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  1. You'll get it Leo.

    And ty for letting me know there will be a new loyalty badge. had completely spaced it
  2. viper_kinji

    The Done Club

    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Same, but for Pete's sakes, park I22 'til April. Ain't no way I can Master badge properly right now with a newborn. ;(
    I'll help ya, Turg. There is little chance I'll be able to have it on VK as well this week. And since I enjoy their MO format of badge collection, even if I do hate it on VK, I'll help on another -likely more useful - toon.
  3. The combo system sets (DB and StJ) and to a lesser extent Stone Melee do well without (not much in the case of Stone) recharge. Stone Melee will give you a feeling of oompfh even with a slight gap (and if you've rolled a tank, you can taunt during those small gaps if you need it).
  4. Didn't they announce this was going to get changed in i22 as it's not WAI?
  5. Good Luck for the run, A_S.

    I'm unfortunately away on business so I can't join to help you
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    Dominators don't get epic holds either. And Brutes don't get epic melee attacks. I think I'm beginning to see a pattern.
    Do tell! Do Tell!
  7. For Sonic, Shout is 11s so while it won't fire all the time, it is still likely to be close enough to be great there.
    The Screech idea is pretty good though. I'll givt it a try
  8. I went with Elec/Energy/Leviathan back in the day.
    With Water Sprout not breaking hide either, you can actually easily pull off the hidden AS.
    With the changes to Energy, the combo really works well (added rech for the AOE you have; easy to softcap all types but psi with non purple IOs; rech debuff resistance and a good heal)
  9. viper_kinji


    To use an unslotter, you need to claim it and then go to the "manage" screen. There you need to click on the enhancement you want to unslot and hold the click. You'll see a big red arrow on the bin and you can drag and drop to your enhancement tray. I just tested it on an orange brute proc.

    @Ail: that is correct from my understanding of how the ppm works.
  10. Here's what I'm playing (set of ATO in AS). 1600 HP with accolades, pve softcap with alpha slot. Really fun to play Like BrandX, when you're softcapped and got over 1,5k you're safe especially with a clicky heal.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  11. I play a KM/Nin and really enjoy it.

    The side effects of some powers (stun, kd) really help with survivability (added body mastery for additional energy/mitigation through Energy Torrent but you can get pretty much any APP and not be disappointed). And the BU refresher is really a nice twist on the criticals. It will become even better with i22 as has been pointed out.
  12. I'll be rolling a Dark/Psi/Soul. Carnies ahoy!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    How much +recharge do you need with 3-slotted Hasten to make it perma?
    106.25 +rech bonus gets you to perma hasten (119.9s) with 3 slotted Hasten (no enh booster) and without any incarnates that boost recharge though.

    With Spiritual Radial T4 or Agility Core T4 (only), that number goes down to 82.5 +rech

    With Spiritual Core T4 (only), that number goes down to 74 +rech

    So it you add Ageless to the mix for some reason (DDR mostly on Ice), it probably gets it close to 70 +rech needed

    Hope it helps!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ullikummis View Post
    The destinations are a mix of 5 places: Hero zone, villain zone, praetoria, pocket D and board transport instance missions. Being a straight hero or villain only excludes you from 1 out of 5 of these, so it may not be worth the time to change to vig/rogue for these badges.
    True. However, from running those yesterday, if you are a "full" alignment, you can't access the Underground bases from one of the 2 praet factions (a villain won't be able to enter the Resistance Underground base for instance)
  15. I have paired my StJ with Ice and am absolutely not disappointed.

    Will be better once HP cap is raised and Hoarfrost becomes more than a heal in most situations.
  16. I'd go Intuition Radial as well on Elec/Fire/Ice perma dom.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I suspect this HP yo-yo creates a perception issue, where people cannot play a Regen character they same way they would play one with strong resists or defense, and they decide that this makes it inferior.
    Absolutely true. The less players have to monitor, the better generally their playing experience is (at least in what I have noticed). Fire and forget sets will pretty much always be universally preferred to click intensive sets when the set strength disparity isn't overwhelmingly in favor of the click intensive set.
    As someone (you?) mentioned earlier in the thread too, by nature, regen is a set you get a huge mileage from by playing regularly or having played for an extended duration. You have to know ahead of time if you can get in a mob without IH (or MoG), if you can stay in the mob until Recon is back up or if you have to kite etc...
    That's what, to me, makes the set so interesting and different.

    It doesn't mean I don't enjoy playing other "defensive" sets, however.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    There's no question that using Regen must take time away in power activations at minimum. I think deciding whether that objectively measurable cost is acceptable is highly subjective. I find it leaves me able to do things like solo pylons on IO'd builds, so I easily find it acceptable.
    Well, Regen has no dmg "hole" to speak off since it offers no defense/resistance (pple with a glass half empty mentality will likely say that it has a "hole" everywhere), so if you find a metric that you believe is acceptable (and the pylon is acknowledged as one by most of the population that does care about set performance), it should translate to most parts of the game.

    Below is my no defense (by choice) DM/Regen/Soul. It's also a high end build with full t4 incarnates that lets me enjoy the game both solo and teamed, regardless of level. This is my first CoH toon (created in i6) so obviously it has seen some changes over time.

    Viper Kinji: Level 50 Mutation Scrapper
    Primary Power Set: Dark Melee
    Secondary Power Set: Regeneration
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Concealment
    Power Pool: Leaping
    Ancillary Pool: Soul Mastery
    Level 50: Spiritual Radial Paragon
    Level 50: Rebirth Radial Epiphany
    Level 50: Diamagnetic Radial Flawless Interface
    Level 50: Void Radial Final Judgement
    Level 50: Seers Radial Superior Ally

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LSK View Post
    I would of switched out kick for boxing, kick has a problem called Kb which is not good for a melee if u use it.
    Kick hits the nads. Just for that, it deserves being chosen.
  19. viper_kinji


    Atomic Saint runs the trial on freedom most fridays at 7:30pm est. You can check the freedom boards and join him on his quest for the badges!
  20. I wish the energizer bunny was a CoX AT. Then whoever picked it would definitely go at least 5 minutes with V.
  21. If Regen is as horrible as some want to portray it to be (and it isn't imho, even without sofcapped defenses), then surviving with it is a huge reward in itself
  22. I use Diamagnetic Core t4 on my kat/sr and I am quite happy with it. Not having aoe on the toon, Reactive is less useful to me (I did pick Musculature for alpha for dmg and the side debuff increase. Of course it puts me in a position where I had to take Ageless for destiny due to kat's high end costs for the better sustained attack chains but that's why it's called build choices )

    The consensus, I believe is that Reactive provides more benefits than Diamag -regen will. On a toon that relies almost exclusively on avoid mechanisms, I do believe Diamag makes a lot of sense (added layer of defense).

    Rebirth is a great power and if I didn't make my build choices, I would no doubt have taken it on /sr.