The you kill me, I kill you...(and so on) thread!




Calash, due to a sudden lag spike, respawns in a wall. Stuck in place he is forced to watch "The Real World" over and over again on DVD with the special editors comments and deleted scenes.

Needless to say his head explodes.



Black Violet, doing a little street-grinding, has encountered a group of Vahzilok cadavers and a single eidolon.

With fluid grace and flashing blade, she sets things aright by restoring the proper state of affairs...

The dead should STAY dead...

While her whirling blade is slicing through already decomposing flesh, it occurs to her:

"These kills don't count for this thread. The owners of this flesh have already died!" In anger and frustration, she quickly decapitates the eidolon... and trudges back to the primary staging area for the thread and, with a swift whip of her katana, neatly slices of the the top of Immortal's head...
Although this would normally not be enough to kill the great undying one, the fact that Vahzilok slime was still on her blade makes thing a little different. Now surrounded by bugs and unable to recover endurance, Immortal is unable to fight back and must now trudge through the necessary mission to find the cure....

Black Violet sneers... and then kills him by firmly slicing through his abdomen, allowing his guts to spill onto the floor, before watching him fade out.



Immortal respawns inside of Black Violet. Immortal dies of suffocation, Violet of indigestion.



Stormwise comes along and, without concern for the melee players needs, continually uses his Gale power, thereby aggravating all of the scrappers and Tankers to death...and simultaneously boring everyone else to an early grave.



Black enters the thread, and laughs at his foolish fellow scrappers for misinterpreting the purpose of the gale. He stands back and waits for an enemy to come flying at him, letting the poor thug become a new decoration on his broadsword's blade.



Scimitar steps in through a dimension doorway from a differnt thread then says " This looks fun" he quickly knifes Black in the back then cuts his thorat for good measure, all the time using a serrated butterknife.

/ OOC Yes the plastickind



Black respawns, and stares Immortal in the face.
"Not very tan, are you?"
"Comes with being dead."
"Oh, sorry...I didn't know."
"It's alright, happens all the time. No way you could have known."
Immortal shoots Black in the forehead, creating the first-ever character death caused by another character made by the same poster.



Scimitar shows up some where else in the thread with a pair of Mac 10s. He quickly riddles everyone but him with bullets.



"Did you say RIDDLES?!"
The riddler from the old 60's batman jumps into the thread. Immortal snaps his neck from behind. The words "SICKENING CRACK!" show up on the screen in colorful letters.



"Did you say SICKENING CRACK?!"
The Peddler from the old 80's streetland jumps into the thread. He passes out small glass pipes and chunks of crystalline substance.

All who partake die of horrible side effects while their hearts hammer wildly in their chests!


----Shadowmantle says, "Kids, drugs are BAD! Shouldn't do drugs, MMM-kay?"



Experiment jumps from the hospital and splats on the ground, dying, but saying... "Aah... *Chewing noise* Whats up doc?!"



Scimitar says, "Hmm, how will I kill some one next????" He thinks so hard his head blows up, destroying all of paragon city and killing everyone in the thread.



Immortal kills the inhabitants of Paragon City with a new strand of the Black Plague.



YFNDBA makes Immortal's head explode by reviving the thread.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



Immortal's exploding head fragments travel to the far ends of the earth, and a group of crusading anime characters travel to retrieve them and save humanity from impending doom. They fail, and all of humanity is eliminated.



When the world repops, Abalest unwittingly destroys everyone's mind with a link to Man-Faye.

Or, more horrifyingly:
Move it! (Has sound)

A gibbering wreck, Abalest falls off a bridge into the exhaust vent of a large cruiseship, where the incinerating effects of the engines do the rest.

My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman

Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain



YFNDBA vomits his innards up after seeing Man-Faye so violently that he turns inside out.

He runs around town saving citizens as inside out man, until later when he gets melted by the giant river of molten death cheese.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



Immortal opens up a shop in Steel Canyon called "Tastey Molten Death Cheese."

All of his customers were revolted when they saw the cheese, but became very excited when they eyed the word "tastey" in his store's name, so they all ate it and died in horrible, unspeakable ways that will be shown in the post-release director's cut DVD.



Just then, Ultradude, having no conceptual originality of his own, conjured up all the previous methods of murder in the thread and combined them in new ways. Like making the moon explode and shoot out enraged kittens made of molten death cheese. Needless to say, nobody survived. Not even Ultradude.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



The word "conceptual" eats Ultradude alive.



Valiant Sets the word conceptual on fire,
and it cries like a little girl.

01001001 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110000 01101001 01100101



Valiant Sets the word conceptual on fire,
and it cries like a little girl.

[/ QUOTE ]

Immortal is beamed down from the mothership, into the kill thread, enraged. He proceeds to kick Valiant repeatedly in the elbow until he dies, and then proceeds to rant for an extended amount of time about how Valiant broke the rules of the Kill Thread by not Killing anything in his post.

Meanwhile, Conceptual lies in a hospital bed, comatose and within inches of death. A tiny vowel weeps at his side.



The word "conceptual" eats Ultradude alive.

[/ QUOTE ]

Crim laughs way to hard at this comment, and falls over, and takes her life with a spork.



Realizing Stryiker was already dead, Super_Shard decided to do the dead....again, so he threw an angry rikti monkey at Stryiker's face....killing her.....again. He steps back as the avoid splatter



*walks in and jumps on the floor and self destructs*