The you kill me, I kill you...(and so on) thread!




Einstein kills whever started the lawsuit and then kills whever performed a lawsuit on him for killing ther person who started the lawsuit on the thread. Then he kills whever killed the previous univers... Becous he's been looking for this forum for a long, loooooong, time...



My Avatar (Gir) goes up and kills Einstein for mispelling everything... then kills himself for mis-spelling only to get sent to the hospital. He then kills the guy who created the Hospital Teleport Beacon.



Einstein putes Gir in a box. And putes that box in a bigger box, and thusforth until Gir is in twenty boxes. Then he putes that large box into a giant chest and males that chest to a shack in the middle of nowhere and launches a nuclear missle which converges on the chest.

Then, Einstein enteres the sceen with a plasma gun and melts the ashes of the chest (and Gir) into a pile of red glowing mush. Then Einstein drives a six wheeler over it and feeds the flatend remains to a hungry Vahzilok (did I spell that right?) infront of his own family!



A runaway bus of nuns crashes into a runaway bus of rockstars, killing Einstein.

Amazingly, the nuns survived.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



As the Nun's pray to god for allowing them to survive, they are smited. By being crushed by a rabid elaphant who recently escaped from the Zoo.



The elephant is then scared to death by a 50 foot mouse who squeeks in the elephant's face.

The mouse then proceeds to destroy NYC.



Untill a random 19th century britsh excentric hunter shots the rat.

Then head's to the Bar to pick up chick's, 21st century chick's ohh yea.



The hunter is immediately killed by a worthless fanboy of the X-men, who was trying out the wolverine claws that I sold him only to find out that they are actual steak knives.



"You can't be me, bub" The fanboy heard as he was ripped to pieces by the real woverine, with real claws.

(Oh yea kill an immortal)



Wolverine is then wiped from existance on a whim by Galactus.

Galactus then proceeds to munch on the planet Jupiter.



Galactus taking to big of a bite and being to big for the hymlic (spelling?) manuver dies by choking on the planet. Luckily for the aliens that were trapped beneith the surface of the planet they are free and making their way to Earth.



as the Nasa people shot down the aleins on their re-entry. They all go down town to a fancy smancy resturant, and order clams...



The cook, having a personal vendetta against NASA for disturbing the moon people, poisons the claims causing the NASA peoples brains to explode.



Then a random CIA agent crashes trough the window and shoots the cook for murder. while screaming "Ollliii ollii oli oo"



while screaming "Ollliii ollii oli oo"

[/ QUOTE ]

Hearing the call to war, the renagade warriors from a lost tribe in Africa (who just happened to be vacationing in Paragon near the resturaunt) become crazed with rage killing everything as they run to the resturaunt and boil the CIA agent alive, then sitting down they enjoy a wonderful dinner complents of the agent.



When they finally returned to africa they stepped off the plane and a Jaquair attacked them and brutally killed everyone. All to protect here little cub that was behind her.



Both the Jaguar and the cub are then trapped and shipped to my labs for testing, until I realize that I just want to shoot things, and so I do. I then blame it all on Bill, from accounting.