Oddest scarce recipes
I've had bids open on that Kinetic Combat (I assume you meant combat, not crash...crash is easy to find) red-side for well over a week. I scored one and I'm actually considering myself lucky at this point. They seem to be really rare. I need a few more for my intended build and I have all the other pieces of the set that I need. *shrug*
Yes, Kinetic Combat not Kinetic Crash. Edited above.
That kinetic combat is perfectly understandable [to me].
OLD KIN COMBAT BONUS FOR 4: +3.75% Smashing Defense
NEW KIN COMBAT BONUS FOR 4: +3.75% Smashing and Lethal Defense; +1.875% Melee Defense.
There are only 5 in the set, one is a semiworthless proc, and the D/E/R is the other, or maybe the only, "Pool C" (What do we call those these days?)
For some people, this is a "Slot three of these sets if you can" powerset, and it didn't used to be... so there's not a lot of old ones lying around on people's characters.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Those are all from Pool C/D. Buying them directly with Merits is horribly inefficient, and the vast majority of random rolls take place at level 50, so if you want them at anything besides max level you're in for a long wait or a bad deal at the Merit vendor.
I also noticed that three of your examples are ToHitBuff, EndMod and Snipe sets. Don't forget that random rolls are now weighted, too, so it's no surprise they've become rare.
From my bronze roll weighting tracking, the tohitbuff and endmods are coming out close to 1, so no great change. Snipes of course are weighted fairly low.
Of course after running a large amount of data, I realised that I have to split rare and uncommon as it is skewing my analysis, and though I have quite a bit more data I haven't gone back and done that yet.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Strange how the market has made some really oddball recipes really rare.
Gaussians Rech/End Redx - a 100+ bidding for the level 50 recipe, 0 supply, no recipes any level (though presumably some are bought via standing bids), no crafted IOs at any level.
Efficacy Adapter End Mod/End Redx - this recipe doesn't scream out as being high powered, but surprisingly difficult to get at the right level.
Kinetic Combat Dmg/End/Rech - you can occasionally find them but they sure don't last very long.
Sting of the Manticore - Acc/Int/Range - yeah, a snipe recipe. But I think most people vendor these as opposed of listing them.
These are blue side; however, I know there's a few equivalents red side as well.
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yeah, the EffAdapter is the only end mod set with End reduction. In the past this recipe was run up by a ebil marketer..
perma jump is ---> /up 1
Those are all from Pool C/D. Buying them directly with Merits is horribly inefficient, and the vast majority of random rolls take place at level 50, so if you want them at anything besides max level you're in for a long wait or a bad deal at the Merit vendor.
I also noticed that three of your examples are ToHitBuff, EndMod and Snipe sets. Don't forget that random rolls are now weighted, too, so it's no surprise they've become rare.
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Wait, does that mean I can't get that 3-way Kinetic Combat from Bronze Ticket rolls? I've been getting the other KC recipes, just not that one. That would make sense. So the only other way to get them is random merit rolls and what...gold ticket rolls? No wonder the L35 ones that pop up are so expensive.
On a side note, and apologies for the slight jack, I have like 40-something merits sitting around. Is it worth spending them on L30-35 random rolls or should I just wait until 50?
If you are in the 30-33 range, then 30-35 rolls work well.
33 being the max level you can exemp to 30 (Sirens Call) and still get the set bonuses.
Kinetic Combat triple is gold/merit rolls only.
Kinetic Combat Dam/Rech can't be gained from bronze, thats is in the silver roll pool.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
I'm 29, almost 30 and can roll in the 30-35 range to receive 30's. I suppose that's close enough.
What are the odds of getting something worthwhile off 2 merit rolls?
I'm 29, almost 30 and can roll in the 30-35 range to receive 30's. I suppose that's close enough.
What are the odds of getting something worthwhile off 2 merit rolls?
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I'd recommend waiting til 32 or 33 to roll the TF roll, in hopes of grabbing the Kinetic Combat. The 35-39 pool has a lot fewer recipes than the 30-34 pool, making the Kinetic Combat triple slightly more likely, AND a 32 or 33 recipe is usually worth a lot more for sales than a 29.
Conversely, there are a few dynamite scores in the 30-34 pool at level 30.
I'm 29, almost 30 and can roll in the 30-35 range to receive 30's. I suppose that's close enough.
What are the odds of getting something worthwhile off 2 merit rolls?
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I'd recommend waiting til 32 or 33 to roll the TF roll, in hopes of grabbing the Kinetic Combat. The 35-39 pool has a lot fewer recipes than the 30-34 pool, making the Kinetic Combat triple slightly more likely, AND a 32 or 33 recipe is usually worth a lot more for sales than a 29.
Conversely, there are a few dynamite scores in the 30-34 pool at level 30.
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I was under the impression that if I rolled in the 30-34 pool, even at 29 the worst I could get is 30. Does that only count for recipes that don't go below 30 or something?
BTW, I want that 3-way KinCom for myself if I get it.
I'm 29, almost 30 and can roll in the 30-35 range to receive 30's. I suppose that's close enough.
What are the odds of getting something worthwhile off 2 merit rolls?
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I'd recommend waiting til 32 or 33 to roll the TF roll, in hopes of grabbing the Kinetic Combat. The 35-39 pool has a lot fewer recipes than the 30-34 pool, making the Kinetic Combat triple slightly more likely, AND a 32 or 33 recipe is usually worth a lot more for sales than a 29.
Conversely, there are a few dynamite scores in the 30-34 pool at level 30.
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I was under the impression that if I rolled in the 30-34 pool, even at 29 the worst I could get is 30. Does that only count for recipes that don't go below 30 or something?
BTW, I want that 3-way KinCom for myself if I get it.
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The recipe answer can be a bit confusing but it depends on the recipe you get.
If the recipe maxes out below your current level, you get the recipe at its max level.
If the recipe starts at a level higher than your current level, you will get the recipe at its minimum level.
If the recipe exists at your level, you will get it at your level.
So by rolling in 30-34 at 29 you will either get a 30 or a 29. It will be 30 if it doesn't start until level 30, it will be 29 otherwise.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
The "what pool to roll in" question: I'm going to try to give an objective answer, followed by opinions. Generally reptlbrain's advice is good.
OBJECTIVELY: the groups are 30-34 and 35-39. If you roll on the 35-39 you have a chance of the "stop at 35" recipes, while avoiding the tremendous number of lousy "stop at 30" recipes. For example, in the 30-34 roll you have a chance of getting the confuse triple that ends at 30, as well as a chance for the confuse triple that starts at 30. There are some good "Stop at 30" recipes but there are considerably fewer than the good "start at 30" recipes.
SUBJECTIVELY: I encourage people to roll randomly, early and often. I took a tiny self-selecting poll and "nobody on the forums" was interested in buying merit rolls below level 30; "don't care much" was slightly ahead of "prefer 33s" in the people who were interested in sub-50 recipes, but nobody else had any preferences. I bought a lot of rolls, and my preference was 35-39's from a level 32 to 35 character. Part of my reasoning is that a level 50 can create any "max level" recipe by rolling- including level 30 ones. Only a level 33 character can create a level 33 recipe by rolling merits. So you're "wasting your youth" by creating a level-capped recipe.
SIDE NOTE: I will buy your rolls for 6 million each- I give you the money, you roll the recipes and give them to me. I am effectively buying merits this way- it doesn't matter if you roll a Numina's unique or a Numina's End/Rech, I pay the same. I don't have enough data to know if my price is high, low or about right. . . I've only bought about ten rolls so far and none of them were big money.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I was under the impression that if I rolled in the 30-34 pool, even at 29 the worst I could get is 30. Does that only count for recipes that don't go below 30 or something?
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If the recipe exists at your level, you will get it at your level.
So by rolling in 30-34 at 29 you will either get a 30 or a 29. It will be 30 if it doesn't start until level 30, it will be 29 otherwise.
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Sorry I didn't mention your/SwellGuy's point. Additionally, the pools where the 30 is lots more valuable than the 29 are the ones that top out at 30, so rolling at 29 you might be costing yourself (crazily, I know) as much as 5 or 10 million (See Basilisk's Gaze quad) if it's something you need to sell to fund your Kinetic Combat needs.
I can think of an exception, though. I don't know if it's always true, but a 30 Numina's unique is probably worth more than a 33. (When I've bought them I grabbed them at 32/33 to save a bit.)
Okay so the consensus is that in MOST cases, I'll be much better off rolling at 30-35 than at 29-35?
Well, I am almost 30, so I could hold off a day or two before making some rolls. (I got like 1/3 of a level yesterday during a zombie invasion in Cap...everyone was at the market blasting zombies for what seemed like 15-20 mins! I got 4 badges and a costume piece. That was fun AND profitable...Crushing Impact recipe ftw!)
Someone needs to scribble up a merits mini-guide. I have been looking for this kind of info on merits (not too hard, but looking still) for a while now.
Thanks for the heads up. I just made some 10 million off a crafted gaussian, and around 5 million a piece for the other two I had to sell.
Could have gotten more, but 20M is a decent haul in my book.
Okay so the consensus is that in MOST cases, I'll be much better off rolling at 30-35 than at 29-35?
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in the words of a wise man, "Wait, what?"
The choices are 25-29 (get recipe at 29), 30-34 (usually get the recipe at 29, unless the set starts at 30) or wait till 32 or 33 and roll at 35-39 (usually getting the recipe at 32 or 33)
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Well for posterity, I hit 30 and rolled twice on 30-35. Got Oblitertion +smashing proc and Devastation Dam/Rech.
Obliteration looks like it goes for 5ish uncrafted and 15ish crafted. Devastation has like no sales for the last 2 months, but might bring in a mil or two crafted. I'd say that averages out to 6m per roll...(and I might keep that obliteration since it's one of the sets I was looking at for my brute)
Check nearby level Devastations to get a feel for what it sells for. I know the level 50 D/R is a pretty good seller, but there's a whole problem with the Black Market where nobody buys the lower level stuff, so nobody lists the lower level stuff, and onward and onward it goes.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I have never gotten a single kinetic combat triple from the TF pool and I roll exclusively 30-34 or 35-39. I'm starting to wonder if that recipe can be obtained through random rolls
@Viper Kinji
Currently working on:
Turtle Snapper - SD/MA/Ice Tanker
I have.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Strange how the market has made some really oddball recipes really rare.
Gaussians Rech/End Redx - a 100+ bidding for the level 50 recipe, 0 supply, no recipes any level (though presumably some are bought via standing bids), no crafted IOs at any level.
Performance Shifter End Mod/End Redx - this recipe doesn't scream out as being high powered, but surprisingly difficult to get at the right level.
Kinetic Combat Dmg/End/Rech - you can occasionally find them but they sure don't last very long.
Sting of the Manticore - Acc/Int/Range - yeah, a snipe recipe. But I think most people vendor these as opposed of listing them.
These are blue side; however, I know there's a few equivalents red side as well.