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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miyabi View Post
    Nail on the head. I got to play B&S beta, and its combat is lodged somewhere between Tera and tab-targeting. It's sort of like a fighting game, in that you have dial-a-combo combat, otherwise it's exactly like every other imported MMO, just prettied up (I like his art style, but dat anatomy...)

    I'd actually go as far to say it's TOO Korean. Like, if you could cut an MMO, B&S would bleed pure, concentrated Koreanese (Like mayo only...regional?)

    At least it has Eli...Lyns. They're very cute.
    funny part is, to me, thats great, I want that. thus far eastern settings have been done my very low budget houses for cheap freemos and western games with decent budgets have stayed in a generally western pseudo-european setting, even the final fantasy mmos were largely european looking despite the presence of samurai and ninja as playable jobs (notable exceptions were guild wars factions and the upcoming mists of pandera). I want too korean, and too japanese, and too chinese, its what i kept nagging for here, but as the market goes, even pre-ticked off, wont even consider sending any cash to ncsoft unless they play ball with paragon-rian was a data point in a very small western demographic.
  2. there was a time when I really wanted to play that game. but that time aint now. I do love hyung tae-kim's work, and the martial arts focus works for me, but for the less anime nerd audience, it is going to be written off as a tera wannabe

    but if nc plays ball, i'd go with a good will purchase.
  3. I dont like putting a price tag on such things because there is under and over bidding, but for a reasonable chance a success, I'd like to think I'd do what it takes. im not rich and there are times you are prolonging something because you cant let go(note, that is not the case now, but if paragon restarted they would likely need to re-set up and re license a lot of software, our profitability might not survive that up front cost), but I'd do a lot. I dont really have any untapped gamer friends to bring in (though my little brother was going to sign up once he got an apartment, so there one) i'd pay more if that was what it took, and id put up a one time larger donation if paragon went solo to try to get them on their feet. I already shill the game as much as I can to anyone who cares.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post

    Er, in GW you've got your Charr, a race of warrior feline humanoids who form unbreakable bonds of loyalty, while over in WoW you've got the Tauren, a warrior race of bovine humanoids whose loyalty has proven unbreaka--
    the fact that you just compared a violent, dictatorial race that acts like a steampunk version of the roman empire in the midst of a civil war to a largely peaceful and spiritual race that only fights because of a past debt to another race kind of shows how things that have surface similarities are totally dissimilar when you actually know what you are talking about.

    yes, on the most surface level you can compare asura and gnomes, but once you actually learn their back-story, you see how flawed the analogy is. Shallow comparisons only benefit the ignorant. hey willow has short people in it, they must be wow gnomes too.

    also, asura are in no way shape or form steampunk, everything of theirs is smooth and shiny and glowing blue, they are pretty much anti-steampunk.
  5. ever play two worlds 2?

    ok, not indie, but pretty small dev team.

    oh an chantalise is fun, but the image of bilz playing it is giving me giggle fits.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post

    I don't think either of us have seen any trolls or rats yet.
    In the sylvari quest-line there are trolls, look pretty neat too. Actually, based on a post by bellastrega i tried TERA, and it is fun, totally different than coh, customization is limited(though not as bad as id expect), and of course still would prefer a martial artist class(went slayer because they have a kick attack) but the art is really good and for a demo, i'm enjoying it. I really wouldn't call it replacing coh, both because the customization in a game with races and classes is simply not going to match the gonzo "make what you want" aesthetic of coh, and i doubt my friends will join me on it. but its a pleasant diversion.
  7. so wait, you are not remaking me in hello kitty online..crushing disappointment
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
    Disagree. 3000+ people on Virtue alone? 33 AP instances on 1 server, with a queue of 300 waiting to get in, Second server filled within moments, spilling over to a third.

    for how i read his post, it wasnt that yesterday was small, but rather that we need to keep on doing things to get attention, not just have yesterday and forget it.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Wow, some people have multi-month paid time over several accounts? Must be nice to have disposable income like that...

    But don't you think that's the risk you run, pouring that much money on an online game? Like buying a 'lifetime subscription' to CO? Would you feel cheated that the game bit it after a year?

    Sort of why I only buy month-to-month on anything MMO since I have no idea if I'd even want to keep giving a company my money despite not being able to play. You may get a better deal by buying X amount of months at a time...but that savings comes from paying for a service whose quality is outside of your control. Whereas, you pay more for per-month installments but if anything were to go sour, you're not beholden to being cheated out of something you already paid for.

    Even if you guys get your refund on advanced time, hopefully you'll learn it's not always wise to pay that way for online entertainment. Because, technically, you got what you paid for and aren't entitled to anything in my eyes. Paying for a service before you get served (and isn't a reactive service) is like tipping your waiter as you walk into the restaurant.
    I work, therefore I am prudent budgeting and a lack of other vices gives me leeway.

    anyhow, multi month and lifetime subs are something of a gamble. I got bit a bit on this ending, but over the course of the lifespan of coh, i made out big time.
    as per Co it paid off, i paid the cost of a year and a half sub and, in addition to exclusive costume stuff, i have had a free ride for a year and a half more so far. Plus, i hate paying monthly, i can time overtime to fill up my coffers with some planning, and then I dont have to worry again. Plus, i try to do my homework. i transitioned into 14 monthers on coh because i had faith in the developers. over the lifetime of the game, I still came out way ahead of monthers, i dont skitter easily, and a down month doesn't mean the next month will be down, I made the decision based on weighing the options, and feel that by and large, I still came out on top . I accepted the risk, different strokes for yadda yaddas. as for people who think they have a solid case, I'm not a lawsuit guy by any stretch of the imagination, but faster pussycats, kill kill, i support you. Get the legal satisfaction that you can make a legitimate case for.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Neil Gaiman is already one of my favorite authors, this just makes him better.
    yep, he is my favorite living author, no question. and totally not unexpected, he has shown himself to be a class act before in regard to fan requests. I love his writing foremost, but knowing a great guy is behind the writing is always good. one thing, what exaclty is neil doing? didnt see anything on his twitter, just wanted to see what all he is doing.
  11. several are already in champions online. was rather amused i couldnt remake most of them in dcou. beyond that, probably not in focused written stories, but ill think about the continuing adventures of my characters.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post

    The person who makes a superhero RPG sandbox that has the coolness of CoH would be the person who made the last game I would ever play.
    you know, i remember reading in an old pc gamer that todd howard, the lead dev of the elder scrolls series wanted to make a superhero type game in a tes style giant world...i nearly cried on the pages when i heard that, i would buy that game and marry it.
  13. provided they maintained a forum for us to chat about it, yes, i'd kind of enjoy it. Only consolation is for buff heavy character types, maybe have npc's who will join you in missions, so you still will have a need for team buff abilities. This may be adding excessive stuff, but if you could get different callable npc's based on faction once you affirmed your loyalty to one of the 4 factions...that would be nice.

    in a way this is exactly what happened with phantasy star universe. the pc/ps version died from low numbers(much less of a surprise, it was laboring for monthsand neglected by sega of japan) and i can still hop on with an offline character and play. that is good value to me.

    as tex said, maiking it a minimally multiplayer game, where you invite friends and just run small groups like diablo. then honestly that would be the home run for me. I can still play with my small group of riends and ncsoft doesnt need to foot the bill for servers. maybe they could keep a small content team on for dlc packs of costumes and powersets. I would be really ok with that.
  14. lets see now, games i will be playing. well, with less time devoted to coh(and work no longer pounding me with overtime), i can finally finish some of my backlog including
    legend of zelda, skyward sword(which i have less than 4 hours in, and i love zelda)

    the teeth of naros dlc of kingdom of amalur.. the story is so bad, but the game is so good.

    4 different tales of games...symphonia, vesperia, chlamydia, something like that. heard the last game had a viral marketing plan. (seriously, symphonia 1 and 2, vesperia and abyss)

    finally man up and go into sen's fortress in dark souls...after blightown i have been somewhat scared o the abuse the game throws at you, and i hear sens is where it gets really nasty. have a faith/dex wanderer with a divine balder side sword and a enchanted partizen. currently dragon covenant. shocker there.

    finally play arc rise fantasia and mana carta 2.

    and finally get my graatsword user in monster hunter tri past that quest with the stupid mimic bird in the desert.

    mmo wise, its going to be CO, might try tera, though again, no monks or halberd users? and no the lance doesnt count. probably would be an aman, giant dragon people? i can work with that. and when the west gets phantasy star online 2, i will be running as a cast(big honkin robot) again. in fact my main tank, space robot 5 had a costume that was a semi faithful reproduction of my HUcast from the original.
  15. my take is, i liked gw a lot, i think anyone calling it generic or a clone is really misusing the word, it did a lot of clever things and i enjoyed it(though the lack of a martial artist or polearm user class... i swear lately fantasy games are actively trying to tick me off) . before friday i was looking forward to a nice 4 day weekend where id raise my charr warrior, asuan engineer, sylvari elementalist, human mesmer and norn thief.(male for the monster races, female for the humanish races) after friday i have not logged in and am having a hard time binging myself to even try. heck, i played co for the first time in months, may as well prepare to adapt.

    this is not arenanet's fault, id be unsurprised if they had corresponded and had friends between the studios, some of them probably played this game and some coh devs almost definitely played that game. this is just an unfortunate situation. I really cannot justify, personally, giving any money to a company owned by ncsoft, ill play ball for the long odds attempt at a studio buyout, but right now ncsoft is a stain, and its unfair to some good people, but a lot about this situation is. same for carbine, wild star is likely to carry the same undeserved(by their developers) stain for me.

    Is this a boycot? not relly gw2 is selling like bacon stuffed hotcakes, if the entire fanbase of coh clamped down on gw2 they wouldnt measurably hurt them, and likely a small portion eventually will. A boycott will do, in the end, nothing at all, I will likely not spend money in places that make me fell morally compromised, and anything published by ncsoft is that place right now. If paragon comes back, then ill let it drop, but as it stands, i know rationally arenanet had nothing to do with this, but the money goes to ncsoft, and thats as far as i can tolerate.
  16. one song that has some lyrics that i thing really fit is Turisas-the bosphoros freezes over. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRa5Xx8ufbI . it makes more sense when you hear it.
  17. i'd roll with it, might give me a chance to update some characters that are too old for me to want to re-roll, but have better analogs now.

    maybe rian would be a ma/nin stalker, seraph would be a nature/archery defender, violet would be a plant/nature controller . better stuff exists now, and a fresh start would kinda work.
  18. Personally double, but if it were relaunched, the standard rate should be the norm and hardcores really should just get a second account and, if the market stays with us, buy points. if there becomes a gold vip setup where you pay double it would have to not carry any unbalancing implications, this is about real word survival, not ingame rewards.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    It's still a long shot - but the word "discussion" implies that NCSoft are at least prepared to listen - unless all it means is that Positron is using a sledgehammer to break down an NCSfot exec's door to arrange a "meeting".
    If he need shelp there, then i can finally contribute something to the cause I have a demolition specialized hammer named after an acronym that doesn't pass he censor and some rage
  20. tulga and vitruim games as well. of istaria. They have ben hanging on with a fraction of our player-base.
  21. Already over there, and i have to say i'm impressed with how they are acting. the community can be contentious, more at pwe/crptic, but still, they are being really open. I'm guessing a portion of that is pragmatism, they are a small game who, but for the intervention of pwe, would have gone this way themselves, and more players would stand to make the game better for everyone, but this is the nicest I have seen them acting in a while. Co is better than nothing..and dcou.
  22. I consider myself a pragmatist, I play ball because thats how you get results, this has lead to me dealing with unpleasant people for a desired end result. I dont look kindly on ncsoft but am ware that like most people in this thread, i lack a real understanding of what went into this decision. I dont work in the industry, I dont have access to the financials nor do i have the academic background to correctly parse the data if i did. ultimately I enjoyed a game and now i wont be able to, I blame ncsoft, I blame the game buying public for adding this game to psychonauts, okami, and beyond good and evil in games I loved that sold poorly while mediocre games with popular features sell millions. And I blame white names. corporations are easy excuses to swing at, but the most uncomfortable truth for people to realize is that we live in the world of consequences of our decisions, and people who could have supported the gaem but chose not to, as opposed to people with real financial difficulties, took the game away from us as much as ncsoft did.
  23. Ah well, going to monitor the fan attempt through titan, i cant do much but will do what i can.
  24. Well i had considered trying this one anyhow because its predecessor is what got me into online gaming, but phantasy star online 2.http://www.pso2.com/us/