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  1. If you have stealth and good damage (ie if you can take Rikti Soldier bosses fast), Angus Mc Queen arc should be pretty good for the time invested.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    My L30 Obliteration proc that I got from a merit roll sold for 23m redside iirc. That was nice since my other roll was craptastic.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My 34 sold for 15 mils. have no clue how fair that price was (I put it at that price but there was no history whatsoever for that level, and around that level prices were volatile due to 30 exemp'ing I suppose)
  3. Before the Rikti Shoulder Pads Chief godsend, I used a 52/53 Noble Brute (the lieut) from the FBZ on my regen scrapper. Was much slower than the Rikti Chief but it was moving the bar significantly (it helped me go from mid 4th to the 5th or 6th badge - fuzzy memory).

    If you're just looking to reach Unbreakable for Born in Battle, it'll definitely do the trick.
  4. I got an Obliteration proc (34 redside) from Aurora Borealis. That was a very nice rewards after a tough fight
  5. I have never gotten a single kinetic combat triple from the TF pool and I roll exclusively 30-34 or 35-39. I'm starting to wonder if that recipe can be obtained through random rolls
  6. Bravo. Enjoy the billlion influence bath, MrEMan
  7. And I thought the guy that paid 80 Mils for a 8M crafted ToD triple the other day had nightmares.
    He might very well be laughing now
  8. I'm currently leveling an Elec/EA stalker (playing solo exclusively - except for quick badge mishes needed for accolades that other players might need, doing as much SA/Badges content as I can, blocking xp if I have to) and I really am enjoying it. I'm currently lvl 26 on her.

    The Psi Hole is indeed big but since I recently played an Invul scrapper, I don't have too much trouble with it: you get used to carrying greens and purples, just in case.

    Rest of the defenses are pretty good and I rarely get killed unless I happen to foolishly think I can take a +1 EB without inspirations and while remaining static
    They can be improved rather easily, as was said earlier, as the IOs that provide typed def can be stacked between themselves and grant additional positional def now. If you do a lot of MA content, the tickets can be used to get most of them to boot.
  9. viper_kinji

    Epic Power Sets

    Scrappers have Epic Power Pools?
  10. I really like mine. Plays really differently from my TA/A (my other 50 def) and thus is very refreshing as I'm mostly a melee type of person.
  11. Why I love the J Force?

    Let me preface by saying that I do not know all members of the J Force. I've teamed with several of them individually but haven't had the opportunity (or guts, who knows) to be one of the so called n00b PUGs on one of their teams.

    A lot of players, individually, in game and on the forums, show what I like/understand as a necessity in City of Heroes:

    <ul type="square">
    · be a part of Freedom

    · have a tough skin, which is redundant with the previous bullet point, but I've heard 'redundancy is good' too often

    · have fun

    · make fun of others (very often) and yourself (very rarely)

    · be part of the community by participating in / running various events -be it pve or peevpee- through the multitude of channels available to us: the game, the channels, the forums.[/list]The J Force is the only group of players I know that appears to be formed by people that ALL meet those requirements very regularly.

    Slightly offtopic: The one billion influence will be used to pay for the technical fees resulting from the epiphany I just had: I love myself and would love to be able to clone myself. Sadly I lack the financial funds to do so. *Paging Dr. Aeon*

    To all the exceptional people on Freedom, old and new. Happy Xth CoH Anniversary!
  12. As I said on RF the other day, gratz on 600, MCM

    I got there as well a couple of weeks ago (no MA badges save early bird) but that was a rather non epic achievement due to MA badges helping immensely overcome the 600 barrier so I didn't necropost.

    600 is the new 700
  13. viper_kinji

    Dual tank teams

    I've started a tank duo with a friend of mine:
    Ice/Fire and Dark/Mace.

    It's fun so far and we do not have stealing aggro issues, go figure
  14. I guess smileys aren't what they used to be, heh.

    Why so serious, as they say?
  15. I had a delay problem with my 42 vet badge on an account and petitioned and got it fixed in a couple of days. I wouldn't bother support for an early badge tho
  16. I shoot the Hamidon with it.

  17. Point X Ray or Point Sierra are nice spots in the FBZ for that badge.
  18. Thanks for the Costume Pack and thanks for solving billing issues as quickly as you guys did (I got 3 codes thanks to the paypal error problem and got refunded within 4 hours for 2 of them)
  19. French Culture is not what it used to be anymore (I'll try to remember to run the SA if all text is in French)

    Grats on keeping on going against AVs with the build and reminding me I need to hit 50 on mine hehe.
  20. looks like my birthday will be coming 2 days in advance this year.

    Oh my, the endless hours at Icon are back!
  21. Thanks for the heads up Ex. 1 toon to go
  22. - Viper Kinji - Scrapper: Dark Melee/ Regeneration/ Body Mastery
    - Shrieking Bat - Blaster: Sonic Blast/ Energy Melee/ Force Mastery
    - Blazing Salamander - Tanker: Stone Armor/ Fire Melee/ Pyre Mastery
    - Mesmerizing Scorpion - Controller: Mind Control/ Radiation Emission/ Psionic Mastery
    - Gothic Mongoose - Scrapper: Katana/ Super Reflexes/ Dark Mastery
    - Arctic Firefly - Tanker: Fire Armor/ Ice Melee/ Pyre Mastery
    - Snuffed Out Phoenix - Controller: Fire Control/ Kinetics/ Psionic Mastery
    - Rumbling Monkey - Tanker: Willpower/Stone Melee/Arctic Mastery
    - Spider in a Quiver - Defender: Trick Arrow/ Archery/ Power Mastery
    - Snowflake Python - Tanker: Ice Armor/ Super Strength/ Arctic Mastery
    - Fallen Mantis - Defender: Dark Miasma/ Radiation Blast/ Dark Mastery

    Should be in that order. No villains yet