875 -
I'm just happy that since coming back I haven't seen another garbage clone of a 40k Space Marine or Halo Spartan. It's the little things that matter.
Quote:People need to stop saying things are stupid, when they're so stupid that they keep just making up things people haven't said.No. If tanks need help, buff tanks. Saying look at Brutes first pretty much means you are putting them and scrappers ahead of looking at Tanks. To me that's just stupidity. That's like Blasters saying "we need a buff, but look at corrupters and any other AT that's ranged first."
That makes no logical sense.
EDIT: My ideas: The longer a tank fights the shorter time it takes for their powers to recharge and the less end their powers cost. In addition their ability to let mobs stick to them increases. I would also give tankers a toggle or click power called "UNLEASHED". Once they click it or toggle it on, it lasts for 30 secs and recharges in 2 minutes. During that time their damage is increased significantly (above any other ATs) and their threat rating jumps above anything and anyone.
The devs can work out the numbers.
Go find where I said 'look at Brutes first'. You can't. But you wrote a whole post on that. That is stupid, and makes no logical sense. Even more stupid than entirely ruling out looking at broader Archetype balances on an issue built entirely on a foundation of Archetype imbalances. -
Quote:What is frankly stupid is pretending the problem is not a result of previously systemically seperated powersets now being able to directly compete with each other. The problem is precisely that these archetypes are not balanced in relation to each other, which requires taking stock of the entire picture and restoring broader balance instead of throwing random s*** at merely one aspect.Changing Brutes, frankly, is a really stupid idea. Why? Because it's changes to another AT entirely, with it's own separate issues and balance stuff, and not actually working on the target AT, i.e. the Tank.
Brutes seem to function pretty well on their own right now. That's fine; leave them alone. Or else you'll just end up pissing off a whole other bunch of players and probably not actually 'fix' Tanks one bit.
It's Tanks that need looking at, so look at Tanks.
Without touching Brutes you are, at this point, left with no other option than lamely throwing mechanics at the Tank which will ultimately make it do more damage, which addresses the issue only by turning the three melee classes into a homogenous damage/defense slider, with Scrappers at one end, Tanks at the other and Brutes in the middle.
I in no way expected my musing to be a definitive solution, but the real stupidity is a position that entirely rules out balancing changes across the Archetypes, despite the problem being entirely one of a lack of balance across the Archetypes. A solution that rebalances the melee Archetypes and clears up their particular roles is vastly more preferable than "d00d needz moar dmg". -
The problem is that brutes are 'tanks done right'. They have an ability that outright rewards them to scoop up as much aggro as possible.
What a tanker should be is a Brute....the damage should be lowered from the actual Brute we have now, so it's worse than a Scrapper except at the very highest Fury levels, Fury should only go up due to enemy attacks, and it should have the same level of current Tanker suvivability. Then you have Scrappers still having their role as melee damage-king, but Tanks are also far more interesting to play with a mechanic that encourages them to do their job, but they still hurt enough to both be useful and more fun to solo.
Instead, because they needed all new classes for City of Villains, Brutes ended up as the Villain Scrapper/Tank expy instead of being what they really should have been: a Tank update.
Alternatively, perhaps, you could change it so Brutes can only build up Fury from attacks and have, like they do now, less defense with more offense. Tanks only build up Fury (name it resolve or something pithy if you want) when they receive attacks, and have higher defense and lower attack than Brutes. Different sides of the same coin. -
Actually I really like this idea. Lord knows it actually does massively annoy me when I 'die' in the game. I agree with the psychology of it, and I agree with just the sheer cool fun of it. I have characters I'd like to go into elemental 'hibernation', and I know that all my Khoraks would like some kind of 'tactical withdrawl'. Not fleeing (which should also be available, because I have characters for that too!), but more the idea of being 'forced back' momentarily.
I'm not amazed I have them because I've been sitting on them for....uh....the whole run of the game. So at least that means I got them back when Defiant was worth a damn, so I was surprised then.
Those names are Catastrophe and Imperial. Of lesser surprise but also pretty damn unlikely to get were Barbarous, Pure Sin, Carnal Sin and Pure Angel. I got a lot of milage out of sitting all over 'Pure'. :P
As an aside, when I find out who took 'Khorak' from me on Defiant in the space one ONE F****** HOUR, YEARS AGO, AND STILL F****** HAS IT, I WILL END YOU. -
Beast/Nature. Straight up. I have the concept and costume, Arboreal Rage is ready to go, but all I really had for a secondary was /Storm. It.....it just kinda didn't fit like I wanted.
Now my tree lady can be the wolf summoning nature b**** I wanted. -
I'm not so much addicted to melee characters as I am addicted to status effect protection.
I develop a dangerous eye twitch if holds and sleeps and such start happening to me. -
Quote:I don't think I've seen anything so hilariously bad in my life. I experienced genuine LOL from watching that. There's no level upon which it doesn't fail. :P
Clearly one of the first buyers of Homers make-up gun.
Praetorian Cole still managed to singlehandedly force Praetorian Hamidon to the bargaining table. Then the Well powered him up to be its champion. Then we killed him. He picked a fight with us when he was vastly more powerful than when he stalemated Praetorian Hamidon, and we've straight up killed him and any of his friends who got in our way.
Depending on how much it knows, it might also be aware that the Primal Hamidon has not achieved the same world domination because Primal has so many powerful heroes we dogpiled it to death even after a colossal interdimensional war. A dogpile, it should be noted, that wasn't even Incarnated. Now it is.
Realisitically the Praetorian Hamidon has been given a hell of a lot of reasons to never want to see Primal Earth ever, ever again. -
Can't deny it's ultimately very powerful, but I stopped using it. The momentum mechanic was becoming far, far too tedious for me. It was a slight irritation to be taking so damn long to get attacks moving, a slight irritation that built up relentlessly until my eye started to twitch and I rolled up a God damn Warmace instead. Was also pretty annoying in teams as well....I'll just atta-oh they killed it. Then I'll attack this ins-oh they killed it. Then I shall attack THI-OH COME ON!
*shrug* Ended up not entirely agreeing with me. -
If we keep destroying city areas it's going to stop being City of Heroes and become Blasted Wasteland Over Which Heroes Battle Villains For The Fate Of The World.
One problem with Kings Row is that it's a Skulls territory. They're bottom of the pile, so it's hard to raise the level of Kings Row even a little bit because either the Skulls would have to become a REALLY major player, or they'd have to go away. Or you'd fight them at level 30 or something and it would be ridiculous.
And that problem of not being able to destroy Kings Row (with the devastation of the city fast becoming a tiresome fallback anyway) is also the reason why it would be hard to displace the Skulls with a way more powerful group; we'd end up with YET ANOTHER huge warzone.
I say they should take a two stage plan. First, rebuild Perez Park. Remove hazard zone status and inhabit it with civilians again. Even better, this can follow a story arc of the whole place being hit with a massive heroic hammer and pacified so survivors of Galaxy City can resettle there. Then, there's somewhere for the Skulls to go when Phase 2 happens, the revamp of King Row.
In order to have high-level stuff without the place being a doomy warzone of doom (again), you want a more subtle storyline. Hello Crey! Hello Hero Corps! Hello Longbow! Have Kings Row get cleared out by a more powerful faction that are outwardly friendly, so the zone isn't just IN THE GRIM DARKNESS OF PARAGON CITY THERE IS ONLY WAR, but lots of conspiracies and plans are happening under the surface. It's home of the PPD HQ after all, there's a lot of reasons to score brownie points with the PPD and/or be trying to infiltrate or corrupt their command structure, and do good PR for yourself.
I'd like it to become a 25-34 zone like Croatoa, so I have a non-magical option in that range to play with. Sometimes beating up pumpkins gets a little too weird for my toons. -
Quote:That you think brainwashing or medical study of captives doesn't reduce them to the same level as simply using a flamethrower, marks you as being intensely morally disturbed.Sorry. its not and never will be "heroic" to run around flamethrowering people, or drenching them with hydrochloric acid or whaever.
I can do that as a villain, because I'm a villain. Longbow should just be honest and admit that they're not one whit less villainous than I am, despite the happy-happy joy-joy white outfits with stars on 'em. Using a flamethower on me reduces them to my level; they should be intent on capturing me and throwing me in the Zig for future study, or to brainwash me into working for them in the future.
Frying villains like a french-fry at McDonald's is not changing hearts or minds. And it makes them villains too, but ones unwilling to admit to themselves what they really are.
Its hypocritical.
I'm not at all joking. It's people like you who worry me. A flamethrower is evil, but brainwashing, an act which adds obscene violation on top of what is ultimately personality death regardless, is fine, is what should be done instead of the flamethrower. That's not right. That's not right at all. I'll take the flamethrower rather than personality death leading to programmed servitude in battle until I die thanks. Pretty sure all those Germans who got cleaned out of bunkers on D-Day would have agreed too.
"You can be subjected to a process of brainwashing, basically destroying who you are and turning you into a weapon suiting our needs to fight the people you previously stood with, or we burn out the bunker."
"Can I get a cigarette out first?"
"Sure, takes a moment to prep this thing."
I'm sure the US 1st Brainwashed Brigade would have been a big hit in the land of freedom. Well, maybe today, but not back when they still had an understanding of what that word meant.
You're reminding me of the people who argued entirely seriously that heroic Zombies masterminds are totally ok. Not people who figured that the zombie was a construct of pure magic or something, or some sort of summoned ghost or spirit that didn't claim an existing physical body, they thought it was perfectly fine for heroes to be reanimating the bodies of anyone to use as expendable cannon fodder in the name of heroism. The relativism is disturbing, where obviously wretched acts are kinda ok because they're not visceral enough for you to give a damn (like brainwashing), or you just don't care what other people think (like raising them and their friends and their family from the dead as disposable toxin spewing horrors).
Basic fact of the matter is that in CoX you can take a battleaxe to a Hellions face and the guy is tough enough, if you pull your punch so to speak if you also happen to be superstrong, to take it and just be subdued. Heroes hack, slash, burn, freeze, blast and irradiate their foes with what turns out to be a completely acceptable degree of non-lethality. To take that context and toss it away when defining the use of a flamethrower doesn't make sense in the slightest. It's like complaining that using a WMD is universally the act of a bad guy, just as Reed Richards is shooting Galactus in the face with one to stop him eating the planet. And Galactus won't even actually be very hurt by it. -
Am I the only one who giggled childishly at 'CoX everywhere'?
...and then again at 'where do you see CoX'? -
Quote:Let's get some damn perspective here people; Longbow use Flamethrowers in the name of heroism.I played CoV for two years before I ever put one toe blueside.
Longbow are the bunch who FLAMETHROWER people in the name of heroism, as if characters on a team in the mission were a bunch of rampaging xenomorphs. Nice.
And now they own Fort Darwin, which makes bile rise every time I see it.... geez.
Longbow are not my friends. They never will be.
They do not use swords, axes, warhammers, all three in titan sizes, claws, disintegrating beam rifles, ravage with nightmarish dark energy, or freeze victims solid. On top of, of course, setting absolutely everything on fire with projected balls of flame, armour made of flame, and walls of flame.
The 'Longbow use flamethrowers' argument is even more stupid than the idea that the sovereignty of the Rogue Isles should be sacrosanct. The things we do to villains go so far beyond what Longbow does by utilising 'a flamethrower' it isn't even funny.
I mean seriously, do people even think these things through at all? Yeah, it's totally nasty for Longbow to break out a flamethrower. They should leave it to me, a flame shrouded, flame spewing, flame sword wielding ENTITY OF LIVING FIRE. It's totally ok that I use fire for....uh....absolutely everything, including as my own personal flamethrower, but Longbow baaaaaad.
EDIT: Oh, and PPD Swat teams will set up a mortar that drenches you in ACID. -
The 'quality' of Longbow is probably heavily dependant upon their posting. The guys in the Rogue Isles are going to be murderous motherf*****s, for obvious reasons. They're basically soldiers over there, fighting not just a war, but a ludicrously ideological one. Messy.
I don't doubt that a lot of the ones you'll see wandering around Paragon City are genuinely friendly and helpful people. Citizens seem to have no problem with them in Atlas and the PPD like having them in the Hollows, both places where there's more scope to have some scruples (as opposed to an energy blast in the face).
With Longbow hurled more and more into the paramilitary aspect of quite literally invading the Rogue Isles, the whole organisation continues a heavy shift into b*****d mode, leaving behind whatever well meaning, heroically minded principles and intentions it had when first formed. And they probably didn't even particularly notice. They're just 'doing what needs to be done'.
Basically, Longbow are an absolutely (and no doubt entirely unintentionally) brilliant example of the alignment system. They've gone Vigilante in a way which is, when you poke at it a bit, highly plausible and a good lesson if you're RPing or writing background for a character shifting their alignment in the same way. It's not as if their position isn't arguable and subjectively understandable; who the hell IS doing something about Arachnos? We're out there fighting and dying and no-one else is really stepping up to the plate like we are. Where was the almighty Vanguard? Don't give me that 'extraterrestrials only' garbage, the UN just doesn't have the balls to act against the clear and present danger represented by this 'sovereign nation', they just want to pander to their politics while normal people die. Well they can take their little task force and shove it someplace warm and wet, because we were dealing just damn fine with the Rikti as well before your purpled posers turned up, and another thing you f-
And so on. -
Yeah we....we actually need to find a massive, city-sized Nemesis automaton under construction somewhere now.
Upon being told Prussia no longer exists:
"How do you attack a country that no longer exists? Check. Mate."
Genius. -
And ironically, I want to get rid of that damn cape. I hate it. It sucks. And yet the hideous ugly thing is always the first option my capes default to. I want to kill it for those hundreds of clicks that have added up over the years from having to move the option over to non-rubbish cape designs.
Quote:Yeah, quite obvious if you completely distort an out of context statement and then lie about the rest.So given that it's quite obvious that Statesman,The Freedom Phalanx and Longbow launched a coordinated attack first.
Statesmans Strike was the 'event' at the end of the CoV beta, using it to claim 'the heroes struck first' is....utterly absurd. At this point Arachnos is already a terrorist organisation that invaded and occupied the 'sovereign nation' people keep talking about, and villains started the game having been broken out of the Zig. His statement is basically that they should attack Arachnos instead of just defending themselves when Arachnos attacks, which has already happened. It's that age-old problem that heroes are always having to be reactive to villains instead of proactive. Now, the initial Longbow presence....
Quote:Question: Of all the zones in the Rogue Isles that Longbow could have established in a base in, what the hell possessed them to choose NERVA?! Grandville, I could see... Cap, I could see... but NERVA?!
Answer: Although Nerva might not have been their first choice geographically, it keeps them from going too far over political and legal lines. Nerva is not clearly part of Lord Recluse’s sovereign territory and so Ms. Liberty can justify the actions of her people there when called out on the carpet by government oversight committees and the like. She definitely thinks that Statesman is too passive when it comes to Arachnos but she generally leaves the black bag stuff to Wyvern.
In-universe one could probably make the argument that the governments of the world are pussies after the Rikti War in the same way Britain and France bent over backwards, to their detriment, to try and avoid another war after WWI. They let Longbow have funding to balls up whatever Arachnos is doing, so NATO doesn't have to cash in political influence (domestic and international) and give opportunities to other nations to interfere if they do the right thing, declare war, and f****** flatten Arachnos directly. Throwing money at what amounts to being a local paramilitary group is WAY more in the style of modern nations than justifying to your war weary civilians why you're stamping all over stuff. If Statesman wants to tear that place down...well get the popcorn and hope he does the job properly.
Out of universe it makes no sense at all. Arachnos would be in a political situation so crap they'd get the entirety of NATO shoved straight up their anus about four seconds after the whole thing with The Web got resolved. They certainly wouldn't be operating the way they always have been. That Longbow base would be a US military base, nothing at all would go in and out of the Rogue Isles (because embargoing rogue nations is how the world works), and if Lord Recluse so much as farted at the mainland he'd be playing tag with thousands of volunteer heroes at the head of the invasion.
Any attempt to make Longbow look like bad guys because they're in a 'sovereign nation' is flawed to the point that it's such a stupid argument it detracts from anyone arguing on a studier platform of....Longbow just kinda being pretty unpleasant. And they are. They're well into the 'vigilante' part of the alignment system. It's got absolutely nothing to do with them invading the Rogue Isles though. At this point, if it were a real world, the US could probably launch a nuclear strike on the Rogue Isles and get away with it. Arachnos have launched multiple overt invasions of US territory, and Longbow are bad guys because they're assaulting the Rogue Isles? Uh....no. Longbow are kinda bad because they're starting to think they should be allowed to do what they want....which, again, has nothing to do with their presence on the Rogue Isles, and everything to do with how they'll wilfully interfere with Vanguard (the actual government and UN-backed military force with total authority) and operate completely outside of their parameters as 'those guys NATO are throwing black ops money at to destabilise Arachnos'. They're becoming self righteous thugs. A giant, well funded gang. -
Quote:If you think those things add up to 'doing much', I would dearly recommend you never break out something like, say, /Storm Summoning or /Poison. And pretend that /Traps just doesn't exist.While I understand /Time is a busy set with many good powers to use, Ninja/FF isn't exactly "cast and forget" because with good recharge, I just keep throwing out Smoke Flash whenever it's up and yes, I do need to use Aid Other. And if things go well, I use vet. attacks or aoe immb from patron.
But yes, I see /Time having way more versatility than /FF. The only thing /FF has over /Time is mez protection for yourself. -
Quote:And you're assuming that what you think of my comments is what's happening. I do not care in the slightest that my being forthright with my views is too threateningly much for you to handle, and you have to pass it off with a poor ad hominem attack upon my motivations. I'm not ladening my posts down with an endless pile of indefinite articles and reaffirmations that this post about my opinion is, in fact, about my opinion, because someone wishes to feel offended when I assume they're adults who don't need telling.Khorak, you are assuming that everyone agrees with your view of soldiers. And yes, if you just introduced soldiers without buffing mercenaries no one would use mercenaries. That is not what I'm suggesting. I'm saying buff mercenaries instead of replace it with a completely different powerset, since perhaps some people like having Rambo. What you are saying is "I think this set is rubbish, the design is rubbish, everything sucks, everyone has to agree with me!" so instead of fixing it like they have done with every other buff in the history of the game, you want them to replace it with your vision of soldiers. Your vision seems to be based around what is real, despite this game not being real. I'm not saying these guys shouldn't exist, I'm saying they shouldn't completely replace Mercs, because then you'd have a lot of pissed off Merc players.
"IMO, we should try fixing the current Mercs instead of rebuilding them" is the actual content of your entire paragraph. And in all that, I've actually bothered to have a coherent 'vision' of what the set should be; what we have now doesn't, and that's one of the big reasons why it's a pointless mess. We've got Soldiers who want to be direct ST ranged damage with a medic squeezed in who's also a grenadier (what!?), who are trying to fit in with Spec Ops who want to be stealthed (of all bloody things) sniper/controller things, who all have to fit in with some ripped action hero who wants to cone enemies he just AoE knockbacked into the rafters. Screw theme for a moment, none of these ideas work with each other. The fact we're trying to squeeze Saving Private Ryan in with NAVY Seals, led by John Matrix, is problem numero uno why Mercenaries has turned out so badly. So carve out the crap and stick to what the set should be doing; just a bunch of soldiers.
Quote:And if you'd read the post, I gave suggestions to help fix Mercenaries. And as for an airstrike not being plausible in a gave, could just go with you throwing out a bunch of bombs yourself.
Oh I'd definitely stab someone in the gizzards for a Longbow or Vanguard set. Preferably Vanguard. Love the glowy stuff. I'd also +1 the Romans.....as long as they give us a proper Roman shield on them. -
How active do you want to be? Both'll keep them alive, and as long as ninjas are alive they don't need overly much help killing stuff...
/FF though, that's gonna leave you standing around not doing too much. You set the fields, and then you watch. Throw out the Aid Other now and then. Make sure you're standing the middle of your guys. /Time will have you playing with buffs and debuffs all the time. However, /Time will also be more appreciated when teaming, especially late game. Defense is your only trick with /FF, and the massive piles of it you'll be bringing will quite likely just be overkill for your team mates, who'd prefer the various other things /Time will throw about.
I'm going to go have some imaginary toast. -
Quote:Rifles are single target weapons, that's the reality of it. There's a reason untrained idiots attempting to go full auto on their AK-47's fare so badly. And if you want to go into the reality of it, that's why modern military fireteams have an LMG; to put down the heavy automatic fire.your idea is not bad khorak, however i do have a problem with the tier 1 soldiers being fully single target dmg
if you look at it a little more realistically if you have 3 gunners shooting into a mob of 10 guys, bullets will miss/go through targets and hit unintended targets or multiple targets. the only way to guarentee they could all be single target shots is if they were all snipers, which regular soldiers in an intense combat situation are not gonna have the accuracy to do that
Game-wise, any fear of the set already being overpowered will be realised in extreme fashion if the Tier 1 guys also start kicking out any sort of AoE attack on top of the Tier 2 men. It's far better for the Tier 1 guys, gameplay-wise and thematically, to just be sturdy, no-frills ST damage dealers. Solid, reliable. Just like the average infantryman.
Quote:the tier 2 pets are fine doing lots of them, but it sounds like they should basically both be commandos as the commando currently is maybe little less dmg per attack
Less is more, keeping themes and designs tight and unified is always better. Look at Bots, Thugs, Demons, Beasts....they're all effectively themed sets and they're better for it. Ninjas are doing well, then suddenly go to crazytown by just hurling in a full-on demon at the end....I wanted Ninjas for my natural Mastermind, and now I have this magical fire spirit? THANKS. Though arguably Beasts also does this, just not to the same level, with the Dire Wolf. It's the same with Mercenaries, the set loses proper cohesion by having three normal soldiers (or hobos), then suddenly dropping in two modern day, black-clad ninja analogues, and then Rambo. 'Plundered the TVTropes military section' isn't quite enough of a link. Makes them all a commando, or all special forces, don't just do the military equivalent of making a politically correct superteam with one black person, one white person, one asian person, etc....
Quote:Oh, and still mercenaries. Your idea is basically designing a set from the ground up anyways, so instead of replacing what we have, just make it a new set- soldiers. Which are different from mercenaries.
I didn't bother wondering how they'd go about doing it; pull a 'Fitness' and let people keep their current powers until they respec it, remove Mercenaries and 'replace' it with the new set so it can't be accessed anymore but people who still have Mercenaries can respec it and so on....whatever. I'm looking at how they can approach rebuilding a soldier set for modern CoX because in case no-one noticed, Mercenaries is seven years old and it sucked even when it was introduced. Now we've got Thugs which looks more like a soldier set than mercenaries does (squad leaders with command auras? Uh, hello? Soldier much?) powerwise, without even getting into all the games newer, better designed sets having new mechanics.
Soldiers are the most basic, expected staple you'd think of for masterminds in this game, and we basically don't have them. None of us can have a paramilitary or be some sort of military hero leading troops, which frankly sucks. You can command animals, gangs, demons, zombies, ninjas, robots....but any sort of trained infantry? Pffft. You can try the seven year old sucktastic Mercenaries set which....isn't really very soldierly or mercenary.