No Recharge bonuses! trivia
Not sure about 'least', but Battle Axe does well without much recharge.
You actually just inspired me with a character from that post. Thats how bad my altitis is.
But you are right, that is a click. My counter argument is if your character is relying on global recharge to get that thing down to "all the time" you are really doing something wrong lol. On the other hand I had a Fire Armor Brute built with no defenses just so I could hit Rise of The Pheonix allatime (and he had huge glob rech) just cause it was funny to dive into a spawn, die, ROTP, and charge the next spawn. I would alternately play conservative/crazy depending on whether ROTP was up.
Not sure here. I'm really enjoying Shield Defense; its only click is Shield Charge, which is the kind of click I like. But recharge also helps the heck out of Shield Charge, so...
Claws/Will Power is the "FotM" combo for a lot of folks. Claws has a rep for being a fast set, so I'd guess it would get less benefit from buckets of recharge. At least the early powers are fast, so you'd get an attack chain with fewer gaps in the beginning than other sets. However I don't have a Claws brute or scrapper so I can't really say for sure.
I have my main, I have found a squishy I like, it's time to get all relaxed. I want to make a something/Willpower character. Or even a Willpower/Something character. Melee, of course. But any Archetype that uses Willpower armor; no clicks, and Recharge does not help it. So, what to pair with it and build different to different goals? What Melee Primary (or Tank Secondary) benefits the absolute least from global recharge?
I remembered as I was typing that I think you said in another thread that you don't like weapon sets, sorry. Going to submit anyway. Other people, same question, etc.

In Paragon City since June 2005.
Street Justice goes fine with no rechage
Street Justice, IIRC from the little I've paid attention to discussions of its attack chains, gains almost no benefit from recharge, at least in terms of improving your ST attack chain. It would make some difference to your AoE capabilities, though.
/WP is kinda unique in not benefitting from recharge AT ALL (other than the rez, and the stalker version of the set as mentioned), but that doesn't mean recharge stops being really, really useful. Its biggest benefit is usually for the attack chain, anyway. So don't feel too locked into the primaries that benefit least from recharge. My SS/WP and TW/WP brute and scrapper respectively both have pretty high recharge (not quite perma-hasten level, but pretty high), and do quite well.
The combo system sets (DB and StJ) and to a lesser extent Stone Melee do well without (not much in the case of Stone) recharge. Stone Melee will give you a feeling of oompfh even with a slight gap (and if you've rolled a tank, you can taunt during those small gaps if you need it).
@Viper Kinji
Currently working on:
Turtle Snapper - SD/MA/Ice Tanker
I just got SJ/Will Scrap to 50 yesterday and using him in iTials with no recharge (except from Superior ATO). No problems spamming damage at all.
Claws/WP Scrapper. Scrapper Claws (unlike Brute) has super-fast recharge already.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Scrapper Claws/WP may be the winner. I already have a concept from a long role playing story with my wife's metaplot. Thanks!
I have my main, I have found a squishy I like, it's time to get all relaxed. I want to make a something/Willpower character. Or even a Willpower/Something character. Melee, of course. But any Archetype that uses Willpower armor; no clicks, and Recharge does not help it. So, what to pair with it and build different to different goals? What Melee Primary (or Tank Secondary) benefits the absolute least from global recharge?