The you kill me, I kill you...(and so on) thread!




Blue Saviour goes to his contact, Ashwin Lannister. Lannister tells Blue to defeat thirty council. Blue completes his task.

Blue returns to Lannister. Again, he's told to defeat 30 council. With a heavy heart, Blue sets about his mission.

Blue returns to Lannister, having completed the task. Lannister again asks him to defeat 30 council.

Blue snaps Lannisters neck like a brittle twig, then feeds him to a vahzilok in front of his weeping family. Blue then slices the vahz open, removes Lannisters remains, and stamps on them until the rage has subsided. He then calmly encases the half digested, stomped remains in concrete, and fires it into the sun, never to be heard from again.

Blue looks around.

"Kill thread? What's that, then?"



Decapitating blue_saviour with his katana, a fine red mist spattering the wall, Grey Wind looks down at blue's startled visage and chuckles.



Immortal faces off with his nemesis in the middle of a snowy field in the middle of nowhere. Dramatic music plays as they stare eachother down. Immortal holds a woman hostage in his arms. His opponent grimaces.
"Let her go, I love her!"
Immortal scowls.
"SO DO I!!!"
"If you love her, let her go!!!"
Immortal kills the woman. There is a pause. Immortal suddenly cries out,
His opponent, bewildered, speaks out.
"Why are you sad if you killed her on purpose?"
Immortal scoffs.
"Don't you understand???? The deathstar is nearing completion! If we don't take the ring to the volcano where it was created, dad's dinner with his boss will be ruined!!!"
His opponent nods solemnly.
And proceeds to take out his sword, twirling it about masterfully in a show of skills that he must've sharpened his entire life. Immortal pulls out a gun and shoots him casually, while shouting "Expelliarmus!!!"
Suddenly, a spider bites him and he gains the extraordinary power to wear a bat costume and see through walls.

The world instantaneously collapses in on itself as a direct consequence.



Tanner the Tanker also secretly known as Tanner the non-Tanker. Findes Immortal and throws him as high as he can. As the Immortal crashed to the pavment Tanner continyously kicks him in the ribs shouting "You gonna die bi***!!! You gonna DIE!!!!" until he eventualy dies from internal bleeding.



"Don't you understand???? The deathstar is nearing completion! If we don't take the ring to the volcano where it was created, dad's dinner with his boss will be ruined!!!"
His opponent nods solemnly.
And proceeds to take out his sword, twirling it about masterfully in a show of skills that he must've sharpened his entire life. Immortal pulls out a gun and shoots him casually, while shouting "Expelliarmus!!!"
Suddenly, a spider bites him and he gains the extraordinary power to wear a bat costume and see through walls.

The world instantaneously collapses in on itself as a direct consequence.

[/ QUOTE ]

Huh? Is there a gas leak in this thread



"Don't you understand???? The deathstar is nearing completion! If we don't take the ring to the volcano where it was created, dad's dinner with his boss will be ruined!!!"
His opponent nods solemnly.
And proceeds to take out his sword, twirling it about masterfully in a show of skills that he must've sharpened his entire life. Immortal pulls out a gun and shoots him casually, while shouting "Expelliarmus!!!"
Suddenly, a spider bites him and he gains the extraordinary power to wear a bat costume and see through walls.

The world instantaneously collapses in on itself as a direct consequence.

[/ QUOTE ]

Huh? Is there a gas leak in this thread

[/ QUOTE ]

American Valor riding through this thread on his lawnmower runs over the ProfEinstien killing him and mulching him into the lawn where his bits and pieces are eatend by the birds for not killing anything. Then his lawnmower runs over Mary Ann as well since he just killed the professor and the song goes the Professor and Mary Ann....

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



ProfEinstien Quickly respawns and makes his way to American Valor. He Disolves American's eyes with a vile of acide, sticks his middle and index fingers in his now empty eye sokets and throwes him into a tree shreding machine by his eye sokets. He then skoops up the American Valor mulch and stick in a box, and putes that box in a bigger box, and put that box in a chest and maled it to himself. Then he begens shooting the box with his shotgun till it has atleast 10000000000 holes in it. Then he runs the box over with a steam roller clumpes the peases together with glew and dropes a hydrogen bomb on it.



The Theory of Relativity, tired of lingering in ProfEinstein's shadow, goes on a murderous rampage and shoots the professor point blank with a very shiny revolver.



Professor Einstien creats a worm hole to an arya in the sky just above the first worm hole. He then throws Immortal into the first worm hole and watches him fall out of one end and into the other for hours. Einstien eventualy gets tired of watching Immortal fall in an infinite loop and crushes him to the size of an attom. Then he splits that attom and watches it explode at a safe distance!



A safe distance!, tired of lingering in ProfEinstein's split atom's shadow, goes on a murderous rampage and eliminates the word "safe" from its name, blowing ProfEinstein to very small Einstein-bits.



Appears out of nowhere and starts smacking Immortal over the head with a squeaky toy! "Bwahahahaha, SQUEAKY TOY OF DOOM!" Finally kills Immortal with his Squeaky Toy!



Pulling himself together American Valor flys over to the professor Begins to laugh, pulling the thread to the line... 'Gas leak' .......
American Valor lights a match blowing the whole thread to kingdom come looking at all the dead he laughs some more, I love the smell of NAPALM IN THE MORNING!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Everyone having respawned, Blue hires a [Censored] to use everyone's toothbrush but his. They all get herpies and die. Blue celebrates with Ho and her friends.



I love the smell of NAPALM IN THE MORNING!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Proffesor Eisnstien opens a warp rift to the world of Starcraft where an upset Firebat torches American Valor with his plasma torch screaming "HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS NAPALM!!! NEED A LIGHT?" Professor Einstien then kicks the fire bat square on the plasma tanke and the firebat gose falling baack into the warp rift and explodes in a firery nightmare of plasma. Einstien happy with what he has done desides that he will destroy the world and plots silently...



Einstien shoves the squeaky toy down Somarks throat. He watches as Somark turnes purple in the face he then slices Somarks neck open grabs the sqeaky toy and begins slaping Somarks corps shouting "SQUEAK SQUEAK DEATH BY SQUEAKY TOY MUHA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!"



Immortal creates a mob of angry soccer moms, who all protest the thread members to death, while holding Immortal up as a deity.

Immortal makes some french toast. He eats it. It tastes good.



Einstien finishes his last piece of french toast and starts throwing angy soccer moms at Immortal. He then curves space and time around them freezing them in time forever. Not bieng dead Immortal cannot respawn not bieng able to fight back immortal sits there for the rest of his days.

He then finaly eskapes from the poket deminsion to a world rled by Einstien. Einsten sentences Immortal to be hung bye his toes and have angry monkeys beat him with armadillos. The soccer moms were sentanced to be beheaded.



Einstien goes back in time and maries his great great great great grandmother then goes slightly in the future to ary his great great grandmother then he goes even more slightly in the future to mary his great grandmother and his grandmother. This has no real meaning but he dose spray a can of lisole on the floor killing millions of bacterial!



YFNDBA shoots Enstien in the head with a 12-gauge for violating the rules.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



YFNDBA shoots Enstien in the head with a 12-gauge for violating the rules.

[/ QUOTE ]

Einstien creats a machine gun and shoots YFNDBA with 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000

bullets until he is nothing but a greasmark on the floor for saying that I dident follow the rules for I did kill many bacteria and soccer moms in my posts!



Immortal screams "billygoat" at the top of his lungs, and all the thread-world's inhabitants die.

Mysteriously, the billygoat community remains intact.



Einstien shoves Immortal down a large trap dore that led to a prision full of the sick and dieng. "Welcom, Immortal, to the prision of the forgtten this will be your home for, oh, the rest of your life MUHA HA HAH AH HA!!!!!!" Einstien boils an egg the egg was fertalized the chick died he ate the boiled fetilized egg... it tasted great!!!



"You annoy me very very very much" Tick-Tok said as he blew Prof Einstein up with a thunderous blast six slotted with HOs. Tick-Tok then proceedes to his his Archmageness to make Prof Einstein extremely weak and powerless so that even a small breeze could kill him.



"You annoy me very very very much" Tick-Tok said as he blew Prof Einstein up with a thunderous blast six slotted with HOs. Tick-Tok then proceedes to his his Archmageness to make Prof Einstein extremely weak and powerless so that even a small breeze could kill him.

[/ QUOTE ]
Tick-Tok accidentally creates an immensely powerful small breeze that goes homicidal and kills Tick-Tok.



just then prisoner *********** from the asylum appears on the thread wielding the dreaded and unforgiving "NERFBAT" (tm) and proceeds to whittle everyones powers away until a little old lady tired of having Hellions "try" to steal her bag kills them all for not helping her after they made lvl 2.