on live.


Oops forgot to account for base regen of 10/6 EPS (+1.667 )
That should equal 4.167 EPS unenhanced. Ow.

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Well, there are 2 costs for repel - one is an automatic cost every second, and one is the cost it deducts whenever you repel someone. First, you should determine the base cost - by just running repel + some other basic toggle with a known EPS value (fly is a good one) to drain you down to zero.

Then you can start trying to figure out how much end is drained per hit. You will need to do what you just did, but also count how many times repel hit the enemy.

Good start though !

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Somewhere, I've read that AM boosts things by 24%, with the exception of recharge (30% vs. Hasten's 70% deduction). This would make a lot of sense considering that we're ballparking this at around 20-25%.

This would make AM's contribution to End recovery 0.40 EPS, if perma. Not using any verifiable testing procedure, I've calculated that AM is down for about 5-7 seconds with 4 even level SOs in it and 5 in Hasten....



Here's my calculator based off the numbers above. I'll continually update the page with newer numbers as people find them. If there's any problems you find, let me know. I've tested it in IE and Firefox. Your selections will automatically get saved to a browser cookie so you can come back to the page and they will be there.

Toggle Endurance Cost Calculator

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I'm getting page not found errors on this. What happened?

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Here's my calculator based off the numbers above. I'll continually update the page with newer numbers as people find them. If there's any problems you find, let me know. I've tested it in IE and Firefox. Your selections will automatically get saved to a browser cookie so you can come back to the page and they will be there.

Toggle Endurance Cost Calculator

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm getting page not found errors on this. What happened?

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Replace the "phpBB2" in the link with "coh", that change happened a few months ago.



http://www.arscoh.com/coh/calcs/toggleendcosts.html does not work either.

The problem is that arscoh.com apparently vanished in late April, at least from the DNS servers in my part of the internet.

That was a damn useful calculator I don't suppose the domain still resolves for anyone who can pass along the IP address?



The problem is that arscoh.com apparently vanished in late April, at least from the DNS servers in my part of the internet.

[/ QUOTE ]

The domain appears to be back up, but the Calc is still gone. It was possible to grab the page from Google's cache a few days ago, but that too, is now gone.

But even grabbing the page from the cache wasn't enough, because there was a javascript file that also needed to be downloaded (cookieFunctions.js).

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The problem is that arscoh.com apparently vanished in late April, at least from the DNS servers in my part of the internet.

[/ QUOTE ]

The domain appears to be back up, but the Calc is still gone. It was possible to grab the page from Google's cache a few days ago, but that too, is now gone.

But even grabbing the page from the cache wasn't enough, because there was a javascript file that also needed to be downloaded (cookieFunctions.js).

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope someone sets up a mirror somewhere, that was the most incredibly useful utility.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata